Among the thief garrison in Chenzhou City, a soldier who looked like a small leader asked his superior in confusion.

The leader of the garrison, who was called "Sir", was a middle-aged man with a sinister face and sinister eyes.

He glared at the little leader and snorted coldly: "What do you know? There are experts in that group of caravans. If we force ourselves, we may suffer a loss."

"But, their goods are valuable at first glance, so we just let them go?" The little boss was still unwilling.

A trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the garrison leader, but was immediately suppressed by reason.

He said in a deep voice: "I know those goods are valuable, but lives are more important. Didn't you see the skills of the old man and the young man?

The fact that they can subdue you in an instant shows that their strength is far superior to ours.

Moreover, the caravan has a large number of people. If we act rashly, we may cause unnecessary trouble. "

He paused and continued: "However, letting them go does not mean that we give up. You immediately send someone to follow them quietly to find out their whereabouts and destination. When they reach a sparsely populated place, we will look for opportunities again. Start."

When the little boss heard this, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes. He nodded in agreement and turned around to make arrangements.

The garrison leader looked at the little leader's back with a cold smile on his lips.

He thought to himself: "Hmph, you want to fight with me? You are still a bit immature. When you are alone, see how I deal with you!"

However, the leader of the garrison made an instant decision in his heart. When he was going to deal with the caravan, he would also deal with this indiscriminate guy.

At the same time, the caravan had left Chenzhou City ten miles away and was traveling on an open plain.

Fang Yue and Old Man Cheng remained vigilant, always paying attention to what was going on around them.

They knew that although they were temporarily freed from the entanglement of the bandits, the danger was not completely eliminated.

"Brother Fang, do you think those thieves will catch up?" Brother Li, the team leader, asked worriedly.

Fang Yue shook his head and said: "I don't know. But we can't take it lightly, we still have to be prepared."

He paused and continued: "Brother Li, we must be more careful on the next journey. Try to avoid camping in sparsely populated areas to avoid giving opportunities to thieves."

Brother Li nodded in agreement.

He also knew in his heart that in these troubled times, the road to business was full of unknowns and dangers, and he could not relax his vigilance at any time.

Therefore, under the suggestions of Fang Yue and Old Man Cheng, the caravan accelerated its movement and at the same time strengthened defensive measures.

They were careful along the way, fearing they would encounter any trouble again.

However, as the saying goes, whatever you fear will come to you.

Just as the caravan was traveling near a dense forest, a sudden sound of rapid horse hooves came from behind.

The ground shook and dust flew up.

A regular army of thieves wearing uniform armor and riding tall horses rushed out from the forest on the side and rushed towards the caravan.

They were numerous and fierce, and they were obviously well prepared.

"No, they are thieves and regular soldiers!"

The leader of the caravan, Brother Li, changed his face. He shouted loudly and asked the caravan members to quickly prepare for battle.

The bodyguards drew their weapons and formed a circle to protect the caravan's goods and personnel.

Their eyes were firm, and although they were facing a powerful regular army, they had no intention of backing down.

Fang Yue and Old Man Cheng also quickly stood in front of the caravan. They knew that the situation at this moment was more serious than before.

"Don't panic, everyone, follow the previous training and take precautions!" the caravan leader shouted, his voice full of determination.

The thieves were all cavalry, and they charged in an instant.

They did not rush to attack, but surrounded the entire caravan.

"Put down your weapons, hand over your belongings, and I will spare your life!"

Among the cavalry, the leader was a strong man riding a black horse and wearing iron armor.

He held a long gun and glanced at the caravan with cold eyes, his face full of arrogance and cruelty.

When the caravan members heard this, their hearts tightened, but they were not intimidated. They know that at this time, only by resisting desperately can they have a chance of survival.

Brother Li, the team leader, clenched the hilt of the knife in his hand and responded loudly: "If you want our property, just step over our corpses!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the members of the caravan let out a loud roar, which shook the surrounding areas and was as powerful as a rainbow.

When the bandit leader saw this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He did not expect that these caravan members would be so tenacious and would rather die than surrender.

However, he is not worried. The ants are still trying to survive. Among the many people in the caravan, there will always be those who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

He raised his spear high and shouted loudly: "Listen carefully, I will only give you one chance. Now if you hand over your belongings, I can consider letting you live. Otherwise, when my army takes action, you will all die!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, several people in the caravan began to waver. Although they also wanted to resist, facing such a powerful regular army, they really had no chance of winning. Moreover, they still have families to take care of and cannot just die in vain.

"I...I surrender!" A young bodyguard suddenly dropped his weapon, raised his hands, and shouted loudly.

His actions immediately attracted the attention of others, and some people began to imitate him, throwing down their weapons and surrendering.

"You, how could you do this! Brother Li usually takes care of you, how can you surrender!~"

In the caravan, a middle-aged escort shouted angrily, his eyes filled with disappointment and anger. He couldn't believe that his companions, who fought side by side and experienced ups and downs together, actually chose to surrender at such a critical moment.

The middle-aged bodyguard's words were like a sharp knife piercing the hearts of those who surrendered, making them feel ashamed and terrified.

They lowered their heads, not daring to look at the middle-aged escort.

They knew that they had indeed made a choice that was sorry for the caravan and their companions, but facing such a powerful enemy, they really did not have the confidence to resist to the end.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we, we also have family~"

The escorts who surrendered were crying, and some of them even knelt on the ground with tears streaming down their faces.

They know that their choice will disappoint Brother Li and other companions who are sticking to it, but they are really afraid of death and never see their families again.


The middle-aged bodyguard was shaking with anger. He clenched the weapon in his hand, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

He wanted to rush forward and fight the surrendered escorts, but he knew that there was no point in doing so and would only put himself and the caravan into a more dangerous situation.

At this moment, Brother Li, the leader of the caravan, came over. He patted the middle-aged escort on the shoulder and motioned for him to calm down.

"Everyone has his own ambitions, let them go!"

Brother Li said in a deep voice, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes, but more of them were firm and decisive. He knew that at this time, any internal strife and division would put the caravan into a more dangerous situation. He must stabilize the situation and lead the remaining people to resist to the end.

When the middle-aged bodyguard heard this, although he was still angry and unwilling to give up, he could only nod helplessly. He understood Brother Li's decision and knew that he had to put aside his personal emotions and focus on the overall situation.

The escorts who had surrendered had already walked to the side of the bandit army. They lowered their heads and did not dare to look at the caravan. Their hearts were filled with guilt and self-blame, but now that the matter was over, there was no way out.

"Very good, you made a wise choice." The bandit leader nodded with satisfaction, and waved his hand to his men to take the surrendered escorts aside.

Then, he once again turned his attention to the caravan, with a cruel light flashing in his eyes.

"Now, do any of you still want to surrender? I will give you one last chance." He raised his spear high and shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, everyone in the caravan clenched the weapons in their hands and stared angrily. They would rather die than surrender and would never bow to these thieves.

"We will defend the caravan to the death!" Brother Li raised his arms and shouted, his voice firm and powerful.

The caravan members followed closely behind, letting out bursts of loud shouts.

Their morale was completely aroused, and they would never back down even in the face of the most powerful enemy.

When the bandit leader saw this, a trace of surprise and fear flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect these caravan members to be so tenacious and united, which made him feel a little tricky.

But that’s all!

He sneered, his eyes revealing cruelty and determination, and waved his hand to signal his men to attack.

In an instant, the cavalry rushed towards the caravan's defense line like an arrow from a string.

The sound of the horses' hooves was deafening, and the armor flashed with cold light, as if it was about to swallow everything.

Everyone in the caravan held the weapons in their hands tightly, with firm and fearless eyes. They knew this battle was a matter of life and death.

As the distance between the two parties narrowed, the air seemed to freeze. Nervousness, fear, anger...all kinds of emotions are intertwined together, forming an invisible pressure that weighs on everyone's heart.

Suddenly, a shout broke the silence. A brave escort in the caravan rushed out first. He waved the sword in his hand and slashed at a cavalryman.


But what greeted him was the secret book's crossbow arrow.

All of these cavalrymen are equipped with crossbows!

Facing the dense rain of crossbow arrows, the caravan was unable to form an effective defense.

Although they raised their shields, the power and accuracy of the crossbows exceeded their imagination.

People kept getting shot, screams came one after another, and the caravan's defense line was torn apart instantly.

At this critical moment, several martial artists in the caravan stepped forward. They waved their weapons and tried their best to resist the crossbow attacks.

Although their strength could not compete with the regular cavalry army, their bravery and determination gave the caravan a glimmer of hope.

Old man Cheng and Brother Li did not show any weakness, and they jointly rushed towards the bandit leader. Brother Li was holding a big sword, the light of the sword flashed and his momentum was like a rainbow.

Old Man Cheng, on the other hand, holds an iron rod in his hand and dances vigorously with astonishing power.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, cooperated tacitly and knocked down several cavalrymen to the ground in an instant.

The leader of the bandit army was shocked when he saw this. He did not expect that there was such a master in the caravan.

He quickly waved his hand to signal his men to intensify the attack. At the same time, he waved his spear and personally fought against Brother Li and Old Man Cheng.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the clash of weapons made a harsh metal collision.

Brother Li and Old Man Cheng were extremely brave. Although they faced many cavalry and bandit leaders, they showed no fear at all.

Brother Li's sword danced so tightly that it hit the enemy's vital points; Old Man Cheng's iron rod was powerful and heavy, and each blow could knock the enemy back several steps.

However, the bandits were numerous and well-equipped. They continued to launch fierce attacks, trying to surround Brother Li and Old Man Cheng.

Faced with such a dangerous situation, the two were not at all confused. They cooperated with each other and kept looking for breakthroughs.

Whenever an enemy rushed forward, they could respond quickly and repel the enemy.

At the same time, the other members of the caravan were not idle.

They used the terrain and the weapons in their hands to fight a desperate battle with the cavalry.

Although they were fewer in number and lacked formal training, their courage and determination were not inferior to the bandits.

They kept waving their weapons and fought a bloody battle with the enemy, defending the safety of the caravan with their lives and blood, and for a while they fought back and forth.


"Do you think that person will hide in this caravan?"

At the same time, on the hillside in the distance, seven knights gathered together, staring at the battlefield below.

They wore uniform black armor and masks on their faces, revealing only cold eyes.

The seven men were restrained, but their gestures revealed an extraordinary temperament, and they were obviously masters.

"Not sure, but according to our intelligence, the man was coming in this direction. Moreover, this caravan has a large number of people and the goods are so rich, it is indeed a good hiding place." The leading knight said in a deep voice.

He was tall, with broad shoulders and thick back, holding a long sword in his hand, and the sword was flashing with cold light, obviously a sharp weapon.

"Then what should we do? Just rush down?" Another knight said with some concern.

"Don't be reckless. The purpose of our trip is to capture the man alive and bring him back to report to the prince. If the man is not among them, if we are exposed, I am afraid that he will escape, and the seven of us will not be able to explain when we go back." The leading knight shook his head and rejected the proposal.

He paused, and continued: "Well, let's wait and see. The people in this caravan seem to be fighting fiercely, but they are no match. If that person is inside, he will definitely be exposed."

The situation on the battlefield became more and more serious. Although the caravan members fought bravely, they gradually became powerless under the fierce attack of the regular army of the bandit army. Although Brother Li and Old Man Cheng were brave, they could not resist more and more enemies.

Soon, a martial artist was injured and died, and the caravan's defense line was about to be breached.

On the hillside in the distance, seven knights quietly observed the battlefield below, their eyes as sharp as hawks, not missing any possible clues.

"It seems that the caravan is about to collapse." (End of this chapter)

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