After Fang Yue settled down in the camp, he quickly became familiar with the others.

However, there was always an inexplicable sense of vigilance in his heart.

That is, these people do not look like good people.

Sure enough, after nightfall.

The warriors in the camp sat around the campfire, talking and laughing.

Fang Yue sat quietly aside, laughing with them on the surface, but remaining vigilant on the inside.

Suddenly, he felt a strange smell filling the camp.

This breath was mixed with a faint smell. Although it was weak, it could not escape Fang Yue's keen perception.

Fang Yue's heart moved. He quietly observed the people around him, trying to find the source of the smell.

He found that several people in the camp were secretly exchanging glances, as if they were carrying out some conspiracy.

He knows that in this world, people's hearts are unpredictable, and everyone may do unexpected things for their own benefit.

Even in this seemingly united warrior team, there are still intrigues.

He took a deep breath. As long as these people didn't come to deal with him, then he wouldn't mind his own business.

"Brother Fang Yue, it's all thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, I would be in danger."

Shen Sanniang came to Fang Yue's side, brushed her hair from her forehead, and moved her proud body closer to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue turned slightly to avoid Shen Sanniang's body that was too close. He smiled politely and said, "Sanniang is overly complimentary. I just did what I should do."

Shen Sanniang didn't seem to mind Fang Yue's avoidance. She chuckled, leaned close to Fang Yue and asked in a low voice: "There seems to be something wrong in the camp today!"

After Fang Yue heard this, his eyes flashed slightly. He did not expect that Shen Sanniang also noticed the abnormality.

He kept smiling and responded in a low voice: "Really? I didn't feel anything."

Did this woman really not know, or did she do it on purpose?

Fang Yue was not sure, so he couldn't say anything more.

Shen Sanniang heard this, but still said without giving up: "Maybe I am too sensitive. However, I always feel that the atmosphere today is a bit depressing. It seems that something is about to happen. Can I sleep next to you later?"

Fang Yue was slightly startled after hearing this. He did not expect that Shen Sanniang would make such a request.

He just looked at Shen Sanniang's expectant eyes, nodded, and said nothing more.


At night,

The roars of monster beasts came from the distant jungle, making the night sky seem to tremble.

"I see, those are not poisons, but are used to attract these monsters."

At this time, in the corner of the camp, Fang Yue opened his eyes.

As one's martial arts practice reaches a higher level, one's resistance to poisons will also become quite strong.

Therefore, it is difficult for ordinary poisons to be effective.

So, these people are preparing to attract monsters, create chaos, and fish in troubled waters?

At this time, other people in the camp had also discovered this situation.

Just as Fang Yue was thinking, a green light shone in the darkness.

Fang Yue's eyes narrowed, and there were more and more green lights in the darkness. It was obvious that the monster beasts had been attracted by the special medicine and began to gather around the camp.

"Get ready to take action!"

Nangong Zang shouted loudly, holding a long sword and standing at the forefront of the camp.

Others in the team also picked up their weapons and quickly formed a defensive formation to face the approaching group of monsters.

Shen Sanniang also picked up her double swords and stood closely beside Fang Yue. Her face no longer had the charm of the past, replaced by a look of perseverance and determination.

"Brother Fang Yue, follow me!" Shen Sanniang warned, and then rushed towards the group of monsters.

Fang Yue looked at Shen Sanniang's back. Good guy, just now he was weakly begging for protection. This is really a monster. It's charging so fiercely!

After several hours of fierce fighting, the warrior team finally succeeded in repelling the surging monster group.

In the night, the roars of the monsters gradually faded away, and the camp regained its tranquility.

But there is an indescribable tension in this tranquility.

Nangong Zang waved the long sword in his hand and directed everyone to start sorting out the messy camp. "Quickly, check if there are any casualties and the loss of materials."

Everyone acted quickly, some took care of the wounded, and some counted the supplies.

Fang Yue also helped clean up the battlefield. His eyes inadvertently scanned every corner of the camp, but he was secretly vigilant in his heart.

Shen Sanniang walked to Fang Yue, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said with a smile: "Brother Fang Yue, it's really thanks to you tonight. If it weren't for you, we would have suffered even more losses."

Fang Yue smiled slightly and said nothing more, but he did not relax his vigilance in his heart.

He always felt that there seemed to be some connection between tonight's monster attack and the strange aura he had noticed before.

At this moment, Nangong Zang suddenly shouted: "Everyone, come here quickly, the precious medicine we got before is missing!"

After hearing the words, everyone gathered around and saw that the tent where the treasure medicine was originally stored was empty.

The precious medicine that allows people to break through the realm of shape-shifting disappeared in the chaos of the monster attack.

"How could this happen? Did someone take advantage of the chaos and steal the treasure?" Someone shouted angrily.

Nangong Zang looked at everyone with a gloomy expression, "This matter is by no means simple, we need to investigate thoroughly!"

Fang Yue stood in the crowd, feeling the suspicious looks from around him, and couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

He knew that to these people, he, an outsider, would easily be suspected.

"Captain Nangong, I suggest you search everyone's body. Maybe you can find clues to the treasure."

A voice sounded in the crowd, and Fang Yue knew without looking that this suggestion was aimed at him.

Nangong Zang frowned. He didn't want to doubt his team members easily, but the theft of the treasure forced him to think carefully.

Everyone is a warrior, and the lowest level of cultivation is innate. Besides, he was from an extraordinary family, so it would be rude to search him rashly.


Nangong Zang pondered for a moment: "No, you can't do this."

"But captain, the theft of the precious medicine is not a trivial matter. How can we find the thief if we don't search him?" the person who suggested the search said eagerly.

Nangong Zang waved his hand to signal him to calm down, "I understand your concerns, but body search is not the best way to solve the problem. We are a team and should trust each other instead of suspecting each other."

He looked around, his eyes scanning the faces of each team member, and finally stopped on Fang Yue, but he didn't stop for much.

"Although Brother Fang Yue is a new member, he performed well in tonight's battle. I believe he will not be a thief." Nangong Zang said slowly and firmly.

After everyone heard this, the discussion gradually subsided.

Nangong Zang's words are not unreasonable. A body search can indeed easily destroy the trust between the team.

"Then what should we do now?" someone asked.

Nangong Zang thought for a moment, and then said: "I have a tracking rat that can track the smell of the treasure."

As soon as Nangong Zang finished speaking, everyone showed surprised expressions.

The Tracking Rat is an extremely rare monster with the ability to track specific scents.

Such monsters are not only difficult to catch, but also extremely difficult to tame.

"Captain Nangong, do you really own the Tracking Rat?" Someone couldn't help but confirm.

Nangong Zang nodded, and carefully took out a delicate small cage from his arms, in which lay a furry mouse with lively eyes.

This is the tracking rat. Its little nose is constantly twitching, as if it is sniffing the surrounding atmosphere.

"We have let the tracking mouse remember the smell of the treasure before. Now, let it help us find the whereabouts of the treasure." Nangong Zang said, opening the cage.

The tracking rat jumped out deftly and sniffed the ground.

Then quickly ran in one direction.

Nangong Zang motioned for everyone to follow, and everyone immediately followed, leaving someone in the camp to guard him.

However, unexpectedly, after running for a while, the tracking mouse suddenly stopped. Its little nose kept twitching, as if it was trying to sniff the smell in the air.

Then, it started spinning in circles, apparently unable to determine its next direction.

Nangong Zang frowned. He walked to the tracking rat and tried to give it some guidance.

But the Tracking Rat still seemed confused and could not determine the specific location of the treasure.

"How could this happen? Could it be that the smell of the precious medicine has been masked?" someone asked doubtfully.

Nangong Zang pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "Impossible. The tracking rat has an extremely keen sense of smell. Even if the smell is masked, it should be able to sniff out some clues. Unless..."

He looked around and suddenly thought of something, "Unless the treasure has been moved to other places, and it is wrapped in something that can isolate the smell, or the smell is eliminated by some special method."

Everyone looked surprised when they heard this.

If this is the case, then the thieves were obviously well prepared and well planned.

And this thief must know that there is a tracking rat hidden in Nangong.

"What should we do now?" someone asked, breaking the silence.

But at this moment, the originally confused Tracking Rat seemed to suddenly find its direction and ran directly in the direction of Fang Yue.

When everyone saw this, they were immediately surprised, and all their eyes turned to Fang Yue.

Is this really the person who saved Shen Sanniang?

When Nangong Zang saw this, his expression suddenly became serious.

Although there was something wrong with the Tracking Rat just now, he was well aware of the Tracking Rat's ability. Since it pointed at Fang Yue, Fang Yue's suspicion was undoubtedly increased.

He took a deep breath, walked up to Fang Yue, and asked in a serious tone: "Brother Fang Yue, the tracking rat pointed at you, what is your explanation for this?"

Other people also began to question Fang Yue, their suspicious eyes shooting at him like sharp arrows.

However, among this group of people, only Shen Sanniang stood beside Fang Yue, her eyes firm and trusting.

"I believe brother Fang Yue, he is definitely not that kind of person."

Shen Sanniang's voice was clear and firm. She looked at Nangong Zang and everyone and continued:

"He was just with me, there was no way he could steal."

Shen Sanniang's words calmed down the discussion a little, but the suspicious eyes still did not move away from Fang Yue.

After all, the tracking rat's direction was too obvious, making people suspicious.

Nangong Zang also fell into deep thought. He understood that Shen Sanniang trusted Fang Yue, but as a leader, he must consider the interests of the entire team.

He spoke slowly, with helplessness and determination in his voice: "Shen Sanniang, I can understand your mood. But we must handle the current situation with caution. Brother Fang Yue, I hope you can understand our situation and let us take a look. Look at your package."

Fang Yue's face darkened when he heard Nangong Zang's request.

He naturally couldn't let these people search, otherwise he would have no face left.

"So, there is no room for easing!"

Nangong Zang shook his head.

That precious medicine is very valuable. If you take it out, you can create a master of shapeshifting. How can you allow it to be lost.

"In this case, since we are on different paths, I will take my leave." Fang Yue laughed and turned to leave.

He originally didn't plan to be with these people, but just wanted to get some information here. Since they didn't welcome him, he would just leave.

The moment Fang Yue turned to leave, the atmosphere in the camp suddenly became tense.

"Brother Fang Yue, please stay."

Nangong Zang's voice sounded in the night, firm and powerful. He moved and quickly blocked Fang Yue's way.

Fang Yue stopped, turned and looked at Nangong Zang, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

He knew that this conflict was inevitable, but he was also prepared to deal with it.

"Captain Nangong, what do you mean?" Fang Yue's voice was calm and indifferent.

Nangong Zang said in a deep voice: "Brother Fang Yue, I understand your feelings. But the theft of the precious medicine is related to the interests of our entire team. I can't let you leave like this."

Fang Yue sneered and said: "Captain Nangong, you are too unreasonable, aren't you? Just based on the direction of a tracking rat, you want to convict me? If you want to do it, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"In this case, brother Fang Yue, I'm sorry."

Nangong Zang took a deep breath, and the long sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, the sword light flashed, and he went straight to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue saw this, and a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

He moved his body and easily avoided Nangong Zang's attack. At the same time, the long sword in his hand also swung a sharp sword light.

The figures of the two intertwined in the night, the sword light flashed, and the sword energy was crisscrossed.

The surrounding warriors retreated one after another, leaving enough space for the two.

Although Nangong Zang's swordsmanship is exquisite, it seems a little powerless in front of Fang Yue.

Fang Yue's cultivation is profound, and his swordsmanship is even more perfect. Each sword contains powerful power. It is too easy to bully Nangong Zang, who is in the initial stage of shape-changing.

After a few rounds, Nangong Zang was already a little out of breath, but Fang Yue was still at ease.

He saw the opportunity and suddenly launched a fierce attack, pointing the long sword directly at Nangong Zang's throat.

Nangong Zang was shocked and tried his best to barely block the sword.

But Fang Yue's power was too great, and he was directly shocked and took a few steps back.

"Nangong Zang, you lose."

Fang Yue said coldly, and the long sword was already pointing at Nangong Zang's throat.

Nangong Zang took a deep breath and slowly put down the long sword in his hand.

He knew that he was defeated, and he was defeated completely. (End of this chapter)

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