This underground river seemed to lead into the distance, with fast currents and rough waves.

Along the underground river, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang kept moving forward, holding the torches in their hands tightly to illuminate the dark and winding river.

This underground river seems to lead to an unknown distance, the water roars, and the deafening roar echoes in the long and narrow cave.

The two shuttled through the twists and turns of the river, always alert to possible dangers.

Soon, they came to an open cave.

The height and width of the cave are far greater than the previous tunnel, making it appear empty and mysterious.

The underground river completely disappeared underground here, leaving only the sound of gurgling water, as if to tell them that there was a longer journey waiting for them ahead.

"Get some rest. Since there is an underground river, we should be able to get out."

As Fang Yue spoke, he found a relatively flat stone to sit down on and began to adjust his breathing.

Zhu Linlang followed closely and sat next to him.

"You are right. There is an underground river, which means that the water here is flowing, so it must be connected to the outside world."

Zhu Linlang said softly, with a hint of relaxation and expectation in her tone.

The long dark adventure made her feel tired, but Fang Yue's words brought her new hope.

Fang Yue nodded, took out some dry food and water from his backpack and handed them to Zhu Linlang.

"Eat something and replenish your strength. We don't know how far ahead we are, so we have to be prepared."

Zhu Linlang took the dry food and glanced at Fang Yue gratefully, "Thank you for always being by my side. If it hadn't been for me this time, I wouldn't have hurt you."

"Don't say that." Fang Yue interrupted her: "I came here myself."

"Okay, we'll be out soon, don't worry."

When the two of them were resting, both Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang relaxed their vigilance and immersed themselves in the brief tranquility.

Zhu Linlang ate the dry food in small bites, while Fang Yue closed his eyes to rest, but his ears were still paying attention to the movements around him.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound from the underground river, as if the surging sound of water became extremely violent. Fang Yue immediately opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the underground river with vigilance.

Zhu Linlang also stopped what she was doing and looked nervously at the river.

I saw that the originally calm river surface began to roll and the waves were rough, as if something was approaching quickly under the water.

Fang Yue pulled Zhu Linlang up and asked her to stand behind him.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise, and a huge monster jumped out of the water, splashing water. It opened its mouth wide and showed its sharp teeth, and rushed directly towards the two of them.

Fang Yue reacted quickly and pushed Zhu Linlang aside. At the same time, he pulled out the long sword from his waist and slashed at the monster.

With a flash of sword light, he pulled out a ray of energy that was about ten feet long, but it only cut off one of the monster's tentacles.

The monster roared angrily, shook its head and attacked Fang Yue again.

Fang Yue jumped up nimbly, avoiding the fierce attack of the monster. At the same time, he swung the long sword in his hand again, and a sharp sword energy struck the monster's head.

However, this demonic beast had rough skin and thick flesh, and the sword energy only left a shallow scar on its skin.

The monster roared angrily, its huge body rolled in the air, and rushed towards Fang Yue again.

Zhu Linlang watched with fear. She knew she couldn't help, so she could only anxiously look for opportunities to help Fang Yue.

She suddenly discovered that there were some spots on the monster's body that shone faintly, which seemed to be its weaknesses.

"Fang Yue! Look at its body, those glowing places may be its weaknesses!" Zhu Linlang shouted.

When Fang Yue heard this, he immediately observed the monster carefully and found those glowing spots.

He felt happy and rushed towards the monster like lightning, pointing the long sword in his hand directly at the spots.

The monster seemed to be aware of Fang Yue's intention, roaring and waving its huge claws in an attempt to stop him.

However, Fang Yue's figure was extremely flexible and he was able to cleverly avoid the attacks of the monsters every time.

Finally, Fang Yue seized the opportunity and stabbed one of the glowing spots with his sword.

The sword energy penetrated the monster's skin and directly hit its weak point.

The monster beast let out a scream, and its huge body collapsed, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Huh, I didn't expect this evil beast to be so hard to kill because of its rough skin and thick flesh!" Fang Yue was very powerful, but this unknown monster seemed to be even more difficult to deal with, which made him frown.

Zhu Linlang also walked over, looking at the monster lying on the ground, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes: "This monster is too scary, we have to be careful."

Fang Yue nodded and agreed: "Indeed, there are still unknown dangers hidden in this dark river. We must be more vigilant."

Because, next, if you want to move forward, you have to enter the underground river.

Therefore, one cannot be too cautious.

After the two of them took a short rest, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang stood by the dark river, staring at the rushing water.

They knew that the next journey would require them to dive into this underground river, which would undoubtedly be a huge challenge for them.

"Okay, don't worry too much, there shouldn't be too many of these monsters. Now, follow me."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, his eyes revealing firmness and determination, and then he grabbed Zhu Linlang, wrapped the two of them with his vitality, and jumped into the rapid underground river.

The water in the underground river was freezing cold, and Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang felt much better under the protection of their vitality.

They moved quickly along the direction of the current, surrounded by darkness, with only the occasional flickering glowworm providing them with faint light.

Zhu Linlang held Fang Yue's hand tightly. She could feel the warmth and strength coming from Fang Yue's palm, which made her feel reassured.

In this dark river, she completely relied on Fang Yue's guidance.

The current in the underground river became more and more turbulent, as if it was about to separate the two of them.

Fang Yue held Zhu Linlang's hand tightly and used the energy shield to protect the two of them tightly.

There was only pitch black in front of them, and occasionally a few fluorescent bugs flew by, like stars in the night sky, faint but bringing a sense of comfort to people.

Suddenly, Zhu Linlang felt a strong vibration coming from underwater. She looked at Fang Yue nervously and saw his brows furrowed, obviously sensing something was wrong.

"Be careful, there's something underwater!" Fang Yue warned in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, three huge monsters suddenly emerged from the water and launched a fierce attack on the two of them.

Their figures were looming in the darkness, but their fierce eyes were clearly visible.

Fang Yue reacted quickly, his energy shield shook, and a powerful counter-shock force instantly knocked back the three monsters.

However, these three monster beasts did not retreat, but pounced on them even more ferociously.

Because they are in the underground river, the monsters become more difficult to deal with.

Fang Yue knew that it was not wise to tangle with these monsters in the dark river. He held Zhu Linlang's hand tightly, took a deep breath, and mobilized the energy in his body.

"Hold on tight, we're going to move forward at full speed!" Fang Yue said to Zhu Linlang. At the same time, he raised his vitality to the extreme and wrapped the two of them, forming a bubble-like protective layer.

Zhu Linlang hugged Fang Yue's waist tightly, knowing that what followed would be a battle of speed and passion, as well as a life-or-death escape.

Fang Yue activated his vitality, and the speed of the two of them increased instantly, and they moved quickly along the dark river.

Behind them, the three-headed monsters roared angrily and chased after them.

Under the influence of Fang Yue's vitality, the water flow in the dark river seemed to have opened a channel for them, and the two of them were like a stream of light, streaking through the dark water.

Along the way, some swimming fish in the water were swayed by the strong currents they brought up, forming colorful light trails, which were beautiful and thrilling.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The monster's attacks kept falling on the water behind them, causing huge splashes, but each time they were just a hair's breadth away from touching them.

Fang Yue concentrated on controlling his vitality, not only to maintain speed, but also to ensure the safety of the two of them.

His forehead was covered with sweat, but he knew he couldn't relax at this moment.

Zhu Linlang closed her eyes tightly. She could feel the water flowing around her and the roar of the monster behind her, but she chose to trust Fang Yue completely and put her life in his hands.

Time passed quickly, and Fang Yue took Zhu Linlang through the dark river for a long time.

Finally, they saw a faint light appearing in front of them, which was the hope of exit.

"Almost there! There is light ahead, it should be the exit." Fang Yue shouted excitedly, while speeding up.


When the two finally broke out of the underground river, they found themselves standing in a deep valley.

The sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow.

The fresh air rushed towards them, making the two people feel extremely comfortable after exploring underground for a long time.

"We're out!" Zhu Linlang looked around excitedly and sighed.

Fang Yue also showed a relaxed smile: "Yes, I finally came out."

They stood in the deep valley, and everything they could see was green and full of life.

Zhu Linlang suddenly pulled Fang Yue's sleeve and pointed not far away: "Fang Yue, look there, does it seem to be a precious medicine?"

Fang Yue looked in the direction of her finger and saw a few brightly colored wild flowers scattered on a green grassland. They exuded a faint fragrance and had crystal dewdrops on their petals.

Next to the wildflowers, there are several strange-looking herbs growing. The leaves are dark green, the stems are straight, and there are a few crystal clear fruits on the top.

A hint of surprise flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, and he nodded: "Yes, that is indeed a treasure, called Jasper Fruit. This fruit can enhance vitality and is extremely precious to practitioners."

Zhu Linlang also looked very excited after hearing this: "Then let's go pick it quickly!"

The two of them walked carefully to the Jasper Fruit, for fear of accidentally destroying this precious medicinal material.

They gently picked the fruits and collected them.

After picking the jasper fruits, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang continued to explore the deep valley.

They discovered that this deep valley seemed to hide many secrets, including not only precious medicinal materials, but also some ancient ruins.

The two walked along a stream and soon came to a stone wall.

The stone walls are covered with ancient runes, which look mysterious and solemn.

"This seems to be the entrance to a ruins."

Fang Yue carefully observed the runes on the stone wall, "These runes seem to be a kind of seal. We need to find a way to lift the seal before we can enter."

Zhu Linlang also came over to take a look curiously: "These runes are so complicated, can you understand them?"

Fang Yue smiled slightly: "I can't understand it, but I can open it."

After hearing this, Zhu Linlang looked at Fang Yue in surprise: "You can open it even if you don't understand it? How did you do it?"

Fang Yue did not reply, but smiled slightly, then exhaled his energy and immediately made a gap in the stone wall in front of him.

Zhu Linlang stared at Fang Yue's operation in amazement. She had never expected that he would "open" the ruins in such a direct way.

"You... you just broke it directly?" She asked in surprise.

Fang Yue shrugged and showed a somewhat rogue smile: "Since you can't understand it, just use the simplest and most direct method. Whether it's a seal or a rune, just break it with force."

Zhu Linlang shook her head helplessly. Although she felt that this method was a bit rough, she had to admit that it was indeed an effective method.

The two walked through the gap in the stone wall and entered the ruins.

The interior of the ruins was dark and mysterious, and the air was filled with an ancient and vicissitudes of life.

They found that the space inside the ruins was much larger than it looked from the outside, as if it was an independent small world.

Some ancient patterns and words were engraved on the wall, as if telling a forgotten history.

Zhu Linlang looked around curiously, and suddenly, her eyes were attracted by the words on a stone wall.

"Fang Yue, look here!" she shouted.

Fang Yue came over and looked in the direction of Zhu Linlang's finger.

There was an ancient text engraved on the stone wall. Although it was very old, it was still clearly visible.

"It seems to describe the history of the barbarians. Are we in the depths of the grassland now!" Fang Yue said in surprise.

Could it be that after drifting all the way through the underground river, the two of them came to the depths of the grassland?

The two continued to explore the ruins in depth, discovering more and more murals and symbols, and had a deeper understanding of the history and culture of the barbarians.

At the same time, they also realized that this ruins might hide deeper secrets.

"Fang Yue, look at this." Zhu Linlang pointed to a relief on a stone wall and said.

Fang Yue walked closer and saw that the relief depicted an ancient ceremony. A group of people surrounded a mysterious altar, seemingly performing some kind of sacrificial activity.

"This altar looks very special, maybe it hides some secrets." Fang Yue carefully observed the altar on the relief, trying to find clues.

Zhu Linlang also came over to study, and the two of them looked for possible mechanisms or clues together.

After a careful search, Fang Yue finally found a hidden mechanism.

He pressed lightly, and the altar relief on the stone wall slowly moved away, revealing a hidden secret room.

The two looked at each other in surprise, and then walked into the secret room carefully.

This is actually an altar!

In the center of the secret room, an ancient altar stood quietly, engraved with complex patterns and mysterious symbols, exuding a vicissitudes and solemn atmosphere.

On the altar, a crystal clear gem flashed a dazzling light, as if it contained powerful power. (End of this chapter)

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