
Brother Li suddenly shouted, interrupting the merchant.

He showed a look of pain and helplessness on his face, and his eyes revealed deep fatigue.

Everyone was startled by his shout and looked at him, but saw that he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if trying to calm himself down.

"Those goods are gone, and life is the most important thing. If we go back now, we can at least save our lives. If we go back again, I'm afraid we will lose our lives."

Brother Li's voice was low and hoarse, and every word revealed deep helplessness and grief.

Everyone fell silent after hearing this.

They knew that Brother Li was telling the truth, but the reluctance and pain in their hearts were difficult to calm down.

Those goods were collected by them with great effort, and they were all their belongings and hopes.

Now that they are gone, how can they not feel heartbroken?

However, they also knew that Brother Li's decision was correct. In this chaotic world, life is the most important thing.

Without life, everything will be empty talk.

Without life, everything will be empty talk. Although they understand this truth, it is not easy to really accept it. After all, those goods are not just piles of goods, but the support of their lives, and the results of their hard work, sweat and tears day and night.

"Brother Li, are we really giving up like this?"

A young businessman finally broke the silence, his voice with a trembling and unwillingness.

Brother Li slowly opened his eyes, his eyes swept across everyone's faces one by one, and finally stopped at the face of the young businessman.

He sighed lightly, and then said: "Brother, I know you are unwilling, and so am I? But we have to recognize the situation. Forget it, let's go and take a look!"

Brother Li's words stunned everyone. They thought that Brother Li would stick to his original decision, return immediately, and no longer care about the goods that had been lost.

However, Brother Li seemed to understand the unwillingness and desire in everyone's eyes. He knew that those goods were not only material wealth for everyone, but also their hard work and hope. In this chaotic world, life is hard enough, and every bit of hope is particularly precious.

"But," Brother Li changed the subject and looked at everyone seriously, "We must make three rules. First, we are just going to take a look, and we will return immediately after confirming the situation, and we must not fight. Second, no matter what you see, you must not act impulsively, and you must obey my command. Third, we must prepare for the worst, and if there is danger, we must retreat immediately without hesitation."

Everyone nodded in agreement. They knew that Brother Li was protecting them and giving them a chance to confirm the fate of the goods with their own eyes, so that they could make a break in their hearts.

So, under the leadership of Brother Li, everyone walked cautiously in the original direction.

Their mood was complicated and heavy. They hoped to see that the goods were still intact, but they were afraid of seeing scenes that they didn't want to face.

However, when they finally arrived at their destination, the scene in front of them shocked them completely.

They saw that all the thieves who robbed them were dead, lying on the ground in a mess, and the surroundings were in a mess.

Their goods, which they thought were lost, were neatly stacked aside, seemingly without much damage.

Everyone stood there, unable to believe their eyes for a moment. Is this true? Are they really so lucky?

Brother Li was the first to come to his senses. He walked up quickly and carefully checked the goods.

Then he turned around and shouted excitedly to everyone: "Brothers, our goods are still there! And it doesn't look like they have suffered much damage!"

Everyone cheered and jumped for joy when they heard this. They ran up and carefully checked the goods.

Everyone's face was filled with joy and excitement, as if they had regained their lost hope.

"Brother Li, you are really our lucky star!" A businessman said excitedly, "If you hadn't insisted on coming to take a look, we would have really given up these goods."

"Yes, Brother Li, thanks to you!" Others also echoed.

Brother Li smiled and shook his head, saying: "This is all thanks to everyone. If it weren't for everyone's concerted efforts, we wouldn't have been able to retrieve these goods. Now, let's pack up and leave here as soon as possible. After all, this place is no longer safe."

Everyone immediately got busy after hearing this.

They quickly packed up the goods, and then, under the leadership of Brother Li, hurriedly left this dangerous place.

Although they were still feeling a little heavy and uneasy, the joy and hope of retrieving the goods made them cheer up again.

At the same time, on the hills in the distance, Fang Yue looked at the caravan that was back on the road.

After taking a last look, he immediately headed towards Xiahe County.

Not long after Fang Yue left, a sound of horse hooves sounded, and they arrived at the place where the caravan and the bandits had fought before.

"Huh? These people were killed almost instantly, and the one who did it was a master, an absolute master!" One of the knights jumped off his horse, carefully checked the traces at the scene, and then came to this conclusion.

"Could it be that person?" Another knight frowned and said, "Didn't we investigate before? There are no masters here."

"No, this is impossible." The previous knight shook his head, "The one who can do this is definitely not an ordinary person. It seems that the person we are looking for was here before!"

The two knights looked at each other, and they saw deep shock and fear in each other's eyes. They all knew that it was not possible for ordinary people to kill these bandits so quickly.

"We must chase them immediately, maybe we can find them." One of the knights said.

Then, the seven people carefully checked the traces here, and soon determined the direction, and then chased in the direction of Xiahe County.


Shanyang Prefecture, Xiahe County.

Xiahe County is located in the westernmost part of Shanyang Prefecture. It was originally a relatively prosperous county.

The county is surrounded by towering walls, with arrow towers and watchtowers on the walls, which look solid and majestic.

But after King Wucheng led the Blood Dragon Terrace to rebel, this place was the first to bear the brunt and became the focus of the rebels' attack.

The rebels burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil along the way. The prosperous scene of Xiahe County has been destroyed.

The city wall became riddled with holes under the fierce attack of the rebels, and the arrow tower and the watchtower were blown beyond recognition.

The streets in the city were full of ruins and rubble, shops were closed, and the people were displaced and mourning.

Today, although the rebels have occupied the city, they are also trying to restore order.

But Xiahe County is still in chaos and depression, and the people live in fear and despair.

They are always worried about the atrocities and looting of the rebels, and dare not go out easily. They can only hide at home and pray that the disaster will end soon.

The rebel soldiers on the city wall are also panic-stricken. They know that their actions have aroused the anger of the people of the world, and they are worried that once the court’s army comes, they will die without a burial place.

However, they dare not disobey the order of King Wucheng, so they can only bite the bullet and stick to the city wall.

"I didn't expect that in just a few years, this place has become like this! It's really sad and lamentable." Fang Yue looked at the Xiahe County in front of him, and a feeling of sadness surged in his heart.

He remembered that he lived here a few years ago. Although Xiahe County was not prosperous at that time, it was considered a place where people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and the people lived a peaceful and happy life.

However, when he came here again, he saw only a piece of ruin and depression.

Fang Yue's eyes swept across the city wall. Those soldiers who were supposed to stick to their posts were sitting or lying at this moment, with a listless look on their faces.

Just as Fang Yue was sighing, a sudden burst of rapid horse hoof sounds broke the surrounding tranquility, and a team of cavalry quickly approached Xiahe County.

Fang Yue immediately hid vigilantly and secretly observed the team.

They were wearing the uniforms of the court army, with bright armor and high morale, which obviously formed a sharp contrast with the rebel soldiers on the city wall.

These were the elite cavalry under King Wucheng. They galloped all the way and rushed straight to Xiahe County.

The dust kicked up by the horses' hooves was flying, and the momentum was so great that it was daunting.

The rebel soldiers on the city wall panicked when they saw this.

They quickly lined up under the urging of their superiors. Their formations seemed disorganized and had no fighting power at all.

"Hmph, Li Zhongqi, look at your soldiers, what they look like!"

Among this team of elite cavalry, a middle-aged general in gorgeous armor walked out at the head. He was obviously a senior commander of the rebels. He glanced coldly at the soldiers on the city wall, his tone full of dissatisfaction and contempt, "Once the court's army attacks the city, can you resist with such a formation?"

Li Zhongqi was the rebel general responsible for the defense of this section of the city wall. At this moment, his face was pale and cold sweat was dripping from his forehead.

He knew that his soldiers were in a bad state and could not compete with the elite soldiers of the court, but he did not dare to openly contradict his superior generals, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "Sir, please give me some time, I will let them reorganize the formation."


The man snorted coldly, and then ignored him and immediately led his cavalry into the city.

The middle-aged general in gorgeous armor glanced at Li Zhongqi coldly and was not satisfied with his answer.

But he did not stay here for long because he had more urgent tasks to deal with.

So he led his elite cavalry and quickly passed through the city gate and entered Xiahe County.

After these cavalry entered the city for a quarter of an hour, the city gate was restored.

The pale and thin people began to line up again to enter the city.

He mixed in the people's team and entered Xiahe County in a low-key manner.

His dress was simple and not eye-catching at all, but his eyes revealed a hint of sharpness and alertness.

The scene inside the city was even more miserable than outside the city walls. The streets were full of ruins and debris, houses were burned down, and shops were looted. The people looked haggard, ragged, and staggered.

Their eyes were dull, as if they had lost hope in life.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and tried to suppress the sadness and anger in his heart.

He knew that this was not the time to be emotional, and he had to stay calm and sober to complete his task.

He followed the people's team and secretly observed the surrounding situation.

Although the scene in the city was still miserable, some shops on both sides of the street had begun to reopen, and some people had built temporary residences on the ruins and began to rebuild their homes.

When they arrived in the inner city, the situation was much better.

Although it still looks bleak, the buildings here are basically intact and there are many more pedestrians.

Fang Yue found an inn that looked relatively clean and stayed there in a low-key manner.

He knew that he could not stay here for long and had to find the mission target as soon as possible and then leave.

In the inn, he tried to keep a low profile and not communicate with many people to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But he was not idle either, and took every opportunity to get information.

He asked the owner and the waiter of the inn some questions about the situation in the city, such as whether there were any suspicious people appearing recently, or whether there was any special news.

Although he did not get any useful information, Fang Yue was not discouraged. He knew that getting information required patience and carefulness, and he could not rush for success.

Fang Yue stayed in Xiahe County for several days. In addition to the necessary information, he spent more time observing the changes in the city.

One day, Fang Yue was strolling on the street as usual, and suddenly, he caught a familiar figure in the corner of his eye.

It was a man in a black cloak. Although his face could not be seen clearly, Fang Yue felt a familiar breath from him.

He was moved and followed him immediately.

The man did not seem to notice Fang Yue's tracking. After crossing several streets, he came to a remote courtyard.

Fang Yue saw from a distance that the man talked to the people in the courtyard for a few words and then walked in.

Fang Yue was even more confused. He knew that this courtyard was not an ordinary residence.

When he was trying to find out the news before, he had heard that this was the location of a secret base of the rebels.

Could it be that the man in the black cloak was an important figure of the rebels?

But why did this man know the special contact secret code of the Sitianjian?

He thought about it in his heart and decided to sneak into the courtyard to find out.

He went around the back of the courtyard and found a relatively secret place. He climbed over the wall with his light skills.

Fang Yue landed in the courtyard silently. He quickly looked around and found that this was indeed a secret base of the rebels.

The courtyard was full of sentries, and the soldiers were patrolling vigilantly, obviously taking very good security precautions.

Fang Yue carefully avoided the patrolling soldiers, and at the same time used his sharp eyes to search for the man in the black cloak in the courtyard.

He had a strong intuition in his heart that this person must be closely related to the task he was going to complete. (End of this chapter)

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