However, just as the fierce battle between the two was in full swing, a cold arrow suddenly shot through the air and hit Fang Yue's back.

This arrow came extremely unexpectedly, and it was obviously a sneak attack.

Fang Yue was shocked, but he reacted very quickly, and instantly retreated several feet. At the same time, he swung the long sword in his hand, and a beam of sword light struck the arrow.


The arrow was hit by the sword light and instantly exploded into countless fragments.

Before Fang Yue fell, he saw several figures emerging from the darkness, holding sharp blades and heading towards him and Lin Wanyin.


Lin Wanyin exclaimed, swung out the dagger in his hand, and fought fiercely with a sneak attacker.

Fang Yue also quickly stabilized his body, and while dancing with his long sword, he repeled the sneak attackers one after another.

However, the strength of these sneak attackers was not weak, and they cooperated tacitly. Every attack almost put Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin in danger.

"Who are these people? They are so difficult to deal with!"

Fang Yue was secretly surprised. He found that he and Lin Wanyin had been surrounded by these sneak attackers, and the situation was extremely unfavorable.

Moreover, Shen Qingzhi was not idle either. He held a spear and approached Fang Yue step by step, obviously wanting to kill Fang Yue in one fell swoop.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, Fang Yue knew that he could not continue to be entangled.

He took a deep breath, channeled his energy, and prepared to use all his strength to repel these enemies in one fell swoop.

However, just as the two of them were concentrating on dealing with the enemy in front of them, another cold arrow silently shot at Fang Yue. This time, the arrows were faster and more elusive.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Fang Yue's heart tightened, but his years of combat experience allowed him to react instantly. One side of his body avoided the fatal blow at an almost impossible angle.


The arrow flew past the corner of his clothes and penetrated deeply into the tree trunk behind him.


A cold light flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, and he knew that this battle was no longer a simple contest, but a life and death fight.

He held the sword tightly and shuttled between the enemies like a ghost. Every time the sword light flashed, it was accompanied by a scream and the fall of a figure.

Lin Wanyin also showed her amazing strength. The dagger was like a snake in her hands, and every attack was extremely accurate, forcing the enemy to retreat.

However, Shen Qingzhi stood firmly in front of them like a mountain. The spear in his hand was like a dragon coming out of the sea, and every swing had a thunderous force, making both Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin feel a huge pressure.


There was a loud noise, and the swords and spears of Fang Yue and Shen Qingzhi collided fiercely, and dazzling sparks erupted.

The two figures flew out at the same time and landed several feet away.

Fang Yue felt his arms go numb, and was secretly shocked by Shen Qingzhi's strength. He knew that this battle could no longer be delayed, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, circulated all his energy, and prepared to launch his strongest attack.

However, at this moment, a crisp flute sound suddenly sounded in the night sky, melodious and mysterious.

As the flute sounded, the enemies who originally besieged Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin suddenly stopped attacking and turned around to leave.

Shen Qingzhi also frowned, glanced at Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin, then turned around and disappeared into the night.

Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin looked at each other and saw the confusion and surprise in each other's eyes.

They didn't know what the sound of the flute meant, nor why these enemies left suddenly.


The night is getting darker, and the stars are twinkling in the sky, as if dotted with endless darkness.

Fang Yue and Lin Wanyin stood on a messy battlefield, surrounded by fallen trees and enemy corpses.

The air was filled with the strong smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, as if to remind them that they had just experienced a life-and-death fight.

The two looked at each other speechlessly, both filled with doubts and uneasiness. They had no idea who those enemies were or why they suddenly left.

"What do you think is going on?" Fang Yue broke the silence and asked.

Lin Wanyin shook her head and frowned: "I don't know. But it's not safe here. We have to leave quickly."

"Well, it should be safe now. We should separate." Fang Yue nodded, but he had no intention of joining Lin Wanyin.

They have different positions, identities, and ideas. They are destined to be unable to walk together.

Lin Wanyin was silent, she knew that Fang Yue was telling the truth.

The intersection between them may be limited to this unexpected encounter and fighting side by side.

After tonight, they will return to their own life trajectories. However, she didn't want to give up.

However, Lin Wanyin also knew that haste makes waste.

Lin Wanyin nodded immediately, turned around and left.

When Lin Wanyin left, Fang Yue looked into the darkness not far away.

There was a faint sense of threat there.


The cold arrow flew past him and penetrated deeply into the tree trunk behind him.

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed, and he knew that the enemy hidden in the dark finally appeared.

He gripped the sword tightly and dodged the cold arrows shot from the dark place, while scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

I saw a figure slowly walking out of the darkness. It was a man in green, holding a bone flute in his hand.

The man in green had a sinister look on his face, and his eyes revealed a cold light. He stared at Fang Yue closely, as if he wanted to see through him.

The bone flute in his hand flashed a strange light in the moonlight, which made people shudder.

Fang Yue's heart tightened. He knew that this man in green was definitely not an ordinary person.

Judging from the aura emanating from him, this man's strength was stronger than that of the general just now.

"Are you sent by the Prime Minister's Mansion?" Fang Yue asked tentatively. He held the long sword tightly, ready to deal with the attack of the man in green at any time.

The man in green did not answer immediately. He looked at Fang Yue with a cold gaze, and then slowly said: "You don't need to know so much. Tonight, you only need to understand one thing, that is, your life, I will decide!"

After speaking, the man in green flashed and rushed towards Fang Yue at a very fast speed. The bone flute in his hand emitted a strange sound wave, which went straight to Fang Yue's vitals.

Fang Yue was prepared. He used his energy to protect his heart meridian and swung his sword at the man in green. However, the man in green was very fast. He dodged Fang Yue's sword with a light jump and slapped Fang Yue's chest with a palm.

Fang Yue felt a huge force coming, and he hurriedly stepped back a few steps before he could barely stabilize his body.

This man was indeed stronger and broke his defense. Fang Yue frowned slightly, and then took advantage of the opponent's attack and rushed behind him.

"Don't think about escaping!" The man in green shouted angrily and chased after him.

He was very fast, shuttling through the streets like a ghost.

One chasing and one escaping, the two soon left Yujing City and came to the wilderness.

In the wilderness, the moonlight was like water, silver light was scattered, and there was silence. However, this quiet night was broken by the pursuit of the two.

Fang Yue's figure passed quickly in front of him, his footsteps were light and powerful, and every step seemed to be able to cross several feet away.

However, the man in green was faster. He followed Fang Yue closely like a ghost, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.

A trace of grim smile appeared on the face of the man in green. He seemed to have seen Fang Yue surrender.

However, Fang Yue did not stop as he wished. Instead, he sped up and tried to get rid of the man in green.

The two of them started a thrilling chase in the wilderness, one in front and one behind.

Although the man in green was powerful, Fang Yue was not an ordinary person. He was looking for opportunities to fight back while running away.

Suddenly, Fang Yue's eyes lit up and he saw a small hill in front of him.

He had an idea in his mind. He turned sharply and rushed towards the hill.

Seeing this, the man in green showed a trace of doubt on his face, but his speed did not slow down.

He followed Fang Yue closely, and the two rushed up the hill one in front and one behind.

However, when the man in green rushed to the top of the mountain, he found that Fang Yue had disappeared.

He was startled and looked around, but he only saw a dense forest.

"Damn it! He actually let him run away!" The man in green cursed angrily, holding the bone flute tightly in his hand, with cold murderous intent in his eyes.

He looked around, trying to find Fang Yue's trace, but there was only a dense forest in front of him, and the moonlight shone through the treetops, casting mottled light and shadows.

The man in green took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He knew that impatience and anger would not help now, and he must find Fang Yue's whereabouts as soon as possible and kill him!

The man in green closed his eyes and carefully felt the breath around him, trying to capture any trace left by Fang Yue.

As a powerful warrior, his ability to perceive breath is far beyond that of ordinary people.

However, what surprised him was that he could not sense any breath of Fang Yue.

There is only one possibility, that is, Fang Yue has left this area, or he has some special way to cover up his breath.

"Damn it! Where did he go?" The man in green cursed in his heart.

But at this moment, a gust of evil wind hit.

The man in green opened his eyes alertly, and saw a black shadow rushing out from the depths of the woods at a very fast speed, rushing straight to his face.

He was startled, and his body retreated quickly, while waving the bone flute in his hand, and a sharp sound wave hit the black shadow.


With a loud bang, the black shadow was hit by the sound wave, but it did not fly back as the man in green thought, but rushed towards him at a faster speed.

The man in green felt nervous, and he saw the true face of the black shadow. It was a huge black demon tiger, with bloodthirsty light flashing in its eyes, and its sharp claws flashing cold light in the moonlight.

"Evil beast! Die!"

The man in green roared, and the bone flute in his hand emitted even more weird sound waves.

The next moment, the black demon tiger was blown away by the invisible vitality, fell heavily to the ground, and twitched a few times before it lost its breath.

Then, the man in green continued to scan the deep woods.

However, the forest was completely silent, and there was no more movement.

The man in green frowned, knowing that the black demon tiger that suddenly appeared was obviously deliberately lured here by someone, in order to stop him from chasing Fang Yue.

The person who could do this must be very powerful.

"Could there be other masters hiding here?"

The man in green thought to himself, and he looked around, trying to find some clues.

But there was nothing around except the dense forest and the mottled light and shadow under the moonlight.

The man in green took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He knew that impatience and anger would be useless now.

He had to find Fang Yue's whereabouts as soon as possible, and then complete the task assigned to him by the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As for the black demon tiger and the master hidden in the dark, he could put them aside for the time being.

Thinking of this, the man in green turned around and prepared to leave.

But just as he turned around, a cold light fell from the sky and instantly enveloped him.

The man in green was startled and looked up quickly, only to see a middle-aged man in a white robe standing on the treetop with a long sword in his hand, the tip of the sword pointing to his head.

"Who are you?" The man in green shouted sternly.

The middle-aged man in white robe did not answer his question, but just looked at him coldly, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

His long sword flashed coldly in the moonlight, as if it would pierce the head of the man in green at any time.

The man in green felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, and he knew that the strength of this middle-aged man in white robe was far above his.

He tightly grasped the bone flute in his hand, trying to use sonic attacks to force the opponent back, but the middle-aged man in white robe seemed to be immune to his attacks and was not affected at all.

The man in green felt depressed, knowing that he had encountered a strong enemy. He flashed and tried to avoid the sword of the middle-aged man in white robe, but the opponent was faster, and the sword followed him like a shadow, always locking him.

"Clang clang clang!"

The sound of metal collision rang out, and the man in green waved the bone flute in his hand and collided with the long sword of the middle-aged man in white robe. The two flashed and fought dozens of moves in an instant.

The man in green became more and more frightened as he fought. He found that the strength of the middle-aged man in white robe was unfathomable. No matter how he attacked, the opponent could easily resolve it, and he could force him into danger with a backhand.

"Who are you? Why do you want to fight me?" The man in green asked loudly while resisting the opponent's attack.

The middle-aged man in white robe still didn't speak, but looked at him coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

The man in green felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he might not be able to escape today.

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly mobilized the vitality of his whole body, preparing to launch the strongest attack.

However, at this moment, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man in white robe, and the long sword suddenly accelerated, instantly piercing the chest of the man in green.


The man in green widened his eyes, his face full of unwillingness and surprise. He looked down at the long sword that pierced his chest, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man in white robe looked at the man in green who fell to the ground, without a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

He slowly retracted the long sword, then turned around and disappeared into the depths of the woods.

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