Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 338: The Order of Ten Thousand Demons

"Wait, I'll go with you!"

Just when Fang Yue defeated Nangong Zang and turned around to leave, Shen Sanniang

Suddenly he shouted loudly and walked quickly to Fang Yue's side.

Fang Yue stopped and turned to look at Shen Sanniang, a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

"Sanniang, what are you doing?"

"I want to go with you."

Shen Sanniang looked at Fang Yue firmly with a decisive expression on her face: "I believe you, brother Fang Yue. Besides, I am tired of the intrigues here."

Fang Yue frowned slightly, he did not expect Shen Sanniang to make such a decision.

But among this team of warriors, Shen Sanniang was the only one who showed goodwill and trust to him from the beginning.

Although with his strength, the few people led by Nangong Zang could not do anything to him.

However, Shen Sanniang's actions still made him feel slightly relieved.

"Okay, let's go together." Fang Yue nodded and agreed to Shen Sanniang's request.

The two walked side by side and disappeared into the night.

The remaining members of the warrior team looked at each other, they did not expect that things would develop to this point.

Nangong Zang looked at the two people leaving, took a deep breath, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Anger, disappointment, and a hint of indescribable loneliness.

"Brother Nangong, what do you think we should do, just let him go? Don't want that precious medicine?"

One of the team members couldn't help but break the heavy silence.

Nangong Zang slowly turned around and scanned the team members one by one.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions:

"We can't give up because of a temporary setback. That medicinal herb is too important to us and cannot be given up to Fang Yue easily."

"Then what should we do now?" another team member asked eagerly.

"Go back to the camp first and make a long-term plan."

Nangong Zang said in a deep voice: "Although Fang Yue is powerful, we also have our advantages. We need a more complete plan to ensure that we can successfully capture the herbs next time."

The team members looked at each other and nodded. Although they were unwilling to do so, they also knew that this was not the time to be impulsive.

We can only go back to the camp first and make long-term plans.


The night is dark and the stars are sparse.

Fang Yue and Shen Sanniang walked side by side, neither of them spoke, only the sound of footsteps echoed in the silent night.

"Brother Fang Yue, what are your plans now, and which direction should we go?"

Shen Sanniang was the first to break the silence, her voice appearing particularly clear in the night.

The secret realm is vast, with precious medicines, divine mines, and monster beasts scattered everywhere. Every place is full of unknowns and dangers, but also full of opportunities and hope.

Fang Yue stopped and looked into the distance.

The most precious opportunity in this secret realm of Ten Thousand Demons is of course the Ten Thousand Demons Tower in the center of the secret realm.

It is said that there is an opportunity to break through the transformation.

"Sanniang, do you know the Ten Thousand Demons Tower?" Fang Yue spoke slowly, his eyes flashing with anticipation.

Shen Sanniang was stunned when she heard the words, and then nodded: "Of course we know that the Ten Thousand Demons Tower is the core of the Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Demons. According to legend, there are endless opportunities and secrets there. However, it is also the most dangerous place in the secret realm. Not only are there powerful Protected by monsters, there are also many unknown traps and restrictions.”

Shen Sanniang obviously understands this secret realm better than Fang Yue, and also has very detailed information about the core Ten Thousand Demons Tower.

After hearing this, Fang Yue nodded: "I have heard all this. But precisely because the Ten Thousand Demons Tower is so mysterious and dangerous, I want to find out more. Martial arts practice is to go against the will of heaven. If you are afraid of danger, How can we pursue a higher realm?”

After hearing this, Sanniang Shen's eyes flashed with appreciation.

"Since you have made up your mind, I will accompany you."

Shen Sanniang said firmly: "However, before going to the Ten Thousand Demons Tower, we have to get a Ten Thousand Demons Token."

"The Order of Ten Thousand Demons?" Fang Yue looked at Shen Sanniang in confusion, "What is that?"

"The Ten Thousand Demons Order is the pass to enter the Ten Thousand Demons Tower."

Shen Sanniang explained: "Without the Ten Thousand Demons Token, we cannot approach the Ten Thousand Demons Tower. Moreover, each Ten Thousand Demons Token can only be used by one person."

Fang Yue was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then asked: "How to obtain the Ten Thousand Demons Order?"

Shen Sanniang replied: "The way to obtain the Ten Thousand Demon Orders is not fixed. The Wei royal family has a fixed number of Ten Thousand Demon Orders, which can be exchanged as long as a sufficient price is paid. Other Ten Thousand Demon Orders must be obtained from the secret realm."

"It's just that these Ten Thousand Monster Orders scattered in the secret realm are often guarded by powerful monsters."

Fang Yue nodded after hearing this, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "Then we will find these guardian beasts, challenge them, and obtain the Ten Thousand Demons Token."

Shen Sanniang looked at Fang Yue with a flash of appreciation in her eyes. She knew that Fang Yue was a person who had the courage to face challenges.

So, she nodded and said, "Okay, let's go together."

In the following days, the two began to search for traces of the guardian beast.

The two of them walked forward in the secret realm, always alert to the movements around them.

The Mysterious Realm of Ten Thousand Demons is full of unknown dangers, but this is also the stage where they pursue opportunities and challenges.

At the same time, Nangong Zang did not give up the pursuit of Fang Yue.

He returned to the camp and quickly united with the other children of the aristocratic families to prepare for the siege.

"Nangong Zang, who is it that made you do this? Tell us and we will be happy!"

Looking at Nangong Zang, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, a burly warrior couldn't help but laugh.

If Fang Yue were here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this person was Yang Chen.

This person is a leader of the younger generation of the Yang family and has a long-standing friendship with Nangong Zang.

Nangong Zang's face was gloomy, he glared at Yang Chen and said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, I came to you this time for a serious matter."

Looking at Nangong Zang's gloomy face, Yang Chen also suppressed his smile and became serious.

He knew that something that could make Nangong Zang so angry and embarrassed must be no small matter.

"What's going on?" Yang Chen asked.

Nangong Zang took a deep breath and told in detail the previous conflict with Fang Yue and the robbery of the treasure.

His words were full of anger and unwillingness, and it was obvious that this setback had dealt a heavy blow to him.

After listening to Nangong Zang's narration, Yang Chen and others showed angry expressions.

They, the children of aristocratic families, are used to being arrogant and domineering. How have they ever experienced such anger?

"This Fang Yue is so arrogant!"

Yang Chen snorted coldly: "Not only did I steal your precious medicine, I also beat you like this. We must avenge this!"

The reason why Yang Chen was like this was because he also wanted to kill Fang Yue.

Because Qin Wan'er likes Fang Yue and gets closer to Fang Yue.

Yang Chen's words resonated with others, and they all agreed, expressing their desire to avenge Nangong Zang.

Nangong Zang was secretly happy, knowing that his goal had been achieved.

"Everyone, this Fang Yue is quite powerful, but we have the strength in numbers and we will definitely be able to take him down."

Nangong Zang took the opportunity to boost morale: "As long as everyone works together, we will be able to kill this beast!"

After hearing this, everyone's morale was immediately boosted, and they all expressed their intention to follow Nangong Zang and hunt down Fang Yue together.

At this time, Fang Yue and Shen Sanniang were still exploring around in the secret realm.

They have found some clues to the guardian monsters and are preparing to challenge them.

The two walked side by side, observing their surroundings vigilantly.

Suddenly, Shen Sanniang's expression changed, she pulled Fang Yue's sleeve, and then pointed forward.

Fang Yue looked in the direction pointed by Shen Sanniang and saw a huge monster lying on the ground resting not far ahead.

The beast was shaped like a bear, but its whole body was covered with a hard shell, its fangs were exposed, and it looked extremely ferocious.

"This is... a bear demon. It looks rough and thick-skinned. It might take a few more punches to kill it."

Fang Yue naturally discovered this monster a long time ago.

This monster bear is only two feet long in size, but it is filled with monster energy.

"This is an iron-backed gray bear, known for its strong defense and huge strength."

Shen Sanniang reminded from the side: "We must deal with it carefully."

Fang Yue nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He walked slowly towards the iron-backed bear, each step appearing calm and powerful.

This demon bear looks good. If used as a mount, it should save some energy.

The iron-backed gray bear seemed to be aware of Fang Yue's approach. It raised its head and let out a deafening roar, trying to scare the approaching human.

However, Fang Yue was not affected at all and continued to move forward resolutely.

Just when the Iron-backed Cangxiong was about to attack, Fang Yue suddenly rushed forward and punched the Iron-backed Cangxiong hard on the head.

The power of this punch was so great that the Iron-backed Cangxiong couldn't help but shake, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

It didn't expect that this seemingly thin human being could be so powerful.

Fang Yue didn't give the iron-backed bear a chance to breathe, and then punched it away again.

This time, he aimed at the weak spot of the iron-backed bear and hit the target accurately.

The iron-backed bear let out a scream of pain, and his whole body arched up.

However, Fang Yue had no intention of stopping.

He took the opportunity to jump up and stand on the back of the iron-backed bear.

The iron-backed gray bear twisted its body wildly in pain, trying to throw the human off its back, but Fang Yue was suppressed on the bear's back like a sacred mountain, motionless.

At this time, Shen Sanniang looked on in shock.

She was originally worried that Fang Yue would suffer a loss, but now it seems that her worries are completely unnecessary.

Fang Yue's strength and combat experience far exceeded her imagination.

Under Fang Yue's continuous heavy blows, the iron-backed bear's struggle gradually weakened, and finally fell to the ground, panting and lying there with a look of surrender in his eyes. Fang Yue jumped off the bear's back and looked at the beast, which was unable to resist, with a winner's smile on his face.

"Sanniang, it seems we have a new mount." Fang Yue turned around and said to Shen Sanniang.

Shen Sanniang recovered from the shock, walked to the iron-backed bear, and carefully looked at the huge monster.

Although the iron-backed gray bear was defeated, there was a trace of awe and dependence in the bear's eyes.

"Brother Fang Yue, you are really amazing!"

Shen Sanniang sincerely praised: "With this iron-backed bear as a mount, our movements in the secret realm will be more convenient."

Fang Yue nodded, agreeing with Shen Sanniang's view.

He walked to the side of the iron-backed gray bear, stretched out his hand and gently stroked the bear's head, as if to comfort the monster.

The iron-backed bear became docile under Fang Yue's touch.

Fang Yue and Shen Sanniang rode on the iron-backed bear and began their new journey in the secret realm of ten thousand monsters.

With the help of the iron-backed bear, the two traveled through the forest and over the hills, avoiding many dangers along the way.

This monster was not only powerful, but also extremely fast, which greatly saved their time.

On this day, they came to a vast grassland, where all kinds of exotic flowers and plants grew, and some monsters and beasts strolled leisurely on the grassland.

"Brother Fang Yue, look at that sea of ​​flowers. There might be precious medicinal herbs among those flowers."

Shen Sanniang pointed to the colorful sea of ​​flowers in front of her and said.

Fang Yue nodded and drove the iron-backed bear towards the sea of ​​flowers.

They searched carefully among the flowers and found some precious medicinal herbs.

Shen Sanniang picked excitedly, while Fang Yue observed the surrounding environment vigilantly.

Suddenly, a gust of fishy wind blew, and a huge monster jumped out of the sea of ​​flowers and rushed toward them.

This is a giant snake covered with scales, with its mouth wide open and sharp fangs exposed.


Fang Yue shouted, pulled Shen Sanniang and quickly jumped onto the back of the iron-backed bear.

The iron-backed bear roared and faced the giant snake. A fierce battle ensued.

Although the giant snake was ferocious, it gradually showed its fatigue under the joint attack of Tiebei Cangxiong, Fang Yue, and Shen Sanniang.

After a hard fight, they finally defeated the giant snake.

After the battle, they found a token shining with mysterious light from the giant snake.

Shen Sanniang exclaimed in surprise: "This is the Order of Ten Thousand Demons!"

Fang Yue took the token and looked at it carefully. He saw that the token was engraved with ancient runes and patterns, exuding a mysterious power.

He knew that this was the Ten Thousand Demons Order they had been looking for.

"Great! We finally found a Token of Ten Thousand Demons!"

Shen Sanniang said excitedly: "With this token, we can enter the Ten Thousand Demons Tower!"

Fang Yue nodded, his eyes shining with expectation.

Just when Fang Yue and Shen Sanniang were happy to find the Ten Thousand Demons Token, suddenly, dust was flying on the other side of the grassland, and a group of warriors rushed over menacingly.

The leader was none other than the sinister-looking Nangong Zang. Beside him were Yang Chen, a tall man with a murderous look on his face, and some other children from aristocratic families.

"Fang Yue, I finally found you!" Nangong Zang said through gritted teeth, with hatred shining in his eyes.

Fang Yue and Shen Sanniang looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

Although they had just experienced a battle, facing so many warriors, it was still a tough battle.

"Nangong Zang, you are really haunted." Fang Yue said coldly, holding the Ten Thousand Demon Token tightly in his hand.

"Hmph, Fang Yue, do you think you can escape from my grasp?"

Nangong Zang snorted coldly: "Hand over the Ten Thousand Demons Order, and I can give you a pleasure!"

"If you want the Ten Thousand Demons Order, it depends on whether you have the ability."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Fang Yue's lips, and with a movement of his body, he rushed towards Nangong Zang and others. (End of chapter)

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