A knight spoke, his voice revealing a hint of sarcasm.

"Humph, these merchants really overestimate their own abilities. Do they think that they can fight against the iron hoof of our army with a little martial arts?"

Another knight snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

"But it's good this way. After they are defeated, we can see the true face of that man."

A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the leading knight, and he seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

At the same time,

Fang Yue saw that the caravan's defense line was about to be breached, and finally couldn't help but was about to take action.

At this time, the leading thief general, in the astonished eyes of everyone, suddenly stabbed the general next to him with a spear.

This shot was as fast as lightning, and the general had no time to react, and was pierced through the chest by the spear.

He widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief and horror, blood gushed out of his mouth, and his body fell to the ground powerlessly.

This sudden change stunned everyone, including Fang Yue and the people in the caravan.

They had been prepared for a desperate fight, but they did not expect such a fratricide to happen within the bandit army.

For a time, the bandit army fell into chaos.

The soldiers panicked and looked at the bandit leader, wondering why he suddenly attacked his companions.

The confidants of the stabbed general shouted angrily, wanting to avenge their leader.

This sudden change caused the bandit army's blockade to collapse in an instant.

The originally neat and uniform bandit camp had a huge flaw due to the accidental death of the general and internal chaos.

The soldiers no longer focused on attacking the caravan, but fell into self-suspicion and anger.

"Take this opportunity to abandon the goods and leave quickly!" Brother Li, the leader of the caravan, shouted decisively.

Although the people in the caravan were reluctant, they also knew that the situation was critical at the moment and it was not the time to hesitate. They took action and unloaded the goods from the carriage, leaving only some necessary bags and weapons.

At the same time, the chaos within the bandit army became more and more serious.

The confidants of the lieutenant general shouted angrily and rushed to the bandit general who was the leader, wanting to avenge their leader.

The other soldiers fell into a state of fighting on their own because they lost unified command.

"Charge!" Old man Cheng waved his weapon and rushed to a gap in the bandit blockade line. His brave action immediately inspired other members of the caravan.

The people of the caravan followed closely behind. They all straightened their chests, gritted their teeth, and took advantage of this sudden opportunity to rush forward.

Although they faced the possible counterattack of the bandits, at this moment, they were full of determination and courage to survive.


An hour later, in a forest thirty miles away, the people of the caravan had successfully escaped the pursuit of the bandit army and hid safely for the time being.

The forest was quiet, with only occasional bird calls and rustling of leaves.

The sun shone through the dense leaves, casting patches of mottled light and shadow, adding a bit of mystery and tranquility to the forest.

The people in the caravan were either sitting or lying down, some were treating their wounds, and some were resting with their eyes closed.

After the thrilling escape just now, they were all exhausted and in urgent need of rest.

Brother Li stood under a big tree, looking into the distance, as if thinking about something.

After a while, the leader of the caravan with an injured arm said with difficulty: "Our goods have all been robbed this time, so this business trip is over. If you are willing to go back with me, go together. If you are not willing, let's part ways here in peace."

After hearing Brother Li's words, the people in the caravan fell into deep thought. They knew that Brother Li was telling the truth.

This business trip failed, and all the goods were lost. They no longer had the capital to move forward.

Moreover, many people were still burdened with heavy debts. If they went back, they would probably find it difficult to face the creditors.

Brother Li, the leader of the caravan, was actually the guarantor of these people. If someone did not go back and could not pay the silver, he would have to bear the compensation.

For a while, the woods fell into silence.

Only the occasional bird calls and rustling of leaves seemed to tell of their helplessness and anxiety.

"Brother Li, I'll go back with you."

A young businessman broke the silence, "Although we failed this time, I believe that as long as we are alive, there is a chance to turn things around. I am willing to face those difficulties with you and rebuild our caravan."

"Yes, Brother Li, we will go back with you too." Others also expressed their opinions.

They knew that although the road ahead was difficult, as long as they united as one, they would be able to overcome the difficulties.

Brother Li looked at these caravan members who were willing to follow him, and felt extremely relieved and moved.

Of course, there were also many people who were unwilling to go back like this. These people borrowed a lot of silver, and if they went back with him, they would definitely not have a good ending.

The anxiety and helplessness in the hearts of those merchants who were burdened with heavy debts were like shadows in the woods, which were difficult to dissipate.

They knew that if they went back like this, they would probably not be able to escape from those creditors.

One of them was a middle-aged businessman with a sad and tired look on his face. He hesitated for a long time and finally mustered up the courage to walk up to Brother Li.

"Brother Li, I know that this business trip failed and everyone suffered heavy losses. But I really have no choice. I have borrowed too much silver. If I go back, I am afraid that I can't even save my life." His voice was trembling and desperate.

"I, I am sorry for you! Brother, let me go!"

Brother Li looked at the middle-aged businessman in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He knew the difficulties of these people and understood why they chose to stay. However, as the leader of the caravan and their guarantor, he had the responsibility to lead everyone to face the difficulties together.

He took a deep breath and said, "Then take care of yourself!"

Hearing Brother Li's words, the middle-aged businessman was stunned at first, and then showed gratitude. He knew that Brother Li was giving him a way out. Although his heart was full of guilt and uneasiness, he also understood that this was his only way out at present.

"Brother Li, thank you! I am willing to be your cow and horse in the next life!" The middle-aged businessman said with a choked voice.

Brother Li looked at the middle-aged businessman and felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

He knew that these people chose to stay because they had no other way to go.

Although he wanted to help them, he was powerless. All he could do was to give them a way out, hoping that they could escape this disaster.

Then, several merchants with heavy debts chose to stay. They thanked Brother Li one after another, and then left the woods silently.

The remaining members of the caravan watched this scene, and they were also silent.

At this moment, they felt the cruelty and ruthlessness of this world more deeply.

However, life is like this, always full of unpredictable changes and choices.

"Brother Fang, do you want to go back with me or stay? No matter what you choose, I will return your silver to you." Brother Li turned to look at Fang Yue.

Fang Yue paid silver to join the caravan, so he asked specifically.

Hearing Brother Li's words, Fang Yue was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Brother Li to mention him at this time.

He glanced at the merchants who left, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

Although he had not been with these merchants for a long time, he was well aware of the pressure and helplessness they were carrying.

However, he came here for his own mission and would certainly not return.

After a moment of contemplation, Fang Yue slowly said, "Brother Li, I appreciate your kindness. But I think I'd better stay here. I still have some things to do, so it's inconvenient for me to go back with you."

His voice was calm and firm, revealing an unquestionable determination.

Hearing this, Brother Li frowned slightly, seeming a little surprised and worried.

He looked at Fang Yue deeply, trying to read something from his eyes.

However, Fang Yue's eyes were frank and firm, without any evasion or hesitation.

Brother Li sighed, knowing that Fang Yue had made a decision, and it was useless for him to persuade him.

He was silent for a moment, then took out a bag of silver from his arms and handed it to Fang Yue.

"This is your share of silver. Since you have decided to stay, take it. Although it is not much, it can also be used in an emergency." Brother Li said.

Fang Yue looked at the silver in front of him, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knew that this was Brother Li's care and concern for him, and this friendship made him feel extremely warm.

Although he had known Brother Li for a short time, he had deeply felt Brother Li's character and righteousness in this short time together.

He took the silver, looked at Brother Li deeply, and then solemnly put it in his arms.

"Brother Li, maybe things are not that bad. There are mountains and rivers, and there is no way out. There must be a way when the car reaches the mountain."

Hearing Fang Yue's words, Brother Li's eyes flashed a ray of light.

He looked at Fang Yue deeply, and seemed to see an unusual firmness and courage in this young man.

"Brother Fang, you are right. As long as you have faith in your heart, you will definitely find a way out. I believe you will definitely make a difference in the future."

Brother Li smiled slightly, and his face became more lively.

Then, he took the merchants who were willing to go back with him and left in another way.


After parting, Fang Yue did not go to Xiahe County, but returned to the place where they were robbed just now.

His figure shuttled quickly through the woods, like a ghost. Those tall trees and dense branches and leaves seemed to be non-existent in his eyes. He passed them easily, and his speed was astonishing.

Soon, Fang Yue returned to the place where the caravan was robbed before.

At this time, the internal strife of the bandits had ended. The bandits who were originally in chaos and killing each other had reorganized their formation and were looting property.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yue's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

He immediately walked towards the bandits.

Those busy bandits did not immediately notice Fang Yue's arrival. They were concentrating on looting property, with only greed and satisfaction in their eyes.

Fang Yue approached them silently, like a ghost shuttling through the woods.

He swept his eyes coldly over each bandit, and his heart was full of determination.

He knew that these bandits had innocently killed the people of the caravan and looted their property. Now it was time to make them pay the price.

When the bandits were unaware, Fang Yue suddenly launched an attack. He shuttled between the bandits like a flash of lightning, and every time he appeared, he would take the life of a bandit.

His movements were swift and accurate, without any unnecessary hesitation or delay.

For a moment, the bandits panicked and fled everywhere.

Their originally neat team collapsed in an instant, leaving only fear and chaos.

Fang Yue did not stop, he continued to chase and kill the fleeing bandits.

His figure quickly shuttled between the bandits, and every time he appeared, a bandit would fall to the ground.

"Who are you? You actually attacked the imperial army!" The leading general held a silver spear, and his rough face was covered with cold sweat.

Just by looking at the person's move, you know that he is an absolute master!

He is not an opponent, but now under the rule of King Wucheng, any folk master must either restrain his minions or surrender, there is no third way to choose.

If anyone kills the army, he will definitely attract the attack of the masters under King Wucheng.

"Who am I? I am the one who takes your lives!"

Fang Yue smiled coldly, and he had no awe at all for the so-called King Wucheng.

There is no one in the world who can make him afraid!

The figure disappeared again, and he appeared behind the bandits like a ghost, taking away a life every time he waved his hand.

The general was terrified. He had never seen such a terrifying killer. They were like lambs to be slaughtered in front of this man, and had no power to fight back.

"Who... who are you? Why are you against us?" The general asked with a trembling voice.

Fang Yue did not answer him, but just looked at him indifferently, as if he was looking at a dead man.

The general trembled in his heart, knowing that he might not be able to escape today.

He gritted his teeth and waved the silver spear in his hand, launching a final charge towards Fang Yue.

However, his attack was not worth mentioning in Fang Yue's eyes. Fang Yue easily dodged his attack and then slapped him on the chest.


The general's mouth spurted blood, and his body flew out like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily to the ground.

He widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief and horror, and he didn't understand until his death why someone was so strong.

After getting rid of the general, Fang Yue did not stop, he continued to chase and kill other bandits.

These bandits had no resistance in front of Fang Yue, and they were soon killed by him.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Fang Yue's heart did not fluctuate at all.

He knew that these people deserved to die. They killed the people of the caravan innocently and looted their property. Now it was time to make them pay the price.

And these people obviously did these things more than once.


At the same time, in the mountains and forests on the other side.

The caravan and others who left before were walking carefully along the mountain road.

"Brother Li, are we going back like this?"

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