Fang Yue looked at King Han's leaving figure, feeling an inexplicable emotion in his heart.

He turned to look at Zhu Linlang and saw her lowering her head with a hint of blush on her face, as if she was also reminiscing about the encounter just now.

"Linlang, we..."

Fang Yue opened his mouth, but didn't know how to continue.

Zhu Linlang raised her head, looked into Fang Yue's eyes, and said softly: "Fang Yue, the past is in the past. I hope you can focus on the overall situation and not be distracted by me."

Fang Yue's heart was full of mixed feelings. He naturally understood what Zhu Linlang meant, and he also knew that she was thinking about him and the overall situation.

Of course, he had no intention of taking this relationship further.

Then the two of them spoke a few more words, and it was getting late, so Fang Yue said goodbye and left.

Returning to his temporary residence in the city, Fang Yue suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart and began to recall the scene of today's battle with those barbarian warriors.

He closed his eyes and began to think carefully about today's fierce confrontation with the barbarian warriors.

Every move and style was replayed in his mind like a movie.

He recalled the fighting style of those barbarian warriors, and the wild and direct power left a deep impression on him.

Although their moves look simple, they are full of wildness and power. Every attack seems to knock people down instantly.

Fang Yue began to analyze their moves, trying to find out the flaws and countermeasures.

He knows that only by understanding his opponent deeply can he gain an advantage in battle.

At the same time, he is also reflecting on his own fighting style and thinking about how to absorb and integrate the advantages of barbarian warriors while maintaining his own style.

As time passed, Fang felt that his understanding of this battle was getting deeper and deeper.

He believes that through continuous learning and practice, he will be more capable in future battles.

The chaotic thoughts in his heart gradually subsided, and Fang Yue felt as if he was integrated with the battle.

He began to simulate another confrontation with the barbarian warriors, imagining how he would use the newly learned skills and strategies in battle.

When night fell and the stars were shining brightly, Fang Yue ended his memories and simulations.

"The strength of these barbarians seems not to have been tempered by themselves, but to have been borrowed!"

Fang Yue frowned. He recalled the confrontation with the barbarian warriors. The strength and speed that were different from ordinary people were indeed not something that could be achieved through ordinary training.

Their power seemed to have a kind of violence and primitiveness that did not belong to humans, which reminded him of some ancient and mysterious method of borrowing power.

"If their power is really borrowed, then what is the source of this power? The so-called power of the ancestors?"

Fang Yue talked to himself and fell into deep thought.

The prairie barbarians have their ancestor temples. According to legend, the bravest warriors of each barbarian tribe have the opportunity to enter the deepest part of the temple after going through various tests.

There, they will communicate with the souls of their ancestors through an ancient and mysterious ritual, thereby gaining a mysterious power called "the power of the ancestors."

This kind of power is powerful and primitive, as if it contains the wildness and vitality of the grassland. It can make the warrior's combat effectiveness instantly soar and become more brave.

Fang Yue had heard of this legend before, but he didn't really feel the horror of this power until he fought against the barbarian warriors today.

Although this kind of power is not as good as that of warriors of the same level, if the number is large enough, it can be enough to change the situation of the battle!

He could deal with three, but if ten came, even he would have to avoid the edge temporarily.


At the same time, deep in the barbarian grassland, a solemn and mysterious ceremony was taking place in the Jingyuan Temple.

In the center of the temple's main hall, a huge brazier burned blazingly, and the firelight reflected on the surrounding rough stone walls, forming jumping shadows.

The air is filled with the thick smell of incense and the fresh breath of the grassland.

A group of barbarian warriors sat around the fire pot. Their faces were painted with various patterns and they were dressed in costumes made of animal skins, looking wild and mysterious.

Their eyes were all focused on an old man in the center. He was the barbarian priest and the host of the ceremony.

The old man held a long scepter, the head of which was inlaid with a bright gemstone, which shone mysteriously in the firelight.

He began to chant ancient spells in the language of the barbarians. His voice was low and powerful, as if he could communicate with heaven and earth.

As the priest chanted, the warriors began to beat the weapons in their hands rhythmically, making a "dong-dong" sound, adding a sense of solemnity and mystery to the ceremony.

At the climax of the ceremony, the old man suddenly raised his scepter high and shouted the name of his ancestor loudly.

Immediately, he pointed the scepter at a young barbarian warrior. This warrior is the bravest selected from the tribe. He will have the opportunity to obtain the "power of the ancestors".

The soldier was seen closing his eyes tightly and his whole body was tense, as if he was experiencing great pain and struggle.

Suddenly, his body trembled violently, and then he collapsed to the ground, gasping for air.

The old man stepped forward, helped the soldier up, and asked softly: "What did you feel?"

There was a flash of confusion in the soldier's eyes, and then he became determined: "I feel the power of my ancestors, and it flows in my blood, making me stronger."

The old man nodded with satisfaction, signaling the end of the ceremony.

But at this moment, the barbarian warrior who had just gained power suddenly swelled up his body as if filled with a powerful force, his muscles bulged instantly, and there seemed to be a huge force flowing under his skin.

His eyes turned red, as if there was a flame burning in them, and a wild breath emanated from him.

The barbarian warriors around looked at this scene in astonishment, and the old man also showed a look of surprise.

"What's going on?" Someone asked in horror.

"This is a barbarian warrior." Another person answered.

The warrior suddenly roared, the sound shook the four fields, like the roar of a beast.

He stood up suddenly, his body was much taller than before, like a small mountain.

His skin became as hard as stone, and his muscles bulged like iron.

At this moment, the mutant warrior had completely lost his mind. He looked around and waved his arms violently, as if he wanted to destroy everything around him.

His power was extremely strong, and every swing could create deep cracks in the stone wall.

The old man made a prompt decision and ordered loudly: "Quick! Subdue him, don't let him continue to destroy the temple!"

The barbarians seemed to be prepared for this situation. The surrounding barbarian warriors immediately stepped forward and easily subdued the mutated barbarian warrior.

Next, similar things happened more than a dozen times.

"Atuo, when it's light, you will send these barbarian warriors to the army. Although they have lost their minds, they are more powerful and can be used to attack the city and break through the enemy lines!"

"Yes, high priest!" The barbarian warrior named Atuo responded respectfully.

The next morning, the sun shone on the grassland, and dewdrops flickered on the grass tips, like bright pearls.

Atuo led the mutated barbarian warriors and embarked on the journey to the army.

Their figures moved quickly on the grassland, like an invincible army, exuding a powerful aura.

Although these barbarian warriors have lost their minds, their strength and speed have reached an unprecedented height.

At the army's garrison, the generals saw these barbarian warriors and a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

They had never seen such powerful warriors, as if they were devils from hell.

"Are these barbarian warriors?" a general asked doubtfully.

"Yes, although they have lost their minds, they are even more powerful. We can use them to attack the city and break through the enemy's defenses." Atu explained.

The generals nodded and began to discuss how to use these barbarian warriors to formulate tactics.

They knew that this would be an unprecedented battle, but with these powerful warriors, their confidence was doubled.


In a small town a thousand miles away from Stone City, in a dim secret room,

several figures sat together, their faces full of displeasure and impatience.

"These barbarians are really useless. They have given them the news, but they can't do anything about Fang Yue. They are really useless!" One of the three dragon heads of the Blood Dragon Platform, the Red Flame Dragon King, slammed the table and said angrily.

"Indeed, we thought that we could easily take down this small town by cooperating with the barbarians, but we didn't expect them to be so vulnerable."

The vice-chairman of the Shadow Society, Blood Shadow, sneered and agreed, "It seems that we need to re-evaluate our cooperation with the barbarians."

"What's the point of saying this now? The key is to find a way to solve the trouble of Fang Yue."

The third woman, whose identity was shrouded in shadows, said thoughtfully, "He has repeatedly disrupted our plans and has become a big worry for us."

"That's right, we must find a way to get rid of Fang Yue."

The Red Blood Dragon King nodded, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes, "We can't let him continue to be arrogant."

The secret room fell into a brief silence, with only heavy breathing and occasional low discussions.

After a while.

"In fact, to solve Fang Yue, we don't necessarily need to do it ourselves." The woman in the shadow suddenly said softly.

"Oh? What do you mean?" The Red Flame Dragon King and Blood Shadow looked at her at the same time.

"You forgot that although Fang Yue is our enemy, he is also the enemy of the King of Han." The woman said slowly, "Why don't we use the King of Han to get rid of Fang Yue?"

The Red Flame Dragon King and Blood Shadow looked at each other, and a gleam of light flashed in their eyes.

"Go on." The Red Flame Dragon King gestured.

"We can exaggerate the threat of Fang Yue."

The woman continued, "If the King of Han wants to do something big, he will definitely do it without hesitation."

"In this way, we can not only get rid of Fang Yue with the help of the King of Han, but also avoid direct conflict with us."

Blood Shadow added, "This plan is good!"

"That's it!" The Red Flame Dragon King slapped the table and made a decision, "Immediately arrange someone to reveal the news to the King of Han, let him act as soon as possible! As long as he kills Fang Yue, then we will provide him with some help."

As the Red Flame Dragon King's order was issued, the people in the secret room acted quickly.

They knew that as long as they could successfully get rid of Fang Yue, then paying a little price would not be a big deal.

However, what they didn't expect was that Fang Yue was not an ordinary person. He is not only a martial arts expert, but also a wise man.

It is not easy to get rid of him.

At the same time, in the mansion of the King of Han, the King of Han was sitting in the study, thinking.

A solemn look flashed across his face, as if he was thinking about something important.

Just then, a guard hurried in and handed a piece of information to the King of Han.

The King of Han opened the information and looked at it, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

But then, a mocking look appeared on his face: "Blood Dragon Platform and Shadow Society, these two rebels actually played this alienation plan so unpresentable."

The King of Han put the information on the table, stood up and walked to the window, standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the moonlight outside the window, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

He would naturally not be fooled by the poor strategy of the Blood Dragon Platform and Shadow Society.

This information was obviously exaggerating Fang Yue's threat and trying to lure him to deal with Fang Yue.

However, the King of Han was not a person who was easily fooled. He knew the real purpose of these two organizations.

"Humph, you want to use me to get rid of Fang Yue, what a good plan." The King of Han sneered and said to himself.

"Come here!" The King of Han shouted loudly.

A guard immediately responded and stood respectfully in front of the King of Han.

"Go and take this letter to the military supervisor Fang." The King of Han ordered in a deep voice.

The guard took the letter and retreated.

The King of Han returned to his desk and continued to ponder his future plans.

He knew that Fang Yue was a rare talent. If he could win him over to his camp, it would be a great help.

Not long after, Fang Yue received the letter sent by the King of Han.

He opened the envelope, unfolded the letter, and read it carefully.

This letter was written by the Blood Dragon Platform to the King of Han. Naturally, they wanted to cooperate with the King of Han and use the King of Han to deal with Fang Yue.

However, now, the letter is in Fang Yue's hands.

After reading the letter, Fang Yue couldn't help but smile slightly.

He didn't expect that the King of Han would tell him this news so frankly, and he didn't expect that the King of Han would directly hand over the letter from the Blood Dragon Platform to him.

"The King of Han's move not only let me know the conspiracy of the Blood Dragon Platform and the Shadow Society, but also showed his position and attitude."

"So, next, it depends on whether the people of the Blood Dragon Platform and the Shadow Society will fall into the trap!"

Fang Yue smiled slightly, put the letter on the table, stood up and walked to the window, stood with his hands behind his back, and looked into the distance.


The next morning, the sun shone on the city wall, and the barbarian warriors surged like a tide, waving their weapons and making deafening shouts.

But at this time, Fang Yue, as the military supervisor, did not appear on the top of the city.

He came to a remote courtyard in the Stone City.

The people of the Blood Dragon Platform and the Shadow Society are hiding here!

"Surround the yard for me, don't let a fly go!" Fang Yue ordered coldly.

The elite soldiers acted quickly and surrounded the entire courtyard to ensure that no one could escape.

Fang Yue pushed open the door and strode into the courtyard.

There were a few people standing in the courtyard, their faces showing doubts, obviously they didn't expect someone to suddenly break in.

"Who are you? How dare you break into a private house!" One of them shouted fiercely.

Fang Yue smiled coldly and said disdainfully: "Blood Dragon Platform, Shadow Society, it's really a big name. But in my place, you are just a group of rats who hide their heads and show their tails!"

The faces of those people changed drastically when they heard this.

They looked at each other and suddenly launched an attack, trying to break out.

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