The pirate in black took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner shock.

He stared at Fang Yue closely, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes. But thinking of his mission, he gritted his teeth and said:

"The Map of Hidden Soldiers is a treasure of the previous dynasty. It is said that it contains endless weapons and martial arts secrets. As long as you get it, you may become a true martial arts master, and even have the possibility of conquering the world!"

Fang Yue's heart moved when he heard this.

He had never heard of the name of the Map of Hidden Soldiers, but from the description of the pirate in black, it was obviously a treasure of no small importance.

However, he also had doubts in his heart.

How could such a treasure appear on this ship?

A sharp light flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, and he stared at the pirate in black closely, trying to read some clues from his eyes.

He asked calmly: "You said that the Map of Hidden Soldiers is on this ship. What evidence do you have?"

"Yes, yes" Just when the man in black was about to confess, suddenly, black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The sudden change of the black pirate shocked Fang Yue. He quickly took a step back and observed the other party vigilantly.

The black pirate's mouth was bleeding black blood, and his face became extremely hideous. He was obviously poisoned.

The black pirate struggled to raise his head, his eyes full of fear and despair: "I, I."

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground suddenly, twitched a few times, and then there was no movement.

"How did this man die? Why did he suddenly get poisoned!"

Fang Yue frowned, his heart full of doubts and vigilance.

He clearly saw that the black pirate suddenly died of poisoning at the critical moment of mentioning the "Hidden Soldiers Map", which could not be a coincidence.

There was obviously someone behind the scenes who was secretly controlling it, and this person knew the secret of the "Hidden Soldiers Map" very well, and he did not want the secret to be leaked.

He squatted down and carefully examined the body of the black pirate.

Except for the black blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, no other obvious injuries or abnormalities were found.

This means that the black pirate was poisoned without any warning.

Fang Yue was secretly alert in his heart. He knew that this person could poison the black pirate without anyone noticing, which showed that his strength and means were very impressive.

Moreover, this person was likely hiding on this ship, and was likely nearby.

Fang Yue's eyes could not help but look at Qing'er and the other woman.

In this cabin, there were only these two women except him.

Fang Yue's eyes swept over Qing'er and the other woman. He did not have any obvious expression or movement, but his inner vigilance was raised to the highest point.

"Who are you? What did you do to our leader?"

At this time, some pirates broke into the cabin. They saw the black pirate lying on the ground and Fang Yue standing beside him, and immediately drew their weapons and killed Fang Yue.

These pirates were just ordinary warriors, how could they be Fang Yue's opponents.

Fang Yue moved his body, dodged the pirates' attack, and then quickly took action to subdue them one by one.

Fang Yue said coldly: "If you want to live, tell me the truth. Why did you set your sights on this ship? Who instructed you to do so?"

The pirates were shocked by Fang Yue's methods. They looked at each other and hesitated. They were acting on orders from the black pirates and did not know the real mastermind behind them.

One of the pirates said in a trembling voice: "We are just following orders. We really don't know who the mastermind is. Please don't kill us, please don't kill us, we really don't know anything!"

Fang Yue frowned. Through the perception of his vitality, he knew that these pirates were not lying.

Sure enough, these were just minions, and they really knew nothing.

Immediately, Fang Yue attacked without hesitation and killed these pirates.

Since he had chosen to attack, Fang Yue did not hesitate to leave the cabin and came outside.

The wind and rain were howling in the face. Although these pirates were numerous, they were as vulnerable as ants in Fang Yue's eyes.

He did not rush to attack, but first observed the situation and looked for the best time to attack.

Finally, when a pirate was careless, Fang Yue flashed out like a ghost.

He grabbed the pirate's neck with one hand, and used his other hand to knock him out instantly.

This scene shocked the surrounding pirates, and they all drew their weapons and surrounded Fang Yue.

However, Fang Yue was not afraid at all. He shuttled between the pirates flexibly, and knocked a pirate to the ground every time he attacked.

Soon, all the pirates on the deck were subdued by Fang Yue.

"Thank you for your help, sir. I am Sun Xing, the manager of Sihai Trading Company, and I am grateful!" A middle-aged man in a luxurious robe walked out of the crowd, followed by several followers, who looked extraordinary.

Sun Xing walked quickly to Fang Yue, bowed his hands, and expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

He swept his eyes across the deck, and saw the subdued pirates, with a flash of fear and relief in his eyes.

This mission almost failed.

"Thanks to you on the ship, otherwise we would have had a hard time escaping the clutches of these pirates this time." Sun Xing continued to say to Fang Yue, his tone full of respect and gratitude.

Fang Yue nodded and said lightly: "I just happened to meet them, and since I met them, I naturally can't just stand by and watch."

Sun Xing hurriedly said: "Your Excellency has great righteousness, and Sun Mou will bear it in mind. I wonder what I call you?"

"My surname is Fang."

Fang Yue answered succinctly, without revealing too much about his identity and background.

When Sun Xing heard this, his heart moved.

However, it seemed that the name Fang Yue did not exist in his memory. However, this did not affect his awe and gratitude towards Fang Yue.

"Master Fang, thanks to your help this time, our Sihai Trading Company was able to survive. In order to express our gratitude, the shipping fee this time is waived. In addition, our trading bank is willing to offer 20,000 taels of silver to express our gratitude." Sun Xing said sincerely said.

Fang Yue waved his hand and said: "Manager Sun, it is my duty to help. As for the shipping fee and silver, there is no need for it."

Sun Xing was slightly stunned, but he didn't expect Fang Yue to refuse. He hurriedly said: "Master Fang, this is impossible. You saved the lives of a whole ship of us and a ship full of goods. How can we not repay this kindness? Besides, these money may not be worth much to you." It’s nothing, but it’s a little bit of our Sihai Trading Company’s kindness, so please accept it.”

Fang Yue smiled faintly and said: "Manager Sun, I didn't do it because of money. As for repaying my kindness, if you are willing and do more good deeds in the future, you will be repaying my kindness."

When Sun Xing heard this, his admiration for Fang Yue increased even more. He bowed deeply and said: "Sir Fang has great righteousness, and Sun will bear it in mind. If there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely repay your kindness."

Fang Yue nodded and said nothing more.

Afterwards, he returned to his cabin to rest.

As for why the pirates attacked this time, what exactly the "Hidden Soldiers Map" was, and whether it was on this ship or not, he didn't care.

However, things didn't end there.

Although Fang Yue returned to the cabin to rest, his vigilance did not relax.

He knows very well that the people behind the pirates will never give up, and the secret of "Hidden Soldiers Map" is not as simple as it seems.

As night falls, the sea breeze howls across the deck, bringing chills.

Fang Yue was lying on the bed in the cabin with his eyes slightly closed. He seemed to be resting, but in fact he was secretly observing everything around him.

Suddenly, a slight sound of footsteps sounded outside the cabin, and Fang Yue immediately opened his eyes alertly.

He held his breath and listened carefully to what was going on outside. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and it was obvious that someone was approaching his cabin.

Fang Yue sneered in his heart, he knew that these people would come after all.

He did not rush into action, but quietly waited for the other party to enter the cabin.

Sure enough, after a while, the cabin door was gently pushed open, and a dark figure flashed in.

Fang Yue used the faint moonlight to see clearly the face of the person who came, it was the woman who was beside Qing'er before.

When the woman saw that Fang Yue had woken up, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, but she quickly covered it up.

She walked quietly to Fang Yue's bed and whispered: "Master Fang, I know you are not sleeping. I have something important to tell you."

Fang Yue didn't speak, just looked at her coldly. The woman took a deep breath and continued: "I know the secret of the Hidden Soldiers Map, and I also know where it is."

"What do you want to say?" Fang Yue asked.

The woman paused for a moment, as if she was organizing her words, and then said slowly: "The "Picture of Hidden Soldiers" is not somewhere on the ship, but on a person's body."

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows. This information was beyond his expectation: "Whose body is it on?"

"It's me."

The woman said softly, as if she was afraid of disturbing the sea breeze outside.

"I am the guardian of the "Hidden Soldiers Map" and the person who brought it to this ship. I originally planned to move it to a safe place quietly, but I didn't expect that anyone would notice it."

Fang Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and looked deeply at the woman in front of him.

Although the night was hazy, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the darkness and reach people's hearts.

He did not respond immediately to the woman's words, but quickly weighed various possibilities in his mind.

"Does "The Picture of Hidden Soldiers" belong to you?" He spoke slowly, with a hint of inquiry in his tone: "Then, why did you tell me this secret?"

At the same time, he stared at the woman in front of him, trying to read some clues from her eyes.

"Because I can no longer protect it. I hope you can help me bring the "Hidden Soldiers Map" to Gunzhou Mansion and hand it over to..." the woman continued.

But at this time, Fang Yue interrupted her.

"Stop talking and leave immediately. I will treat you as if you have never been here."

The woman was a little stunned by Fang Yue's interruption. She didn't expect Fang Yue to react like this.

But seeing Fang Yue's serious and firm eyes, she knew that Fang Yue was not joking.

"Master Fang, you may not understand the importance of the "Hidden Soldiers Map". It is not just a treasure map, but also related to the safety of the entire world." The woman said eagerly, trying to persuade Fang Yue.

But Fang Yue was unmoved at all. He said coldly: "I don't care what it involves. All I know now is that I can't help you?"

The woman was silent for a moment, seeming to be weighing something.

Then, he left silently.

After the woman left, Fang Yue lay on the bed, but his heart was in turmoil.

It's not that he has no interest in "Hidden Soldiers Picture", on the contrary, he knows the importance of this treasure.

However, what he knows better is that once he gets involved in this dispute, it may be difficult to escape.

He came here to complete his mission and didn't want to cause any complications.

However, things always seemed to develop beyond his expectations.

First, there was the pirate attack, and then the appearance of "Hidden Soldiers Picture", all of which made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

"Forget it, we'll leave immediately after the ship docks at the next stop." Fang Yue decided to get off the ship early and stay away from the whirlpool.


Five days later, the ship sailed to the next port, Dongshan Port.

Fang Yue decided to disembark here and stay away from the disputes caused by "The Picture of Hidden Soldiers".

With his simple luggage, he quietly left the ship and set foot on the land of Dongshan Port.

Dongshan Port is a bustling business place with bustling crowds and hawking sounds in various languages.

Fang Yue walked through the crowd, trying to keep a low profile and avoid attracting unnecessary attention.

He found an inconspicuous inn to stay at, preparing to rest here for a while before continuing to his destination.

The next day, Fang Yue bought a horse and headed towards Gunzhou Mansion.

Not long after, when Fang Yue came to the edge of a dense forest, he suddenly stopped.

He turned and looked deep into the woods and said coldly: "Come out, I know you are there."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rustling sound in the woods, and then, a man in black walked out of the woods.

He held a bright long sword in his hand, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Hand over the "Hidden Soldiers Picture"" the man in black said coldly.

Fang Yue looked at the man in black in front of him without much confusion in his heart.

He had known that once he was involved in the dispute of "Hidden Soldiers Picture", he would not be able to escape easily, but he did not expect that these people would come so quickly.

"I don't know what you are talking about. What does "The Picture of Hidden Soldiers" have to do with me?" Fang Yue responded coldly.

The man in black obviously didn't believe what Fang Yue said. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the long sword in his hand trembled slightly, making a crisp sound, "Do you think you can deceive me? I know that the "Hidden Soldiers Picture" is in your hands. If you are aware of it, hand it over quickly, otherwise don’t blame me for being rude!”

When Fang Yue heard this, he felt helpless.

"Since you are so obsessed with the "Hidden Soldiers Picture", then come and get it." Fang Yue said, then he took up his posture and prepared to fight.

When the man in black saw this, he stopped talking nonsense. He moved, turned into a black shadow, and rushed towards Fang Yue.

The long sword, with its sharp sword energy, pierced Fang Yue's chest. Fang Yue's eyes narrowed and he turned slightly to one side to avoid the fatal blow.

At the same time, vitality surged in his hand, and he struck out with a palm, colliding with the sword of the man in black. (End of chapter)

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