However, just when Fang Yue thought he was about to be defeated, a sudden change occurred in him.

The power of luck mixed in the body was mobilized, and all the injuries on his body were instantly repaired.

Those wounds that originally seemed fatal, under the influence of this force, healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Da Chongfeng and Zhu Xiaotian saw this scene, they were both shocked.

They didn't expect that Fang Yue had such magical means. This was simply unbelievable.

"How is that possible?!" Zhu Xiaotian exclaimed.

The great worshiper also had a solemn expression on his face. He knew how powerful the power of luck was, but this was the first time he had seen Fang Yue being able to recover from his injuries instantly.

For a time, the situation on the battlefield became tense again.

Fang Yue stood up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "You shouldn't underestimate me!"

Although his voice was a little weak, it was full of firm belief and determination.

Da Zongfeng and Zhu Xiaotian looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that Fang Yue's strength far exceeded expectations, and this battle might not end so easily.

"Young man, you are indeed remarkable."

The great worshiper spoke slowly, his tone revealing the other party's growing admiration and fear, "But today, you are destined to be unlucky."

As he said that, he turned around and left in a flash.

At this moment, he has no fighting power. If he continues to stay, his life or death will be uncertain.

The great worshiper knew in his heart that facing such a strange opponent, it was meaningless to continue fighting.

His figure quickly disappeared into the distant sky, leaving only an afterimage.

Zhu Xiaotian looked at the back of the great priest leaving in a hurry and couldn't help cursing in his heart. He felt betrayed, and at this critical moment.

His body is now unable to move, and his severe injuries have almost rendered him incapable of fighting.

Fang Yue slowly walked up to Zhu Xiaotian, knelt down and looked at him. Zhu Xiaotian's eyes were full of anger and unwillingness, but there was nothing he could do now.

"How do you want to die?" Fang Yue asked, his voice calm and deep.

Zhu Xiaotian's eyes widened, and his heart was shocked by the other party's words.

In order to survive, he began to desperately put forward various conditions, hoping to impress Fang Yue and let him let him live.

"Let me go!"

Zhu Xiaotian continued, "I can give you countless gold and silver treasures, which are enough to make you worry-free for a lifetime.

I can also ask the royal family to withdraw the wanted order, allowing you to walk freely within the empire, and no one dares to embarrass you.

Even, if you are interested, I can help introduce you to the royal family, giving you the opportunity to obtain higher status and power..."

Fang Yue listened to Zhu Xiaotian's words without any expression on his face.

Slowly reaching out, the vitality in his palm spurted out, condensing into an invisible energy sword, hovering next to Zhu Xiaotian's neck.

He looked at the enemy in front of him coldly, with no expression on his face, as if he was assessing the authenticity of Zhu Xiaotian's words.

"Your offer does sound tempting!"

Fang Yue finally spoke, his voice calm but revealing unquestionable majesty, "But I believe in my own strength and judgment more.

Gold, silver, wealth, status and power, these are not what I pursue. What I care more about is whether you can actually provide valuable information and help. "

Zhu Xiaotian felt the cold energy sword next to his neck, and his heart tightened.

He understood that his current life was completely in Fang Yue's hands.

To survive, he had to keep lobbying.

"I swear the information and help I provided was absolutely valuable."

Zhu Xiaotian said eagerly: "I know many secrets of the royal family, as well as some important strategic resource points.

This information will definitely be useful to you. Moreover, I have certain influence in the royal family and can help you find out more information. "

"I heard that there is a supreme magical skill in the royal family. Do you know the content of this skill?" Fang Yue thought for a while and continued to ask.

When Zhu Xiaotian heard Fang Yue mention the "supreme magical power", a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This skill is indeed a top secret in the royal family, and only a handful of core members have the opportunity to come into contact with it.

He knew in his heart that Fang Yue was interested in this, and it might be a valuable bargaining chip he proposed.

"Yes, I do know some information about this supreme magical skill."

Zhu Xiaotian answered cautiously, while secretly observing Fang Yue's reaction.

“But this technique is extremely confidential, and even within the royal family, only a few people have access to it.

However, if you let me go, I'm willing to do my best to help you get information about this technique, and maybe even help you get it. "

"Keep talking!" Fang Yue said.

Zhu Xiaotian felt a little relieved when he saw that Fang Yue was interested in his proposal.

He realized that this might be his only chance to escape death.

So, he organized his words more carefully and tried to persuade Fang Yue.

"This supreme magical skill is called the 'Imperial Dao Tiangang Jue'. It is a peerless martial art passed down by the royal family for generations."

Zhu Xiaotian said slowly, "It is said that if you practice this skill to the extreme, you can have the power to move mountains and fill seas, and even break the void."

Zhu Xiaotian was about to continue talking when suddenly, his head exploded like an exploding watermelon, blood and brains splattered everywhere.

This sudden change shocked Fang Yue, and he quickly took a few steps back to avoid being splashed with blood.

Looking at Zhu Xiaotian's headless corpse on the ground, Fang Yue's heart moved slightly: "Is this a restriction imposed by humans? Once you talk about the content of this supreme magical skill, will you be silenced?"

Fang Yue's guess was correct. Zhu Xiaotian did meet a tragic end because he violated some kind of restriction.

This kind of ban was specially set by the royal family to prevent the secrets of the "Imperial Dao Tiangang Jue" from being leaked. Anyone who tries to leak the core secret of this skill will trigger the ban and suffer severe punishment.

When Zhu Xiaotian tried to reveal more information about the "Imperial Dao Tiangang Jue", he accidentally activated the restriction hidden in his body.

His head exploded suddenly, not only his life disappeared instantly, but also brought great shock to Fang Yue.

The strength of the Wei royal family is truly unfathomable!

He took a deep breath and calmed down. Now, he needs to tread even more carefully.

At the same time, he also became more interested in the "Imperial Dao Tiangang Jue".

The power of this supreme magical skill can actually make the royal family pay so much attention to it that they even go so far as to plant restrictions in the members' bodies to keep it a secret.

Fang Yue stood up and looked around. The smoke and dust on the battlefield gradually dispersed, revealing a messy scene.

He sighed secretly in his heart. Although he won this battle, he also paid a heavy price.

However, he didn't have much time to express his emotions.

He knew that he had to leave this place as soon as possible to avoid causing more trouble.

At the same time, he must also digest the experience of this battle and prepare for the next challenge.

Fang Yue was thinking about his parents, so he quickly left the battlefield and rushed towards the place where he would meet his family. His heart was full of anticipation, but also a little nervous, because he knew how precious and touching this reunion would be.

When he arrived at the rendezvous point, he saw his parents standing there in the distance, anxiously waiting for his return. Fang Yue felt warm in his heart and walked over quickly.

"Father, mother!" Fang Yue shouted.

Hearing their son's voice, Fang's father and Fang's mother were so excited that they hugged Fang Yue tightly, tears welling up in their eyes.

"Xie'er, are you okay? We are so worried about you." Mother Fang said, her voice choked with sobs.

"Mom, I'm fine." Fang Yue comforted her, while her heart was filled with warmth and peace.

At this time, Fang Yue found a familiar figure standing not far away, slim and graceful, with a touch of concern in his eyes.

That was Zhu Linlang, she had been silently paying attention to Fang Yue's safety.

"Miss Zhu, thank you for saving my parents this time?" Fang Yue stepped forward and said gratefully.

Zhu Linlang smiled slightly and said softly: "Young master Fang is too polite. Your Majesty, the good people in the hall have their own destiny. Even without me, they will definitely be able to turn disaster into good luck."

Fang's father and mother also expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Zhu Linlang.

Mother Fang took Zhu Linlang's hand and said kindly:

"Miss Linlang, it's really thanks to you this time. Our pig is really lucky to have a friend like you."

Zhu Linlang was a little embarrassed by the praise, and she lowered her head shyly.

Fang Yue saw it and couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.

He knew that his parents were safe and sound this time, thanks to Zhu Linlang's careful care and protection.

"Miss Zhu, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness."

Fang Yue said solemnly, "If you are of any use to me in the future, just ask."

Zhu Linlang raised her head, her clear eyes shining with determination: "Master Fang, you are too polite. Since I regard you as a friend, I should naturally support each other."

After hearing Zhu Linlang's words, Fang Yue felt warm in his heart. He took a deep look at Zhu Linlang, then turned his head and said to his parents: "Father, mother, we have to leave here quickly. Although the battle is over , but there is no guarantee that other accidents will not happen.”

Father Fang nodded and said in a deep voice: "She'er is right, let's leave this place of right and wrong first."

After hearing Fang Yue's words, Fang's mother Chen quickly said: "She'er is right, we have to leave quickly. But..."

She turned to Zhu Linlang, her eyes full of gratitude and warmth, "Miss Linlang, how about you come with us."

Mrs. Chen really fell in love with Zhu Linlang. This girl was smart, beautiful, brave, and was so kind to the couple.

It would be great if she could be with Zhe'er.

When Zhu Linlang heard Chen's words, she showed a touch of emotion on her face.

She looked at Fang Yue, her eyes flashing with expectation and inquiry.

However, Fang Yue frowned slightly. Although he was grateful to Zhu Linlang, he knew that their family was still in danger at this moment, and he did not want Zhu Linlang to be involved.

"Mom, let's go first." Fang Yue said, with a hint of helplessness in his voice, "The situation is still unclear now. Those people's target is me, and I can't let Miss Linlang take risks."

Zhu Linlang was a little disappointed when she heard Fang Yue's words, but she also understood Fang Yue's worries.

She didn't want to bring more trouble to Fang Yue, so she smiled and said, "Young Master Fang, please leave first. I will be careful, don't worry about me."

Fang Yue looked at Zhu Linlang, a trace of gratitude and apology flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Zhu Linlang was a smart and brave girl who could take care of herself.

But he still felt a little guilty because he couldn't let Zhu Linlang get involved in this danger.

"Miss Linlang, take care." Fang Yue said, then turned around to signal to his parents that it was time to leave.

Father Fang, Mother Fang and Fang Yue left this troubled place together, and Zhu Linlang watched them go away.

She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that Fang Yue's family would be safe.


A month later, Fang Yue and his parents came to a quiet town in the south of the Great Wei Dynasty.

This town is surrounded by lush trees, far away from the hustle and bustle of the imperial capital and the power struggle, like a paradise.

The three members of the Fang family rented a quiet courtyard here and began a peaceful life.

Father Fang's teahouse soon became famous in the town.

The tea he brewed was fragrant and had a long aftertaste, and with the warm hospitality of Fang's mother Chen, it attracted many guests.

The prosperous business of the teahouse also brought a stable income to the family.

As for Fang Yue, he spent most of his time in his room healing and practicing.

Although his injuries had healed, the battle with Zhu Xiaotian and the great priest made him feel that his strength still had a lot of room for improvement.

Therefore, he made up his mind to practice harder and improve his cultivation.

Every day, he would spend several hours practicing martial arts and internal strength.

His room was filled with various martial arts secrets, which he collected from various places during his recovery.

He carefully studied each secret book and constantly pondered the mysteries in it.

In addition to practicing martial arts, he would also regularly take some rare spiritual medicines to assist in his practice.

These spiritual medicines were all spoils of his previous adventures, and now they just came in handy. With the help of spiritual medicines, his cultivation improved rapidly.

However, the good times did not last long. Just as Fang Yue's cultivation was improving day by day and his life was becoming more peaceful, the people of the Shadow Pavilion finally found them.

One night, the moonlight was hazy, and Fang Yue was practicing in the courtyard. Suddenly, he sensed several powerful auras approaching quickly. He immediately became alert, moved his body, and went to the source of those auras.

I saw several men in black quietly landing in the yard. They were agile and well-trained masters.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my house?" Fang Yue asked coldly.

"Hey, Fang Yue, don't play dumb. You should know who we are."

One of the men in black sneered: "You killed our Shadow Pavilion people, and you thought you could escape?"

Fang Yue sighed in his heart. He knew that the Shadow Pavilion people would come to his door sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

"What do you want?" Fang Yue asked in a deep voice.

"It's very simple. Come with us and go to see the Pavilion Master." The man in black said, "If you know what's good for you, don't let us do it." (End of this chapter)

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