One day, Fang Yue was riding his horse on the official road. Suddenly, he frowned and felt a murderous atmosphere.

He slowed down his horse and looked around. He saw dense woods on both sides of the road, and there was no sound.

"There is an ambush."

Fang Yue made a judgment in an instant. He patted the horse's back lightly, and the whole person flew into the air and landed on the treetops on the side of the road. He disappeared in the woods in an instant.

At the same time, just as he left the ground.

A cold arrow nailed his original position.

Then, a sound of bowstring vibration sounded in the woods on both sides of the road, and dense arrows poured down to the middle of the road.

After the rain of arrows, a group of rough men rushed out of the woods, holding weapons and rushing into the woods.

But soon, these people lost the trace of Fang Yue.

"Where is the man?"

"Look for him quickly!"

These barbarians, who were two meters tall and wearing animal skins, searched everywhere quickly, but could not find the target.

Half a quarter of an hour later, in a valley ten miles away.

"Captain Wan, I am incompetent. That man ran too fast and has disappeared."

Half a quarter of an hour later, a rough man walked up to the leader called "Captain Wan" and reported with his head down, his voice full of annoyance and unwillingness.

Captain Wan, a strong man with a full beard, sharp eyes like an eagle, riding a giant wolf, frowned when he heard the words.

"Humph, you have so many people in ambush, but you didn't catch anyone? That's fine, but you let others follow you, and you don't know it, go back and get thirty whips! We will withdraw immediately!"

Captain Wan snorted coldly, and then his eyes looked to the side.

"Since you are here, why don't you show up!"

As the voice of Captain Wan fell, there seemed to be a subtle fluctuation in the air, as if time and space were frozen at this moment. All the rough men looked around vigilantly, holding their weapons tightly, ready to deal with enemies that might appear at any time.

Suddenly, a breeze blew, blowing the leaves and bringing a hint of unusual breath. Then, a figure slowly walked out from the depths of the woods. It was Fang Yue who had disappeared before.

He smiled, but his eyes revealed a firmness and sharpness.

"You barbarian are very sensitive." Fang Yue praised.

Then he looked at the more than 30 barbarian warriors around him and said with a smile: "But, you people don't seem to be here! So, how did you cross the border and how did you know my whereabouts? Tell me and you will die happily!"

Hearing this, the captain narrowed his eyes and stared at Fang Yue closely, secretly alert in his heart.

He didn't expect the other party to be so calm and still be able to detect their existence.

This is definitely not an ordinary opponent. Thinking of this, he actually had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.

"Hahaha, what do you think you know?"

The captain laughed loudly, trying to hide his surprise, "We just passed by here, and saw you walking alone, so we wanted to say hello."

"Oh? Saying hello requires ambushing archers?"

Fang Yue laughed contemptuously, obviously not believing the captain's words, "Since you don't want to say it, then I will come to ask you in person."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yue's figure flashed and appeared in front of a barbarian warrior.

He acted like lightning and subdued the warrior in an instant, then asked coldly: "Tell me, how did you know I would pass by here?"

The barbarian warrior was taken by Fang Yue's momentum and stammered: "You, you"

"Asshole, come on, kill this arrogant southerner!"

The barbarian captain Batu saw his men so unbearable, roared, interrupted the warrior's answer, and waved his hand to order other warriors to attack.

The eyes of these barbarian warriors instantly turned red. They were mumbling something, and a faint glow began to appear on their bodies, as if they were shrouded by some mysterious power.

This is the power of the ancestors of the barbarians, a mysterious power passed down from generation to generation, which can inspire extraordinary combat power at critical moments.

Batu, the captain of ten thousand men, was the first to bear the brunt. He rode on the giant wolf, holding a huge battle axe in his hand, and the battle axe flashed with a breathtaking cold light.

He shouted, and the giant wolf rushed towards Fang Yue like an arrow from a string.

Fang Yue saw this, his expression was solemn but not panicked.

He knew that the combat power of these barbarian warriors would soar with the blessing of the ancestral power, so he had to deal with it carefully.

He flashed and avoided Batu's frontal charge. At the same time, he swung the long sword in his hand, and a sharp sword energy slashed at Batu's flank.

Batu's reaction was also very fast. He swung the battle axe and split the sword energy.

Then, he leaped from the giant wolf's back, holding the axe in both hands and chopped at Fang Yue. This blow was so powerful that it seemed to split the air.

Fang Yue dodged Batu's attack again.

He knew that it was not wise to fight these barbarian warriors who were blessed by the power of their ancestors.

Therefore, he decided to adopt guerrilla tactics, using his own advantages to continuously consume the opponent's ancestral power.

In the fierce battle, Fang Yue was like a gust of wind, moving left and right, forward and backward, dodging the attacks of the barbarian warriors with amazing speed and agility.

His long sword was like a spirit snake, attacking at the critical moment, forcing the opponent to continuously consume the power of his ancestors to resist.

As time passed, the light on the barbarian warriors began to dim.

Their attack speed and strength were obviously reduced, which was a sign that the power of the ancestors was about to be exhausted.

Batu's eyes flashed with anxiety, he knew that this was not a solution.

He waved his battle axe and shouted loudly, trying to boost morale again.

However, Fang Yue would not give them a chance to breathe.

He saw the right opportunity, flashed, and instantly appeared behind a barbarian warrior.

With a wave of the long sword, the warrior fell to the ground, and the light of the ancestral power also dissipated.

This scene frightened the other barbarian warriors, and they began to panic.

Fang Yue took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, the long sword was like a dragon, rushing left and right, each strike was extremely accurate, and went straight to the vital point.

Batu saw this, roared, and rushed towards Fang Yue waving his battle axe.

He knew that he had to go out in person to reverse the decline.

However, Fang Yue seemed to have expected it, easily dodged Batu's attack, and stabbed Batu's chest with a backhanded sword.

Batu was horrified and quickly swung his axe to block.

However, Fang Yue's long sword cleverly bypassed the battle axe and pointed directly at Batu's throat like a spirit snake out of a cave.

Batu had no choice but to abandon the axe and retreat, which barely avoided the fatal blow.

However, this blow also made Batu completely lose his fighting power.

He sat on the ground dejectedly, looking at Fang Yue with reluctance.

Seeing this, the other barbarian warriors also stopped attacking and looked at Fang Yue in horror.

"Now you can tell me! Who leaked my whereabouts to you!"

Fang Yue looked coldly at Batu and other barbarian warriors sitting on the ground, and his voice revealed unquestionable majesty.

Batu looked up at Fang Yue, with a hint of hesitation in his eyes. Then a hearty smile appeared on his face: "Who is it? Who else could it be? Of course it's the commander of the Zhenbei Army, the King of Han of your Wei Dynasty!"

"King of Han?" Fang Yue frowned, with an unbelievable look on his face, "Are you sure it was the King of Han who leaked my whereabouts?"

Batu snorted coldly, with a mocking smile on his face: "Why, you can't believe it? The high and mighty King of Han would actually do such a thing. You are the military supervisor, he is the commander, if he kills you, he can rebel!"

Fang Yue was shocked, but he didn't show it on his face. He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and asked in a deep voice: "What evidence do you have to prove that it was the King of Han who leaked my whereabouts?"

Batu took out a letter from his arms and threw it to Fang Yue: "Look for yourself!"

Fang Yue took the letter in confusion, unfolded it, and saw that it really wrote his whereabouts and related information. There was no name on the signature of the letter, but he could write his location and itinerary in such detail, so he must be a high-level official in the court.

Among them, the relationship with the King of Han, who had just confirmed his itinerary, was the greatest.

Fang Yue was full of doubts. He looked around at the barbarian warriors around him again, knowing that this was not the time to investigate further.

He quickly folded the letter and put it in his arms, preparing to check it carefully later.

"Okay, now it's time to send you on your way!"

As soon as Fang Yue finished speaking, he appeared in front of a barbarian warrior like the wind. With a wave of his long sword, the warrior fell to the ground. Seeing this, the other warriors fled in fear, but Fang Yue's figure was like a ghost, shuttling among them. Every time he waved his sword, a warrior fell.

Batu roared and tried to reorganize the warriors to fight back, but Fang Yue's figure had already appeared in front of him.

"You..." Batu looked at Fang Yue in horror, but before he finished speaking, Fang Yue's long sword had pierced his chest.

Batu widened his eyes, looked at Fang Yue in disbelief, and then slowly fell to the ground.

The battle was over soon. Fang Yue stood in the center of the battlefield, looking around at the warriors who fell to the ground, without much joy in his heart.

He knew that these barbarian warriors were just tools used by others, and the real culprit was the person who leaked his whereabouts.

He put away his sword and continued on his way.

Who wanted to kill him? Only when he arrived at the Zhenbei military camp could he find out.

If it was really the King of Han, why did he do this?

Fang Yue had no personal grudges with the King of Han. Was it a dispute in the court? Or did the King of Han really have a rebellious heart?

Fang Yue rode forward and fell into deep thought.

He had to be careful and not alert the enemy.

At the same time, he had to find a way to verify the authenticity of the letter and find out if there was any other evidence to support Batu's statement.

A few days later, Fang Yue arrived at Shitou City, the city where the Zhenbei Army was stationed.

He did not enter the Zhenbei military camp immediately, but stayed in the city temporarily.

In Shitou City, Fang Yue began to secretly investigate the connection between the King of Han and the barbarians, and whether there was any other evidence to prove Batu's statement. He disguised himself as an ordinary merchant, shuttled between the streets, talked to people, and collected various information.

A few days later, Fang Yue accidentally heard several soldiers of the Zhenbei Army talking about the secret deal between the King of Han and the barbarians in a tavern.

"Do you know? I heard that His Royal Highness the King of Han has had some dealings with the barbarians recently." A soldier whispered.

"I heard that too. It seems that they are exchanging some materials." Another soldier said.

Fang Yue's heart moved and he moved closer to try to hear more information.

"What do you know? I heard that His Royal Highness the King of Han wants to use the barbarians to get rid of some thorns in the eyes of the court." Another soldier said mysteriously.

The soldiers' comments coincided with Batu's. The King of Han did have some connection with the barbarians, and it seemed that there was some conspiracy involved.

But how could these things be known to everyone, and they were so coincidentally heard by him!

Fang Yue realized that there might be a fraud. The soldiers' comments might have been leaked to him by someone deliberately, trying to mislead him or lead him into a trap.

He was alert and decided not to believe these rumors and needed further verification.

In order to obtain more conclusive evidence, Fang Yue prepared to follow these soldiers to see who was instructing them!

In the dim night, Fang Yue quietly followed the soldiers who were talking.

They passed through the alleys of the Stone City and came to a remote courtyard.

Fang Yue hid in the dark and saw one of the soldiers knock on the door. After the door opened, they filed in.

Fang Yue frowned and wondered in his heart: What is this place? What is the connection with the King of Han?

In order to find out the truth, he decided to take the risk and sneak in.

He looked around and made sure that no one was paying attention. He jumped over the wall and landed lightly in the yard.

The yard was silent, with only a faint light coming from a house.

Fang Yue tiptoed to the house, put his ear close to the crack of the door, trying to hear the conversation inside.

"How is it going?" A low voice came, as if a leader was asking.

"Reporting to the adults, everything is going according to plan. We have successfully passed the message to the target person." The soldier who knocked on the door before replied.

Fang Yue's heart was shocked. It turned out that all this was really a trap! They deliberately leaked the news in order to lure him into the trap.

Now think about it, the ambush encountered on the road before, and the discussion of these soldiers, are all carefully planned dramas.

"Very good, continue to act according to the plan. As long as he steps into the Zhenbei military camp tomorrow morning, we can catch the turtle in the jar."

There was a hint of coldness in the leader's voice.

Fang Yue sighed inwardly, realizing that he had fallen into danger.

Fortunately, he noticed something was wrong in advance and did not blindly believe those rumors, otherwise he might have fallen into the enemy's trap.

He quietly left the courtyard and decided to take action immediately.

But just after he left, the leader in the room looked in the direction Fang Yue left: "This should make you believe it!" (End of this chapter)

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