In the small town of Changshan Mansion, Fang Yue's life seemed not to have changed because of the fierce battle not long ago.

He still practices his boxing skills in the small courtyard every day. His figure moves quickly in the morning light, and every punch carries the power of wind and thunder, as if it is about to tear the air apart.

His fists were heavily shadowed, and the power and speed of each punch were greatly improved. This was the unique power given to him by the dragon-shaped root bones.

However, this peaceful life is just the calm before the storm.

Fang Yue knew that that night's victory would definitely attract the attention of more forces, and he must be prepared to deal with everything.

Sure enough, not long after, the envoy from Shanyang Mansion came to Changshan Mansion.

The messenger was an elegant middle-aged man. He came to Fang Yue's small courtyard with a personal letter and generous gifts from King Wu Cheng.

He did not directly express his intention, but only invited Fang Yue to Shanyang Mansion in the name of King Wu Cheng.

"Haha, you are traitors to the imperial court, and I am an official of Sitianjian. You are a thief, and I am an official. Aren't you afraid that I will take you back to ask for credit!"

Fang Yue looked at the envoy from Shanyang Mansion coldly, with a mocking smile on his lips. He knew very well that this invitation was by no means simple, and there must be a deep intention hidden behind it.

Besides, the two sides are in a hostile relationship. If he goes there again, wouldn’t he be walking into a tiger’s mouth! If I want to leave again, I'm afraid it won't be easy.

Fang Yue's ridicule made the envoy stunned for a moment, but he soon regained his composure and said with a smile: "Young Master Fang is joking. King Wu Cheng greatly appreciates your strength and wisdom. There is no malicious intention in this invitation. Moreover, Now that the court is in turmoil and the situation is unclear, doesn’t Mr. Fang want to find a better way out for himself? "

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart moved. He naturally understood what the messenger meant. King Wu Cheng wanted to win over him.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and stared at the envoy sharply: "A better way out? Do you want to drag me into trouble and become an enemy of the imperial court?"

The envoy kept smiling and shook his head gently: "Young Master Fang is serious. King Wu Cheng does not want to be an enemy of the court, but there are traitors in the court. We also want to protect ourselves. King Wu Cheng hopes that like-minded people can discuss the big plan together. For peace and justice in the world.”

Fang Yue snorted, not commenting on this. He knew very well that King Wu Cheng's ambition was not just for self-preservation.

"Please reply to King Wu Cheng. Although I, Fang Yue, are not talented, I can still distinguish right from wrong. Matters in the imperial court are either black or white. I have my own judgment. I understand his good intentions. But if you want me to betray the imperial court, , It is absolutely unacceptable to associate with rebellious ministers and traitors," Fang Yue said firmly.

After hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in the envoy's eyes, but he still remained polite: "In this case, I will convey Mr. Fang's intention to King Wu Cheng. But things are unpredictable. If there are changes in the future, I hope Mr. Fang can think twice. OK."

Fang Yue nodded and said to see the guest off: "Please."

The messenger cupped his hands, turned and left. Fang Yue looked at his back and took a deep breath.

If you want to recruit him, you just want to talk a lot. This is too disrespectful to him.

After the messenger left, Fang Yue stood alone in the small courtyard, with ups and downs in his heart.

He knows that the decision he just made may have a series of consequences, but he also firmly believes that his choice is the right one.

He looked up at the sky, and the blue gave him a sense of peace.

He knows that there is still a long way to go, and he must stick to his beliefs and face the upcoming challenges.

But as long as he is strong enough, he is fearless.

In the final analysis, strength is still respected.

Fang Yue knew this very well, so he did not slack off because he refused King Wucheng's invitation. On the contrary, he practiced harder and continued to improve his strength.

He understands that only by having enough strength can he stand in this turbulent era and protect himself and those around him.

Therefore, he continued to hone his boxing skills in the small courtyard, his figure becoming more determined in the morning light.

His fists were heavy, and his strength and speed were greatly improved, as if they were about to tear the air apart.

At the same time, he also began to study various martial arts secrets, hoping to find ways to improve himself.

He constantly challenges himself and surpasses himself, just to become stronger.

Time flies, and months pass in the blink of an eye.

Fang Yue's strength has improved significantly, and he feels as if he has been reborn.

The situation in the court became increasingly tense, with various forces surging.

The northern border of the Wei Dynasty has always been an important line of defense for the dynasty, confronting the barbarians in the north across a vast grassland. However, the news that came recently is shocking - the northern border was actually invaded by barbarians, and two state capitals were lost in succession!

This news was like a bombshell, causing huge shock in the court. The courtiers were talking a lot, and panic and uneasiness spread in the palace.

"How is this possible? Our border defenses have always been impregnable, how could they be breached by barbarians?" a minister said in shock.

"Yes, and losing two state capitals in succession is simply an unprecedented shame!" Another minister angrily slapped the case.

There was a depressing atmosphere in the court, and everyone felt an unprecedented sense of crisis.

They knew that this barbarian invasion was different from the previous small-scale harassment, but an organized and large-scale attack.

Not to mention that King Wu Cheng's rebellion also captured three southwest state capitals, coupled with the intrusion of the Eastern Japanese, the current Wei Dynasty was in a state of turmoil.

The current emperor of the Great Wei Dynasty urgently summoned important officials in the court to discuss countermeasures. His face was solemn, and his eyes revealed deep worry.

"My dear ministers, the situation is now serious, and we must discuss a countermeasure. The invasion of the barbarians, the rebellion of King Wucheng, and the invasion of the East Japan have posed a serious threat to our national security." The emperor's voice echoed in the court.

There was silence under the court. Every minister looked solemn. They knew that this was the biggest crisis faced by the Great Wei Dynasty since its establishment.

At this time, an old minister stood up and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, I think we should send troops to reinforce the border on the one hand to resist the attack of the barbarians; on the other hand, we should quell the rebellion of King Wucheng and stabilize the internal situation."

The emperor nodded and agreed: "My dear ministers, what you said is very true. So, who is willing to lead troops to the border to resist the attack of the barbarians?"

There was silence in the court again. Every minister was weighing the pros and cons, considering whether he should stand up and take on this important task.

At this time, a voice broke the silence of the court: "Your Majesty, I am willing to go to the border to resist the attack of the barbarians."

Everyone looked sideways and saw the King of Han standing up, his eyes were firm and his face was fearless.

I am very pleased that the pillar of my Great Wei has the King of Han leading the army. "The emperor smiled and his tense expression relaxed a little.

The King of Han bowed and saluted, his voice sonorous and powerful: "Your Majesty, you are too kind. It is my duty to share the worries of the country. In this border crisis, I will do my best to defend the country and live up to the emperor's grace. "

There was a burst of praise in the court, and the ministers expressed their admiration for the courage and responsibility of the King of Han.

Then the emperor asked again: "Who is willing to lead the troops to quell the rebellion of King Wucheng? "

The court fell into a brief silence again. After all, King Wucheng was powerful, his troops were strong, and he had the advantage of terrain and people. It was hard to suppress his rebellion.

At this time, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the court, breaking the silence in the court.

"Your Majesty, I, Chen Fang, am willing to lead the troops to suppress King Wucheng's rebellion!"

With the voice, Chen Fang, wearing armor and holding a long sword, strode into the court. His eyes were firm, and he exuded a strong fighting spirit.

The emperor looked at Chen Fang, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes.

He had heard of Chen Fang's reputation before, and knew that he was a young and promising general, but he didn't expect him to have such courage and responsibility.

"Chen Fang, do you know how difficult it is to suppress King Wucheng's rebellion?" The emperor asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, I know that this trip is difficult, but King Wucheng's rebellion is a great threat to the country. I am willing to swear on my life that I will not return to the court until the rebellion is suppressed! "Chen Fang said firmly.

The ministers in the court were infected by Fang Yue's lofty ambitions and showed admiration.

The emperor was also deeply moved. He stood up, walked to Chen Fang, and helped him up personally.

"Chen Fang, I will appoint you as the general to suppress the rebellion and lead the troops to suppress the rebellion of King Wucheng. I look forward to your triumphant return!" The emperor said solemnly.

"Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty. I will not fail in my mission!" Chen Fang bowed and took the military token and seal given by the emperor.


At the same time, a message from the Si Tianjian was also transmitted to Fang Yue in Changshan Prefecture.

In the message, the Si Tianjian informed Fang Yue that in view of his outstanding performance in this crisis, the court decided to promote him to the deputy envoy of the Si Tianjian as the military supervisor of the King of Han's Northern Expedition Army.

After reading the message, Fang Yue's eyes flashed.

"I didn't expect that I would be asked to be a military supervisor! This is really unexpected. However, before that, I have to go to Shenjing. If you want me to contribute, you have to give me some benefits. "Fang Yue whispered to himself.

The royal family of Wei has collected martial arts from all over the world, and there are countless magical skills and secrets. He has been envious for a long time.

It's just right to take this opportunity to see if he can get some benefits from the royal treasury.

After making up his mind, Fang Yue did not delay and immediately set off for Shenjing.

A month later, Fang Yue arrived in Shenjing.

He did not go to the palace to see the emperor first, but went directly to the residence of the Sitianjian.

In the Sitianjian, Fang Yue met the Supervisor and some other colleagues.

They expressed a warm welcome to Fang Yue's arrival and held a simple welcoming banquet for him.

During the banquet, the Supervisor said to Fang Yue: "Deputy Envoy Fang, do you have anything else to do in Shenjing this time besides reporting on your work?"

Fang Yue heard this and his heart moved, so he said: "Master Supervisor, to be honest, I do have a request this time. "

"Oh? What is it? "The Supervisor asked curiously.

"I want to enter the royal treasury and borrow some martial arts secrets." Fang Yue said frankly.

After listening to Fang Yue's request, the Supervisor showed a look of embarrassment on his face.

He knew the importance of the royal treasury and knew that this request was a bit excessive.

However, considering Fang Yue's position in the Imperial Observatory and his upcoming position as a military supervisor, the Supervisor felt it necessary to take this request seriously.

"Deputy Envoy Fang, I will report your request to the emperor. However, whether it can be approved depends on the emperor's intention." The Supervisor said.

Fang Yue nodded and expressed his understanding: "Thank you, Lord Supervisor."

The next day, the Supervisor went to the palace and reported Fang Yue's request to the emperor.

After listening to this, the emperor pondered for a moment, and then said: "Fang Yue has made great contributions this time, and will soon serve as the military supervisor of the Northern Expedition Army. His request can be considered as appropriate. Let's allow him to enter the royal treasury and choose a martial arts secret book."

After getting the emperor's approval, the supervisor immediately told Fang Yue the good news.

Fang Yue was excited when he heard the news.

He didn't expect that the emperor would agree to his request so generously.

Accompanied by the supervisor, Fang Yue came to the royal treasury.

This is a towering palace with a closed door and carved with dragon and phoenix patterns, which looks magnificent.

Pushing open the heavy door, a simple and ancient atmosphere hits the face.

The dazzling array of martial arts secrets in the treasury dazzled Fang Yue.

There are all kinds of secrets here, including swordsmanship, knife skills, boxing skills, body skills, etc., each of which is a treasure in martial arts.

"Master Fang, you can only choose three of the secret manuals here, and you cannot take them out of the treasury. You can only read them inside the treasury." The old man who guarded the treasury reminded him.

Fang Yue nodded and said he understood: "Thank you for reminding me. I will abide by the rules."

The old man's aura was as deep as the sea, and he was actually a martial arts master who had achieved great success.

He began to carefully select in the treasury, and every secret manual made him excited. There were many martial arts secret manuals collected here that he had never seen before, and each one contained profound martial arts secrets.

Although he could only choose three to copy, the selection process could also be a broad view of the group.

Fang Yue absorbed the martial arts knowledge in these secret manuals like a sponge. He felt that his horizons were constantly broadening and his understanding of martial arts was becoming deeper.

In the end, he carefully selected three most profound and suitable martial arts secret manuals for copying, namely "Nine Yang Tian Gang Jue", "Nether Ghost Shadow Step" and "Qian Kun Yi Jian".

The Nine Yang Heavenly Gang Technique is a method of cultivating masculine energy. When it is cultivated to perfection, it can condense the Nine Yang Heavenly Gang energy, protect the body and kill the enemy, and be invincible.

The Nether Ghost Shadow Step is an extremely strange body technique. The practitioner can transform into a ghost, floating and uncertain, making it difficult for the enemy to grasp.

The Sword of Heaven and Earth is a sword technique that emphasizes the use of energy to control the sword. When the sword is out, the world moves, and it is extremely powerful.

Fang Yue spent several days in the royal treasury, concentrating on copying and studying these three martial arts secrets.

He knew that this was a rare opportunity, so he put a lot of effort into understanding and learning each secret.

After copying the last stroke, Fang Yue took a deep breath, with excitement flashing in his eyes.

He believed that as long as he could integrate these secrets, his strength would be further improved.

When leaving the royal treasury, Fang Yue expressed his deep gratitude to the old gatekeeper.

He knew that this opportunity was rare and had great significance for his future cultivation.

After returning to his residence, Fang Yue did not stop and immediately began to study the three martial arts secrets.

He immersed himself in the ocean of martial arts and gradually realized the essence and mystery of them.

A few days later, Fang Yue had already initially understood the three secrets and began to try to practice.

He found that these secrets not only improved his strength, but also made him understand martial arts more deeply.

However, cultivation is not something that can be achieved overnight.

Fang Yue knew that he needed time to slowly digest the essence of these secrets and integrate them into his martial arts.

A few days later, Fang Yue left Shenjing and went to the station of the Northern Expedition Army.

As a military supervisor, he will lead troops to the border with the King of Han to resist the attack of the barbarians.

Because the King of Han led the army to set off ten days ago, Fang Yue must also hurry on his way.

Fang Yue rode alone and rushed all the way.

In just half a month, he approached the battlefield.

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