But all this has nothing to do with Fang Yue. He acted cleanly and neatly, and the people of the Wu family could not track down the murderer at all.

Besides, although the Wu family is one of the largest families in Yujing City and has great power, they are now busy fighting for power and profit, and they don’t have much energy to track down the cause of Wu Youli’s death.

At this time, Fang Yue has already left this place of right and wrong and is moving towards his next goal.

He doesn’t know the changes in the Wu family, nor does he care about them.

He only knows that his road is still long and there are many things waiting for him to do.

Whether it is to find more sources of vitality or to improve his own strength, it is urgent.

Of course, before that, you have to go to Gunzhou Prefecture and wade through the muddy water there.

"From the southeast coast to Gunzhou Prefecture, you can take a sea ship directly north, which is the fastest speed."

Fang Yue stood on the dock of the southeast coast, and the sea breeze gently blew the corners of his clothes, bringing a little coolness.

This is a city near the sea in Fushan Prefecture, second only to Fushan Prefecture City, and has the second largest port in Fushan Prefecture.

After Fang Yue left Fushan Prefecture City, he came all the way here.

He spent one thousand taels to find a sea ship to the Northeast Prefecture of Wei, and today is the day to set sail.

"This guest, please make your visit. Your cabin is No. 7 of the A-shaped cabin. Please come this way. I will take you there."

Fang Yue nodded and followed the servant on the ship to the No. 7 cabin of the A-shaped cabin.

Along the way, he looked at the sea ship and saw that the hull was majestic and the canvas was bulging. It was obviously a good ship that could withstand the wind and waves.

The crew on the deck performed their duties, busy and orderly, which gave him more confidence in this voyage.

When he came to the No. 7 cabin of the A-shaped cabin, the servant respectfully opened the cabin door and invited Fang Yue in.

The cabin was spacious and comfortable, with beds, tables and chairs, and even a small window to overlook the sea view.

After Fang Yue entered the cabin, he put the package on the table beside him, then sat on the bed and began to close his eyes and rest.

He knew that although this voyage seemed calm, the sea was unpredictable and danger could occur at any time.

Therefore, he had to stay in the best condition to deal with various emergencies.

As the ship slowly left the dock, Fang Yue's heart gradually relaxed.

He quietly felt the ups and downs of the waves and the blowing of the sea breeze, as if he was integrated with nature.

Fang Yue sat on the bed and quietly felt the physical state after the promotion.

He took a deep breath and felt the flow and blending of the four elements of wood, fire, wind and thunder in his body.

The wood element is like a vibrant tree, rooted in his meridians, bringing endless vitality and vigor.

The fire element is like a blazing flame, hot and unrestrained, providing his body with powerful energy and power.

The wind element is like a light breeze, shuttling through his body, making his movements faster and more flexible.

The thunder energy is like thunder, containing the power of destruction and rebirth, adding endless power and shock to his attack.

These four kinds of energy interweave and merge with each other, forming a powerful airflow that circulates endlessly in his body.

Fang Yue can clearly feel the existence of this airflow, which is like a rushing river, constantly nourishing his body and soul, making him feel stronger all the time.


One day,

"Sister, look at that man, he is actually fishing. How can he catch fish when the ship is moving forward! Is he mentally ill!"

"Qing'er, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing the conversation coming from the side, Fang Yue opened his eyes slightly, looked in the direction of the voice, and found that it was two young women.

The older woman was wearing a light blue long dress, with an elegant face and gentle temperament, looking like a lady from a noble family.

The younger woman was wearing a pink dress, lively and cute, with a face full of curiosity and childishness.

The two were looking at Fang Yue.

Fang Yue didn't care and just focused on fishing.

There was nothing to do during the voyage, and fishing was just a way to kill time.

Fang Yue didn't care about the looks and comments of others. He knew his actions and purpose very well and didn't need to explain or prove them to others.

He was concentrating on fishing, enjoying the tranquility of the sea and the integration with nature.

Although his fishing skills were not superb, his mentality was very peaceful. He knew that fishing was not just for catching fish, but also for cultivating his state of mind and patience.

In the ups and downs of the waves, he felt the rhythm and power of nature and let his heart resonate with it.

The two young women next to him saw that Fang Yue didn't pay attention to them, and gradually lost interest and talked about other topics.

They didn't know that Fang Yue was not really fishing, but was using the process of fishing to realize the true meaning of practice.

The ship was sailing in the vast ocean, and Fang Yue's heart was drifting with it.

He felt the blowing of the sea breeze, the beating of the waves and the flying of seabirds, as if he was integrated with the entire ocean.

In this process, he gained a deeper understanding and realization of his spiritual practice.

He knew that spiritual practice is not a one-time process.

It requires continuous accumulation, understanding and practice.

And in this process, it is crucial to maintain a peaceful mind.

Only with a peaceful mind can we better feel the power and rhythm of nature, and thus better cultivate our own strength and realm.

Therefore, Fang Yue is not in a hurry for success, but moves forward step by step.

He believes that as long as he keeps working hard and practicing, he will be able to achieve his goals and achieve greater achievements.

In this way, Zhongyue spent a few days of peaceful and fulfilling time amid the rocking of the ship.

He spent every day fishing, practicing and enlightening, which greatly nourished and grew his soul.

All of this also laid a solid foundation for his future spiritual practice.


Three days later, the ship slowly docked at a small island with beautiful scenery.

This small island is an important transit point on the sea route. Although it is small, it is bustling with activity.

Fang Yue walked out of the cabin, stood on the deck, and looked at the island in front of him.

I saw the green trees on the island, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, and a lively scene.

On the hillside in the distance, a small and exquisite lighthouse stands, guiding the direction of the ship.

"Sir, this island is rich in seafood and specialties. You can go shopping, but you need to remember to return to the ship before evening, otherwise you will miss the sailing time." A crew member came over and greeted him enthusiastically Yue said.

Fang Yue nodded and expressed his gratitude.

He really planned to get off the boat and take a stroll to experience the customs and customs of this island.

He followed the flow of people off the ship and stepped onto the island. The residents on the island make a living by fishing, so the seafood here is particularly abundant.

Both sides of the street are lined with various seafood stalls, and the tempting aroma wafts into your nostrils.

Fang Yue walked and looked around, feeling the unique charm of this island. He tasted some local delicacies and bought some specialties as souvenirs.

At the same time, he was silently observing the people and things here, and realizing the true meaning of practice.

"What are you doing? Don't touch me!" Just as Fang Yue was about to return to the ship, he heard a familiar voice.

He followed the sound and found that it was Qing'er, the young woman among the two young women he met on the boat before, who was surrounded by several fierce-looking strong men.

"Little girl, don't be afraid of us. I just want to treat you to a drink because you look pretty."

One of the strong men said with a smile, a malicious light shining in his eyes.

"Let me go, I don't know you!" Qing'er struggled with a look of horror on her face.

She is not strong, she is just new to the path of cultivation, and she is no match for these strong men.

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he saw this. He didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but now that he encountered it, he couldn't just sit back and ignore it.

He stepped forward and said in a calm voice: "It seems inappropriate for you guys to rob a civilian girl in broad daylight, right?"

When the strong men heard this, they all turned to look at Fang Yue, with a fierce light in their eyes.

"Boy, do you want to die? How dare you meddle in our business!" One of the strong men said viciously.

Fang Yue was not afraid. He said calmly: "I just drew my sword to help when I saw an uneven road. You'd better let her go, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

"Haha, you're welcome? Who do you think you are? You want to be a hero and save a beautiful woman?" Another strong man said with a laugh, seemingly not taking Fang Yue seriously.

Fang Yue didn't say much nonsense. He directly released his aura, and a powerful pressure suddenly enveloped the strong men.

After the strong men felt Fang Yue's aura, their expressions changed instantly.

They thought that Fang Yue was just an ordinary passerby, but they didn't expect that he turned out to be a powerful practitioner.

"You, don't be like this, we just wanted to make a joke..." One of the strong men stammered, cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Fang Yue gave them a cold look, and then said: "Get out!"

Those strong men quickly left in dejection as if they had been granted amnesty.

They knew that they were no match for Fang Yue, and they would only be humiliating themselves if they continued to struggle.

Seeing this, Qing'er quickly walked to Fang Yue and said gratefully: "Thank you for saving me. My name is Qing'er. I don't know how to repay you."

Fang Yue shook his head and said, "You're welcome, I just did it casually. As long as you're fine, be more careful when going out in the future."

Qing'er nodded and said, "Yes, I understand. Thank you. What's your name?"

"My name is Fang Yue." Fang Yue said, "Okay, I'm going back to the ship. You should go back as well."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the ship.

Qing'er looked at his back with an inexplicable look in her eyes. Then he quickly followed Fang Yue, as if he was afraid that Fang Yue would run away.

Back on the ship, Fang Yue returned to his cabin and began to close his eyes and rest.

Although the journey at sea is peaceful, he knows that danger may occur at any time, so he must always be in top condition.

After a while, there was a gentle knock on the door outside the cabin. Fang Yue opened his eyes and said calmly: "Come in."

The door was gently pushed open and Qing'er walked in.

She stood at the door awkwardly, looking at Fang Yue, not knowing what to say.

Fang Yue was slightly surprised, but he didn't show it.

He looked at Qing'er calmly, waiting for her next words.

Qing'er bit her lip and finally said, "Mr. Fang, thank you for saving me just now. I want to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude."

Fang Yue shook his head and said, "No, I just did it for the sake of convenience and didn't want anything in return."

Qing'er was anxious and said quickly, "No, Mr. Fang, you saved me, I must repay you. Besides, I also want to make friends with you, I wonder if you are willing?"

Looking at Qing'er's eagerness, Fang Yue couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He thought this little girl was quite interesting, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'd rather obey you than be respectful."

Qing'er was immediately happy, with a bright smile on her face.

She quickly said, "That's great, Mr. Fang, I'll go prepare the meal now."

After that, she turned and walked out of the cabin, moving as lightly as a bird.

Fang Yue looked at her back and couldn't help shaking his head slightly. He didn't want to have too many intersections with this little girl, but since he had agreed, he could only let it go.

After a while, Qing'er came back with a plate of sumptuous food.

She put the food on the table and asked Fang Yue to take a seat. Fang Yue looked at the food on the table and found that they were all exquisite dishes he had never seen before, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Did you make all these?" Fang Yue looked at Qing'er and asked with some doubts.

Qing'er nodded, with a proud smile on her face: "Yes, Mr. Fang. Although my cultivation is not high, my cooking skills are not bad. I made these by myself, I hope you like them."

Fang Yue looked at her confident look and couldn't help but feel a little funny. He picked up the chopsticks and tasted the dishes on the table, and found that the taste was surprisingly good.

"Well, not bad. Your cooking skills are really good." Fang Yue praised sincerely.

Hearing Fang Yue's praise, Qing'er was immediately happy and smiled: "Thank you Mr. Fang for your compliment. In fact, I still have a lot of skills, but I just don't have the opportunity to show them."

Fang Yue looked at her proud look and couldn't help but feel a little funny in his heart. Although this little girl is a bit annoying, her cooking skills are really good.

Fang Yue and Qing'er had a very pleasant meal.

Although the two were not familiar with each other before, they chatted very well at the dinner table.

Qing'er was lively and cute, and her words were humorous and often made Fang Yue laugh.

And Fang Yue's knowledge and conversation also made Qing'er admire him very much.

The wine was flowing, and before they knew it, it was already late. The lights in the cabin were swaying, and the atmosphere was gradually ambiguous.

Qing'er's cheeks were slightly red, she secretly glanced at Fang Yue, and then lowered her head.

Her delicate body was moving closer and closer to Fang Yue.

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