Liu Yun's face became even paler, and he knew that he had no way out.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, and then slowly said:

"Fang Yue, you are indeed very smart. I admit that I underestimated you. But, do you think you can kill me like this? You are too naive."

Fang Yue smiled slightly, looked at Liu Yun with burning eyes, and said with a hint of playfulness in his tone: "Oh? Mr. Liu, it seems you still have some trump cards to show?

You might as well speak up and listen to see if you can change the status quo. "

Liu Yun gritted his teeth, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes. He knew that now was a critical moment of life and death, and he could no longer hold anything back.

He said in a deep voice: "Fang Yue, I know you are extraordinary, but you are just a person after all.

I have the support of Si Tianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture and alliances with other forces.

Do you think killing me will solve the problem?

Get it wrong and you'll only put yourself in greater danger. "

When Fang Yue heard this, his brows raised slightly, but the smile on his face did not diminish.

He said calmly: "Mr. Liu, your words do sound reasonable. However, I never regret anything I do.

Now that you have murderous intentions towards me, how can I let you go? As for the forces behind you, I will deal with them one by one. "

Liu Yun couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart when he looked at Fang Yue's indifferent expression.

He realized that Fang Yue was not an easy person to compromise.

He took a deep breath and tried to make the final struggle: "Fang Yue, if you let me go and serve as Tianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture in the future, I will definitely obey your orders. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you, a foreigner, to succeed."

When Fang Yue heard Liu Yun's suggestion, a sarcastic smile appeared on his lips.

He shook his head slowly: "Mr. Liu, you still don't understand. The fact that I want to kill you today has nothing to do with anything else, but because when I saw you just now, you blinked your left eye first, which violated my taboo. !”

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yue launched an attack brazenly.

Liu Yun's expression suddenly changed. Facing Fang Yue's sudden punch, he had no time to make any effective reaction.

The energy contained in that punch was like a landslide and a tsunami, tearing apart the air around him in an instant.

At this critical moment of life and death, Liu Yun didn't care much. He tried his best to circulate the vitality in his body, trying to resist this fatal blow.

However, his resistance seemed so insignificant in front of Fang Yue's violent power.


After a loud noise, Liu Yun's body felt as if he had been hit hard by a giant hammer. His whole body instantly flew backwards and hit the wall.

The hard wall actually had slight cracks under his impact.

Blood spurted out from Liu Yun's mouth, and his face became as pale as paper.

He raised his head with difficulty, looking at Fang Yue with eyes filled with disbelief and fear.

Fang Yue slowly retracted his fist and glanced at Liu Yun lying on the ground, without any trace of pity on his face.

"Master Liu, do you think that with the support of Si Tianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture and other forces, you can make us more fearful? You are wrong."

He said coldly, "The person who killed you today is Tian Boguang, the blinking madman. I am a good and law-abiding citizen with a bright future. How could I kill an official of the Si Tianjian without permission! Don't let me take the blame for this!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, leaving Liu Yun lying on the ground dying and the room in a mess.

Liu Yun breathed hard. Seeing Fang Yue's back fading away, his heart was filled with despair and disbelief.

He wanted to shout for help, but only a weak whine came out of his throat, and soon it became inaudible.

After Fang Yue left the room, the indifferent expression on his face disappeared instantly, replaced by a look of solemnity.

He knew that although Liu Yun had been killed by him, Si Tianjian and other forces of Gunzhou Prefecture behind him were still a big trouble.

"Forget it, if there are still people who are disobedient, then we will have to take action a few more times." After Fang Yue's strength increased, he no longer cared about the power struggle in Si Tianjian.

Being able to kill shape-shifting masters, his strength is considered to be among the top in the Wei Dynasty.

If his true combat power is exposed, let alone Si Tianjian and Jianzheng of the First Mansion, even if he rises to another level, it will be nothing more than ordinary.


"Yes, I heard that he was transferred from other places. It's really remarkable that he can serve as the Supervisor of Si Tianjian at such a young age."

"Humph, so what if you are young? Si Tianjian is not a place where you can gain a foothold just by relying on your age. Without strength and background, you will have to stand down even if the King of Heaven comes!"

"That's right. I heard someone above us wants to deal with him."

"Well, just wait and watch the show."

In the depths of Si Tianjian, these discussions were heard one after another, as if a gust of wind could carry these voices to every corner.

Everyone had different attitudes toward Fang Yue, the new supervisor, ranging from curiosity to jealousy to deep hostility.

However, Fang Yue didn't seem to care about all this.

He walked leisurely on the long corridor of Si Tianjian, every step seemed so leisurely.

His gaze is profound, as if he can penetrate all illusions and reach the essence of things.

He knew that his arrival would undoubtedly break Si Tianjian's original power structure.

Some people are happy, while others are worried.

But no matter what, he will not change his original intention and goal.

"Fang Jianzheng, you are so elegant!" A voice suddenly broke the tranquility of the corridor. A middle-aged man in a brocade robe walked over and said with a smile.

Fang Yue turned around, looked at the person he was visiting, and a faint smile appeared on his lips: "Oh? It turns out to be Deputy Superintendent Li, disrespectful."

The person who came was none other than Li Hao, one of Si Tianjian's deputy supervisors.

His status in Si Tian Prison is not low, and his strength is quite impressive.

At this time, he seemed to greet him warmly, but there was an imperceptible coldness in his eyes.

Li Haopi said with a smile: "Fang Jianzheng is young and promising, which is really enviable. However, the water in Si Tianjian is very deep, so Fang Jianzheng must be careful."

Hearing this, Fang Yue smiled slightly: "Thank you, Deputy Supervisor Li, for reminding me. However, I feel that no matter how deep the water is, it will not drown me."

"Oh, really, I heard that Liu Yun has been coveting the position of supervisor for a long time. He might be in trouble with you!" Li Hao said with a slight smile.

"I see."

Fang Yue nodded noncommittally, as if he didn't care about Li Hao's words, "Deputy Superintendent Li, are you interested in going for a walk together? I'm just trying to understand the customs and customs of Si Tian Jian."

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Hao's eyes. He didn't expect Fang Yue to invite him to travel with him so calmly.

This made him feel a little unclear. What kind of medicine was sold in Fang Yue's gourd?

However, he quickly regained his composure and said with a smile: "Fang Jian is inviting me, so Li should accept it with a smile."

The two walked side by side, walking slowly on the long corridor of Si Tianjian.

Fang Yue seemed to be very interested in everything around him, and asked Li Hao some questions about Si Tianjian from time to time.

And Li Hao patiently answered them one by one, while also secretly observing Fang Yue's reaction.

"Fang Jianzheng, you are new here, so you may not know much about the power distribution of this Tianjian."

Li Hao suddenly said, "In addition to us deputy supervisors, there are also some powerful elders and supervisors in this Sitian Prison. They work independently and form different factions."

Hearing this, Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh? Is there such a complicated struggle among forces in this Si Tian Prison?"

"That's natural." Li Hao nodded, "After all, this Si Tianjian is in charge of many rights of a state capital. Who doesn't want to get more of the pie here?"

Fang Yue smiled faintly: "The water in Si Tianjian is indeed deep enough."

"So, Inspector Fang needs to be careful."

Li Hao said meaningfully, "Don't accidentally get involved in this fight."

Fang Yue smiled slightly, of course he understood the meaning of Li Hao's words.

This is not just a reminder, but more like a test to see if Fang Yue has the ability, or the willingness, to fish in the muddy waters of Si Tianjian.

"Thank you, Deputy Superintendent Li, for your concern."

Fang Yue said in a relaxed tone, "I have always liked peace and quiet. However, if someone insists on getting me involved, I will not sit still and wait for death."

A strange look flashed in Li Hao's eyes. He didn't expect Fang Yue to respond so directly.

This new supervisor does not seem to be as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Haha, Supervisor Fang really knows how to joke."

Li Hao laughed, trying to cover up his embarrassment, "Who in this Tianjian doesn't know your strength and background? Who dares to provoke you easily?"

Fang Yue smiled faintly and did not answer.

He knew that Li Hao's words were just for the occasion.

In this Tianjian, strength and background are important, but wisdom and means are more important.

Otherwise, even if you have great abilities, you will inevitably capsize in the gutter.

The two continued to walk side by side, but the atmosphere became obviously dull.

Li Hao no longer seemed as enthusiastic as before, and Fang Yue always maintained a slight sense of alienation.

At this moment, a rush of footsteps broke the tranquility of the corridor.

An inspector wearing the uniform of Si Tianjian hurried over. After seeing Fang Yue and Li Hao, he quickly saluted and said, "I have met Fang Jianzheng and Deputy Inspector Li."

Fang Yue nodded slightly, indicating that he didn't need to be polite.

The inspector took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Fang Jianzheng, something happened, something big happened. Deputy Inspector Liu was killed."

"Oh? Deputy Supervisor Liu was killed? What's going on?" Fang Yue asked pretending to be surprised.

The inspector swallowed and continued: "We don't know the specific situation, but someone just discovered that Deputy Inspector Liu's yard was in a mess. He himself had died of anger. And all the guards in his mansion were also killed!"

"This is really a big deal!"

Fang Yue sighed: "This must be the work of the rebels who sneaked into our Tianjian before. Immediately send all the people, in conjunction with the third team of the government office, to search the whole city! This matter must be thoroughly investigated to the end and reported to Deputy Supervisor Liu I'm talking to the guards at his house."

Li Hao took a deep look at Fang Yue, and he was also trying to see something from Fang Yue's expression.

But Fang Yue's expression at this time was nothing unusual except for shock.

After hearing the news, Li Hao also showed a shocked look. He echoed: "Fang Jianzheng is right, this matter must be investigated thoroughly. I will arrange the manpower right now."

After speaking, Li Hao turned around and left in a hurry.

Fang Yue looked at his back, a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes. He knew that Li Hao must be wondering whether this matter was related to him.

However, he was not worried because he had made all the preparations.

Fang Yue turned to the inspector who reported the news and said, "You should immediately gather a group of reliable inspectors and follow me to the yard of Deputy Supervisor Liu to check the scene."

"Yes!" The inspector responded and turned and left in a hurry.

Fang Yue took a few trusted men and walked straight to Liu Yun's yard.

When they arrived at the scene, they saw that the whole yard was in a mess, with traces of fighting everywhere.

Liu Yun's body was lying on the ground, his eyes wide open, as if he died with his eyes open.

Fang Yue carefully observed the scene, and then said in a deep voice: "It seems that this was a fierce battle. Although Deputy Supervisor Liu was strong, he was ultimately defeated."

He paused and continued: "However, judging from these traces, the opponent's strength was not strong either. I guess this may be a premeditated assassination."

"Master Supervisor is wise!" A subordinate complimented, "But what should we do next?"

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with a cold light, and he said: "We must find out the truth as soon as possible and avenge Deputy Supervisor Liu. At the same time, we must strengthen the vigilance of the Si Tian Jian to prevent similar incidents from happening again."

He turned to the supervisor who reported the news and said: "You immediately notify the other deputy supervisors and elders and ask them to come to my courtyard to discuss this matter. In addition, spread the news that Deputy Supervisor Liu was killed. I want everyone in the city to know that our Si Tian Jian will never give up."

"Yes!" The supervisor responded and turned and left in a hurry.


In the next few days, the atmosphere in the Si Tian Jian was extremely tense, and everyone was in danger.

Liu Yun's death was tragic, and the entire Si Tian Jian was shrouded in a shadow.

In Fang Yue's courtyard, several deputy supervisors and elders gathered together to discuss how to deal with the current situation.

Their expressions were extremely solemn, and they had obviously realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Everyone, the death of Deputy Supervisor Liu is a huge blow to us. We must find out the truth as soon as possible and avenge him." Fang Yue sat in the main seat and said in a deep voice.

"Supervisor Fang is right, we must act as soon as possible. Otherwise, once this matter is spread, how can our Si Tian Jian save face?" An elder echoed.

"But how easy is it to find out the truth? Deputy Supervisor Liu is quite powerful, and the person who can assassinate him must be no ordinary person."

Another deputy supervisor frowned and said. (End of this chapter)

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