Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 290 Return to Shanyang Prefecture

The night returned to tranquility again, as if nothing had happened.

However, the man in green and the black demon tiger lying on the ground were silently telling the thrilling battle just now.

At the same time, Fang Yue was hiding in a dense bush, holding his breath and observing the situation around him.

He didn't know about the battle that had just happened, nor did he know about the appearance of the middle-aged man in white robes. He just instinctively felt that the aura that had been chasing him all the time just now suddenly dissipated.

"What happened? How could that person's aura suddenly disappear? Could it be?"

His thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind, trying to find a reasonable explanation.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't figure it out.

So he got up and ran towards the place where the aura finally dissipated.

Whether that person was alive or dead, he had to find out.

In the night, Fang Yue was like an agile cheetah, quietly shuttling through the jungle.

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, not letting go of any possible clues. He followed the path where the energy finally dissipated and followed it all the way.

On the way, he found many traces of the battle.

The fallen trees, broken branches and leaves, and the scattered gravel on the ground all silently proved that a fierce battle had just taken place here.

These discoveries made Fang Yue more convinced that the energy he had felt before must be related to this battle.

As he got closer and closer to the center of the battle, the surrounding environment became more and more weird.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which made Fang Yue frown.

He knew that this battle must have been very tragic, otherwise there would not be such a strong bloody smell.

"He was killed by someone!"

Fang Yue saw the body of the man in green and was shocked.

The man in green lay quietly on the ground, his face as pale as snow, his eyes closed, as if he had just fallen into a deep sleep.

He had only one fatal wound on his body, a sword wound that was deep enough to see the bone, extending from the chest to the abdomen.

The flesh around the wound was turned outward, and the blood had dyed the surrounding ground red.

Fang Yue stared at the body of the man in green and the terrible wound, and an indescribable sadness surged in his heart.

Although he didn't know the identity and origin of the man in green, he could feel the other party's strength and indomitable spirit when he was alive. It was really a pity that such a master fell here.

He stood there in silence for a long time, thinking about who killed the man in green!

After all, the cultivation of the man in green was an absolute master in the shapeshifting, and even Fang Yue was not sure to kill such a strong enemy.

And the person who could kill the man in green must have a more terrifying cultivation.

Maybe he was a master above the shapeshifting!

A trace of solemnity flashed in Fang Yue's eyes. He took a deep breath, suppressed the waves in his heart, and prepared to quietly leave this dangerous place.

However, just as he was about to turn around and leave, a white shadow appeared in front of him.

Fang Yue was startled and immediately looked at the white shadow vigilantly. The white shadow gradually became clear, revealing a figure wearing a white robe, with a gaunt face and deep eyes.

"Who are you?" Fang Yue asked tentatively, but he was secretly on guard in his heart, ready to deal with possible attacks at any time.

The white-robed man smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to be nervous, I am not your enemy."

Hearing the words of the white-robed man, Fang Yue relaxed his vigilance a little, but still kept a certain distance, just in case.

He carefully observed the expression and movements of the white-robed man, trying to get some clues from it.

The white-robed man didn't seem to care about Fang Yue's vigilance. He continued, "You are the most outstanding talent in the Si Tian Jian in the past 30 years. Why are you so timid!"

Fang Yue was shocked when he heard the words. He didn't expect that this white-robed man actually knew his identity.

Although his identity was not secret, it was still a surprise to be called out like this.

Listening to the tone of the white-robed man, he seemed to be a member of the Si Tian Jian. In addition, this person's cultivation is unfathomable, I am afraid that his status in the Si Tian Jian is not low!

"Senior, who are you?" Fang Yue asked tentatively.

The white-robed man smiled slightly, and did not directly answer Fang Yue's question, but asked back: "Do you know what the Si Tian Jian is?"

Fang Yue was stunned. He did not expect the white-robed man to ask this. He sorted out his thoughts a little and replied: "The Si Tian Jian is a mysterious organization established by our dynasty, responsible for observing astronomical phenomena, predicting good and bad luck, and..."

"And guarding the 'border'!" the white-robed man continued.

This border is not the border between dynasties, but the border between the human race and the demon race.

Fang Yue was shocked. He did not expect the white-robed man to mention "border".

This word is an extremely secretive word in the Si Tian Jian. Only a few senior and core members know its true meaning.

It represents the secret front between the human race and the demon race, and is the focus of the struggle between the two forces.

This person is indeed a senior member of the Si Tian Jian!

"Senior, you are looking for me, what do you want to do?" Fang Yue asked directly.

After all, he did not know this person.

But he took the initiative to show up, so he must have a purpose.

The man in white robe smiled slightly, looked at Fang Yue with deep eyes, and said: "I came to you because you are capable of doing something, and this thing belongs to you. Otherwise, I would not have killed the second-class priest of the Worship Hall!"

Fang Yue was shocked when he heard this, and his eyes were full of disbelief. He stared at the man in white robe with wide eyes, and his voice was trembling: "Senior, you said you killed the man in green? He is the second-class worshiper of the worship hall?"

The man in white robe nodded slightly and said calmly: "Yes, it was me who killed him. Although this man was not weak in cultivation, he was not fearful in my eyes. I killed him naturally because he had the will to die. road."

Fang Yue's heart was filled with turmoil. Sure enough, the seemingly gentle man in white robes must have surpassed Shapeshifting. Otherwise, he would not have been able to easily kill a second-class worshiper in the worship hall.

You must know that the worshipers in the Great Wei Worship Hall are all highly cultivated and powerful beings, and each one of them is a top master.

The second-class worshipers are the best among them, and their cultivation has at least reached the peak of the shape-changing realm, and may even have half a foot in a higher realm.

However, such a powerful master was easily killed by the man in white robes in front of him.

This made Fang Yue feel deeply in awe and curiosity about the strength of the man in white robe.

Of course, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and this person helped him kill the pursuers. And there is still something for him to help with, but I'm afraid it won't be simple.

The man in white robe seemed to see the tension and doubts in Fang Yue's heart. He smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to worry. Although what I want you to do is somewhat difficult, it is not impossible. Moreover, I believe you have the ability." ”

Fang Yue took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Senior, please tell me, as long as this junior can do it, he will do his best."

The man in white robe nodded with satisfaction, his eyes revealing a kind of appreciation and trust for the other party.

He said slowly: "I want you to return to Xiahe County and find someone there."

Fang Yue was shocked. The name Xiahe County caused quite a shock in his heart.

He knew well that Xiahe County had long been occupied by King Wucheng's rebels and had become a place of chaos.

But now, the man in white robe actually asked him to return to that dangerous place to find someone. The risks involved can be imagined.

Not to mention, he has a lot of hatred with the Blood Dragon Platform. If he goes to the other party's territory, once he is discovered, he may fall into a narrow escape situation.

However, facing the demands of the man in white robe, he had no room to retreat. He knew very well that since the man in white robe had found him and made such a request, he would have no choice but to refuse.

Thinking of this, he felt certain in his heart and said solemnly to the man in white robe: "Senior, this junior will definitely handle this matter."

The man in white robe nodded with satisfaction and said: "Very good, I didn't misjudge you. However, this trip is extremely dangerous, so you must be careful. I will give you some clues and help, but more depends on you." Own."

As he spoke, he took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Fang Yue and said, "This letter contains some information about the person you are looking for and the possible hiding place. You must keep it properly."

"In addition, this bottle of five-turn Yuanling Pill is also handed over to you. This pill can help you quickly restore your vitality and improve your cultivation. At a critical moment, it may save your life."

The man in white robe took out another delicate vial from his sleeve and handed it to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue took the letter and the elixir. He knew that the Fifth Transformation Yuanling Pill was extremely precious.

This is enough to show the importance and trust of the man in white robe.

"Thank you, senior, for your generous gift. This junior will definitely handle this matter well." Fang Yue bowed again and said solemnly.

The man in white robe waved his hand and said: "No need to be polite. This trip to Xiahe County is long and dangerous. Please be careful along the way. Remember, if something cannot be done, return immediately and don't show off."

Fang Yue nodded in agreement, and then carefully put away the letter and the elixir.

In the night, the figure of the man in white robe gradually disappeared deep into the dense jungle, leaving only a faint white shadow, as if he had never appeared before.

Fang Yue stood there, silently watching the direction in which the man in white robe disappeared, his heart filled with awe and gratitude. He knew that it was a great opportunity and luck for him to meet such a senior.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement and tension in his heart, then turned around and headed towards the City of Wutu.

There was no rush to go to Xiahe County, he still had some things to deal with before that. Fang Yue must first go to Wutu City and return home to say goodbye to his parents.


The next day, it was dawn.

As Fang Yue walked through the bustling streets, he couldn't help feeling filled with emotion.

He was not in a hurry to go home, but walked around the city first, feeling the changes in his hometown.

He found that although Wutu City was still prosperous, people's faces were filled with worry and uneasiness.

Nowadays, the Wei Dynasty is surrounded by war, and internal and external troubles are coming one after another. News of rebellions in various places are like huge stones thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples.

Although the city of Wutu was located at the core of the Wei Dynasty, it was not immune to the disaster.

In the streets and alleys, people were talking a lot, and they were all worried about their future fate.

Fang Yue walked on the familiar streets, and people's comments kept coming to his ears.

He heard someone say: "Oh, the world has really changed. The Wei Dynasty was doing well, why did it suddenly become such a mess?"

Someone else said: "Don't you know yet? It is said that King Wu Cheng captured several big cities this time, and the imperial army was unable to do anything to him."

Others commented worriedly: "I heard that there are rebels in Gunzhou Prefecture. Why is this happening?"

Fang Yue listened to these discussions, and his heart became heavier.

He knew that this rebellion had brought a huge impact on the Wei Dynasty and plunged countless people into dire straits.

He did not stop and quickened his pace to walk home.

When he returned home, Chen was making breakfast. Fang Yue saw his mother and a warm current surged in his heart.

He hugged Chen tightly, but found that he did not know how to tell them that he was about to embark on a dangerous journey.

Chen noticed his abnormality and asked with concern: "Zi'er, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Fang Yue took a deep breath and decided to conceal the clues of the matter first, so as not to worry his mother.

He slightly modified the matter of his going to Xiahe County, saying that there were important things to deal with and he might be away for a while.

Hearing that Fang Yue was leaving, although Chen was full of worry and reluctance, she knew that Fang Yue's decision could not be changed.

She did not ask much, but silently prepared some things for Fang Yue to use on the road, and told him to be careful and pay attention to safety.

Fang Yue stayed at home for a day, talking with Chen and asking her some questions.

He knew that this trip was dangerous, so he cherished every moment with his family.

The next morning, Fang Yue got up early and prepared to set off. He carried his bag and came to Chen to say goodbye.

Looking at his mother's old face and reluctant eyes, Fang Yue felt sad, but he knew he had to move forward.

He held back his tears, knelt in front of Chen and kowtowed three times, deciding to handle the matter and return to reunite with his family as soon as possible.

Then, he resolutely turned around and left, embarking on the journey to Xiahe County.

After Fang Yue's figure gradually disappeared in the distant skyline, his heart was full of determination and determination.

After leaving the Wutu City, Fang Yue headed southwest all the way, aiming directly at Xiahe County, Shanyang Prefecture.

After a month of trekking, Fang Yue finally arrived at the border of Shanyang Prefecture.

Along the way, there were refugees everywhere. They left their homes, carrying the elderly and children, just to find a piece of pure land where they could settle down.

However, in this turbulent era, where can they stay?

Fang Yue witnessed all this, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

However, Fang Yue knew that his ability was limited, and he had no way to deal with such a situation.

He could only take a deep breath, suppress the fluctuations in his heart, and continue to move forward firmly towards Xiahe County. (End of this chapter)

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