Now, seeing this name again, Fang Yue couldn't help but feel an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

"Could it be that Wei Chengliang wants to kill me because of Zhu Linlang?" Fang Yue thought to himself.

He knew that Zhu Linlang was engaged to Wei Chengliang's son, which was a well-known thing in the court. And the relationship between him and Zhu Linlang is secretive.

But there is no airtight wall in this world. Those who are well-informed may have known it for a long time.

Fang Yue's eyes flickered, and he had a lot of thoughts in his heart.

He understood that if Wei Chengliang really knew the secret between him and Zhu Linlang, then it must be for this reason that he wanted to kill him.

After all, the marriage contract between Wei Chengliang's son and Zhu Linlang was a symbol of the Wei family's reputation and a guarantee for Wei Chengliang's status in the court.

And he, Fang Yue, is just a small Si Tianjian official, how can he fight against such a behemoth as the Wei family?

Oh, he is now regarded as the supervisor of Si Tianjian of the first government, and he can also be regarded as a middle-level official of the Wei Dynasty.

So, when these people dealt with him, they did not do it in a big way, but in secret?

Fang Yue took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He knew that he couldn't mess up his position now, he had to calmly analyze the situation and find a countermeasure.

"If Wei Chengliang really wants to kill me because of Zhu Linlang, then he will definitely not do it blatantly. After all, he has to lose face."

Thinking of this, a cold light flashed in Fang Yue's eyes: "Since you want to deal with me secretly, then I will play with you. I want to see who wins in the end! If you dare to reach out, I will chop off your hands!" "

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and then a familiar voice sounded outside the door: "Mr. Fang, are you in there?"

Fang Yue immediately calmed down his mind, calmed down his emotions, and then said: "I'm here, come in."

The door was gently pushed open, and a young man wearing a blue gown walked in. He was Fang Yue's subordinate, an official of Si Tianjian.

"Sir, what do you want from me?" the young man asked.

Fang Yue looked at him and said in a deep voice: "Is there any news in Yujing City recently? Especially regarding the Duke of Wei."

When the young man heard this, his expression changed slightly, and then he whispered: "Sir, how do you know? There are indeed some rumors that the Wei Guogong family has been making frequent moves recently and seems to be planning something secretly. Moreover, it is said that they are also planning something secretly. There is collusion with some ministers in the DPRK and China, with unknown intentions.”

"Oh, by the way, there is also an elder in their family who has left Yujing City and is missing."

The elders of Wei Guogong's family are the Dinghai Shenzhen of this top family in Wei Dynasty, and every one of them is at least a master of shape-shifting.

A trace of surprise flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, did his family leave Yujing City? This is no small matter. You must know that the elders of the Duke of Wei are not only the pillars of the family, but also important figures in the Wei Dynasty. They usually don't leave Yujing City easily unless something important happens.

"Do you know the specific time and whereabouts of that elder's departure?" Fang Yue asked hurriedly.

The young man shook his head and said: "The specific time is not clear, but it should have happened in the past few days. As for where he went, no one knows. The Wei Guogong family keeps this matter strictly confidential."

Fang Yue frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart. There must be a reason why the old man left Beijing, and it was probably aimed at him. After all, his recent conflict with the Duke of Wei has intensified to an irreconcilable point.

"Who else knows about this matter?" Fang Yue asked in a deep voice.

"Only a few people know about it at present, and the news has not spread yet." The young man replied.

Fang Yue nodded and said: "Okay, you did a good job. You have to continue to pay close attention to this matter and report to me immediately as soon as there is new news. In addition, you must also be careful and don't alert the snake."

"Yes, sir!" the young man responded, then turned and left.

Fang Yue looked at his back and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It seems that this storm is more violent than I imagined. Mr. Wei, what on earth do you want to do?"

Thinking of this, Fang Yue's eyes flashed with determination.

He took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Now, all he has to do is wait and see what happens and wait for the opportunity to come.


The night was as dark as ink, and Jade Capital City seemed to be shrouded in a thick layer of darkness. Only the secret room in the Duke's Mansion was brightly lit, in sharp contrast to the surrounding silence.

Wei Chengliang was sitting in his study, with an open secret letter in front of him, the content of which made him extremely angry.

He originally thought that the two people he sent could easily deal with Fang Yue, but he didn't expect to be killed by the other party.

This not only frustrated his plan, but also severely damaged the Wei family's power in the Enshrinement Department and Si Tianjian.

"This Fang Yue is really cunning!" Wei Chengliang said through gritted teeth.

He knew that it was no longer as simple as just trying to kill Fang Yue.

Fang Yue's existence has seriously threatened the Wei family's status and interests. If he is not eliminated as soon as possible, the consequences will be disastrous.

Thinking of this, Wei Chengliang took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He knew that he couldn't rush for success now and had to make new plans to ensure nothing went wrong.

At this moment, a confidant hurriedly walked in and reported in a low voice: "Master, the elder has already set off and is expected to arrive at Gunzhou Mansion in seven days."

A hint of ruthlessness flashed in Wei Chengliang's eyes when he heard this: "Very good, there must be no more mistakes in this operation. Inform everyone to be ready, and start as soon as the elder arrives!"

The confidant responded and turned away.

Wei Chengliang sat in the study, staring at the front with a sinister look.

He knew that the contest had reached a critical moment, and both sides were secretly arranging, waiting for the other's flaws.

However, he also knew that he had to be more cautious and ruthless than the other party in order to have the last laugh in this contest.


At the same time, the atmosphere in Luoshui City, the largest city in the north of Gunzhou Prefecture, was also extremely tense.

"Leader, the court's crackdown is getting more and more severe. If this continues, all the Erlangs under our command will be beheaded! We can't go on like this, we can't sit and wait for death!"

The leader of the Shadow Society in Luoshui City, a man with a black cloak and a deep face, was sitting in a dark secret room at this moment, listening to his men's anxious reports.

His eyes were cold, as if he could see through people's hearts, and also revealed an unquestionable majesty.

"The court's crackdown is indeed getting more and more severe, but our Shadow Society is not a pushover."

The leader spoke slowly, his voice low and powerful, "Pass the order down, let everyone prepare, we will start the rebellion tonight!"

Hearing the leader's order, the men were refreshed and excited.

They had long been dissatisfied and angry with the court's crackdown, and now they finally had a chance to fight back.

The leader nodded slightly, knowing that the morale of his men had reached its peak, which was exactly what he needed.

He went on to say: "Remember, take down the City Lord's Mansion tonight, don't worry about the City Guards, someone will take care of it! Only success is allowed this time, not failure!"

The men responded in unison: "Yes, leader!" Their eyes flashed with a firm light, full of confidence and expectation for the upcoming action.

With the leader's order, the Shadow Society's men acted quickly.

They were like ghosts in the dark night, sneaking into the City Lord's Mansion silently.

The defenders in the City Lord's Mansion had lost their due vigilance due to a long period of comfortable life, and did not notice the actions of the Shadow Society at all.

When the Shadow Society's troops suddenly launched an attack, the defenders in the City Lord's Mansion fell into chaos.

They fought hastily, but could not resist the fierce offensive of the Shadow Society at all.

Soon, the City Lord's Mansion was surrounded by the Shadow Society's troops and became their possession.

At the same time, the City Guards also learned about the Shadow Society's uprising.

Although they were numerous, they were neglected in training and their combat effectiveness was not strong.

In addition, the Shadow Society's troops acted quickly and unexpectedly, and the City Guards soon fell into a passive situation.

In the fierce battle, the Shadow Society's troops showed amazing combat effectiveness and cohesion.

They fought bravely, fearless of life and death, and soon beat the City Guards to pieces.

The generals of the City Guards also lost their former prestige in this battle and could only watch their subordinates fall one by one.

Finally, under the fierce attack of the Shadow Society, the city guards completely collapsed and fled in all directions.


The news that the Shadow Society had rebelled and occupied Luoshui City spread quickly in Gunzhou Prefecture like wildfire. For a time, people were in panic, and all kinds of discussions were heard one after another.

"Have you heard? Luoshui City was occupied by the Shadow Society!"

"How is this possible? Hasn't the Shadow Society been suppressed by the court? How dare they rebel openly?"

"You don't understand this? The court's crackdown is getting more and more severe. The people of the Shadow Society must have been forced into a desperate situation, so they took risks."

"What should we do now? Luoshui City is the largest city in the north of Gunzhou Prefecture. If it is controlled by the Shadow Society, wouldn't it give them the capital to compete with the court?"

"Alas, who said it wasn't? Now we can only hope that the court can send troops to quell the rebellion as soon as possible."

In the Sitianjian of Gunzhou Prefecture, the officials were also worried and talked about it.

"Master Fang, the Shadow Society rebelled and occupied Luoshui City. What should we do?" An official anxiously reported to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue smiled slightly and said in a deep voice: "This matter is of great importance, but what does it have to do with our Si Tian Jian? If there is any headache, it is the government office's business."

Fang Yue's words startled the officials present, and then someone reacted and echoed: "Mr. Fang is right. This is something the government office should worry about. We Si Tian Jian only need to do our job well."

However, another official looked worried and said: "That being said, the rebellion of the Shadow Society will probably cause a lot of trouble. Although our Si Tian Jian is not directly involved in the rebellion, we must also pay close attention to the situation to avoid being involved."

Fang Yue nodded and said: "You are right. We can't sit idly by. Pass the order and let everyone strengthen the surveillance and intelligence collection of the Shadow Society. Report to me immediately if there is any movement."

Just then, a subordinate hurried in and handed Fang Yue a secret report.

Fang Yue took the secret report and saw a gleam in his eyes.

The secret report said: "The patriarch of the Wei family has secretly arrived in Gunzhou Prefecture."


Fang Yue snorted coldly. Since they were going to deal with him, he would not be polite.


At the same time,

Wei Qianxing, the patriarch of the Wei family, had secretly entered Gunzhou Prefecture.

He is an old man with white hair but vigorous spirit, with sharp light flashing in his eyes, as if he can see through everything.

As the pillar of the Wei family, his arrival undoubtedly added a bit of tension to this undercurrent contest.

Wei Qianxing did not go directly to Gunzhou Prefecture, but chose a hidden place to stay.

Then, he quickly met with the members of the Wei family who had been lurking in Gunzhou Prefecture.

"Family elder, you are finally here!"

When these Wei family members saw Wei Qianxing, they all showed awe and joy. They knew the status and strength of this family elder in the Wei family. His arrival undoubtedly made them more confident.

Wei Qianxing nodded slightly, as a response to their greetings, and then asked in a deep voice: "What is the current situation?"

A member of the Wei family immediately stepped forward to report: "Go home, the Shadow Society has successfully occupied Luoshui City, and is currently consolidating the city defense and recruiting soldiers.

The court seems to have not received any definite news, so it has not sent troops to quell the rebellion for the time being."

After hearing this, Wei Qianxing's eyes flashed with a hint of satisfaction. He nodded slightly and said: "Very good, the Shadow Society acted quickly this time and caught the court off guard. It just happened to cover our actions. This time, we will use the Shadow Society to get rid of Fang Yue!"

Hearing Wei Qianxing's plan, all the members of the Wei family present showed a look of shock.

They knew that Fang Yue was not an ordinary opponent, and it was not easy to get rid of him. But with the cover of the Shadow Society, things became much simpler.

"The elder is wise!" A member of the Wei family couldn't help but admire.

Wei Qianxing smiled slightly and waved his hand to indicate that there was no need to be polite. He went on to say, "However, we must also be fully prepared. Fang Yue is cunning and not easy to deal with. We must keep a close eye on his movements to avoid being discovered by him."

Everyone responded in unison. They all knew how powerful Fang Yue was, so they did not dare to be careless.

After Wei Qianxing explained some things, he let everyone disperse and go about their own business.

He stayed in the foothold and began to practice meditation in order to maintain the strongest combat power in the next action.

In the following days, undercurrents surged in Gunzhou Prefecture, and all forces were making intensive arrangements.

Under the command of Wei Qianxing, the members of the Wei family acted more secretly and cautiously. They kept collecting intelligence on Fang Yue and looking for the best time to take action.

And Fang Yue also sensed the tense atmosphere in the air. He knew that the Wei family would definitely make some moves.

He knew that the Wei family was acting in secret, and he was also setting traps, waiting for the other party to take the bait.

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