This realization made Fang Yue more determined to completely eradicate the shadow gray thieves here.

He knew that if this force was not uprooted, he would never have peace.

At this moment, a member of the Shadow Society seemed to notice something and suddenly looked in the direction of Fang Yue.

Fang Yue immediately restrained his aura and blended himself into the surrounding darkness.

The member of the Shadow Society glanced around vigilantly and found nothing unusual, then turned back and continued talking to others.

Fang Yue knew he had to take action as soon as possible.

He quietly took out a dart, used all his strength, and threw it at the Shadow Society member.

The dart, carrying a fierce wind, instantly penetrated the night sky and went straight to the man's throat.

"Whoosh!" There was a soft sound, and the dart accurately hit the target. The Shadow Society member screamed and fell to the ground.

The other people were startled by this sudden change, and they all drew their weapons and looked around warily.

Fang Yue didn't give them a chance to react. He rushed into the small pavilion in a flash.

He shuttled through the crowd like a ghost, taking away the life of a member of the Shadow Society every time he made a move.

"Bang bang bang!"

After several muffled sounds, all the members of the Shadow Society in the booth fell to the ground.

There were still expressions of horror and disbelief on their faces, as if they couldn't believe they could be killed so easily.

Fang Yue did not stop, he knew that there were other members of the Shadow Society in this house.

He quickly searched around, looking for his next target.

At this moment, a sharp sword energy struck him from behind.

Fang Yue's heart trembled, and he dodged, narrowly escaping the blow.

He turned around and saw a man in black holding a long sword, staring at him coldly.

The aura of this man in black was even more powerful than that of the grandmaster he had encountered before, and he was obviously a top master.

"Are you Fang Yue?" The man in black asked coldly.

"Yes, it's me." Fang Yue looked at him without fear, "Are you from the Shadow Society?"

"Hmph, now that you know we are the Shadow Society, do you still dare to come here and act wild?" The man in black snorted coldly, "I will make sure you never come back today!"

As he spoke, he moved and turned into a sword light to attack Fang Yue.

The sword energy was flowing vertically and horizontally, tearing the surrounding air into pieces.

Fang Yue didn't dare to be careless and used his skills to fight with him. The figures of the two people flashed rapidly in the night sky, and every collision made a deafening sound.

Their moves are exquisite, and each move contains powerful power.

The vitality criss-crossed, destroying the surrounding rockeries and trees into powder.

This battle was thrilling. The strength of the two was so close that it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Fang Yue fought more and more bravely, and he knew in his heart that he had to fight quickly, otherwise he would be in danger once other members of the Shadow Society came to support him.

He took a deep breath, exerted all his strength, and suddenly struck out with his palm.

This palm contained all his strength and will, pressing down on the man in black like a mountain.

The man in black was shocked when he felt this powerful momentum, but he did not flinch, but faced it with a sword.


After a loud noise, the two figures flew out simultaneously.

Fang Yue fell to the ground and rolled a few times before barely regaining his balance. He felt a powerful impact raging inside his body, making him almost unable to breathe.

The man in black was even more embarrassed. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his clothes were shattered to pieces.

He looked at Fang Yue in horror, as if he couldn't believe that he would be defeated by a junior.

"Who are you?" he asked breathlessly.

Fang Yue did not answer him, but stood up slowly. He knew the battle wasn't over yet.

Sure enough, at this moment, rapid footsteps and shouts came from all around.

Apparently other members of the Shadow Society or other forces in the city rushed over.

But no matter what the situation was, Fang Yue knew that he could not be exposed, so he immediately mentioned the man in black and quickly walked away.


Outside Gunzhou City, in a desolate ruined temple.

"Tell me, tell me all the strongholds of your Shadow Society." Fang Yue stared coldly at the man in black in front of him, his tone full of unquestionable majesty.

The man in black gritted his teeth tightly, fear and hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He knew that once he revealed the secrets of the Shadow Society, there would be no place for him.

"You can't get any information from me!" the man in black said through gritted teeth.

When Fang Yue heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He knew that the man in black was a tough guy, and if he wanted to get information from him, he would have to take some extraordinary measures.

He slowly stretched out his palm and pressed it on the man in black's Tianling Cap.

A powerful force of energy surged out from his palm and instantly invaded the body of the man in black.


The man in black let out a scream, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.

He felt a powerful force raging inside his body, as if it was tearing his internal organs apart.

"I said, I said." He could no longer bear the pain and begged for mercy loudly.

Fang Yue smiled slightly and released his palm.

The man in black collapsed on the ground as if he had been granted amnesty, breathing heavily.

"The Shadow Society's base is in an abandoned warehouse in East City," he said intermittently.

Fang Yue nodded and secretly memorized the location in his heart.

He knew the cunning and insidiousness of the Shadow Society, so this base was probably just one of their many hiding places.

But even so, it was an important clue, enough for him to get closer to the core of the Shadow Society.

He did not rush to act, but calmly analyzed the current situation.

Since the Shadow Society has been rooted in Gunzhou City for so long, it must have a complex network of relationships and strong strength.

If you want to completely eradicate them, it is obviously far from enough to rely on one's own strength.

Fang Yue decided to spread the news through the channels of the Sitianjian.

At the same time, he also had to secretly investigate other bases of the Shadow Society, as well as their goals and plans.

Only in this way can we ensure that we will not alert the enemy during the action and completely eradicate them in one fell swoop.

Thinking of this, he looked at the man in black in front of him again.

He walked up to the man in black and slapped him on the back of the neck, ending his life.

As the night deepened, Fang Yue disappeared outside the ruined temple.

He knew that he had to be more cautious in his next move. The Shadow Society was already alert and they would definitely strengthen their defenses.

After returning to the city, Fang Yue did not return to the Si Tian Jian immediately, but went around several streets and alleys. After making sure that no one was following him, he quietly sneaked into a medicine hall in the city.

This was the secret contact point set up by the Yujing Si Tian Jian.

After entering the medicine hall, Fang Yue walked through the front hall with ease and came to a remote hut in the backyard.

He knocked on the door gently, with a rhythm of three long and two short, which was the secret code inside the Si Tian Jian.

After a while, there was a slight sound of footsteps from inside the door, and then the door was opened, and a middle-aged man in gray appeared at the door.

He looked Fang Yue up and down, a flash of surprise in his eyes, and then quickly regained his composure.

"Master Fang, why did you come here in person?" The middle-aged man asked in a low voice, revealing a hint of respect in his tone.

"There is urgent information." Fang Yue answered briefly.

The middle-aged man nodded, without asking any more questions, and stepped aside to let Fang Yue enter the house.

The furnishings in the house were simple, with a table, two chairs, and an oil lamp, which were all the belongings.

I found an important base of the Shadow Society, and I also learned some key information from one of their senior officials. "

The middle-aged man heard this, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes. He knew very well how cunning and powerful the Shadow Society was. Being able to get information from them was undoubtedly a major breakthrough.

"Master Fang, please tell me in detail. "The middle-aged man put down the tea set in his hand and said seriously.

Fang Yue told the middle-aged man in detail what he saw and heard in the Shadow Society's base and the intelligence he got from the man in black.

He described the Shadow Society's organizational structure, personnel composition, and their plans and goals.

After listening to Fang Yue's narration, the middle-aged man frowned, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"The Shadow Society's power has actually infiltrated to this extent. It seems that our previous estimate is still too optimistic. But since we have mastered one of their important bases, we can follow the clues and catch them all in one fell swoop!"

"Yes, I think so too."

Fang Yue nodded, "But the people of the Shadow Society are cunning, we must be careful and not alert the snake."

"Don't worry, Lord Fang, I will immediately arrange for people to secretly investigate this base. At the same time, notify the guards in the prison to control the City Lord's Mansion and the noble families in the city. This time, the Shadow Society in Gunzhou Prefecture must be eradicated! "

A gleam of determination flashed across the middle-aged man's eyes. He knew that he had a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

Fang Yue felt a little comforted when he saw this. He knew that with this experienced middle-aged man around, things would go much more smoothly.

"That's great, but we have to pay attention to one thing." Fang Yue reminded, "The Shadow Society is good at hiding and disguising, and they must have other bases in the city. While investigating this base, we must keep a close eye on the movements in the city, and take action immediately if we find anything unusual."

"Understood! "The middle-aged man nodded solemnly.

After the two discussed some details, Fang Yue stood up and said goodbye.

He knew that he could not stay here for long, so as not to attract the attention of the Shadow Society.

After returning to the Sitianjian, Fang Yue did not alarm others and went directly back to his room.

He lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and began to think about the next plan.

He knew that the Shadow Society would definitely not give up, and they would definitely take revenge.

He must work out a thorough plan as soon as possible to catch the Shadow Society in one fell swoop.

As he thought about it, Fang Yue's breathing gradually became stable, and he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Fang Yue got up, washed up, and went to the front yard to have dinner with everyone.

On the surface, he was chatting and laughing as usual, but he was always vigilant in his heart.

Sure enough, during the meal, a guard hurried over and whispered in Fang Yue's ear: "Sir, several deputy supervisors and elders asked you to come over, saying that there are important matters to discuss. "

Fang Yue heard this and realized that it was about the Shadow Society. He nodded, signaled the guards to wait, then stood up and said goodbye to everyone.

"Everyone, there are some urgent matters to be dealt with in the prison, I will go first." Fang Yue said with a smile, and there was no abnormality in his tone.

Although everyone was somewhat puzzled, they did not ask any more questions and nodded their heads to show their understanding.

Fang Yue followed the guards to a secret room where several deputy supervisors and elders had been waiting for a long time.

"Master Fang, you are finally here."

Several high-level officials of the Astronomical Bureau of Gunzhou Prefecture, except him, had gathered here.

And judging from the appearance of several people, they were actually surrounding him.

Fang Yue's eyes condensed slightly, and several thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

He scanned the surrounding environment calmly, and after confirming that there were no other ambushes and traps, he slowly said: "Everyone, you are so anxious to find me, is there something wrong?"

His tone was still calm, as if he did not notice the strange atmosphere in front of him.

"Master Fang, can you tell me how Deputy Supervisor Liu Yun died?" A deputy supervisor said in a deep voice, revealing a hint of questioning in his tone.

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, and his heart had been prepared, but his face did not show any expression.

He glanced at the deputy supervisor calmly and said in a calm tone: "I am also very sorry for the death of Deputy Supervisor Liu Yun. But as far as I know, he was attacked by the Shadow Society while on a mission and unfortunately died."

"Oh? Shadow Society?"

Another elder took over the conversation with a hint of subtle sarcasm in his tone, "Hehe, I'm afraid that Lord Fang is the murderer!"

"Yes, Fang Yue, you killed your colleagues without authorization, which is a heinous crime. Why don't you surrender!"

Fang Yue faced the sudden accusation with a calm expression. He looked around at the people present and sneered.

"Everyone, how can you convict me without any evidence?" He spoke slowly, with an unquestionable majesty in his voice.

"Hmph, you still want to quibble!" A deputy supervisor snorted coldly and slammed the table. "If there is no evidence, we would not be here! Come on, since Fang Yue is unwilling to surrender, let's work together to take down this beast!"

With the order of the deputy supervisor, the atmosphere in the secret room instantly became tense.

Several masters took a step forward together, and with the surge of vitality, they had formed an airtight encirclement, locking Fang Yue firmly.

However, in the face of this sudden change, Fang Yue still maintained his calmness and composure.

He raised his head slightly, and his eyes swept across the faces of everyone present, and finally fixed on the deputy supervisor who was in charge.

"Do you really think that you can take me down with these?" Fang Yue's tone revealed a hint of disdain and ridicule.

Before he finished speaking, his figure had disappeared from the spot like a ghost, and when he appeared again, he was already behind the deputy supervisor.

His palm lightly landed on the opponent's vest. The seemingly weak blow made the deputy supervisor feel like he was struck by lightning. He flew several feet away in an instant and hit the wall of the secret room heavily.

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