Fang Yue took a deep breath, knowing that these people were just minions.

Even if you kill me here, someone will come again.

The problem cannot be solved once and for all.

Therefore, we still have to see who is behind the scenes.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Fang Yue said, while quickly calculating a response strategy in his mind.

The men in black looked at each other and smiled, seemingly satisfied with the other party's cooperation.

The two of them immediately felt in their hearts that the people in the pavilion said that this person was very powerful and invincible, so they had to invite him respectfully.

Now it seems that the silver pewter gun head is nothing more than that!


An hour later, Fang Yue was taken to a mountain forest by these men in black.

Under the cover of night, the mountain forest looks increasingly deep and mysterious. Only the faint moonlight penetrates the treetops, leaving mottled shadows on the ground.

The men in black stopped, one of them turned around and said to the other: "We're here, go in by yourself."

Fang Yue looked around and saw a hidden cave not far ahead. The entrance of the cave was obscured by dense vines. It was difficult to find it without careful observation.

He knew in his heart that this cave was probably where the "man behind the scenes" as mentioned by the people in black was.

He walked toward the cave, but he was secretly wary.

Fang Yue pushed aside the vines and walked into the cave. It was pitch dark inside the cave, and he could only rely on his senses to move forward.

Gradually, his eyes adapted to the darkness, and he began to be able to vaguely make out the scene inside the cave.

After walking for a while, a faint light appeared ahead.

Immediately, it became brighter and brighter, and soon the front suddenly became clear.

"Is this actually the demon world? Is that cave just now also a node?"

Fang Yue took a deep breath, feeling shocked.

He looked around and saw a strange forest surrounding him. The trees were tall and dense, and there was a faint light shining between the branches and leaves.

There was a strange smell in the air, completely different from the human world he was familiar with.

"Is the Shadow Pavilion's lair actually located here? No wonder it's always difficult to destroy!"

Fang Yue murmured to himself, filled with doubts and curiosity.

At this time, he sensed a strange aura, and then looked towards an open space.

"Now that we are here, why hide?"

Before Fang Yue finished speaking, the source of the strange aura suddenly surged, and then, a figure slowly appeared from the darkness.

It was a man in black robes, with half a mask on his face, only a pair of eyes showing, shining with a cold light.

He stood there quietly, as if blending in with the surrounding scenery.

"Are you Fang Yue?" The man in black robe spoke slowly, his voice low and hoarse, as if coming from the depths of hell.

"Not bad." Fang Yue nodded. "Who are you?"

"I am the master of the Shadow Pavilion." Li Shengdong said.

"Master of the Shadow Pavilion, Li Shengdong?" Fang Yue repeated the name, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"If I remember correctly, I remember that the master of the Shadow Pavilion does not seem to be you! His surname is not Li either!"

Li Shengdong laughed when he heard this: "You said that in the Shadow Pavilion of the Wei Dynasty, it was just a substitute for this pavilion."

"Oh?" Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling secretly wary.

The appearance of this Li Shengdong was obviously much more complicated than he expected, and he could not sense this person's cultivation level.

This can only show that either this person is just an ordinary person, or his cultivation is extremely tyrannical!

I'm afraid that he has surpassed the master, at least he is a great master who is integrated with the world!

Besides, if the Shadow Pavilion was just a stand-in in the Wei Dynasty, how strong would the real Shadow Pavilion be?

I'm afraid this pavilion master won't be the only strong one, there must be more people.

"So, you came to me, do you have any advice?"

Fang Yue asked calmly, trying to find out more information from Li Shengdong's mouth.

Li Shengdong did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Fang Yue, do you know what the nature of this world is?"

Fang Yue was slightly startled and looked at Li Shengdong without knowing why.

This question was so broad that he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

"It seems you still don't understand."

Li Shengdong continued, "This world is not as simple as you see. The existence of Shadow Pavilion is to reveal the truth of this world.

And you, Fang Yue, I'm afraid you don't even know how important you are now.

Well, I came to see you today. I don’t want to talk about these spoilers, I just want to show my friendship as a landlord. "

Li Shengdong immediately led Fang Yue forward and came to a village that was like a paradise.

Fang Yue followed Li Shengdong through the strange forest and finally came to this hidden and peaceful village.

At night, the village lights dimmed, emitting a warm glow that contrasted sharply with the surrounding dark forest.

"This is a secret stronghold in our Shadow Pavilion, and it is also the place where our brothers rest after being injured in the battle." Li Shengdong introduced.

Fang Yue looked around and found that people in the village looked at him with strange eyes, but he could feel that there was no hostility in the eyes.

"You can rest here tonight."

Li Shengdong pointed to a hut and said, "Tomorrow, I will take you to visit our Shadow Pavilion to let you know more about us."

Fang Yue nodded and said nothing more.

He knew that he was now in the enemy camp and needed to maintain a high degree of vigilance.

However, he also realized that this was a great opportunity to understand Shadow Pavilion and Li Shengdong.

That night, Fang Yue lay on his simple bed, but couldn't fall asleep.

His mind kept echoing Li Shengdong's words and the huge conspiracy hidden behind the world he revealed.

The next morning, Li Shengdong arrived as scheduled and led Fang Yue to visit the facilities of Shadow Pavilion.

They passed through the training ground, the armory, and even came to the intelligence center of Shadow Pavilion.

Here, Fang Yue saw a lot of intelligence information and the distribution map of Shadow Pavilion's power.

He was surprised to find that the sphere of influence of Shadow Pavilion was much wider than he imagined, and it had even penetrated into every corner of the Wei Dynasty.

"Our goal is to reveal the truth of this world."

Li Shengdong reiterated their purpose again, "And you, Fang Yue, have the potential to pursue this goal with us."

Fang Yue listened silently, but his heart was surging.

Fang Yue did not immediately accept Li Shengdong's invitation. He knew the importance of this decision and needed time to think carefully.

Li Shengdong did not force it. He seemed to have anticipated Fang Yue's reaction and just smiled and nodded.

"I will be here while you think about it." Li Shengdong said, then turned and left.

As night fell, a bonfire was lit in the center of the Shadow Pavilion village. The firelight shone on everyone's face, bringing a touch of warmth and a warm atmosphere.

This was the bonfire party of the Shadow Pavilion. People in the village gathered here, and laughter and joy came one after another.

Fang Yue was meditating with his eyes closed in the simple wooden house, trying to sort out everything that had happened in recent days.

Suddenly, a melodious piano sound broke the tranquility of the night. The melody was melodious and dreamy, as if there was a mysterious magic that could make people intoxicated.

He opened his eyes and saw a beautiful woman who had appeared in the room at some point.

She was wearing a long gauze dress, and the hem of her skirt danced in the wind, like a fairy descending to the world.

The woman's face was pure and elegant, her eyes were like water and full of affection, and her lips were smiling, as if she could capture people's hearts.

With her arrival, a faint fragrance filled the air, which was fresh and elegant, making people feel relaxed and happy.

Fang Yue couldn't help but be amazed by the woman's beauty and temperament, but he quickly regained his composure.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Fang Yue asked vigilantly, but in his heart he was secretly guessing the origin and purpose of this woman.

The woman smiled lightly, and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly. She slowly walked in front of Fang Yue and bowed:

"My name is Qingyun, and I am a musician in the Shadow Pavilion. I heard that Mr. Fang was here, so I came to offer a song to show my respect."

Fang Yue's heart moved when he heard this, a musician in the Shadow Pavilion?

Could this woman be a lobbyist sent by the Shadow Pavilion?

He smiled calmly and said, "Miss Qingyun's piano skills are really superb and intoxicating. However, I have many doubts in my heart at the moment. I wonder if the girl can answer one or two for me?"

Qingyun smiled slightly and said softly, "Mr. Fang, if you have any doubts, just tell me. Although I am not talented, I hope to do my best to answer your doubts."

Fang Yue nodded and began to ask some questions about Shadow Pavilion and Li Shengdong.

Qingyun answered them patiently one by one, and her voice was like a spring breeze, which made people yearn for it.

During the conversation, Fang Yue gradually discovered that Qingyun not only had outstanding musical talent, but also had a deep understanding of Shadow Pavilion and Li Shengdong.

Her answers were both detailed and insightful, which made Fang Yue know more about Shadow Pavilion.

"Haha, you actually told me all the martial arts and weaknesses of your Pavilion Master? Aren't you afraid that I will turn against Shadow Pavilion?"

Fang Yue asked with a bit of teasing and testing.

Qingyun heard this, a sly look flashed in her eyes, she whispered: "Mr. Fang is not that kind of person.

Besides, with your strength and wisdom, if you want to use these to deal with the Shadow Pavilion, I'm afraid we can't defend ourselves. But Qingyun believes that you have your own morality and principles in your heart."

After hearing this, Fang Yue couldn't help but look at this woman with new eyes.

She is not only beautiful and intelligent, but also has a delicate heart.

He sighed in his heart, I don't know whether such a woman is a blessing or a curse in the Shadow Pavilion.

"Miss Qingyun trusts me so much, I am really flattered." Fang Yue responded with a smile, and at the same time weighed the truth of what the musician said in his heart.

"Qingyun is just telling the truth."

The woman smiled elegantly, and didn't seem to care about Fang Yue's temptation and suspicion.

The atmosphere between the two gradually became harmonious, and Fang Yue began to relax his vigilance.

He found that he and Miss Qingyun had many common topics and interests, and the communication between them became more frequent and in-depth.

However, at this moment, a burst of hurried footsteps broke the harmonious atmosphere between them.

A disciple of the Shadow Pavilion rushed in and reported anxiously:

"Miss Qingyun, there is an emergency! We found a large number of monsters approaching our village."

Qingyun's face changed slightly when she heard this, and she stood up immediately.

Fang Yue also stood up soon after, frowning, and he felt a solemn atmosphere.


Fang Yue asked in confusion, "This is the demon world, it is not strange for monsters to appear, but why do they gather in large numbers and attack the village?"

Qingyun shook her head, "I don't know, but this has never happened before. We must prepare for battle immediately."

Fang Yue nodded, he knew that this was not the time to ask the reason.

He looked at the Shadow Pavilion disciple who reported the news, "Where is your Pavilion Master? Has he heard the news?"

The disciple nodded: "The Pavilion Master has gone to the village entrance to organize a defense line. He asked me to find Miss Qingyun and you, and I hope you can rush to support as soon as possible."

"Okay, we'll go right away."

Fang Yue said, and at the same time sighed in his heart, this incident was obviously much more complicated than he expected.

He looked at Qingyun, "Let's go."

The two quickly left the wooden house and followed the disciple to the village entrance.

In the night, their figures quickly shuttled through the woods and soon arrived at the entrance of the village.

At this moment, many disciples of the Shadow Pavilion had gathered at the entrance of the village, holding weapons and ready for battle.

Li Shengdong stood at the front, looking coldly at the group of monsters surging in the darkness ahead.

Seeing Fang Yue and Qing Yun coming, Li Shengdong nodded without saying anything more.

Qing Yun didn't waste any words, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, placed her guqin across her knees, and began to play with her jade fingers.

The sound of the guqin was melodious, and at first it was like a spring flowing. Gradually, as Qing Yun's fingertips jumped, the melody became high-pitched and exciting, as if it was a battle of wits and swords, swallowing up the mountains and rivers.

Fang Yue stood aside, staring at Qing Yun, and he found that as the sound of the guqin stirred, a mysterious power seemed to permeate the air around him, and this power spread in all directions like ripples.

At the same time, the group of monsters that had originally rushed fiercely stopped after coming into contact with this mysterious sound wave, as if they were blocked by some invisible force.

Some weaker monsters even began to tremble under the influence of this sound wave, with fear in their eyes, and turned to flee.

Although those powerful monsters were still fierce, their attack speed and frequency were significantly reduced, as if they were suppressed in some way.

Fang Yue was shocked when he saw this scene.

Qingyun looked mediocre and weak, but she didn't expect her piano sound to be so powerful that it could directly affect the behavior of monsters. Her strength was simply unfathomable.

Li Shengdong also noticed Fang Yue's surprised expression. He said lightly: "Qingyun's piano art, combined with her unique internal skills, can stimulate special frequencies in sound waves. This frequency may not have much effect on humans, but it can directly affect the minds of monsters."

After hearing this, Fang Yue couldn't help but admire Qingyun even more. He looked at Qingyun and saw that she looked calm, as if everything was under control. Her slender fingers jumped on the guqin, and every note seemed to carry a mysterious power.

As time went on, the monsters' attacks became weaker and weaker, and the disciples of the Shadow Pavilion took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and repel the monsters one by one. (End of this chapter)

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