In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the bluestone road of Si Tianjian, adding a bit of solemnity and solemnity to this mysterious institution.

Fang Yue stood in front of Li Chunfeng's door, feeling nervous and expectant.

He knew that the news he had been waiting for was about to be revealed.

The door slowly opened with a creak, and Li Chunfeng's face appeared behind the door. There was a hint of solemnity on his face, but a firm light shone in his eyes.

"Brother Fang, there is news for the person you are waiting for."

Li Chunfeng's voice was low and powerful, as if every word carried important information.

Fang Yue's heart suddenly tightened. He quickly walked into the room and asked impatiently: "Tell me, what did you find?"

Li Chunfeng signaled Fang Yue to be calm, and then slowly took out a secret volume from his sleeve.

He carefully unfolded the secret volume and saw that it was densely filled with words and numbers. It was obviously information that had been carefully organized and arranged.

"Lin Wanyin is the daughter of Lin Qian, the prime minister of the dynasty. She is a famous lady in the capital. She is talented and beautiful, and is deeply favored by the emperor."

Li Chunfeng read the contents of the secret scroll while observing Fang Yue's reaction, "However, according to our in-depth investigation, she actually has a more secret identity - one of the three deputy leaders of the Shadow Society."

Fang Yue was shocked when he heard this, and the expression on his face instantly became complicated. He never imagined that the woman he had been paying attention to would have such a profound background.

"The Shadow Society?" He frowned and asked in confusion, "How is this possible?"

Li Chunfeng nodded and said solemnly: "It is indeed true. We don't dare to believe it easily, but after repeated verifications, this information should be correct."

Fang Yue took a deep breath and tried to calm down the shock in his heart.

Unexpectedly, there was such a shocking secret hidden behind her. The Shadow Society, the anti-thief organization second only to the Blood Dragon Platform in the Wei Dynasty, was inextricably linked to the daughter of an important official of the imperial court.

Fang Yue was silent for a moment, digesting the shocking news. His eyes revealed indescribable complex emotions, including shock at Lin Wanyin's identity and thoughts on the next action plan.

"Thank you, Brother Li." Fang Yue thanked him with his hands.

When Li Chunfeng saw this, he also bowed back and said: "Brother Fang, you are too polite. You and I are both colleagues and friends, so we should do our best to help."

Fang Yue nodded and said, "Brother Li is right. It's just that this matter is of great importance, and I must go and verify it myself."

Li Chunfeng frowned slightly and reminded: "Brother Fang, the Shadow Society is powerful and secretive. You must be careful when you go."

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with determination and he said, "Brother Li, don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion."

Immediately, Fang Yue left Si Tianjian.

Li Chunfeng stood in the room, looking at Fang Yue's leaving figure, and sighed deeply.

He knew that if Fang Yue went here, he would face great danger, which could almost be said to be a narrow escape from death.

But, he had no choice.

If Fang Yue didn't die, he would be the one who died.

At this moment, the door to the room was suddenly pushed open, and a middle-aged man in rich clothes walked in.

This man had a gloomy face and a cunning light in his eyes. He was the current Situ Wang Yun.

Wang Yun walked into the room and looked at Li Chunfeng with a satisfied look on his face: "Li Chunfeng, you did a good job this time. I saw you right. You are indeed a person who understands current affairs."

Li Chunfeng's heart trembled, but he remained calm on the surface. He lowered his head slightly and said, "Wang Situ has given you too much praise. I just fulfilled my due responsibilities."

Wang Yun laughed loudly, walked up to Li Chunfeng, and patted his shoulder: "Okay, okay, as long as you continue to serve me, I guarantee you a bright future and endless enjoyment of glory and wealth."

Li Chunfeng sneered in his heart, but responded respectfully on his face: "Thank you, Wang Situ, for the promotion. I will do my best to serve Lord Situ."

Wang Yun nodded with satisfaction, turned and walked to the window, looked at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, and said leisurely: "Li Chunfeng, do you know? This court, just like the sky, seems calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent. Only by standing tall can you see far and control your own destiny.”

Li Chunfeng's heart moved, and he vaguely felt that there seemed to be something in Wang Yun's words. He was about to ask, but Wang Yun turned around and looked at him seriously: "Since Lin Wanyin's identity has been exposed, there is no need for her to stay in this world. You find a chance , get rid of her."

Li Chunfeng was shocked. Although he had expected that Wang Yun would attack Lin Wanyin, he did not expect it to be so quick. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Wang Situ, Lin Wanyin is the daughter of the prime minister after all. If you act rashly, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

"Trouble?" A hint of viciousness flashed across Wang Yun's face, "It was Fang Yue who killed the person, so what trouble can there be? Li Chunfeng, you don't want to regret it, do you?"

As he spoke, his gaze pierced Li Chunfeng like a knife, as if he wanted to see through his heart.

Li Chunfeng's heart tightened. He knew that he had no way out and could only agree to it before making other plans. He took a deep breath and said firmly: "Don't worry, Wang Situ, I will definitely handle this matter."

Wang Yun nodded with satisfaction. He walked up to Li Chunfeng and whispered: "Remember, it must be done cleanly and without leaving any traces. Also, this matter must not be known to a third party, do you understand? "

Li Chunfeng knew in his heart that Wang Yun wanted him to take the blame. Once the matter was exposed, he would become the scapegoat. But he also knew that now he had no choice but to agree first and then find a way to deal with it.

"Yes, Wang Situ, I will definitely take care of this matter." Li Chunfeng responded respectfully.

Wang Yun patted Li Chunfeng on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Very good, Li Chunfeng, I didn't misjudge you. As long as you do things well for me, you will benefit from me in the future."

After saying that, Wang Yun turned and left the room. Li Chunfeng stood there, looking at Wang Yun's leaving figure, his heart filled with helplessness and sadness.

He knew that he had been completely involved in the vortex of this power struggle and could no longer escape.

Otherwise, he would not want to provoke either Fang Yue or Wang Situ.

But now, being plotted by Wang Situ, he could only go to the dark side in one way.


As night falls, the bustling hustle and bustle of Yujing City gradually falls silent, replaced by a mysterious tranquility.

Fang Yue left the residence quietly, and his figure quickly shuttled through the dim streets and alleys, as silently as a breeze.

His destination was a brothel in the north of Yujing City. According to the information obtained, Lin Wanyin was lurking in it.

In the night, Fang Yue's figure stopped in the side alley of the brothel. He looked up at the brightly lit building, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

He knew that he had to be careful in his next actions, as a slight mistake could expose his identity and cause unnecessary trouble.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and then slowly walked towards the door of the brothel.

He did not go in directly, but lingered at the door for a while, observing the movements around him.

After making sure there was nothing unusual, he stepped in.

The brothel was very lively, with the sound of silk and bamboo playing endlessly, and the graceful figures of the dancers dancing under the lights, attracting the attention of many guests.

Fang Yue had no intention of appreciating this. He walked straight to the counter and asked in a low voice the whereabouts of Lin Wanyin.

Seeing Fang Yue's extraordinary bearing and generous spending, the old bustard immediately greeted him warmly.

A hint of cunning flashed in her eyes, but she pretended to be mysterious and said: "Sir, the person you are looking for is our number one here, but she is currently accompanying guests, so I am afraid it is not convenient to see you."

Fang Yue's heart tightened, but he said calmly: "It doesn't matter, I can wait." After saying that, he handed the Madam a piece of silver, "Can you please help me arrange a private room for me, and prepare some good wine?" Good food.”

The madam took the money, smiled from ear to ear, and quickly responded: "Okay, sir, please come with me." With that, she led Fang Yue up to the second floor and came to a luxuriously decorated private room. .

Fang Yue walked into the private room, closed the door, sat by the window and waited quietly.

He knew that Lin Wanyin had a special status and would not show up easily. He had to wait patiently for the opportunity.

As time passed by, Fang Yue's heart gradually sank.

He didn't know how long he had to wait, or whether Lin Wanyin would really appear here.

However, he had no intention of giving up and knew he had to persevere.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps outside the door. Fang Yue's heart moved and he immediately looked at the door alertly.

The door was gently pushed open, and a woman wearing a gauze came in.

She has a delicate face and a cold air in her eyes. She is Lin Wanyin.

When Fang Yue saw Lin Wanyin, he couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in his heart.

He was not only surprised by Lin Wanyin's beauty and temperament, but also lamented her identity and experiences.

However, he did not forget his mission. He took a deep breath and tried to calm the fluctuations in his heart.

Lin Wanyin seemed a little surprised when she saw Fang Yue's serious expression. She blessed her body gently and said softly: "Master, do you have anything to do with me?"

Fang Yue calmed down and asked, "Ms. Lin, we haven't seen each other for a few days, why did we fall apart?"

When Lin Wanyin heard this, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he quickly regained his composure. She smiled softly and said: "Young master is joking. We have never met before, so how can we tell you about them?"

Fang Yue shook his head and said firmly: "Miss Lin, or Lin Wanyin."

"Well, Young Master Fang was able to find this place."

Lin Wanyin sighed softly, knowing that there was no point in hiding it anymore.

She raised her head and looked directly into Fang Yue's eyes, with a hint of helplessness in her voice: "Since Mr. Fang already knows, why bother asking me again?"

Fang Yue stared at her, a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes. He was silent for a while and then said slowly: "I just want to hear what you have to say."

Lin Wanyin smiled bitterly, knowing that she had no way out. She took a deep breath and began to tell her story.

She is indeed the daughter of the current prime minister, but her other identity is one of the three deputy leaders of the Shadow Society.

Today, the imperial court is corrupt, powerful officials are in power, and the people are living in dire straits.

The Shadow Society came into being under this background, aiming to overthrow the tyranny and restore peace to the world.

Although Lin Wanyin was the daughter of the prime minister and enjoyed prosperity and wealth, she was deeply saddened by the corruption of the court and the suffering of the people.

She resolutely joined the Shadow Society and became one of the three vice-leaders, secretly planning and executing various resistance activities.

She used her identity and status to provide a lot of intelligence and resources to the Shadow Society, becoming an indispensable member of the organization.

However, she also knew that once her identity was exposed, she would face great danger.

She had to carefully hide her whereabouts and identity, for fear of bringing disaster to the organization and her family.

Fang Yue listened to Lin Wanyin's story, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

He admired Lin Wanyin's courage and determination, and was moved by her identity and experience.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his inner fluctuations.

"So, Miss Lin, you know that I have a deep grudge with the Shadow Society, why did you come to me?" Fang Yue asked.

Lin Wanyin looked at Fang Yue, and a trace of complex emotions flashed in her eyes.

She sighed lightly and said slowly: "Mr. Fang, I came to you because I believe you are not the kind of person who is blinded by hatred. You have extraordinary wisdom and judgment, and I believe you can understand everything I do."

Fang Yue listened to Lin Wanyin's words, and an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart.

He was silent for a long time before he slowly said, "Miss Lin, you think too highly of me. In my opinion, your Shadow Club and the Blood Dragon Platform are no different from the corrupt officials in this world."

When Lin Wanyin heard Fang Yue's words, a trace of shock and disappointment flashed in her eyes.

She didn't expect Fang Yue to look at the Shadow Club in this way and compare them with those corrupt officials.

"Mr. Fang, I know you may have some misunderstandings about our Shadow Club."

Lin Wanyin's voice trembled a little, but she still tried to stay calm, "But please believe that we are not acting for personal gain. Our goal is to overthrow the corrupt court and allow the people to live a better life."

"Even if we don't mention these, you and I have a common enemy, which is the basis for cooperation!"

Fang Yue was about to speak, but at this moment, Fang Yue suddenly felt a strong murderous aura coming from outside the door. His heart tightened and he immediately looked at the window vigilantly.

The next moment.

With a bang, a city-breaking arrow as thick as an arm broke through the air and went straight to Fang Yue.

The steel arrow, as thick as an arm, was about ten feet long. It broke through the air and struck like a cannon.

With amazing power and whistling sound, the arrow instantly penetrated the window of the private room and headed straight for Fang Yue.

Fang Yue reacted quickly and dodged the fatal blow.

Then, the whole building was on the verge of collapse. (End of this chapter)

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