"This is...the Yuanzu Divine Stone?" Fang Yue exclaimed.

Since he was coming to fight the grassland barbarians, Fang Yue naturally obtained a lot of information about the grassland barbarians from Si Tianjian.

We know that there are many barbarian tribes in the grassland, but the core are the three major temples.

Because these three major temples can hold rituals and 'mass-produce' powerful barbarian temple warriors.

These warriors are the main fighting force of the grassland barbarians and the key to their dominance on the grassland.

But now, the stone in front of him turned out to be the legendary Ancestral Stone.

According to Si Tianjian's information, the Three-Day Prairie Temple seems to rely on this kind of stone to perform mysterious rituals.

However, because the barbarian temple is extremely tightly guarded, even Si Tianjian's spies have difficulty in spying on its secrets.

This makes both the ancestral sacred stone and temple rituals full of mystery and unknown.

Now, this object suspected to be the Ancestral Divine Stone was placed in front of Fang Yue, and one can imagine the shock in his heart.

If this is really the ancestral stone, then it will be extremely important for understanding or even solving the mystery of the creation of the temple warriors of the prairie barbarians.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excitement, and then turned to look at Zhu Linlang beside him, who had been watching him silently.

"Linlang, look at this." Fang Yue handed Zhu Linlang the stone that was suspected to be the Ancestral Divine Stone.

Zhu Linlang took the stone in confusion, looked at it for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly widened with an expression of disbelief: "Is this... is this the legendary ancestral stone?"

Fang Yue nodded and said solemnly: "Yes, I suspect this is the Yuanzu Divine Stone. What do you think of this?"

Zhu Linlang did not answer immediately, but continued to observe the stone carefully, gently touching the surface of the stone with her hands from time to time.

After a while, he raised his head, looked at Fang Yue and said, "The symbols and totems on this are very similar to some ancient records of the prairie barbarians that I know. If this is really the Yuanzu Divine Stone, then it may contain something. Secrets Made by Temple Warriors."

After hearing this, Fang Yue felt excited.

He knew that this object, which was suspected to be the Ancestral Divine Stone, might be their key to deciphering the mysterious power of the prairie barbarians.

While Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were immersed in the study of the Yuanzu Divine Stone, a sound of hoofbeats suddenly came from outside the valley.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang immediately looked at the entrance of the valley with vigilance, and saw a group of prairie barbarian warriors approaching quickly.

"No, he's a warrior from the prairie barbarians!" Fang Yue said solemnly. Then he grabbed Zhu Linlang and picked up the sacred stone: "Let's leave quickly, we can't be discovered by them."

The two quickly and covertly left their original positions, making as little noise as possible.

However, the group of barbarian warriors seemed to have a clear goal. They moved quickly towards the location where Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang were before.

"How do they know we are here?" Zhu Linlang asked doubtfully.

"Maybe our whereabouts were discovered, or there was some other way to track us."

Fang Yue analyzed and quickened his pace, "No matter what, we must leave this place as soon as possible."

The two walked through the woods, crossed the creek, and ran south.

Fang Yue mobilized his vitality, his shorthand was far superior to that of a galloping horse, and he quickly chased away the pursuers.

After getting rid of their pursuers, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang found a hidden place to rest.

"It was so dangerous, we almost caught up with them." Zhu Linlang sighed.

"Well, these barbarian warriors are indeed well-trained, and their tracking ability is also very strong." Fang Yue nodded.

The two rested for a while, and Fang Yue once again took out the object that was suspected to be the Ancestral Divine Stone and looked at it carefully.

"Linlang, do you think the symbols and totems on this sacred stone are really related to the creation of the temple warriors of the prairie barbarians?" Fang Yue asked.

Zhu Linlang pondered for a moment, and then said: "I think it is very possible. These symbols and totems are very similar to the ancient records of the prairie barbarians that I know. And, if this is not the ancestral sacred stone, why are those barbarian warriors chasing after it so desperately? What about us?"

After hearing this, Fang Yue felt that what Zhu Linlang said made sense.

"Yes, but our current location is deep in the grassland. If we want to leave here and return to the Wei Dynasty, it will not be easy!"

Fang Yue frowned, he was well aware of the dilemma of being deep in the grassland.

In this vast land, the warriors of the grassland barbarians are as cunning and fast as falcons, and this place is still quite far away from the border of the Wei Dynasty.

If he is just one person, then he will naturally come and go like the wind.

But with Zhu Linlang, you have to plan carefully.

After all, Zhu Linlang's cultivation level was still far behind, and his speed would inevitably be slowed down a lot. But he couldn't really leave Zhu Linlang alone, so he had to be careful this time.

The grassland barbarians were able to fight against the Wei Dynasty for more than a thousand years. Naturally, the grassland's heritage cannot be just a few dozen temple warriors.

There must be unimaginable masters among them!

Fang Yue thought for a moment, and then said: "We cannot take risks and march blindly. We need a careful plan. First, we must determine our current specific location, and then find a relatively safe evacuation route."

Zhu Linlang nodded in agreement: "That's true. We also need to prepare enough food and water, as well as deal with possible dangers."


Fang Yue added, "We must hide this original divine stone and not let it be discovered during our evacuation."

Zhu Linlang looked at the divine stone in his hand, then carefully wrapped it in a piece of cloth and hid it in his backpack: "I will keep it carefully."

The two discussed and decided to wait until the dead of night before setting off.

They believed that they could cross the grassland more safely under the cover of darkness.

As night fell, the starlight set off the vastness of the grassland.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang set out on the return journey under the cover of night.

They avoided the main road and chose a remote but relatively flat path.

Fang Yue explored the way ahead, while Zhu Linlang followed closely behind, moving forward carefully.

Although the night on the grassland was cold and windy, the two were highly focused and always alert to the movements around them.

After a night of hard trekking, they finally reached the edge of a forest before dawn.

Fang Yue observed the surrounding environment, then pointed to the depths of the woods: "Let's take a rest in the woods first, and then continue to move forward after dark."

The two found a hidden place, ate some dry food simply, and then fell asleep.

When they woke up, it was already evening.

Fang Yue patted the dust on his body and stood up: "We have to move on. Try to see if we can find locals tomorrow and see where we are now from them."

Zhu Linlang nodded, followed Fang Yue closely, and the two set out on the return journey again.


The moonlight sprinkled on the vast grassland, like a silver ocean.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang walked quickly and cautiously on the grassland under the moonlight.

In the night, the sound of wind, insects and occasional horse hooves on the grassland intertwined, forming a unique grassland night scene.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang kept silent tacitly.

As time passed, a grassland tribe appeared not far ahead.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang immediately hid in a bush and quietly observed the cavalry.

They saw that the cavalry were wearing the costumes of the grassland barbarians, holding spears, and were aggressive.

"It seems to be the cavalry of the grassland barbarians."

Fang Yue whispered: "I wonder if they are coming to chase us."

Zhu Linlang nodded, and the two continued to stay hidden and observe the dynamics of the cavalry.

The cavalry stopped at the entrance of the tribe, had a brief exchange with the guards of the tribe, and then entered the tribe.

Zhu Linlang breathed a sigh of relief: "What should we do now?"

"Wait until they leave, then we will go over."

There is no one on the grassland for thousands of miles, and it is too difficult to supply. It is not easy to encounter a grassland tribe.

Here, you can not only replenish food, but also find out some news.

The two waited patiently for a while, but did not see the cavalry leave.

Fang Yue knew that these people would not leave in a short time, so he said: "Wait for me here for a while, I will be back soon."

Fang Yue's skills are strong, as long as there is no top master besieging him, he is not afraid.

Zhu Linlang nodded. He had full confidence in Fang Yue's strength, so he hid in the bushes and waited.

Fang Yue approached the tribe quietly. He used his skills to minimize his breath to avoid being discovered by the people in the tribe.

Like a gust of wind, he passed through the periphery of the tribe lightly and quickly and came to the center of the tribe.

There, he saw the cavalry team he had observed before. They were sitting around the fire and talking about something.

Fang Yue approached carefully, trying to hear their conversation.

The cavalry's voice was low and powerful, but because they used the language of the grassland barbarians, Fang Yue could only understand some scattered words.

However, from their tone and expression, they did not seem to be tracking anyone, but seemed to come to this tribe to collect money.

Then, he looked around and carefully observed the layout and buildings of the tribe.

At this time, he noticed a relatively spacious tent, which seemed to be an important meeting place for this tribe.

There were some guards around the tent, but they did not seem particularly alert.

Fang Yue immediately sneaked in.

"This should be the tent of a high-ranking official in the tribe, or even the leader of the tribe. There is a grassland map here."

As soon as Fang Yue entered the tent, he saw a hanging animal skin map.

Fang Yue was delighted and hurried forward to observe carefully.

The map depicts the detailed grassland topography, including mountains, rivers, grasslands and the locations of various tribes.

This is undoubtedly a valuable piece of information for Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

They can use this map to plan a safe evacuation route to avoid wandering blindly on the grassland.

Fang Yue quickly memorized the map in his mind and quietly left the tent.

He did not take the map away, because doing so would likely alert the tribe and bring them unnecessary trouble.

Then, he searched for some food in this tribe and then quietly left.

But after Fang Yue left.

Several barbarians with a good aura walked out of the darkness and came to the tent just now.

"Has that person been here?"

"He should have been here. Hehe, that's good. We just need to wait for him to fall into the trap. Otherwise, if he escapes, it will be really difficult to track him down."

The barbarians were talking in low voices in the tent. It was obvious that they had known Fang Yue was coming and deliberately placed the map in a prominent position as bait.

"Chief, this man is very fast and has a high level of cultivation. Can the trap we set really trap him?" A barbarian warrior asked worriedly.

"Humph, no matter how powerful he is, he can't escape the trap we carefully set up."

The tribal leader sneered, "We will secretly deploy heavy troops along the route on the map. As long as he dares to follow that route, he will surely die."

At the same time, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang had already set off according to the route on the map.

They crossed the grassland and the river, carefully avoiding the patrol team of the grassland barbarians along the way.

However, they did not realize that they were gradually walking into a huge trap.


Several days passed quickly as they galloped all the way.

These days, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang had traveled thousands of kilometers. According to the map, they should be not far from the Wei Dynasty now.

On this day, Zhu Linlang, who was on the road, followed Fang Yue closely while looking around, feeling a little uneasy.

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell where it was.

Fang Yue also noticed Zhu Linlang's abnormality, so he asked, "Linlang, what's wrong? Is there anything wrong?"

Zhu Linlang frowned and shook her head, saying, "I can't explain it clearly. I always feel like we are being stared at by something."

Fang Yue was startled when he heard this, and he also felt that there seemed to be a dangerous atmosphere in the air around him.

He glanced around, but didn't find anything unusual.

"Maybe we are too nervous." Fang Yue tried to comfort Zhu Linlang, and at the same time comforted himself.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and then a sharp arrow shot out from the bushes and went straight to Fang Yue's back.

Fang Yue reacted very quickly and dodged the cold arrow with a flash of his body.

He looked back and saw a group of grassland barbarian warriors coming up from all directions and surrounding them.

"Haha, you finally showed up!"

The leading barbarian warrior laughed, "Do you think you can escape from our clutches with that map? How naive!"

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang immediately understood that the map was a trap deliberately left by the other party to lure them in.

"It seems that our whereabouts have always been under your surveillance!" Fang Yue asked calmly.

"That's right,"

The barbarian warrior laughed proudly, "From the moment you left the Holy Valley, we have been keeping an eye on you. Your every move is under our control."

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