Fang Yue sneaked in the courtyard, trying to avoid the sight of patrolling soldiers.

His cultivation was extremely high, and most of these soldiers were not even warriors, so it was impossible for them to find Fang Yue's trace.

Soon, when Fang Yue approached the seemingly important room, he heard a conversation.

Fang Yue pressed against the wall, carefully adjusting his breathing to blend with the surrounding night wind.

"Are you sure the news is accurate?" A deep male voice asked, revealing a trace of unquestionable majesty.

"It's true, sir." Another voice replied, full of respect, "I saw them enter the secret passage with my own eyes, there is no doubt about it."

Fang Yue's heart moved, secret passage? Is this the purpose of his trip?

"Good, very good." The majestic voice sounded again, "As long as we can seize this opportunity, we can turn the tide in one fell swoop. Pass the order down, strengthen vigilance, and never let them have any chance to escape."

"Yes, sir!"

The conversation gradually died down, but Fang Yue fell into deep thought.

From the conversation, he could infer that the people in the room were planning some important action, and the secret passage might be the key.

He had to find a way to enter the room and find out.

However, although the patrolling soldiers were not highly skilled, they were numerous. Once they were discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and calmed down. He knew that what he needed now was patience and opportunity.

He continued to cling to the wall, waiting for the next opportunity to come.

Time seemed to become extremely long at this moment, and every second was full of tension and expectation.

Finally, the opportunity came.

A team of soldiers passed by the door of the room, and Fang Yue took the opportunity to dodge and quietly entered the room.

His movements were light and swift, as if passing by like a gust of wind.

The room was dark, with only a few weak oil lamps emitting a faint light.

Fang Yue looked around and found that this was a secret room with a simple layout. There was nothing else except a few tables and chairs and a map hanging on the wall.

He walked quickly to the map and examined it carefully.

The map was marked with various complex routes and marks. One of the routes was particularly eye-catching. It led directly to the entrance of the secret passage.

Fang Yue was delighted. This was exactly the information he needed. He quickly wrote down the routes and marks on the map, then turned around and prepared to leave.

However, just as he was about to walk out of the room, a cold light suddenly broke through the darkness and went straight to his throat!

Fang Yue reacted quickly, and with a flick of his body, he dodged the fatal blow. He was secretly alert in his heart. He didn't expect that there were masters hiding in this room.

Could this be a trap?

"Who are you? How dare you break into this place at night!" The black shadow attacked and shouted loudly.

Fang Yue didn't answer. He knew that it was useless to say more at this moment. He had to get rid of this enemy as soon as possible and leave this dangerous place.

The two fought fiercely in the dim room, with swords flashing and qi running wild. Although Fang Yue was unarmed, he had a high level of cultivation. Every punch and kick contained powerful power, which made his opponent dare not underestimate him.

That is to say, the two of them restrained themselves and did not really use their full strength, otherwise the house would have been shaken down by their energy.

After several rounds, Fang Yue had already figured out the opponent's strength. The black shadow's cultivation was not low, but it was not enough to pose a great threat to him. However, he did not want to waste time here, in case he attracted more enemies, it would be troublesome.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue decided to fight quickly. He dodged the black shadow's sword with a flash, and then took advantage of the situation to punch the opponent's chest.

The black shadow was horrified and wanted to retreat. It was too late. He only felt a surge of powerful force, which shook his blood and qi. The next moment, his eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

After dealing with this person, Fang Yue immediately turned around and walked towards the entrance of the secret passage.

The secret passage was hidden in a secret compartment behind the map. Opening the secret compartment revealed a staircase extending downwards.

Fang Yue went down the stairs and soon came to a basement.

The basement was brightly lit, with rows of shelves filled with various weapons and medicinal herbs.

Fang Yue's heart moved. Although these weapons and medicinal herbs were precious, they were not the main purpose of his trip.

He did not stay here for long, but continued to explore in depth in the hope of finding more critical information. Passing through one passage after another, there might be unknown dangers at every corner, but his steps were always firm and powerful.

Finally, he came to a dungeon.

Fang Yue walked into the dungeon, and a cold and damp breath hit him, accompanied by the faint crying and groaning of the women, which was creepy.

His eyes swept through the cell, and he saw that the women were all haggard and ragged, and they had obviously suffered inhuman torture.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yue's heart surged with a strong anger. He knew that these innocent women might have been used by those people and became victims of some kind of conspiracy.

He walked to the front of the cell, used his vitality and shook it lightly, and the iron door of the cell opened in response. The women looked up in surprise, looking at the stranger who suddenly appeared.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." Fang Yue said softly, trying to make his voice sound softer.

The women looked at each other, a little at a loss for a moment, but even though the cell door was opened, no one dared to move.

"Sir, we don't dare to run away, we don't dare to run away, please don't hit us! We can do whatever you want us to do."

These innocent women have been tortured so much that they have lost the courage to escape and can only be slaughtered in this dark place.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

In the current situation, what he needs to do is not only open the cell door, but also make these women believe that he is really here to save them.

"I promise, no one will hurt you again."

Fang Yue said slowly, speaking every word clearly, "You are safe now. I will take you out of here."

His words seemed to have an effect, and a glimmer of hope began to flash in the women's eyes.

But long-term torture and fear have made them very fragile and sensitive, and they cannot trust anyone at all.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the passage of the dungeon, gradually approaching. Fang Yue was instantly alert, he knew that someone was coming.

When the women heard the footsteps, the glimmer of hope they had just shown on their faces was immediately replaced by panic. They huddled up and shivered.

The footsteps stopped at the door of the dungeon, and the figure of a soldier dressed in black appeared at the door. He looked around the situation in the dungeon, his eyes lingering on the open cell door and Fang Yue for a moment.

"Who are you? How dare you break into this place without permission!" the black-clothed soldier shouted sharply.

Fang Yue did not answer. He knew that it would be useless to talk more at this moment. Only actions can prove everything.

With a flash of his body, he was in front of the black-clothed soldier and punched him in the chest.

The soldier in black had no time to react as Fang Yue's fist had already hit him hard in the chest.

There was only a muffled sound, and the black-clothed soldier flew backwards instantly as if he had been hit by a giant hammer, hitting the wall heavily.

Blood spurted out from his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror and disbelief. He never imagined that this seemingly ordinary man could possess such terrifying strength.

Fang Yue did not stop. He knew that he must fight quickly at this moment, otherwise if more enemies were attracted, the consequences would be disastrous.

He flashed and appeared in front of the black-clothed soldier again, stepping on his chest.

"Tell me! What is this place? What do you want to do by arresting so many people?" Fang Yue asked sharply, while increasing the force on his feet.

The soldier in black was stepped on by Fang Yue. He felt as if his chest was being pressed by a huge mountain, making it difficult to breathe.

He knew that he was no match for Fang Yue. If he didn't tell the truth, he might have to answer here today.

"This...this is our secret...stronghold..."

The soldier in black spoke with difficulty, "Those women...we to the adults..."

"To your lord? Which lord?"

Fang Yue frowned and continued to ask, "What is your conspiracy to arrest these innocent women?"

"It's... our Lord... he... he wants to use these women to practice an evil martial arts..."

The soldier in black stammered, "This kind of martial arts... requires a woman's... Yuan Yin Qi... to be able to practice successfully..."

"Evil martial arts? Yuan Yin Qi?" Fang Yue was shocked. He didn't expect such a heart-rending conspiracy to be hidden here.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the strength under his feet became a little stronger, "Tell me! Where is your lord now? What is his name?"

"Sir...sir, he...he is not here..." The soldier in black was almost out of breath, "He...his name is..."

However, at this critical moment, the soldier in black suddenly rolled his eyes and lost consciousness.

Fang Yue frowned, feeling something was wrong. He knelt down and stretched out his hand to check the soldier in black's breath, and found that the soldier was no longer breathing.


Fang Yue was shocked. He didn't expect this black-clothed soldier to be so fragile. He just put a little more force on his feet, but the opponent couldn't bear it and died. It seemed that he had to control his strength a little next time.

However, this is not the time to delve into this issue.

Fang Yue stood up and looked around. He knew that he had to leave here as soon as possible.

He turned around and walked towards the women, trying to make his voice sound softer: "Don't be afraid, come with me now."

The women looked up at him, their eyes showing fear and uneasiness, but also a hint of unspeakable anticipation. In this dark dungeon, Fang Yue's appearance was like a ray of light, bringing them hope.

"Sir, can we really leave?" One of the older women asked cautiously, her voice full of trembling.

"Yes, you are free." Fang Yue said firmly, "Come with me quickly and I will take you out of here."

The women helped each other stand up. Although their steps were a little staggering, there was already a hint of determination in their eyes. They knew that this was their chance to escape the sea of ​​misery, and this man was their savior.

Fang Yue quickly left the dungeon with the women, and all the soldiers he met along the way were eliminated by Fang Yue in advance.

An hour later, Fang Yue arranged for these women to live in a house.

As for the original owner of this place, he was a wealthy businessman who took refuge with King Wu Cheng. At this moment, the entire family of this wealthy businessman was controlled by Fang Yue and imprisoned in a side room.

Although these people, unlike those innocent women, were not subjected to inhuman torture, their faces also showed fear and anxiety.

"Don't worry, as long as you cooperate honestly, I won't hurt you."

Fang Yue looked at these controlled people and said in a cold tone.

He knew that although these people were different from those innocent women, they were also accomplices in King Wu Cheng's conspiracy and could not be let go easily.

But these people are still useful to him now. They can be used to deceive others and protect those women from being discovered.

After the matter is dealt with, he will decide what to do with these people.

After arranging everything, Fang Yue found the women again and brought them food and clothes.

Watching them devouring the food, Fang Yue felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Although these women suffered inhuman torture, their desire to survive is still so strong.

"Thank you, my lords."

After the older woman finished eating, she walked up to Fang Yue and said gratefully, "Without you, we would have died in the dungeon."

"You're welcome, I just did what I should do." Fang Yue said calmly, "You guys have a good rest here first, and I will have someone send you out of the city."

As for how to get out of the city, of course it was up to this wealthy businessman to take care of it.

Fang Yue already had a plan in mind. He knew that this wealthy businessman was inextricably linked to the officials in the city. Using his network, he would be able to arrange a safe way out of the city for these women.

So, Fang Yue called the wealthy businessman in front of him and said in a cold voice: "Listen, I want you to use your connections to send them out of the city. Remember, I want them to leave the city safely and without any risk. Any mistakes."

When the wealthy businessman heard this, he was frightened and uneasy, but he did not dare to show any hesitation. He was well aware of Fang Yue's methods and strength, and knew that if he didn't obey, the lives of his whole family might not be safe.

So, he quickly nodded and bowed his head and responded: "Don't worry, sir, I will definitely do it."

The wealthy businessman did not dare to neglect at all and immediately began to make arrangements. He knew that this matter was of great importance. Once leaked, not only would his life be in danger, but his family would also be affected.

Therefore, he personally selected a group of confidants and secretly contacted an official in the city. This official had a long-standing friendship with the wealthy businessman, and there were many exchanges of interests between the two. (End of chapter)

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