Lin Wanyin saw this, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, and she immediately realized that someone was attacking secretly.

"Mr. Fang, be careful!"

She exclaimed, dodged to the side quickly, and at the same time drew a short sword in her hand, looking around vigilantly.

Fang Yue's face was solemn, he knew that this attack was not trivial.

The power of the city-breaking arrow was enough to penetrate gold and stone, like a cannonball, with amazing power.

But with just one arrow, the small building was shaky under the residual power of the city-breaking arrow, and it could collapse at any time.

And the enemies in the dark obviously would not give up, they would definitely take the opportunity to launch a more fierce attack.

Sure enough, before Fang Yue could catch his breath, there was another explosion.

Three city-breaking arrows flew in a triangular shape, and the air made a sharp whistling sound because of their rapid movement. Each arrow contained amazing power, as if to tear the entire sky apart.

"Not good!" Fang Yue's pupils shrank, and his figure retreated instantly.

He knew that the city-breaking arrows were powerful arrows used by the Wei Dynasty to attack cities and break through gates. They were smelted with special black iron and fired with special crossbows made by divine craftsmen. They were extremely powerful. Even martial arts masters would not dare to resist them with their bodies.

But for Fang Yue now, it was not difficult for him to deal with it.

However, because he had to hide his true combat power, it was not easy to show it now. He could only dodge and avoid such attacks like an ordinary innate master.

He dodged quickly, and at the same time, the long sword in his hand swung out, and a sword light slashed at one of the city-breaking arrows.


The sound of metal collision sounded, and the sword light and the city-breaking arrow collided violently.


At the moment of collision, sparks flew, and the powerful impact made Fang Yue's body shake slightly.

He was secretly surprised in his heart. The power of this city-breaking arrow was indeed extraordinary, and even he did not dare to be careless.

However, he did not have time to think about it, because the other two city-breaking arrows had already followed closely.

Fang Yue retreated again, swinging the sword in his hand repeatedly, and sword beams slashed at the two city-breaking arrows.

Boom! Boom!

There were two more loud noises, and Fang Yue's sword beams collided with the city-breaking arrows again. He felt his arm slightly numb, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The power of this city-breaking arrow is too strong. If he wasn't strong enough, he would have been injured long ago.

"Mr. Fang, are you okay?" Lin Wanyin asked with concern.

She was shocked to see Fang Yue repel three city-breaking arrows in succession.

She knew that Fang Yue was very strong, but she didn't expect that he could deal with such an attack so easily.

Sure enough, he is not an ordinary innate master!

"I'm fine." Fang Yue shook his head, signaling Lin Wanyin not to worry.

He looked around with a serious look, trying to find the location of the enemy in the dark.

He knew that since the enemy had launched an attack, there would definitely be a more fierce offensive next.

As expected by Fang Yue, after the three arrows that broke through the city, several more arrows were shot.

Although these arrows were not as powerful as the arrows that broke through the city, they were extremely fast and hard to defend against.

Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin struggled to resist the attack of the arrows, while constantly moving their positions, trying to find the enemy's flaws.

However, the enemy was obviously also very cunning. They always kept a certain distance to launch attacks, making it impossible for Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin to get close.

"Aren't these assassins from your Shadow Society?" Fang Yue asked while resisting the attack.

Lin Wanyin shook her head when she heard it, "No, although the Shadow Society is good at assassination, their methods are completely different from these attackers. These attackers' arrows are accurate and powerful, and they are more like elite shooters in the army."

Fang Yue's heart moved, elite shooters in the army?

Could it be the army of the Great Wei Dynasty?

Why did they attack him here?

Could it be because some of his recent actions angered some high-level officials in the Great Wei Dynasty?

Although he was confused, his hands did not slow down at all. He swung his sword and shot down the sharp arrows one by one.

At the same time, he was also paying close attention to the movements around him, trying to find the enemy's traces.

Then, the attacking enemy was very fast and very familiar with Yujing City.

Fang Yue couldn't catch up for a while without revealing his true strength.


In this way, an hour passed between the pursuit and escape.

As the night deepened, the streets of Yujing City looked empty and silent under the moonlight.

However, under this quiet appearance, there was a surging murderous intent.

In the narrow and winding streets, Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin used the shadows of the buildings to cleverly avoid the sharp arrows shot by the enemy.

Every time an arrow whizzed past, they felt that death was passing by, but they did not retreat because of this. Instead, they became more determined to find the enemy's traces.

"These enemies have obviously received rigorous training, their archery skills are accurate and powerful, and they are definitely not ordinary innate masters." Fang Yue analyzed in a low voice.

Lin Wanyin nodded and added: "And their cooperation is also very tacit. Every attack almost blocks all our retreat routes. Such enemies are really tricky."

Just as the two were discussing countermeasures, another wave of dense arrow rain came.

This time, the enemy was obviously serious, and each arrow contained a strong penetrating power, as if to shoot through the two completely.

Fang Yue's eyes were stern, and he swung the long sword in his hand more fiercely. As the sword flashed, he shot down arrows one by one.

"No, we can't chase them anymore. The military camp of Yujing City is ahead!" At this moment, Lin Wanyin suddenly grabbed Fang Yue and said hurriedly. Her face was full of anxiety and tension, and she obviously realized the seriousness of the situation.

Fang Yue was slightly stunned, and looked up, only to see a brightly lit camp not far ahead, which was the location of the military camp of the Wei Dynasty.

The enemy obviously intended to lead them here. Once they stepped into the military camp, they would probably fall into an irretrievable situation.

He cursed in his heart for being cunning, but at the same time he had to admire the enemy's strategy.

They obviously knew the strength of himself and Lin Wanyin, and knew that it was difficult to win in a head-on confrontation, so they took advantage of the terrain and the number of people to lead them into danger step by step.

Seeing this, Fang Yue naturally knew that he could not continue to chase.

The two of them were ready to leave immediately.

But since the enemy had deliberately lured the two here, how could they let them go easily?

The next moment, a ignited rocket was shot from a roof not far away into the largest military camp in Yujing City.

I don’t know what it hit. The next moment, there was a bang, and the whole military camp exploded violently, and the flames suddenly shot up into the sky.

The night sky of Yujing City was dyed red by the flames, and the explosions in the military camp echoed in the silent night, shocking people. Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin looked at the flames in the distance in astonishment, and an ominous premonition surged in their hearts.

"What's going on?" Lin Wanyin's voice trembled a little.

Fang Yue frowned, and he immediately realized that this was the enemy's conspiracy. They deliberately lured the two here, and then created chaos in an attempt to involve the two. In this way, no matter how the two explained, they would inevitably be regarded as enemies by the army of the Wei Dynasty.

"We've fallen into a trap." Fang Yue said in a deep voice, "The enemy deliberately led us here and created chaos, wanting us to become targets of the Wei army."

Before he finished speaking, dozens of figures rushed out of the military camp and rushed towards the location where Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin were.

"Where did the traitor come from? How dare you attack my Wei Yulin Army? You're looking for death!" A loud shout rang out in the night sky, causing Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin's eardrums to hurt.

Then, dozens of soldiers in iron armor holding spears and shields rushed towards them like a tide.

These soldiers were obviously the elite in the military camp. Their movements were uniform and coordinated tacitly. The tips of their spears flashed with cold light, as if they were going to pierce the two of them completely.

"Go!" Fang Yue shouted in a low voice, grabbed Lin Wanyin's wrist, and dodged quickly.

Although these soldiers were nothing, if they were entangled, his identity would most likely be exposed.

If so, he would really be unable to clear himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

He didn't care, but his family might be implicated. So, he couldn't reveal his identity now.

Lin Wanyin also understood the seriousness of the situation. Following closely, the two turned into two streams of light, flying between the streets and rooftops, trying to get rid of these soldiers.

However, the enemy obviously didn't want them to escape easily. Just as the two were galloping, another wave of arrows fell from the sky, and the dense arrows blocked all their retreat routes.

"Not good!" Fang Yue's heart tightened. He swung his sword and chopped off the arrows one by one. At the same time, he circulated his vitality and his speed increased by several times.

Soon, these elite soldiers were left far behind.

But at this moment, Fang Yue felt a burst of fierce evil spirit coming from behind him.

Iron-blooded evil spirit, definitely a master in the army!

Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin were startled. They all knew that this kind of fierce evil spirit often meant that a master was approaching.

Moreover, judging from the strength of the evil spirit, the enemy coming this time was definitely not weak.

"Be careful!" Fang Yue shouted, holding the long sword tightly in his hand, ready to deal with possible attacks at any time.

Lin Wanyin also nervously drew out the short sword and looked around vigilantly.

She knew that she and Fang Yue were in danger now, and they might die here if they were not careful.

The evil spirit behind them was getting closer and closer, and Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin could even feel a cold breath coming towards them.

They knew that the enemy was close at hand.

At this moment, a figure in armor suddenly rushed out from the dark, and the long spear in his hand pierced Fang Yue's back with a fierce murderous aura.

This shot came fiercely and at a very fast speed, obviously wanting to kill Fang Yue in one fell swoop.

Facing this sudden and fierce killing move, Fang Yue's reaction was also very fast. He turned his body to the side and cleverly dodged the fatal shot. At the same time, he swung the long sword in his hand, and a sword light slashed at the figure.


The sound of metal collision rang out, and the sword light and the long spear collided violently, sparks flying.

The powerful impact caused the figure to sway slightly, revealing his true face.

This was a middle-aged man in black armor, with a resolute face and a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

He obviously didn't expect Fang Yue to be able to dodge his sneak attack so easily and even fight back.

"Little rebel, you dare to come to Yujing City to make trouble, you are really good! Today I, Shen Qingzhi, will kill you!"

Shen Qingzhi, the commander of the garrison in Yujing City, is known for his bravery and wisdom. He was born with the shape of a wind tiger and a sky eagle, and is a strong man among the masters of shape-changing.

His face was resolute, his figure was burly, and his black armor flashed a cold light in the moonlight, like a fierce star in the dark night.

The long spear in his hand was as agile as a dragon, and every swing was with the force of thunder, as if to tear the entire night sky apart.

Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

They knew that the appearance of Shen Qingzhi meant that it would not be easy to leave today.

Shen Qingzhi was extremely powerful, and every blow of his contained powerful force and murderous intent, as if to completely devour Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin.

Facing such an enemy, Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin did not dare to be careless.

They waved their weapons and engaged in a fierce battle with Shen Qingzhi.

The sword light and the gun shadow intertwined in the night sky, and every collision burst out dazzling sparks and deafening sounds.

The figures of the three people flashed quickly in the narrow streets, and every movement almost reached the limit of the flesh.

However, although Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin had tried their best, Shen Qingzhi's strength still shocked them.

His spear skills were not only powerful, but also varied, making it hard to defend against.

What made people even more afraid was that every strike of his seemed to be able to see through the opponent's weaknesses, and then kill with one strike.


It was another fierce collision. Fang Yue only felt his arm slightly numb, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Shen Qingzhi's strength was indeed extraordinary. If he was not strong enough, he would have been injured long ago.

He took a deep breath, tried to calm his inner fluctuations, and then swung his sword to attack Shen Qingzhi again.

He knew that he could not retreat now. Once he retreated, it would make the enemy more arrogant.

Moreover, he also wanted to see how much weight Shen Qingzhi had!

The sword light was like a dragon, drawing beautiful arcs in the night sky, and every swing of the sword seemed to tear the whole world apart.

However, facing Fang Yue's fierce attack, Shen Qingzhi remained calm.

There seemed to be some kind of wonderful rhythm in the movement of his spear, and every swing could cleverly dissolve Fang Yue's attack.

Moreover, every counterattack he made contained a powerful force, as if to completely defeat Fang Yue.

In this way, the two of them started a fierce battle in the narrow street, and the sword light and gun shadow intertwined into a gorgeous light curtain, which was dazzling.

Lin Wanyin was frightened watching from the side. She knew that Fang Yue was very strong, but she didn't expect that he could fight with a master like Shen Qingzhi for so long.

She couldn't help but admire Fang Yue more in her heart.

She also became more determined to pull Fang Yue into the organization. (End of this chapter)

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