Yun Qing seemed a little surprised, but soon regained her composure. She asked softly, "It's so late, what do you want to see me for?"

The black shadow did not answer directly, but flashed into the room and closed the door.

Fang Yue saw all this, and he was secretly glad that he did not act rashly.

He knew that the appearance of this black shadow must be related to the secret letter that Yun Qing received.

In order not to alert the enemy, Fang Yue did not rush to approach the room, but continued to hide in the dark and observe quietly.

In the room, Yun Qing and the black shadow sat face to face. Their conversation was very low, and Fang Yue could not hear the specific content clearly.

He could only see their expressions and movements, trying to infer the content of their conversation.

Yun Qing's face was a little solemn, and she frowned from time to time, as if thinking about something.

The black shadow had a cold face, and his eyes were always fixed on Yun Qing, as if waiting for her answer.

Fang Yue was full of doubts and curiosity.

He wanted to know who the black shadow was and why he came to Yun Qing in the middle of the night.

Although he couldn't hear their conversation clearly, Fang Yue could feel the tense atmosphere.

Yun Qing's expression changed, which made Fang Yue more certain of the importance of this matter.

He secretly decided in his heart that he would find out the truth of this matter no matter what.

Time was passing by little by little, and Fang Yue's patience was also wearing out little by little.

He knew that he couldn't wait like this all the time, and he had to find a way to get closer to the room and understand the content of their conversation.

At this moment, Yun Qing suddenly stood up, and a trace of determination appeared on her face. She seemed to have made some decision, which made Fang Yue more curious.

The black shadow also stood up, and his eyes were still indifferent.

He glanced at Yun Qing, then turned around and left.

Seeing this, Fang Yue immediately followed.

"Sure enough, no one is not curious, so the fish took the bait." Yun Qing looked at the direction where the black shadow left lightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

She knew that Fang Yue would definitely follow, which was exactly what she wanted.

Fang Yue quietly followed the shadow, passed through the alleys of the village, and came to a dense forest.

The shadow was very fast, but Fang Yue followed closely behind him with his extraordinary lightness.

The light in the woods was dim, and Fang Yue could only rely on the faint moonlight and the traces of the shadow to identify the direction.

He was full of doubts and curiosity, wondering who this shadow was and why he came to find Yun Qing late at night.

Finally, the shadow stopped outside the gate of the Si Tian Jian in the capital of Gunzhou Prefecture. He looked around and then entered the Si Tian Jian.

"Why did this person come here? Is it really someone in the Si Tian Jian who is targeting me?"

Fang Yue frowned slightly after watching the shadow disappear at the gate of the Si Tian Jian, and his doubts deepened.

If the shadow was really someone from the Si Tian Jian, then his purpose of coming to find Yun Qing would be even more intriguing.

However, he was obviously just a small Si Tian Jian Supervisor, and an insignificant pawn in the entire Si Tian Jian system.

Why would someone in the Si Tian Jian want to deal with him?

Fang Yue was full of confusion and bewilderment. He knew that he couldn't just give up the investigation. The black shadow entered the Si Tian Jian, and there must be an ulterior motive, and it was probably related to his own identity and the secret letter that Yun Qing received.

He decided not to alarm the people in the Si Tian Jian first, but to sneak in quietly to see if he could find the trace of the black shadow or hear some useful information.

Fang Yue walked around the outer wall of the Si Tian Jian and found a relatively remote corner.

He easily climbed over the high wall and then sneaked into the interior of the Si Tian Jian.

He hid in a dark corner and observed the movements around him.

The guards inside the Si Tian Jian were very strict, and there was a team of patrolling soldiers at intervals.

He knew that he had to be careful and not be discovered.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and stabilized his emotions.

He looked around, trying to find the best hiding place.

He found a corner shrouded in shadows, which was a blind spot for the guards' patrol.

He moved silently, sticking close to the wall to ensure that he would not be discovered.

Bypassing obstacles and avoiding patrolling soldiers, he gradually approached the core area of ​​the Si Tian Jian.

Suddenly, he heard a faint voice.

He groped in the direction of the voice and found a secret room hidden in the dark.

"Why do you think the superiors are so deliberate about dealing with a small Qi-sensing martial artist and a Si Tian Jian supervisor? It seems that we don't need to be so cautious. Isn't it better to kill him directly, saving trouble and trouble."

Fang Yue was shocked. He heard the voice coming from the secret room, which seemed to be someone inside the Si Tian Jian discussing something about him.

He was more certain of his guess that the appearance of the black shadow was related to the Si Tian Jian, and there were indeed people in the Si Tian Jian who were targeting him.

However, what puzzled him was why the Si Tian Jian would be so deliberate about dealing with a small Qi-sensing martial artist and Si Tian Jian supervisor like him?

He was full of doubts and curiosity, and he was more determined to find out the truth.

Fang Yue continued to stick to the wall and approached the secret room cautiously, trying to hear the conversation inside clearly and get more information.

"We just need to carry out the things from above. Why do we ask so many questions? In short, this party cannot be retained, and it must be clean and tidy so that no one can doubt us."

Another person's voice came from the secret room, with a hint of cruelty in his tone.

Fang Yue's heart sank, and he realized that he was in danger. The people in Sitian Prison actually wanted to kill him, which made him feel palpitated.

Fang Yue clung to the wall, the sweat on his forehead slowly slid down, and a chill filled his heart.

He understands that he has been involved in a bottomless conspiracy, and that if he is not careful, he may be shattered to pieces.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner panic. He knew that he must remain calm at this time and not expose his position due to temporary panic.

The people in the secret room continued to talk. Fang Yue pricked up his ears and listened carefully, hoping to capture more useful information.

"But, how should we take action? Fang Yue is always protected by someone, and it is difficult for our people to get close." A voice said hesitantly.

"Hmph, what's the problem? We can kill someone with a borrowed knife and let others deal with him. All we have to do is reap the benefits."

Another voice said with a sneer, his tone full of sinisterness.

Hearing this, Fang Yue felt a chill in his heart. He understood that the people in Sitian Prison had murderous intentions towards him, and they planned to use other people to deal with him.

This made him feel scared, and at the same time, he became more determined to expose the true colors of these people.

He continued to lurk in the darkness, paying close attention to the movements in the secret room. He knew that he had to remain vigilant and be ready for emergencies.

After a while, the people in the secret room seemed to have finished discussing the plan and began to leave one after another.

Fang Yue held his breath and carefully observed their movements.

When the last person left the secret room, Fang Yue did not rush into action, but continued to wait for a while to ensure that there was no one else in the secret room before he dared to approach the secret room quietly.

He came to the door of the secret room, opened the door gently, and slipped in.

The secret room was dark, and he could only rely on the faint moonlight and previous memories to identify the direction.

He looked around, trying to find some clues or evidence to prove the conspiracy of the people in Sitian Prison.

However, there was nothing in the secret room except a few empty tables and chairs.

Fang Yue couldn't help but be a little disappointed. He thought he could find something useful in the secret room.

However, he did not give up, but continued to search every corner carefully.

Suddenly, something seemed to step on his feet. He bent down to pick it up and found it was a broken jade pendant.

Fang Yue's heart moved. This jade pendant seemed familiar.

He looked at it carefully for a while, and suddenly remembered the jade pendant that Yun Qing was wearing before.

Could this jade pendant belong to Yunqing?

She had been here before, and Fang Yue was filled with doubts.

Could it be that this woman is also from Si Tianjian?

Fang Yue put away the jade pendant and decided to go back to Yun Qing to ask clearly.

He knew that this jade pendant was likely to be inextricably linked to the entire incident, and Yun Qing's identity suddenly became confusing.

He carefully left the chamber and returned the same way.


"There's an intruder!"


Just as he walked out of the secret room, suddenly, the alarm sounded in Sitian Prison, instantly breaking the tranquility of the night.

Fang Yue's heart tightened and he cried secretly.

Fang Yue suddenly heard a rapid siren sound, followed by chaotic footsteps and shouts throughout Sitian Prison.

His heart tightened, knowing that he might have been discovered. At this time, he no longer thought about Yun Qing's identity and the origin of the jade pendant, and immediately turned around and ran towards the outer wall of Si Tianjian.

"Quick! Catch the intruder!"

"Don't let him get away!"

The shouts of Si Tianjian's guards came from behind, and Fang Yue knew that they were chasing him. He didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, so he used Qinggong and shuttled quickly through the darkness.

The terrain inside Si Tianjian was complicated, but Fang Yue relied on his extraordinary memory and sense of direction to quickly find the remote corner he had climbed into before.

He jumped up, easily climbed over the high wall, and escaped from Si Tianjian's siege.

"Hmph, I am so young. Do you think that I, Si Tianjian, am a place where you can come and leave whenever you want? Just stay here!"

At this moment, a cold and stern voice suddenly sounded behind Fang Yue, and then, a powerful aura locked onto him, making him feel palpitations.

Fang Yue's heart sank. He knew that this was the action of a master in Si Tian Prison.

He did not dare to neglect at all, he used all his strength and tried his best to escape forward.

Behind him, that powerful aura followed him closely, as if it might catch up with him at any time.

Fang Yue shuttled quickly through the darkness, constantly changing directions, trying to get rid of the aura that was following closely.

"I actually fell into the trap!"

Fang Yue also came to his senses at this time. The man in black deliberately led him to Si Tianjian.

He realizes that he has been cleverly led into a trap by the man in black, and that Si Tianjian's alarm and pursuit are just part of the scene, designed to bring him and Si Tianjian into conflict.

Fang Yue thought quickly in his mind. He knew that he must get rid of the pursuers behind him as soon as possible, otherwise once he was caught up, the consequences would be disastrous.

He tried his best to shuttle through the darkness, trying to get rid of the breath that was following him closely.

Behind him, the master of the Si Tian Jian was chasing him closely. His speed was extremely fast, almost comparable to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue secretly complained in his heart. He knew that this was not a solution and he had to find a way to get rid of this pursuer.

Otherwise, if he was entangled, it would be troublesome at that time.

After all, he couldn't really kill the person coming!

And he couldn't explain why he sneaked into the Si Tian Jian in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, Fang Yue's eyes lit up and he saw a dense forest not far ahead.

He immediately had an idea in his mind, and he rushed towards the forest without hesitation.

Seeing this, the pursuers behind him also followed closely.

Fang Yue rushed into the woods, and with the help of the trees, he kept changing directions, trying to get rid of the pursuers.

Because he left the city, the pursuers behind him seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Immediately, Fang Yue pulled away, and in a blink of an eye, Fang Yue disappeared into the jungle.


The next day, Fang Yue changed his makeup and prepared to go back to the capital of Gunzhou Prefecture to get some information.

However, he just walked to the city gate.

He found that the capital of Gunzhou Prefecture was very different today. There were soldiers and yamen runners everywhere, as if a war was going to happen.

"Have you heard that last night, a daring rebel broke into the Sitianjian and beat the chief of Gunzhou Prefecture to death!"

"Isn't it! It's so cruel and daring. It is said that the chief's head was chopped off by the thief!"

"Hey, what's wrong with this world? Even a place like Sitianjian has someone daring to break in and beat the chief to death. Isn't this obviously against the court?"

"Who said it's not? This Gunzhou Prefecture has been getting more and more uneasy recently."

When Fang Yue entered the city gate, he heard the discussion of two passers-by next to him.

His heart couldn't help but tremble. He sneaked into the Sitianjian last night and beat the chief to death?

How is this possible!

Although he heard the conversation in the secret room last night and knew that someone in the Sitianjian wanted to deal with him, he did not find any signs of fighting, nor did he hear any screams.

"I didn't expect that these people would come up with such an idea!"

Fang Yue now knew in his heart that Yun Qing, and even the people behind him, actually wanted to make him a scapegoat.

Yun Qing's identity and purpose suddenly became more complicated and mysterious, and Fang Yue realized that he had been involved in a huge conspiracy.

He decided to find a place to settle down first, and then slowly investigate the truth of the matter.

He knew that the most important thing now was to stay calm and vigilant, and not put himself in a more dangerous situation.

Fang Yue frowned slightly, and immediately walked towards the city of Gunzhou Prefecture. (End of this chapter)

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