Fang Yue stood in front of the air wall, his eyes were like torches.

He knew that this restriction was the last obstacle for him to enter the Weapon Storage Pavilion. Only by breaking it could he get access to those precious weapons and secret books.

He took a deep breath, circulated the vitality in his body to the extreme, and prepared to try to break the restriction.

As the vitality surged, Fang Yue's body gradually glowed with a faint light, full of power but not losing its softness.

He stretched out his hands, palms facing each other, and slowly approached the air wall. The moment his fingertips touched the air wall, he felt a strong rebound force coming, the force was so strong that he was directly shocked back more than ten steps.

If Fang Yue's physique was not so strong now, he would have been injured.

Fang Yue was shocked. He didn't expect the rebound force of this air wall to be so strong.

It seems that brute force cannot open this restriction.

"Maybe we still need the Weapon Storage Map. That map may be the key to open this secret library!"

Fang Yue sighed slightly, feeling a little helpless.

He originally thought that he could forcibly break the ban with his own strength, but now it seems that he still needs to find the hidden weapon map to enter the hidden weapon pavilion.

"Forget it, in this case, it is better to upgrade the Dark Shining Golden Body to the second level first."

Now that the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng is in hand, coupled with the sharp aura of the Ten Thousand Soldiers here, it is just right to improve this body-refining technique.

Fang Yue turned and left the air wall, found a quiet and energetic place, and began to practice the Dark Shining Golden Body.

He sat cross-legged, placed the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng beside him, took a deep breath, and calmed his inner thoughts.

He closed his eyes and his mind gradually sank into his body. According to the Dark Shining Golden Body practice method, he began to guide the vitality in his body to flow along specific meridians.

As the vitality flowed, his skin gradually showed a faint golden luster, as if covered by a layer of metal film.

At this time, he took out the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng, gently bit off a small piece, and held it in his mouth.

The medicinal power of the dragon blood ginseng quickly dissolved, flowed into his body along his throat, and merged into his vital energy.

This medicinal power was extremely powerful, like a hot torrent, rushing endlessly through his meridians.

Fang Yue practiced his skills, integrating this medicinal power with his vital energy to temper his body together.

He felt that his skin became tougher, as if it had been forged by thousands of hammers.

At the same time, his strength was constantly improving, as if endless potential was being stimulated.

As his practice deepened, the sharp aura of the surrounding soldiers was gradually attracted to him.

These sharp auras were like invisible swords, constantly piercing into his body, tempering his body together with his vital energy and medicinal power.

As time passed, Fang Yue's skin gradually became golden, as if covered by a layer of golden armor.

His aura became stronger and stronger, as if he was an awakened beast, ready to roar at any time.

Finally, under the joint tempering of the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng and the sharp aura of the Ten Thousand Soldiers, Fang Yue felt that his body had reached a limit.

He took a deep breath, suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light shot out from his eyes, as if it could penetrate the void.

"Second level of the Dark Shining Golden Body, done!" Fang Yue shouted in a low voice.

At this moment, his skin was shining with golden light, as if he was wearing a layer of golden armor, and the whole person exuded a powerful aura.

Fang Yue stood up, stretched his muscles and bones, and felt full of strength.

At this moment, if he fought with Chen Tiangang again, he was confident that he could win within thirty moves.


"It should be here, why don't I see that kid!"

"There is a cave here, which seems to have just been formed. Do you think that kid will be under this cave?"

Chen Tiangang and Wu Tianwang came to the valley where the Dragon Blood Spirit Ginseng was located. They did not see Fang Yue or the spiritual medicine.

Instead, they saw a deep cave.

"Go down and take a look!" Wu Tianwang said decisively.

Both of them were skilled and courageous, so they jumped directly into the cave.

The cave was pitch black, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you, but Chen Tiangang and Wu Tianwang were both practitioners, and they could see at night, so darkness was not an obstacle for them.

The two of them went down the cave and soon came to where Fang Yue was before.

"There is the breath of dragon blood ginseng here, it seems that kid has been here."

Chen Tiangang sensed the breath in the air and said with a gloomy face.

Wu Tianwang didn't speak, but carefully sensed the surroundings, trying to find any clues about Fang Yue.

Suddenly, his eyes focused and looked not far away.

A huge dragon shadow condensed and attacked Chen Tiangang with its fangs and claws.

Chen Tiangang was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a powerful existence hidden in this cave.

He flashed and barely avoided the attack of the dragon shadow. At the same time, a stream of vitality condensed in his hand and counterattacked the dragon shadow.

However, this attack actually went straight through the dragon's shadow and hit the rock wall.

Chen Tiangang was stunned. He didn't expect his attack to miss.

"This is actually a projection of Yuan Qi!"

Chen Tiangang exclaimed, and immediately realized that the giant dragon in front of him was not a physical entity, but a phantom condensed by Yuan Qi.

The two of them looked at each other, and they couldn't help but feel moved.

There must be something extraordinary in this cave.

"I can't say, we two got lucky today. I'm afraid this is either an ancient battlefield or some kind of secret treasure."

A trace of greed flashed in Chen Tiangang's eyes, and he whispered to King Wu Tian.

Both of them are old men in the cultivation world, so they naturally know some rumors about the secret ancient battlefield.

These places often hide endless treasures and opportunities. If they can get one or two of them, it will be enough for them to benefit endlessly.

King Wu Tian nodded in agreement.

He looked around, trying to find out the secrets in the cave.

However, apart from the huge dragon shadow, they found no other abnormalities.

Immediately, the two of them continued walking towards the depths of the cave.

The two of them cautiously continued deeper into the cave. There were mottled marks on the rock walls along the way, which seemed to tell the vicissitudes of time.

The air in the cave had a faint smell of rust, as if to warn them of unknown dangers hidden here.

Chen Tiangang and Wu Tianwang are both careful people, and they did not get carried away by temporary greed.

They know that since a vitality projection can appear in this place, it must be extraordinary, and they cannot be too careful.

"Be careful, it may not be easy here." Wu Tianwang reminded in a low voice.

Chen Tiangang nodded, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Wu Tianwang was right, this place was indeed not simple.

They could feel that as they went deeper, an extremely strong aura of war began to fill the cave!

This fighting spirit is so sharp that it seems like there are thousands of swords looming in the dark, making people's skin sting and make it almost difficult to breathe.

"What a strong sharp aura!" Chen Tiangang whispered, knowing that this must be the aura of some kind of rare mineral vein or ancient battlefield site.

A trace of surprise flashed in King Wu Tian's eyes. He looked around, as if searching for the source of the fighting spirit.

This kind of aura is both an opportunity and a challenge for warriors who practice physical training. If it can be absorbed and refined, it will be of great benefit to one's own cultivation.

But the premise is that you must be able to withstand the wash and baptism of this breath.

Both of them are people with profound cultivation, and they also have a certain understanding of body training techniques. At this moment, feeling the spirit of war, they feel a little regretful. After all, they do not specialize in body training techniques.

The two looked at each other and saw the regret in each other's eyes.

They know that although this fighting spirit is extremely precious, it is not the best cultivation resource for them.

Because they majored in vitality skills instead of body training skills, although this fighting spirit could temper their bodies to a certain extent, the effect was far inferior to that of warriors who specialized in body training skills. compared to.

However, even so, the two of them had no intention of giving up.

They knew that it was a rare opportunity to encounter such a strong fighting spirit here.

Even if it cannot be directly absorbed and refined, it can still be used to sharpen one's own vitality and will.


At the foot of the big mountain in the other half of the valley.

"According to the instructions of the Tibetan Army Map, the entrance to the secret warehouse should be somewhere in this mountain." Qing'er pointed to a mark on the map and said.

Her sister nodded and agreed: "Yes, we are already here, so we can't give up. We must find the entrance to the secret vault!"

The two began to search carefully at the foot of the mountain.

They knew that since this place could hide such an important secret vault, it must have extremely secretive mechanisms and restrictions.

Therefore, they did not rush in blindly, but followed the clues on the Tibetan Army Map to find traces of the entrance step by step.

As time went by, the two became more and more nervous.

They knew that they were getting closer and closer to the secret vault, but it also meant that the danger was getting bigger and bigger.

However, both of them were tough-minded people and were not affected by such tension and fear.

They encouraged each other and continued to look for traces of the entrance at the foot of the mountain.

Finally, after a careful search, they finally found a hidden stone door.

"This is it!" Qing'er said excitedly, pointing to the stone door.

Her younger sister also showed an excited look: "Yes, this should be the entrance to the secret library! Let's go in quickly!"

With that said, the two of them prepared to push open the stone door and enter the secret vault.

However, just when they were about to touch the stone gate, a powerful rebound force suddenly struck.

"Ah!" The two of them exclaimed, and their bodies were knocked upside down at the same time.

Qing'er and her sister fell to the ground. They both felt a surge of energy and blood, and they obviously suffered serious internal injuries.

"What a powerful force!" Qing'er said, covering her chest, "There are actually restrictions on this stone door!"

Her sister also nodded: "Yes, the power of this restriction is very powerful. If we had been closer just now, I'm afraid we would all be seriously injured."

The two looked at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

They knew that it would not be easy to open this stone door and enter the secret vault.

However, fortunately, the two of them had a hidden soldier map in their hands, which contained the method of opening the stone door.

The two struggled to stand up. Qing'er took out the map of hidden soldiers from her arms and carefully compared the lines and patterns on the stone door.

"Here...this should be the place where the mechanism is triggered."

Qing'er pointed to a raised stone on the stone door and said.

Her sister came over to take a look and nodded in agreement: "Yes, according to the instructions on the hidden weapon map, we only need to touch these stones in a specific order to open the stone door."

As she said, she stretched out her fingers and touched the stones in the order Qing'er said.

Soon, there was a crackling sound, and then the stone door opened with a rumbling sound.

As the stone door slowly opened, a strong smell of weapons came to the face, as if countless sharp swords were hidden in it, making people's skin sting and breathing difficult.

Qing'er and her sister were both surprised. They knew that they had finally found the entrance to the hidden weapon pavilion.

The two smiled at each other and saw the excitement and expectation in each other's eyes.

They knew that what was waiting for them next would be endless treasures and opportunities.


"Huh, now that my strength has greatly improved, I should try to see if I can force the ban to open."

Fang Yue, who had cultivated the second level of the Dark Shining Golden Body, took a deep breath and stood in front of the ban guided by the hidden weapon map again.

His eyes were firm, and he slowly stretched out his hands, ready to touch the seemingly weak but resilient air wall.

Just as Fang Yue was about to touch the air wall, the power of his dark golden body suddenly erupted, and golden light flowed on his skin, as if he was wearing a layer of golden armor.

At the same time, the vitality in his body also surged out like a flood, gathering on his hands along the meridians, forming a faint white halo.

"Break it for me!"

Fang Yue shouted in a low voice, and pushed his hands forward suddenly.

This time, it was completely different from the previous attempts.

When his hands touched the air wall, the powerful rebound force came as expected, but Fang Yue was not repelled like before.

The dark golden body and vitality in his body intertwined with each other, forming a powerful resistance, which steadily resisted the rebound force.

Under the action of this resistance, the air wall actually began to tremble slightly, as if it could collapse at any time.

Fang Yue was delighted, knowing that he had found a way to break the ban.

He clenched his teeth and continued to increase the power output in his body. As he worked hard, the air wall vibrated more and more violently, and finally collapsed completely with a deafening roar.


"What's that sound? Is there anyone else here?"

Chen Tiangang looked at the city in front of him, and heard the deafening roar, with a look of doubt on his face.

Wu Tianwang also frowned, trying to find the source of the sound, but apart from the towering city, they did not see anything unusual.

"No matter who it is, if they dare to rob us of the treasure, they will die!"

A trace of ruthlessness flashed in Chen Tiangang's eyes, and he flashed and rushed towards the direction where the sound came from.

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