Arriving at the border of Shanyang Mansion, Fang Yue was in no hurry to enter the land that had fallen into the hands of the rebels.

Because if you want to enter, you must pass through the river in front of you.

He decided to find a safe way in first.

After many days of inquiring and searching, Fang Yue finally found a secret waterway.

This waterway requires taking a special smuggling boat and crossing the river to enter Shanyang Prefecture.

Although this waterway is not absolutely safe, it is the safest choice compared to other ways.

Fang Yue found a smuggling ship that was about to set off and had detailed discussions with the ship owner.

The captain was a shrewd middle-aged man. He looked Fang Yue up and down with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

In this turbulent period, it is obviously not an unusual move for a young man like Fang Yue to go to Shanyang Mansion alone.

However, the captain didn't ask too much. He knew that everyone had their own secrets and purposes.

He only cares about whether Fang Yue can pay enough and whether it will cause trouble to his ship.

After confirming that Fang Yue's identity and purpose were correct, the boat owner finally agreed to take him across the river.

As night falls, the smuggling boat moves slowly on the river. Fang Yue stood on the bow of the boat, staring at the dark river in the distance, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. He turned to look at the boat owner, wanting to confirm the safety of the trip.

"Ship owner, have you traveled through this waterway many times?" Fang Yue asked.

The boat owner nodded and replied: "Yes, I have walked through this waterway many times. Although there are some risks, as long as you are careful, you can usually pass it safely."

Fang Yue breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Then what do we need to pay attention to? Are there any particularly dangerous places?"

The captain pondered for a moment and said: "The most dangerous place is the whirlpool area in the center of the river. The water there is very fast and needs to be avoided carefully. In addition, there are some reefs and shoals that need to be paid attention to. But don't worry, I know all of them. Will ensure everyone’s safety.”

After hearing this, Fang Yue felt a little relieved and said to the boat owner: "Then I have to thank the boat owner. As long as you can pass the river safely, I will definitely be grateful."

The ship owner smiled and said: "Young man, you are too polite. Since I promised you, I will do my best. However, you must also be mentally prepared. After all, this is a smuggling ship. Once it is inspected by officers and soldiers, There might be trouble."

Fang Yue nodded and said, "I understand. I will deal with it carefully."

While the two were talking, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of them. Fang Yue's heart tightened. Could it be that he encountered officers and soldiers? He quickly drew the sword beside him and prepared for battle.

The boat owner also saw the lights ahead, but he was not as nervous as Fang Yue. He observed it carefully, and then the other party said: "Don't be nervous, it's just a fishing boat. Let's just go around it."

Fang Yue breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, secretly glad that he did not act impulsively. He put away his sword and watched the fishing boat go away.

After a night of sailing, the sky gradually became brighter. Fang Yue stood on the bow of the boat, looking at the hazy mountain shadows in the distance. He knew that Shanyang Mansion was already close at hand. As long as he crosses the water in front of him, he can set foot on the land full of unknowns and challenges.

"Shipmaster, how long until we reach Shanyang Mansion?" Fang Yue asked.

"It's almost time. We'll be able to dock in another hour or so," the captain replied.

As soon as the captain finished speaking, there was a sudden noise on the river. Fang Yue's heart tightened, and he quickly followed the sound and saw several small boats speeding from the shore. The figures on the boats seemed to be approaching them.

"No, it's a thief patrol ship from Shanyang Mansion!" The captain's expression changed and he hurriedly ordered the crew to prepare for the situation.

Fang Yue gripped the hilt of his sword tightly and stared at the small boats with a solemn expression. He knew that once discovered by the bandits, the consequences would be disastrous. He must find a way to deal with the crisis at hand.

"Captain, what should we do?" Fang Yue asked, with a hint of urgency in his tone.

"Don't panic, don't do anything for a while. These thieves will let us pass after they get the money." The captain calmly directed the ship and tried to stop the ship as steadily as possible.

Soon, the patrol boat approached their smuggling boat. The thieves on the boat were wearing messy military uniforms and had fierce expressions on their faces. They shouted loudly for the smuggling boat to stop for inspection.

The captain rushed forward and greeted the pirates with a smile on his face. He took out a bag of silver from his arms and quietly gave it to the leading bandit.

The leading bandit weighed the silver in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face. He waved his hand, signaling for his men to let him go.

"It turns out it's my brother. I misunderstood." The leading bandit said with a smile, "Let's go. Remember to say hello early next time."

The ship owner thanked him profusely and directed the smuggling ship to leave the scene quickly.

The smuggling boat continued to move forward, and soon the outline of Shanyang Mansion gradually became clear in the morning fog.

Fang Yue stood at the bow of the boat, feeling a little excited. He was about to set foot on the land he had left.

The smuggling ship slowly docked, Fang Yue jumped off the ship and set foot on the land of Shanyang Mansion. He glanced back at the captain and nodded in gratitude.

Then, Fang Yue walked along a rammed earth road towards the interior of Shanyang Mansion.


Three days later, Fang Yue came to a bustling market.

People were coming and going in the market, and vendors were selling all kinds of goods. It looked very lively.

He passed a stall selling brightly colored fabrics and a stall of fragrant cooked food.

Fang Yue found a teahouse in a corner of the market and decided to go in and have a rest while observing the market.

He found a seat by the window and ordered a pot of tea.

The tea was piping hot and the fragrance overflowed, as if it could dispel the tension and anxiety in his heart.

Outside the window, the market was bustling with people, and the sellers were shouting one after another. Fang Yue was sipping tea and observing his surroundings with his peripheral vision.

Fang Yue sat in the corner of the teahouse, seemingly sipping tea leisurely, but in fact his nerves were tense all the time.

In the past three days, he has gradually adapted to the rhythm of life in Shanyang Mansion, but he has never relaxed his vigilance against the rebels.

He knows that every move he makes may be related to the success or failure of the entire operation.

Suddenly, his eyes were fixed on a familiar figure.

It was actually the smuggling ship owner who sent him to Shanyang Mansion. He was talking in a low voice with several rather vicious-looking characters.

Fang Yue's heart was moved. Could this smuggling ship owner be related to the rebels?

He decided to follow the man and see if he could find any clues.

Fang Yue paid for the tea and left the teahouse quietly. He followed the smuggling ship owner from a distance and shuttled through every corner of the market.

The smuggling boat owner didn't seem to realize that he was being followed. He continued to talk to those people, exchanging some items from time to time.

Fang Yue approached them cautiously, trying to hear their conversation clearly. However, it was too far away and he could only hear some vague fragments.

Still, he captured some key information from these clips.

"...The inspections have been tight recently, and it is difficult to transport the goods..."

"...How is the situation on the other side of the mountain? Is there any movement among the officers and soldiers?"

"...Don't worry, I have already arranged the manpower. If there is any trouble, I will know immediately..."

Fang Yue was shocked. The content of these conversations further confirmed his suspicion that the smuggling ship owner had indeed colluded with the rebels, and they were paying close attention to the dynamics of the government and army.

"So, maybe I've been exposed?"

Fang Yue frowned and thought.

He realized that if the smuggling ship owner was really colluding with the rebels, his previous actions might have attracted the attention of the other party.

Although he did not directly reveal his identity and purpose, tracking the owner of the smuggling ship was a risk in itself.

The shock in Fang Yue's heart spread like ripples, but he quickly calmed down his emotions.

Years of experience tell him that at this time, panic and impulsiveness are the biggest enemies.

He took a deep breath and tried to regain his clarity and calmness.

"I'm not sure if I've been exposed, but at least for now, I'm not in direct danger."

Fang Yue analyzed secretly in his mind, "Moreover, even if the smuggling ship owner is related to the rebels, he may not be able to recognize me. After all, I am just one of his many guests."

Despite this, Fang Yue still understood that he had to change his strategy.

Movement is worse than silence. Fang Yue knows this truth very well. In the current situation, being too impatient and impulsive will only put himself in greater danger.

He decided to keep a low profile for the time being and follow his previous plan to find a caravan here and then follow the caravan to Xiahe County.

Fang Yue continued to observe the surroundings in the market of Shanyang Mansion, trying to find a reliable caravan. He knew that in a place full of rebels and uncertainty, it was too dangerous to go alone, and that joining a caravan would provide some protection and cover.

While he was looking around, he suddenly heard a noise coming from next to him. He turned around and saw a group of people gathered in front of a stall, seemingly arguing about something.

Curiosity drove Fang Yue closer. He heard one of the people say loudly: "Your price is too expensive. We are all old customers. Can you give us a discount?"

The stall owner replied with a grimace: "Brother, you also know that the situation is tense now and it is difficult to get goods. This is the lowest price I have."

Fang Yue's heart moved. He walked forward and said to the stall owner with a smile: "Boss, I see that the goods in your stall are quite complete. How about selling them all to me."

Since you want to join the merchant team, you must have some goods.

The stall owner was stunned for a moment and looked at Fang Yue in surprise, as if he didn't expect him to make such a suggestion. He looked Fang Yue up and down, and then said hesitantly: "Brother, are you sure you want to buy all my goods? This is not a small amount of money."

Fang Yue nodded and said firmly: "Yes, I am definitely going to buy it. As long as your price is fair, I will not counter-offer."

After hearing Fang Yue's words, the stall owner's eyes flashed with joy. He looked around and whispered: "Brother, since you are so cheerful, I won't beat around the bush. In fact, I also want to get rid of these goods as soon as possible and leave this ghost place. The rebels will come to the market from time to time to search. , once they discover it, all my goods will be gone.”

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he realized that this was an excellent opportunity. Not only could he buy the goods he needed, but he could also get some information about the rebels and caravans.

He pretended to be calm and said: "Boss, I think you are also an honest person. Let's do this, you give me a real price, and I want all these goods. In addition, if you can help me introduce a reliable caravan, Let me transport these goods safely, and I will give you an extra reward."

After hearing what Fang Yue said, a trace of hesitation flashed in the stall owner's eyes. He seemed to be weighing the pros and cons, wondering whether to trust this sudden stranger.

Seeing this, Fang Yue added to his anger: "Boss, I know it's difficult for you to do this now. But I can assure you that as long as you can help me with this, I will never let you suffer."

The stall owner looked at Fang Yue carefully again, and finally made up his mind and said: "Okay, brother, I will believe you just once. I will give you the real price of these goods. As for the caravan, I can also help You need to ask around, but you have to be mentally prepared. The situation is tense now, and many caravans are afraid to leave easily. "

Fang Yue felt happy and said quickly: "Thank you, boss! As long as we can find the caravan, I'm not afraid of waiting. As for the payment, don't worry."

The two quickly agreed on the price, and Fang Yue handed over the full payment to the stall owner. The stall owner also kept his promise and began to help Fang Yue organize the matter of joining the caravan.

The stall owner told Fang Yue that there was indeed a caravan preparing to leave for Xiahe County recently, and they could take this caravan.

However, due to the frequent presence of rebels, caravans will choose a more remote route for safety reasons, and the journey may be difficult.

Fang Yue said that these are not problems, as long as they can reach their destination safely.

The stall owner agreed to help him contact the caravan leader and arrange for him to join the caravan.

One morning later, the stall owner brought good news. The caravan is ready and is about to leave for Xiahe County.

Fang Yue hurriedly packed his luggage and goods and followed the stall owner to the gathering place of the caravan.

The caravan was huge, with dozens of carriages and hundreds of escorts, clerks and merchants.

Fang Yue felt a little relieved when he saw this scene. He knew that in such a large caravan, his safety would be more guaranteed.

The stall owner brought Fang Yue to the caravan leader and introduced: "Leader Li, this is Brother Fang. He wants to join our caravan to Xiahe County."

Leader Li is a middle-aged man with a tall build and sharp eyes. He looked Fang Yue up and down, then nodded and said, "Welcome to join our caravan. However, I want to remind you first that you may encounter many dangers and difficulties along the way, so you must be mentally prepared."

Fang Yue said quickly: "Thank you, Team Leader Li, for taking me in. I understand the risks along the way and will try my best to cooperate with everyone's actions."

Leader Li nodded with satisfaction, then pointed to the carriage next to him: "Put your goods on that carriage, and we will arrange for someone to help you carry it."

After Fang Yue thanked him, he moved his goods to the designated carriage.

At the same time, he also began to secretly observe other members of the caravan, trying to understand their background and purpose. (End of chapter)

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