Faced with such a severe situation, Fang Yue did not show any panic.

Because it was none of his business. As the supervisor of the Sitianjian stationed in Gunzhou Prefecture, it was the responsibility of the governor of Gunzhou Prefecture and the local garrison to suppress the rebellion.

It had nothing to do with him.

If the city was really broken by then, it would not be difficult for him to leave with his cultivation.

As the night deepened, the candlelight in the study flickered, as if it also felt the tense atmosphere outside. Fang Yue still sat upright at the desk, his eyes firm and deep, as if he could keep his heart calm no matter how turbulent the outside world was.

Suddenly, a hurried sound of footsteps broke the tranquility of the study, and a messenger in a tight robe and with an anxious look on his face rushed in.

"Master Supervisor, urgent information!" The messenger said breathlessly, handing over a sealed letter with both hands.

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, took the letter and opened it quickly. His eyes quickly swept over the letter, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"My dear nephew Fang Yue, the Lord of Gunzhou Prefecture neglected his duties, colluded with the Shadow Society, and committed crimes. He will be arrested and charged soon. In view of the current situation in Gunzhou Prefecture, someone in the court recommended you to serve as the Lord of Gunzhou Prefecture concurrently, and the appointment letter is on the way. There may be a conspiracy, be cautious."

This letter was delivered by Kui Hengwu, the head of the Ministry of Astronomy. It mainly reminded Fang Yue of the risks and challenges that may exist in this position. Fang Yue took a deep breath, put the letter on the table, and fell into deep thought.

He understood that this appointment was not a simple promotion, but a test, and it might even be a conspiracy against him.

The position of the Lord of Gunzhou Prefecture is now like a hot potato, and whoever takes over may get burned.

However, he also knew that if he refused this appointment, the other party might have a backhand.

So, whether he refused or not, he had fallen into the other party's scheme.

Fang Yue felt an invisible pressure gradually enveloping him.

He understood that he had been involved in a complicated power game, and whether he accepted or rejected the appointment, he would face unknown risks and challenges.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner fluctuations.

He knew that the most important thing now was to keep a calm and clear mind in order to make the wisest choice.

He picked up the letter on the table again and read it carefully. The word "conspiracy" mentioned in the letter made him frown.

He understood that there might be deeper secrets and more complicated power entanglements behind this appointment.

Fang Yue thought about countermeasures.

He knew that he could not passively wait for the development of the situation, but must take the initiative to attack and master more information and resources in order to gain an advantageous position in the future struggle.

"Humph, whether this mansion lord is or not, he may be calculated. Once the appointment letter enters the capital of Gunzhou Prefecture, I will be passive."

"So, the best way is to intercept this appointment letter!"

Fang Yue made up his mind and decided to intercept this appointment letter immediately.

However, he also knew that it was too risky to act in Gunzhou Prefecture and it would be easy for the other party to detect it.

Therefore, he decided to quietly leave Gunzhou Prefecture and personally intercept the special envoy team.

In the night, Fang Yue changed into a black tight robe and left the study quietly.


At the same time.

On the official road leading to Gunzhou Prefecture.

More than a dozen guards riding dragon-scale horses and wearing red and black brocade clothes were guarding a middle-aged man and were galloping towards Gunzhou Prefecture.

"Sir, why do we have to rush so fast? We keep going day and night, and even the dragon-scale horses can't bear it."

This middle-aged man was the special envoy sent by the court this time, Wei Jinzhong, the third master from the Duke of Wei.

He shook his head solemnly, "This mission is important and concerns the future of Gunzhou Prefecture. We cannot be lax. The appointment letter must be delivered as soon as possible to avoid more trouble."

He knew the importance of this appointment letter and was even more aware of his responsibilities.

This appointment letter is a weapon to nail Fang Yue to Gunzhou Prefecture.

If it is delayed on the way, wouldn't it be a big deal for the family!

As a core figure of the Duke of Wei, Wei Jinzhong knows the power struggle in the court.

He knows that the appointment of the Lord of Gunzhou Prefecture involves the game and competition of multiple forces behind it.

And Fang Yue, as the Supervisor of the Sitianjian stationed in Gunzhou Prefecture, is undoubtedly an important chess piece in this game.

Although Fang Yue has a superior status in Gunzhou Prefecture, Wei Jinzhong knows that he is not without weaknesses. As long as he has enough information and resources, he can play him in the palm of his hand.

For example, this appointment. But the Wei family spent a lot of money to make it happen. As long as the appointment is issued, Fang Yue must defend the city of Gunzhou Prefecture to the death.

As long as that time comes, Fang Yue will inevitably be killed in the city.

If Fang Yue dares to escape, he will be labeled a bandit. At that time, the Wei Dynasty will be wanted nationwide, and this guy will have no choice but to die!

Thinking of this, a cunning light flashed in Wei Jinzhong's eyes.

He turned to the guards beside him and said, "Pass the order, speed up! Make sure to get to Gunzhou Prefecture before dawn!"

The guards were refreshed and agreed in unison.

Then, they urged the dragon scale horses under their crotches to speed up and gallop forward.

In the night, the dust on the official road was flying, and the hooves of the dragon scale horses were rapid and powerful.

Wei Jinzhong sat upright on the horse, his expression cold and firm.

He knew that the outcome of this power game would be revealed at the moment that was about to come.

However, he did not realize that Fang Yue had already seen through his plan in advance and was ready to deal with it.


In a dense forest not far from the border of Gunzhou Prefecture, Fang Yue was alone, quietly lying in ambush among the dense branches and leaves.

He just stood there, as if he had merged with the surrounding trees and grass, almost imperceptible.

Fang Yue's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at the movements on the official road. Although the night was getting darker, his vision was not affected at all, as if he could penetrate the darkness and see everything clearly.

After all, his cultivation had reached the current level, and his five senses were already sharper than a human, so there was no need to mention seeing things at night.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the official road was still silent. However, Fang Yue did not have the slightest impatience or anxiety.

He knew that patience was a necessary quality for a hunter, and only by waiting for the prey to walk into the trap by itself could he kill it with one blow.

Suddenly, a breeze blew through the dense forest, and the leaves rustled, as if it was the whisper of nature. Fang Yue's ears moved slightly, and he felt that there seemed to be some unusual breath in the breeze.

Just then, a burst of hurried horse hoof sounds came from the official road in the distance, breaking the tranquility of the night. Fang Yue was refreshed, knowing that the prey had finally taken the bait, and he was ready to attack.

However, just as the envoy team was about to enter his ambush circle, something unexpected happened.

A black horse suddenly rushed out of the woods next to it and ran straight to the official road. The rider on the horse was dressed in black, with a scarf on his face, and his face could not be seen clearly. He held a long sword, and the sword body flashed with cold light, obviously coming with bad intentions.

This sudden change startled Fang Yue's heart. He didn't expect that besides himself, there would be other people who would ambush the envoy team here. Moreover, looking at the attire and momentum of the man in black, it was obviously not an ordinary robber.

The envoy team was also disrupted by this sudden attack. The guards drew their swords to fight, and Wei Jinzhong's face changed drastically. He didn't expect to encounter such an attack when he was about to arrive at Gunzhou Prefecture.

The black-clothed man had sharp swordsmanship and agility. He quickly broke through the guards' defense line and went straight to Wei Jinzhong.

Although Wei Jinzhong was also a master, he soon fell into a disadvantage under the fierce attack of the black-clothed man and could only barely resist.

As he retreated, he shouted loudly: "Who are you? How dare you intercept the imperial envoy!"

The black-clothed man did not answer, but just swung his sword and pressed on, each move was fatal.

Wei Jinzhong knew that something was wrong. The black-clothed man was obviously coming for him, and he was so powerful that he might not be able to resist him.

Fang Yue hid in the dense forest and quietly observed this sudden battle.

He did not take action immediately, but chose to wait and see.

After all, the appearance of the black-clothed man disrupted his plan, but it also provided him with an opportunity to observe.

The black-clothed man's swordsmanship was sharp, and each sword went straight to Wei Jinzhong's vitals, obviously trying to kill him.

Although Wei Jinzhong was also a master, he looked a little embarrassed under the fierce attack of the black-clothed man.

He could only barely resist, and at the same time shouted loudly for the guards to come to support.

However, the black-clothed man's attack was too swift, and the guards could not get close at all. They could only shoot arrows from the periphery to try to interfere with the black-clothed man's attack.

But the black-clothed man was flexible and easily dodged the arrows, and continued to launch a fierce attack on Wei Jinzhong.

Fang Yue watched this battle and couldn't help but secretly admire the black-clothed man's strength.

He could see that the black-clothed man's cultivation was a master of the middle stage of the innate realm, and might even be higher. Moreover, his swordsmanship was exquisite, and each sword contained powerful power.

However, Fang Yue also noticed some details.

He found that when the black-clothed man attacked, he always intentionally or unintentionally avoided a certain part of Wei Jinzhong's body, and it seemed that he didn't want to take his life immediately.

This made him feel a little strange. Could it be that there was some grudge between the man in black and Wei Jinzhong? Or was his purpose not to kill, but to have other intentions?

Just as he was thinking, the man in black suddenly stabbed Wei Jinzhong's chest with a sword. The speed of this sword was so fast that Wei Jinzhong could not dodge it at all. The tip of the sword was about to pierce his chest.

However, at the moment when the tip of the sword was about to touch Wei Jinzhong's clothes, the man in black suddenly stopped the sword and slapped Wei Jinzhong with the sword body, sending him flying.

Wei Jinzhong fell heavily to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. He struggled to stand up and looked at the man in black with horror on his face, "Who...you are? Why do you want to kill me?"

The man in black sneered, but did not answer. He just pointed his sword at Wei Jinzhong, as if waiting for something.

Wei Jinzhong was shocked and angry at this moment, and his mind was full of thoughts.

As a core figure of the Wei family, how could he have encountered such a dangerous situation on weekdays?

The strength of the man in black far exceeded his expectations, making him feel a deep sense of powerlessness. He knew in his heart that tonight would not end well.

At this moment, the man in black suddenly said coldly: "Wei Jinzhong, you don't need to know who I am. You just need to hand over the appointment letter, and I will spare your life."

Wei Jinzhong was stunned when he heard this, and then he understood the intention of the man in black.

It turned out that the man in black came for the appointment letter!

He was suddenly filled with anger. This appointment letter was related to the future of Gunzhou Prefecture and the interests of his Wei family. How could he hand it over easily?

He gritted his teeth and said firmly: "Don't even think about it! This appointment letter is an important document of the court. How can it fall into the hands of a thief like you?"

The man in black sneered, and he didn't seem surprised by Wei Jinzhong's reaction.

He gently waved the long sword in his hand, and a sword light flashed, pointing directly at Wei Jinzhong's throat.

Wei Jinzhong was shocked and hurriedly stepped back a few steps, narrowly avoiding the sword.

"If you don't hand over the appointment letter, your life will be in danger." The man in black said coldly, revealing an unquestionable majesty in his tone.

Wei Jinzhong was in a dilemma at this moment.

He knew that the man in black was powerful and he was no match for him.

But if he handed over the appointment letter, the future of Gunzhou Prefecture might fall into the hands of others, which he could never accept.

At this moment, a burst of hurried horse hooves suddenly came from a distance.

The man in black's face changed slightly when he heard the voice. He turned his head and saw a group of cavalrymen galloping over, led by a middle-aged man in brocade clothes.

The middle-aged man in brocade clothes had a dignified face and revealed an extraordinary temperament between his eyebrows. His eyes were like torches, sweeping across the black-clothed man and Wei Jinzhong in the field, and he seemed to understand the current situation immediately.

When the man in black saw the middle-aged man in brocade clothes, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. He obviously knew this middle-aged man and knew that his identity and strength should not be underestimated.

When Wei Jinzhong saw the middle-aged man in brocade clothes, his eyes lit up, as if he had seen a savior. He hurriedly shouted: "General Li, come and save me!"

It turned out that the middle-aged man in brocade clothes was the commander of the garrison in Gunzhou Prefecture, General Li.

He was also a top master master with innate great success. With the hundreds of elite soldiers behind him, the combat power was even stronger after forming a battle formation.

General Li frowned slightly when he heard Wei Jinzhong's shout.

He glanced at the man in black, then at Wei Jinzhong, and understood about 70% of the situation.

He knew that the man in black was obviously here to intercept the appointment letter, and Wei Jinzhong was a special envoy sent by the court.

This fight, no matter what the result, will bring a lot of trouble to Gunzhou Prefecture.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath and said loudly: "Who are you? Why are you intercepting the special envoy of the court here?"

The man in black sneered and did not answer. He knew that the appearance of General Li made the situation more complicated.

But he was not afraid, because he was confident that he could get out of it safely.

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