However, Fang Yue was prepared earlier. He ducked and easily dodged the attacks of several people. At the same time, he shot like lightning and subdued several people in an instant.

After all, the real masters of the Blood Dragon Platform and the Shadow Society are not fools. They will never dare to enter Stone City until they are sure of their safety.

However, some of the resources that the other party promised to King Han were brought in, and they are in this courtyard.

Since Fang Yue was asked to arrest people, it meant that the King of Han had handed over the disposal of these materials to Fang Yue.

"Take away!" Fang Yue gave the order, and the soldiers stepped forward, tied up several people, and escorted them out of the yard.

Immediately, Fang Yue asked the remaining soldiers to start searching the courtyard.

The sun was shining high, shining in the courtyard of Stone City, illuminating the figures of the busy soldiers.

Fang Yue held his hands behind his back, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, supervising every detail.

Soldiers carefully searched every corner.

Wooden boxes, cabinets, hidden compartments on walls...anywhere can't be left alone.

"Report to the Lord Supervisor!" A soldier suddenly shouted, holding a heavy wooden box in his hand, "A secret room was found here!"

Fang Yue heard the sound and walked over quickly. Following the guidance of the soldiers, they came to a hidden wall.

The soldier opened a hidden stone door, revealing a dark secret room.

Fang Yue waved his hand to the soldiers to light the torch, and the dark secret room was illuminated. The scene inside shocked everyone.

The secret room was filled with all kinds of bottles and jars, and some books and scrolls were scattered on the shelves. Of course, there were more gold and silver.

But judging from the appearance, these materials and belongings seem to have been hidden here for a long time.

Fang Yue stepped forward, picked up a porcelain bottle, and looked at it carefully.

There is a yellowed label on the porcelain bottle, which reads "Qianxin Zhidan" written in ancient seal script.

He was secretly happy that this Millennium Ganoderma Pill was an extremely precious healing medicine that was hard to find on the market.

Then, he casually opened a book, which recorded a profound internal skill.

Although Fang Yue only took a quick glance, he could still feel the extraordinary nature of this mental method.

"These are extremely precious medicines and secrets," Fang Yue said with emotion. "It seems that the Blood Dragon Platform and the Shadow Society have really spent a lot of money to win over the King of Han."

However, these things are now cheaper for him.

He turned around and said to the soldiers: "These are important supplies. They must be handled carefully and there must be no mistakes."

The soldiers responded in unison and began to move the treasures and secret books in the secret room in an orderly manner.

"The gold and silver will be used to reward the soldiers, and the other elixirs and secret books will be left behind, so as to accumulate some inheritance for the 'Fang family'."

Fang Yue stood in the secret room, looked around, and thought to himself.

He knew that although he would not be able to use many of the supplies discovered this time, it would be suitable for the younger generations of the Fang family to use them.

These precious medicines and secrets can not only enhance the family's strength, but also accumulate a solid foundation for the Fang family and lay a solid foundation for future inheritance.

Fang Yue walked out of the secret room and watched the busy soldiers moving boxes of supplies out of the yard.

"It's a pity that we didn't beat the Blood Dragon Platform and the Shadow Society this time!"

The master is the core of each organization. As long as he kills enough people, the two organizations will naturally not dare to plot against him in the future.

At this moment, a messenger came to Fang Yue.

"Fang Jianjun, the prince invites you to come over and discuss important matters!"

Fang Yue nodded and signaled the soldiers to continue carrying supplies, and he followed the messenger to the palace.

On the way, Fang Yue secretly wondered if the King of Han summoned him at this time because there was something wrong with the war.

Today the barbarians are attacking the city. Could something happen?

Although Fang Yue had doubts in his heart, he did not stop. Following the messengers, they passed through the layers of guards and finally arrived at the top of Stone City.

At this time, the barbarian army outside the city was ready to move.

Fang Yue glanced around and saw the barbarian army outside the city surging on the plain like a black torrent.

Their war drums were deafening and their morale was high. They were obviously preparing for the next round of attack.

The King of Han stood at the top of the city with a cold light in his eyes. He looked at Fang Yue and said, "Fang Jianjun, look at this barbarian army, it seems a little unusual."

Fang Yue nodded. He carefully observed the array of the barbarian army and found that their array was more orderly than before, and the soldiers' equipment was obviously better. "My lord, it seems that the barbarians have spent a lot of money this time and want to take over Stone City in one fell swoop."

The King of Han snorted coldly: "If they want to take Stone City, they have to see whether we agree or not."

As he said that, he turned to look at Fang Yue: "Fang Jianjun, the supplies you found in the yard today are a big fortune for us. I think we can use these supplies to motivate the soldiers. , allowing them to fight harder against the barbarian attacks.”

Fang Yue nodded in agreement: "Your Majesty is right. These supplies came at the right time. We can use part of them to reward the soldiers and improve their morale."

The King of Han nodded: "Then let's do it. In addition, you need to pay close attention to the movements in the city to prevent traitors from colluding with the barbarians."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fang Yue replied.

At this moment, the barbarian army outside the city suddenly launched an attack.

Their soldiers were like crazy beasts, rushing towards Stone City.

The King of Han immediately ordered: "The whole army is ready to fight!"

Following the order of the King of Han, the soldiers on Stone City immediately entered a state of fighting.

They fought bravely, arrows rained down, stones flew, and they fought a fierce battle with the barbarian army.


About a quarter of an hour later.

A dozen tall and majestic figures suddenly emerged from the barbarian army. These people were naked, with red eyes, like demons.

They were the barbarian warriors born through the ritual in the Jingyuan Temple deep in the barbarian grassland.

Each of these barbarian warriors is stronger than the warriors who have achieved the transformation.

"Why do these barbarian temple warriors look different from the last time!"

Fang Yue looked at the barbarian warriors with a serious look. He had fought with three temple warriors in the last battle of Stone City and knew their strength and bravery.

"It is indeed different."

King Han frowned, "Although those temple warriors were strong last time, they did not give me such a sense of oppression. These barbarian warriors in front of me seem to be more wild and powerful."

"If it were just these barbarian warriors, it would be fine. This time, I am afraid that there will be other people who will take advantage of the situation. I am afraid that this stone city cannot be defended!"

King Han sighed, and then solemnly said to Fang Yue: "It is my duty and I cannot leave easily. You take Linlang away now, as far as you can, back to Yujing City. That is the territory of Sitianjian, and no one can do anything to you easily!"

Fang Yue heard what King Han said, he knew that King Han was making the worst plan for him, and it was also a trust and entrustment to him.

"Prince, don't worry, as long as I am alive, I will not let Linlang suffer any harm." Fang Yue promised solemnly.

The King of Han nodded, with a gratified smile on his face: "I feel relieved with your words."

Then, he restrained his smile and looked at the barbarian army outside the city again: "Although these barbarian warriors are strong, we can't give up easily. We must hold on to the last moment and buy more time for you."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Fang Yue replied, and his eyes became firm.

Fang Yue turned and went down the tower, galloped through the city, and soon came to the backyard of the King of Han's Mansion.

He knew that at this time he must find Linlang as soon as possible and take her away from this place of trouble.

However, when he hurried to Linlang's residence, he found that the room was empty.

Fang Yue's heart sank suddenly, and he immediately searched around the room.

"This is, Linlang was kidnapped!"

Fang Yue saw the letter on the table, which was actually left for him.

"Fang Yue, if you want Zhu Linlang to live, go to the abandoned mine 50 miles north of the city alone, without any helpers.

If you find other people following you, or if they play any tricks, kill Zhu Linlang immediately.

Remember, you only have one hour.——Xuelongtai"

Fang Yue clenched the letter, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

He didn't expect that Xuelongtai would actually attack him at this time, and kidnapped Linlang as a hostage. Could it be that the previous destruction of that courtyard was a deliberate attempt by Xuelongtai to divert attention?

"What a Xuelongtai, how dare you make trouble on my head!" Fang Yue cursed in his heart, and disappeared in the room in a flash.

He must rush to the abandoned mine in the north of the city as quickly as possible to rescue Linlang.

Abandoned mine 50 miles north of the city.

This mine has been abandoned for many years, and the entrance is overgrown with weeds, looking desolate and dilapidated. However, the mine is not empty at this moment.

Deep in the mine, Linlang was tied to a wooden pillar, her mouth blocked, her eyes full of fear and helplessness.

Several people in black clothes were guarding her, they were the killers of Blood Dragon Platform.

"Boss, will Fang Yue come?" asked one of the killers.

"He will definitely come."

The killer called the boss snorted coldly, "Zhu Linlang is his woman, he can't give up on her. We just have to wait here for him to fall into the trap."

At this moment, a sound of horse hooves suddenly came from outside the mine, approaching the mine quickly from far away, and then a figure rushed in like the wind, it was Fang Yue.

"You are looking for death!"

Fang Yue saw Linlang tied to the wooden pillar at a glance, a trace of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his body was like lightning, and he rushed towards the killers in an instant.

Seeing this, the killers of Blood Dragon Platform immediately drew their weapons and besieged Fang Yue.

However, their strength was far inferior to Fang Yue's. Fang Yue's figure was like lightning, shuttling between the killers. Every time he passed by a killer, the killer would scream and then fall to the ground.

In just a few breaths, all the killers in the mine were knocked down by Fang Yue.

He walked to Linlang and untied the ropes on her body and the cloth strips on her mouth.

"Are you okay?" Fang Yue asked with concern.

"I'm fine." Linlang shook her head, but then seemed to think of something and hurriedly said: "Go, this is a trap!"

Fang Yue had already noticed something wrong when he took action. After all, with his strength, if the Blood Dragon Platform wanted to surround and kill him, it would not be just a few minions.

So, there must be a ghost!

At this time, a rumbling sound came.

Then the whole cave shook violently.

Fang Yue immediately realized that this was a trap. They were lured to this mine, and the other party's real purpose might be to blow up the mine and bury them alive.

"Let's go!" Fang Yue took Linlang's hand and rushed towards the exit of the mine.

The shaking of the mine became more and more violent, rocks continued to fall from the roof of the cave, and the sound of explosive explosions became closer and closer.

Fang Yue gathered his energy and increased his speed to the extreme.

The surging vitality turned into a body-protecting power, and at the same time, he used his body to protect Linlang from being hit by falling rocks.


"Haha, even if this party has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to come out of this cave!" The Red Blood Dragon King of Blood Dragon Platform looked at the cave that had completely collapsed and sneered.

"Yes, we finally got rid of this scourge." Shadow, the vice-president of the Shadow Society, said with a smile.

"This time our two major organizations joined forces, it was really seamless."

The Red Blood Dragon King of Blood Dragon Platform smiled proudly, as if he had already seen the scene where Fang Yue was buried under the ruins and died without a burial place.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave." Shadow said, "There is too much movement here, I'm afraid it will cause unnecessary trouble."

Immediately, the two people left the place.

However, shortly after the Red Blood Dragon King of Blood Dragon Platform and Shadow Society Vice-President Shadow left, there was a sudden noise under the ruins of the mine.

Deep underground, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were not buried as they thought.

At the moment when the mine collapsed, Fang Yue used his extraordinary movement and reflexes to lead Linlang into a narrow mine tunnel.

This mine tunnel was once dug by miners, but was later abandoned for various reasons. Not many people know about this mine tunnel.

The mine tunnel was dark and narrow, and only the faint light from the fire in Fang Yue's hand illuminated their surroundings.

The two leaned closely together, and Fang Yue used his body to protect Zhu Linlang to prevent her from getting hurt.

"Are you okay?" Fang Yue asked with concern.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Zhu Linlang responded, with a tremor in her voice, but it was more of a sign of Yue's trust and dependence on the other party.

"I'm fine too."

Fang Yue said, "It seems that we are trapped in this mine tunnel and we have to find a way out."

Zhu Linlang nodded, and she held Fang Yue's hand tightly, as if this would bring her an endless sense of security.

The two began to walk slowly along the mine tunnel, looking for a way out.

The mine tunnels are winding and winding, as if they have no end.

They walked cautiously, for fear of triggering some unknown danger.

Soon they discovered a relatively spacious space.

"There is water vapor ahead, there should be an underground river!"

Fang Yue said, his eyesight could clearly see the surrounding environment in the dark, "We should be able to find the exit by walking along the underground river."

Zhu Linlang had no objection and completely trusted Fang Yue's judgment.

The two continued walking, and soon they heard the sound of gurgling water.

They followed the sound and found a cave entrance with a roaring underground river below. (End of chapter)

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