Fang Yue naturally noticed Qing'er's changes. He frowned slightly, feeling a little unhappy in his heart.

He is not a person who doesn't understand amorous feelings, but he is definitely not a casual person.

Although Qing'er is beautiful and has good skills, he doesn't have much feelings for her.

What's more, the purpose of his trip is not for the love of his children, but because he has more important things to do.

Therefore, he did not want to have too many entanglements with Qing'er.

"Miss Qing'er, it's getting late, you should go to bed early." Fang Yue put down his chopsticks and said calmly.

Qing'er was stunned when she heard this.

She raised her head and looked at Fang Yue, a look of disappointment flashed in her eyes. Xunran is about to cry, but I feel pity for you!

However, she was facing Fang Yue. Such methods and the love between children were of no use here.

Seeing that Fang Yue didn't waver at all, Qing'er felt even more disappointed.

Qing'er took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions.

She knew that she couldn't lose her composure at this time, let alone let Fang Yue see her vulnerability.

She lowered her head gently, hiding the tears in her eyes, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "Thank you, Mr. Fang, for your concern. Qing'er is indeed a little tired. Let's go and rest."

After saying that, she stood up, turned around and walked towards her room.

Although her steps seemed smooth, there was an indescribable heaviness to them.

Fang Yue looked at Qing'er's back and sighed in his heart. He didn't want to hurt Qing'er, but he couldn't go against his will.

Soon, the girl left Fang Yue's cabin.

"It seems like this journey is not going to be smooth."

Fang Yue sighed slightly, and the surroundings fell silent.

Outside the cabin, the sea wind roared, and the waves slapped the hull of the ship, making a "bang bang" sound.


"Chief, is that ship our target this time? Isn't this the ship of Sihai Trading Company? They pay tribute every year."

A man dressed as a pirate stood on the bow of the ship. The sea breeze blew his hair tousled, but it could not hide the cunning and greed in his eyes. He was holding an old telescope and staring at a merchant ship on the sea in the distance - it was Fang Yue's ship.

"It is true that it is the ship of Sihai Trading Company, but this time the situation is special." The man called the leader slowly put down the telescope in his hand, with a hint of sinisterness flashing in his eyes, "Someone paid a big price to buy something on this ship. . So our goal this time is that thing.”

"Chief, Sihai Trading Company is not easy to mess with. Will we get into trouble if we do this?" Another pirate said with some worry.

"Hmph, although Sihai Trading Company is huge, there are things they can't take care of." The leader sneered, "As long as our hands and feet are clean and don't leave any traces, they can't do anything to us even if they suspect us. What's more, this time There is covert support for the action, so we don’t have to worry about the consequences.”

"Yes, the leader is wise!" All the pirates agreed in unison.

At the same time, in the cabin where Fang Yue was, he was still standing quietly by the window, staring at the dark sea.

The sea breeze blew into the cabin through the cracks in the windows, bringing a bit of coolness.

Fang Yue didn't know that danger was quietly approaching, and he was still thinking about the purpose of his trip and the challenges he would face.

However, no matter how much he planned and prepared, he could not have predicted this sudden pirate attack.

As the night gets darker, the sea breeze roars and rolls up the waves, slapping against the hull of the ship and making waves.

In this silent night, an unknown storm is quietly brewing...

The night is dark and the waves are rough.

The merchant ship Fang Yue was on was swaying precariously in the waves, as if it might be swallowed by the huge waves at any time.

However, the crew members on the ship were not aware of the impending disaster. They were still busy at their respective posts, maintaining the normal navigation of the ship.

Suddenly, a dull crashing sound sounded.

Suddenly, a dull crash sounded, and the entire ship shook.

Fang Yue immediately felt something was wrong, and he quickly rushed out of the cabin and came to the deck.

I saw a pirate ship approaching their merchant ship. Several ropes were thrown from the pirate ship, and a dozen pirates were quickly climbing over through the ropes.

Turns out to be a pirate!

"Pirates are coming, pick up your weapons and cut the rope!" At this time, the steward of Sihai Trading Company shouted loudly, and at the same time he flew up and cut off a rope neatly.

Just when he was about to cut the second rope, a good pirate among the pirates rushed over.

Other crew members also reacted, took up their weapons, and started fighting with the pirates.

There was chaos on the deck, with swords flashing and shouts and screams coming and going.

However, the pirates seemed to have been prepared. There were many of them, and all of them were desperadoes, rushing up desperately.

Although the crew resisted bravely, they gradually lost ground.

"This is not an ordinary group of pirates. Among these pirates, there are actually innate masters!"

Fang Yue looked at the chaotic battlefield, but his eyes were directed at a pirate in black not far away.

You know, Xiantian Grandmaster is not a cabbage, even in the Wei Dynasty, he can be regarded as a real master.

It is indeed surprising that such a person should appear among a group of pirates.

In the Wei Dynasty, innate masters were highly respected beings. They usually would not associate with pirates, let alone participate in such vulgar robbery operations.

However, the scene before him subverted Fang Yue's cognition.

If something is abnormal, there must be evil!

So, this group of pirates is probably not an ordinary robbery.

So are these pirates targeting him, or is there something on this ship that can make the innate master excited?

Fang Yue thought in his heart that he had offended many forces.

Each of them can send out an innate master, but with his strength, the other party should not send an innate master to die.

So, these people's target should be someone on the ship, or something else.

Just as Fang Yue was thinking, these pirates had already controlled the situation on the deck.

Then, they drove many passengers to the deck.

Among them, Fang Yue was naturally included. He wanted to see the purpose of these pirates, so he did not resist.

Fang Yue mixed in the crowd and calmly observed the actions of the pirates. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he did not miss any details.

Although these pirates were ferocious, their actions revealed a hint of unusualness.

The pirate leader, a burly figure, stepped forward.

He had a cruel smile on his face and played with a sharp dagger in his hand.

He glanced at the passengers who were driven to the deck, and then said loudly:

"Everyone, I'm sorry! We only want money, not life. As long as you hand over what we want, we promise not to hurt you at all."

The passengers heard this and immediately talked about it.

They whispered to each other, guessing what the pirates wanted.

Fang Yue's heart moved.

He realized that these pirates were not attacking the ship blindly, but had a clear purpose.

What they wanted was probably on this ship.

"Now, everyone take out your belongings. If anyone dares not to hand them over, he will end up like this!"

The pirate leader immediately pulled a passenger out of the crowd, waved his hand, and threw him directly into the sea.

Hearing the pirate leader's threat and seeing the passenger thrown into the sea, the passengers on the deck instantly fell into panic.

They began to scramble to take out their belongings, fearing that they would be the next one to be thrown into the sea.

Fang Yue stood in the crowd with a cold face.

He did not hand over his property in a panic like others, but continued to observe the actions of the pirates calmly.

He knew that these pirates were not really just after money.

If they were just after money, there would be no Xiantian Grandmaster hiding among them.

The pirates began to plunder the passengers' property one by one. Their actions were rough and barbaric, without any regard for the passengers' feelings and safety.

The entire deck was filled with cries, begging for mercy and angry curses, but all this could not stop the pirates' atrocities.

Fang Yue stood in the crowd, his eyes always fixed on the black-clothed pirate who he thought was the Xiantian Grandmaster.

He noticed that this black-clothed pirate was not busy plundering property like other pirates, but stood aside, scanning the crowd with a cold look, as if looking for something.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he realized that this black-clothed pirate might be the key figure in this attack.

"You two take off your clothes!" At this time, the pirates searched in front of Sister Qing'er.

Two stunning beauties, no matter where they are, have irresistible attraction for men.

"It's too wasteful to stay here, take them to the cabin!" At this time, the pirate leader stood up and stared at Qing'er and his sister eagerly.

These two women are really top-notch, more beautiful than any woman he has ever seen. Their skin is white and tender, and they are almost dripping with water.

Hearing the order from the pirate leader, the faces of Qing'er and his sister turned pale instantly.

They held each other's hands tightly, their eyes full of fear and helplessness.

The passengers around dared not to speak, and could only watch this scene happen.

Qing'er and his sister were immediately taken into the cabin not far away.

"Huh? This person also followed."

In the crowd, Fang Yue actually found that the innate master master also followed.

Fang Yue frowned slightly, feeling that things were getting more and more complicated.

A pirate at the level of innate master, who did not participate in robbing property, was so interested in a woman, there must be something strange about it.

He decided to investigate the clues of this matter and see what secrets were hidden behind it.

With a thought in his mind, he realized that things might be more complicated than he thought.

So, he quietly followed and sneaked into the vicinity of the cabin.

In the cabin, Qing'er and her sister were tied to chairs, and the pirate leader was approaching them with a lewd smile on his face.

He quietly left the crowd and decided to follow them into the cabin to find out.

"You two young ladies are really pretty. Let me enjoy you today."

In the cabin, under the dim light, Qing'er and her sister were tied to the pillars and could not move.

As the pirate leader said, he reached out to touch Qing'er's face.

Qing'er closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look at the scene in front of her, tears slid down her eyes. She knew that she might not be able to escape today.

At this moment, the door of the cabin was suddenly kicked open, and a figure flashed in.

"Stop!" Fang Yue shouted loudly, his figure was like the wind, and he quickly approached the pirate leader.

The pirate leader was startled and looked back, only to see a young man standing at the door with eyes as cold as a knife.

He felt a chill in his heart and felt a strong momentum coming.

But he was the pirate leader after all, and he was fierce by nature. He immediately drew the sword at his waist and slashed at Fang Yue.

"Looking for death!" Fang Yue snorted coldly, dodged the pirate leader's attack. He then slapped out with a palm, hitting the pirate leader's chest.

With a muffled "bang", the pirate leader was hit and flew backwards, hitting the bulkhead, and blood spurted out of his mouth.

This scene happened too quickly, and the Qing'er sisters and other pirates didn't react.

When they came to their senses, they saw Fang Yue standing in front of the Qing'er sisters, blocking the pirate leader's way.

"You... who are you?"

A pirate asked stutteringly. Although they were fierce and brutal, they couldn't help but feel afraid when facing such a powerful opponent.

"I'm just passing by." Fang Yue said lightly, "You shouldn't mess with me."

After that, he turned and looked at the Qing'er sisters: "Are you okay?"

The Qing'er sisters came to their senses and hurriedly shook their heads to indicate that they were fine.

At this time, a gust of evil wind blew.

"Sure enough, I found you! Hand over the "Hidden Weapon Map" and I'll spare your life!"

Fang Yue slightly turned sideways and easily avoided the sudden attack.

He fixed his eyes and looked at the attacker - the black pirate he had been paying attention to, whom he thought was the innate master.

The black pirate was tall, with a sinister face, and his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent.

He held a long knife in his hand, and the blade flashed with cold light, which was obviously a sharp weapon.

"Hidden Weapon Map"? What is this?"

Fang Yue asked coldly. He had guessed the real purpose of these pirates.

The black pirate did not answer Fang Yue's question, but just stared at him coldly, as if looking at a dead man.

He moved his body and launched a fierce attack on Fang Yue again.

The long knife was like a dragon, with a sharp knife aura, going straight to Fang Yue's vitals.

Fang Yue's eyes were slightly fixed. Facing the attack of the black pirate, he did not retreat, but chose to confront head-on.

He moved like the wind, dodging the long sword's attack skillfully, and punched the black pirate in the chest.

With a muffled "bang", the black pirate was beaten back several steps, with a look of surprise on his face.

He didn't expect Fang Yue's strength to be so strong, but just one punch actually broke his vitality and made him almost lose his resistance.

"Who are you?" The black pirate asked in a deep voice.

Fang Yue did not answer his question, but stared at him coldly, as if looking at a dying prey.

"You don't need to know who I am."

Fang Yue said lightly, "Just tell me what the "Hidden Soldiers Map" is." (End of this chapter)

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