A few days later, night fell.

Fang Yue changed into a black suit and quietly left the villa.

He walked through the busy streets of the city and came to the place agreed with the man in green - a remote alley.

The man in green had been waiting there for a long time. There were also several companions standing beside him who were also dressed in black. They all looked like they were all highly skilled in martial arts.

"Brother Fang, you are here."

The man in green came up to him, revealing a hint of joy in his tone.

Fang Yue nodded slightly, his eyes swept over the man in green and his companions, and he was secretly alert in his heart.

He knew that tonight's action was very serious, and if he was not careful, he might fall into an irretrievable situation.

"Are all the things ready?" Fang Yue asked in a deep voice.

The man in green nodded, took out a small black cloth bag from his arms, and handed it to Fang Yue: "This is the antidote, Brother Fang, keep it. Our goal this time is the Green Heart Grass, and we don't want any other auction items."

Fang Yue took the small cloth bag and weighed it in his heart.

The drug and antidote were obviously specially prepared by the man in green for tonight's operation. It seems that they attach great importance to this operation.

"Let's go." The man in green waved his hand and walked into the depths of the alley first.

Fang Yue and the other men in black followed closely behind, and the group quickly disappeared into the night.

They passed through remote alleys, avoided the patrol team in the city, and finally came to the venue of the auction - a magnificent mansion.

It was late at night, but the mansion was still brightly lit and bustling.

Obviously, this auction attracted a lot of attention.

The man in green led Fang Yue and others to the back of the mansion and found a remote corner.

"Brother Fang, you stay here to meet us, we go in." The man in green whispered.

Fang Yue nodded and didn't say much.

He knew that his mission was to meet the man in green and others here to ensure that they could escape smoothly.

The man in green and the other men in black quickly disappeared into the night, leaving only Fang Yue and two companions guarding in the corner.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Fang Yue was secretly anxious.

He didn't know whether the man in green and others had succeeded, let alone when they would be able to come out.

This feeling of waiting made him feel very tormented.

Finally, after a long wait, Fang Yue saw the figures of the man in green and others.

They quickly approached this side with a hint of joy on their faces.

"Success!" The man in green whispered, handing a brocade box in his hand to Fang Yue, "Brother Fang, this is the Green Heart Grass, you keep it first, and we will meet at the Mountain God Temple outside the city tomorrow."

After that, the man in green quickly went to the east of the city.

Not long after, Fang Yue also found that dozens of martial arts masters rushed out from all over, chasing in the direction where the man in green left.

After waiting for a while, Fang Yue appeared from his hiding place, and then left leisurely in the opposite direction.

His figure seemed erratic under the moonlight, as if it had merged with the night.

But just after walking three miles, Fang Yue frowned slightly, sensing that there was a master following behind him.

‘Someone is following? Who is it? Whose people are they? ’

Fang Yue thought to himself, but his footsteps did not stop, and he continued to move forward at a steady pace. He did not turn back directly to avoid alerting the enemy, but quietly used his internal strength, concentrated on his ears, and listened to the movement behind him.

Sure enough, the faint sound of footsteps and fluttering clothes came into his ears. Although the other party had tried his best to suppress the sound, Fang Yue's keen perception still could not escape.

‘The two people, their lightness skills are not bad, and their strength is very strong. It seems that they are specifically targeting me. ’ Fang Yue judged in his heart and began to think about countermeasures.

He did not choose to act immediately, because he did not know the other party's background and purpose, and he might fall into an unfavorable situation if he acted rashly.

Moreover, this place is not far from the city, and once he took action, it is likely to cause more trouble.

So, Fang Yue decided to lead the other party away first, and then find a chance to get rid of him.

He moved, and his speed suddenly increased, as if a black lightning flashed across the night sky, and disappeared at the corner in front in an instant.

The two people behind him saw this, looked at each other, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, but then they also accelerated and chased after him.

Fang Yue was running in front, and the two people behind him were chasing him closely.

For a while, there were only three figures flying in the night.

Fang Yue ran while observing the movements behind him.

He found that although the two people had good light skills, they did not seem to be good at tracking, and he cleverly led them away several times.

With a plan in mind, Fang Yue's speed increased again, and he shuttled through the night like a gust of wind.

He deliberately took the two people around the city, sometimes going into the alleys, sometimes jumping onto the roof, and sometimes diving into the water.

After some twists and turns, the breath of the two people behind him was a little disordered, and it was obvious that a lot of internal strength had been consumed.

But Fang Yue still maintained a steady pace, as if this chase was nothing to him.

Finally, after passing through an alley again, Fang Yue suddenly made a sharp turn and flashed into a deserted house.

His figure was like the wind, and he disappeared into the dark corner in an instant.

The two people behind him chased here, but saw that Fang Yue had disappeared in front of them. They looked around, but did not find any clues.

"Damn, let him run away!" One of them cursed in a low voice.

"This person has great light skills, and seems to be very familiar with the terrain of the city. Who could it be?" The other person said in a deep voice.

The two looked at each other, a trace of helplessness flashing in their eyes.

They knew that this pursuit had failed and any further pursuit would be futile.

So, they turned around and left, disappearing into the night.

At this time, Fang Yue was hiding in a dark corner, quietly waiting for the two of them to leave.

He was secretly glad that he finally got rid of the tracking this time, and at the same time, he also had more doubts about the plan of the man in Tsing Yi.

Fang Yue knew that he had been involved in a complicated dispute, and there were too many secrets and interests entangled behind this dispute.

He took a deep breath, calmed down, and then quietly left the abandoned mansion.

Next, he needs to find a safe place to hide and wait for another meeting with the man in Tsing Yi, while also being alert to possible dangers.

Fang Yue's figure shuttled through the night like a ghost, and soon disappeared into the vast night.

And at the moment he left, several more figures appeared from the darkness, looking at the direction he left with complicated eyes.

"This person is really not that simple. He was able to escape our tracking." One of them said in a deep voice.

"It seems that we need to re-evaluate Fang Yue's strength and background." Another person said.

Several people looked at each other and then disappeared into the night.

This night was destined to be extraordinary for Fang Yue. Not only did he successfully escape tracking, he also realized his importance and danger in this dispute.

He knows that he must be more cautious in order to survive this dispute and uncover all the mysteries.

After Fang Yue left the abandoned house, he did not return directly to the other house. Instead, he chose a winding path and bypassed the main streets of Fucheng.

As the night grew darker, Fang Yue's figure flickered in and out of sight under the moonlight, shuttling through the city like a ghost.

He constantly changed his route, sometimes sneaking into dark alleys, sometimes jumping onto high rooftops to ensure that his whereabouts were not known to the enemy.

After some twists and turns, Fang Yue finally came to a remote temple.

This temple has long been dilapidated, the incense has faded, and few people visit. However, for Fang Yue, this place was an excellent hiding place.

He looked around and after making sure there was no suspicious person around, he ducked into the temple.

The temple was dark and silent, with only the occasional sound of night wind and distant barking of dogs breaking the tranquility.

Fang Yue relied on his extraordinary eyesight to quickly find a hidden corner in the darkness, then sat down cross-legged and began to adjust his breath and rest his mind.

He knew that the coming days might not be too peaceful, and he had to be fully prepared to deal with various situations that might arise.

Just as Fang Yue closed his eyes to rest, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly reached his ears.

He opened his eyes suddenly, secretly alert in his heart. Although the footsteps were faint, they could not escape his keen perception.

Fang Yue stood up quietly, hid behind a broken Buddha statue, and then stared intently in the direction of the temple door.

He knew in his heart that he must not be careless in any way at this moment, otherwise he might very well fall into a place of no return.

As the footsteps gradually approached, a black figure finally appeared at the entrance of the temple.

This man was dressed in black, with a black cloth covering his face, revealing only a pair of shining eyes.

He looked around as if looking for something.

When his eyes glanced at the Buddha statue where Fang Yue was hiding, Fang Yue's heart suddenly tightened, but he did not act rashly.

The man in black wandered around the temple for a moment, looking around as if searching for a certain target.

"Come out."

The man in black suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse and low, echoing in the empty temple, "I know you are here, Fang Yue."

Fang Yue was shocked, but then regained his composure. He did not show up immediately, but continued to hide behind the Buddha statue, secretly observing the movements of the man in black.

The man in black didn't seem to be in a hurry. He walked slowly towards the Buddha statue, each step appearing steady and powerful.

"Do you think you can evade my tracking?" The man in black continued, with a hint of joking in his tone, "Your Qinggong is indeed good, but there is no one in this city that I can't find."

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he heard this, this person actually knew his name!

It seems that his identity has also been leaked!

Several thoughts quickly flashed through Fang Yue's mind. He had to figure out the purpose of the man in black and how he knew his identity.

Remaining silent is obviously not the answer. Since the man in black can find him, it means that he must have something up his sleeve.

"Who are you?" Fang Yue slowly walked out from behind the Buddha statue, his tone calm but full of vigilance.

The man in black looked at Fang Yue, with a look of admiration flashing in his eyes: "As expected of Fang Yue, he can remain calm in the face of this situation."

"Stop talking nonsense and answer my question." Fang Yue raised his eyebrows and said coldly.

"Haha, okay, cool!" The man in black suddenly laughed, "I can tell you who I am, but you must tell me first, where is the Blue Heart Grass?"

Fang Yue's heart moved. It seemed that the man in black came for Bixincao. He was secretly wary in his heart, but his face remained calm: "Bixincao? What Bixincao? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh? Really?" The man in black said with a hint of threat, "Fang Yue, since I can find you, I naturally know what you did tonight. You'd better tell the truth, otherwise..."

"What else?" Fang Yue sneered and interrupted the man in black, "Do you think you can threaten me?"

The man in black flashed a trace of anger in his eyes. He obviously didn't expect Fang Yue to be so tough. But he quickly regained his composure and said lightly: "Fang Yue, I know you are strong, but do you think you can escape from my palm? I tell you, this city is full of my people, and your every move is under my control."

Fang Yue was secretly surprised that the power of this man in black was so huge! But he didn't show it, but looked at the man in black coldly: "Do you think you have everything under control? Humph, ridiculous! I tell you, since I dare to come to the city, I am not afraid of anyone's threat!"

The man in black looked at Fang Yue, and a trace of cold light flashed in his eyes. He suddenly moved and rushed towards Fang Yue.

Fang Yue was prepared, and dodged the attack of the man in black with a flash.

He took the opportunity to strike the man in black in the chest, but the man in black dodged it flexibly.

The two fought fiercely in the temple, their figures flashing, and every move was fatal.

Both of them had a strong control over their vitality, so every collision between them triggered a strong fluctuation of vitality, making the surrounding air seem to be ignited, making crackling sounds.

Fang Yue became more and more courageous, and every punch and kick of his contained powerful power, as if to completely destroy the man in black.

The man in black was not to be outdone, and his figure was like a ghost, constantly circling Fang Yue, looking for a breakthrough.

However, Fang Yue's defense was airtight, and no matter how the man in black attacked, he could not break through his defense.

This surprised the man in black, who did not expect Fang Yue's strength to be so strong.

The man in black knew that it would be disadvantageous for him to continue like this, and he must come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible.

He flashed and left the battle circle, then looked at Fang Yue coldly: "Fang Yue, you are indeed very strong, but I tell you, you can't escape today!" The man in black said, and suddenly took out a small black whistle from his arms and blew it gently.

The sharp whistle broke the silence of the night sky. Fang Yue frowned and had an ominous premonition in his heart.

He looked around, but did not find anything unusual.

However, the next moment, his face suddenly changed. (End of this chapter)

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