Within sight, a swarm of rustling black insects suddenly emerged, densely packed like a black tide, surging toward him.

Although these insects are small in size, they are extremely numerous, and each one exudes a faint fishy smell, which is obviously highly poisonous.

"Gu insect?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Fang Yue's eyes. He didn't expect that the man in black was actually good at controlling Gu insects.

In front of this dense crowd of Gu insects, Fang Yue had to temporarily avoid their sharp edges.

In a flash, he exited the temple and ran towards the distance.

The man in black sneered when he saw this, and did not pursue him immediately, but looked at Fang Yue's retreating back leisurely.

"Fang Yue, do you think you can escape?"

The man in black murmured to himself, his tone full of confidence, "There is nothing in this city that my witchcraft wants but can't get!"

After saying that, he moved and disappeared into the darkness, leaving only a messy temple and countless Gu insects squirming in the night.

At this time, Fang Yue had already run several miles away. He looked back and saw that the Gu insects were not chasing him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.


Fang Yue frowned and thought to himself, "Who is this person? Why does he know my identity? And why does he want to rob the Blue Heart Grass?"

He knew that he was completely involved in an unknown dispute this time.

This black-clothed Gu Master's witchcraft is obviously just the beginning, and I'm afraid there will be more troubles to follow.


Fang Yue stood in the night, surrounded by silence, accompanied only by the sound of insects and wind in the distance.

"To tell you the truth, I don't even know the name of the man in green. Now this matter is a bit unclear."

Fang Yue laughed at himself, then took out the small box containing Bixincao and looked at it carefully.

"What's the secret of this green grass that makes these two people fight for it like this?"

He was full of doubts, and his fingers gently stroked the delicate lines on the box.

The box is made of a rare hardwood, apparently to protect the medicinal properties of the green grass.

Fang Yue thought for a moment and decided to find a safe place to study the green grass first.

He looked around and found an abandoned ruined temple not far away, so he flashed and quickly moved towards it.

After entering the ruined temple, Fang Yue looked carefully and after confirming that there was no danger, he carefully opened the box.

Suddenly, a fresh medicinal fragrance hit your nose, making you feel relaxed and happy.

But that's all.

The box that was supposed to contain the medicine was empty.

"It turned out to be a trick." He murmured to himself. It seemed that the man in Tsing Yi only used him as a bait. The real Bixincao should have been lost to this man long ago.

So, how could there be any trust in someone who met by chance?

Fang Yue slowly closed the box, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He realized that he had been caught up in the Tsing Yi people's calculations from the beginning, and that Bixincao was just a cover for their fight.

"What a great move."

Fang Yue sighed secretly, but he had already expected it, so there was not much surprise.

Therefore, in fact, he also secretly planted a vitality mark on the man in green at the beginning.

At this moment, it's time to see who this person is.

As soon as Fang Yue moved, he quietly left the ruined temple and chased in the direction where the man in Tsing Yi left. Relying on the sense of the vitality mark, he followed the path and passed through several streets and alleys.

Soon after, he came to a quiet house. This house seemed ordinary, but Fang Yue could feel the mysterious atmosphere faintly exuding from it.

"This is it."

A glimmer of light flashed in Fang Yue's eyes. He looked around to make sure that no one was following him, and then he carefully sneaked into the house.

There was silence in the house, with only the faint lights flickering. Fang Yue relied on his keen perception to avoid many hidden whistles and finally arrived at the room where the man in Tsing Yi was.

He pressed against the wall, held his breath, and listened to what was going on in the room. I could only hear the man in Tsing Yi talking to another person, his voice low and mysterious.

"Sir, we have obtained the Blue Heart Grass, what should we do next?"

The man in Tsing Yi's voice revealed some respect and expectation.

"Very good, you did a good job." Another person's voice sounded, his tone full of satisfaction, "Next, we need to use the power of Bixincao to complete the plan..."

Hearing this, Fang Yue's heart moved.

At this moment, the man in Tsing Yi suddenly said: "Since Brother Fang is here, why don't you come in!"

Fang Yue was shocked and secretly thought that he had been discovered. With a flash of his body, he pushed open the door and came face to face with the man in green and the mysterious adult.

In the room, the lights were dim, but enough to see their faces clearly.

The man in Tsing Yi was smiling, as if he had already expected Fang Yue's arrival.

The mysterious adult had a sinister look on his face and his eyes were like daggers, staring at Fang Yue closely.

"Haha, Brother Fang is indeed extraordinary. He was able to find this place." The man in Tsing Yi said with a smile, with a hint of appreciation in his tone.

Fang Yue looked at him coldly and said, "Stop talking nonsense, you should give me an explanation for doing this!"

The man in Tsing Yi heard the words, and the smile on his face did not diminish. He said slowly: "Brother Fang, why are you so angry? If you want the Blue Heart Grass, I will give it to you."

After saying that, he reached out and took out a small box that was exactly the same as the one Fang Yue had seen before, and handed it to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue took the box in doubt, opened it, and saw a green herb lying inside, which was the Green Heart Grass!

"This is..." Fang Yue was stunned. He looked up at the man in green, his eyes full of doubt and confusion.

The man in green smiled slightly and explained: "Brother Fang, in fact, this Green Heart Grass is not a rare treasure, but it plays an important role in our next plan. The reason why I borrowed your hand to take it back is to ensure that the plan can proceed smoothly."

"Plan?" Fang Yue frowned, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart, "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

This person's actions tonight did not seem to be for the Green Heart Grass. What is his real purpose?

The man in green looked at the mysterious adult beside him, and the latter nodded slightly. So, he took a deep breath and began to explain: "Brother Fang, to be honest, we are from the 'Shadow Pavilion'. I am the green-clothed messenger of the Shadow Pavilion, and this is our master, one of the high-level members of the Shadow Pavilion."

"Shadow Pavilion?" Fang Yue frowned. He was not unfamiliar with this name. It was a notorious killer organization in the world, famous for accepting various assassination missions.

So, what is the purpose of their doing this tonight?

Under the guise of stealing the Green Heart Grass, who are they actually going to assassinate?

"Why are you doing this?" he asked in a deep voice.

The green-clothed man smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Fang, some things are not something you and I can decide. We in the Shadow Pavilion never ask for reasons when we accept missions, we just need to complete the mission. This time, the goal is a direct order from above, and we don't know the specific reasons."

Fang Yue frowned. He knew that the Shadow Pavilion's style of doing things has always been like this, not asking for reasons, but only asking for results.

However, this time their target turned out to be an important figure in the city, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"What about the Green Heart Grass?" he continued to ask.

The man in green explained: "The Green Heart Grass is just a bait we use to attract the target. We learned that this person is very interested in the Green Heart Grass, so we set up this trap, wanting to take this opportunity to lure him out and then assassinate him in one fell swoop."

Fang Yue sighed in his heart, it turned out that he was just a pawn used by the Shadow Pavilion.

However, he was also glad that he discovered the truth early, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"You have said so much, aren't you afraid that I will leak it out?" Fang Yue asked.

"Haha, since Brother Fang already knows so much, then naturally you have to join us, or stay here forever."

There was a hint of threat in the words of the man in green, but he still kept a smile on his face, as if he was discussing a common thing.

Fang Yue's eyes suddenly turned cold when he heard this. He had long expected that these killer organizations would not let him go easily, but he was definitely not a person who could be manipulated by others.

"Join you? Humph, I am used to being free, but I can't stand your Shadow Pavilion's tricks." He said coldly, his tone full of determination and resoluteness.

The man in green didn't seem surprised by Fang Yue's refusal. He smiled slightly and turned to look at the mysterious adult, as if asking for instructions on the next move.

The mysterious adult stared at Fang Yue with a gloomy look, as if evaluating his strength and threat level. After a moment, he slowly spoke: "Fang Yue, do you think you can leave safely after knowing all this?"

Fang Yue sneered and met the mysterious man's gaze without flinching: "Why, do you want to fight?"

Seeing this, the man in green quickly tried to smooth things over: "Brother Fang, why are you so tense? Our Shadow Pavilion has always been eager to recruit talents. If you are willing to join, you will definitely be valued."

"Humph, valued? I'm afraid you will get it but not enjoy it!" Fang Yue mercilessly exposed the lies of the man in green. He knew that once he joined the Shadow Pavilion, it would be equivalent to handing his fate over to others.

The man in green was a little embarrassed by what Fang Yue said, but he still did not give up and persuaded: "Brother Fang, think about it again. You know, there are not many people in this city who can refuse the invitation of our Shadow Pavilion."

"I'm sorry, I am one of those people." Fang Yue said.

"Haha, it seems that Brother Fang will not accept the toast and will have to drink the forfeit wine. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for having such a strong curiosity and following me." The man in green sighed and then attacked.

The man in green flashed and came to Fang Yue in an instant. He slapped his palm with a sharp palm wind, directly hitting Fang Yue's chest.

Fang Yue was prepared. He moved his body to the side and dodged the attack of the man in green. At the same time, he punched the man in green in the abdomen with his backhand.

The man in green sneered, and his body was as erratic as the wind, easily dodging Fang Yue's counterattack.

The two quickly fought several rounds in the room. For a while, the palm wind and fist shadows intertwined and fought hard.

"Brother Fang, do you know why I had to talk to you so much just now? Your vitality is surging and your blood is surging. Are you getting weaker and weaker?"

The man in green was fighting with Fang Yue, and his mouth was slightly raised, revealing a proud smile.

Fang Yue was startled. He did feel his vitality churning and his blood surging more than usual.

He immediately realized that this might be because the man in green had secretly made some moves when he talked to him before.

"What did you do to me?"

He asked in a deep voice, and at the same time, he flashed and withdrew from the battle circle, looking at the man in green vigilantly.

The man in green smiled and said: "Brother Fang, don't be nervous. I just planted a little poison in your body. As long as you are willing to join our Shadow Pavilion, I will naturally remove it for you."

"Do you think you can force me to submit with such despicable methods?" Fang Yue sneered coldly.

The man in green chuckled, shook his head and said, "Brother Fang, why are you so stubborn? You also know the status of my Shadow Pavilion in the Wei Dynasty. If you join us, you will have unprecedented power and wealth."

"Humph, power and wealth?" Fang Yue raised a sarcastic smile on his lips, "What a joke!"

Seeing Fang Yue being so stubborn, the man in Tsing Yi's face gradually disappeared and the smile was replaced by a cold look: "Fang Yue, I gave you a chance, but you didn't know how to cherish it. In this case, don't blame me, Shadow Pavilion, for being ruthless!"

After saying that, he moved and attacked Fang Yue again. This time his attack was even more fierce, and every palm contained deadly murderous intent. At the same time, the mysterious adult also joined the battle and joined forces with the man in Tsing Yi to attack Fang Yue. The room suddenly fell into chaos.

Although Fang Yue was very powerful, he gradually felt pressure under the joint attack of the Tsing Yi man and the mysterious master.

But that's all. Although the poison in the Shadow Pavilion is very powerful, other shape-shifting masters will also fall victim to it.

But for Fang Yue, it was nothing. The thing he was least afraid of was poison.

Therefore, he was not poisoned at all, and everything he did just now was just an act. Showing weakness to the enemy, let these two old yins fall into a trap.

The man in Tsing Yi and the mysterious master saw that Fang Yue suddenly seemed to be a different person, his strength increased greatly, and his expression changed.

They originally thought that Fang Yue had been poisoned and his strength was greatly reduced, so they dared to attack so brazenly. But now it seems that Fang Yue was not poisoned at all. Instead, he was showing his weakness to the enemy and luring them into being fooled.

"You...you weren't poisoned?" The man in Tsing Yi's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

Fang Yue sneered and said, "Do you think your Shadow Pavilion's poison can have an effect on me? It's really ridiculous!"

The mysterious master stared at Fang Yue with a gloomy face and said nothing, but the murderous intention on his body became more and more intense.

The man in Tsing Yi also reacted at this moment. He knew that he had been fooled by Fang Yue, but he was not panicked. After all, who among the people from the Shadow Pavilion has not experienced hundreds of battles?

"Hmph, so what if you're not poisoned? Do you think you can defeat us two together?" the man in green said coldly.

Fang Yue glanced at him, with a mocking smile on his lips: "Then let's give it a try!"

After saying that, he moved and took the initiative to attack the Tsing Yiren and the mysterious master. He was extremely fast and arrived in front of the two of them in the blink of an eye, punching the man in green in the chest.

The man in Tsing Yi's expression changed, and he quickly retreated. At the same time, he clapped his palm and collided with Fang Yue's fist.


There was a loud noise, and both of them took a few steps back.

The man in Tsing Yi only felt numbness in his arms, and was secretly horrified by Fang Yue's strength.

The mysterious master also took action at this moment. He flashed, came behind Fang Yue, and struck Fang Yue's back with a sneak attack.

But Fang Yue seemed to have eyes on his back. He turned slightly to one side and avoided the mysterious master's sneak attack. At the same time, he punched the mysterious master in the abdomen with his backhand.

The mysterious master's expression changed, and he quickly retreated. At the same time, he crossed his hands on his chest to block Fang Yue's fist.


There was another loud noise, and the mysterious man only felt a huge force coming from him, making him take a few steps back involuntarily.

He looked up at Fang Yue, a solemn look flashing in his eyes.

Sure enough, he is indeed the person they like!

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