Fang Yue smiled slightly and nodded: "Uncle, I have thought it through very clearly. It's not that I have no interest in power, but I would rather fight for it in my own way rather than relying on the power of others."

Hui Hengwu looked at Fang Yue with a flash of disappointment in his eyes, but he did not force it, just sighed softly and said:

"Since you have made a decision, then uncle will not say anything more. I just hope you don't regret it. This turmoil, this turmoil, not only involves the change of imperial power, but also the supreme magic skill hidden in the royal family, the Huangji Jingshi Dian, will also appear in the world!"

After that, he turned and left the courtyard, disappeared into the night, leaving Fang Yue alone standing in the moonlight, his eyes flashing and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Supreme magic skill, Huangji Jingshi Dian!"

Fang Yue whispered to himself, his eyes flashing with curiosity and expectation for the unknown.

He knew that the appearance of this magic skill would cause a great uproar and attract competition from all parties.

He now has a stable life, just taking care of his parents, there is no need to wade into this muddy water.

Besides, although the supreme magic is tempting.

But his own talent is invincible, increasing day by day, and getting stronger day by day. Even ordinary martial arts can still be transformed into magic in his hands.

Therefore, he does not need to compete for the supreme magic.

This confidence comes from his day-to-day practice and self-improvement.

He knows that as long as he continues to work hard, his strength will increase day by day, and he can reach the peak without external help.

This is his belief and the motivation for his persistence.

A few more days have passed.

Early in the morning of this day, Fang Yue's mother Chen came to his room with a little worry on her face.

"Zi'er, your brother and sister-in-law's family should have arrived two days ago according to the schedule. Why is there no news? They are on the way?"

Chen did not dare to say anything more, for fear that something really happened to her eldest son's family!

Before leaving Yujing City, Fang Yue's eldest brother's family went out to purchase goods and were not in the city.

Zhu Linlang also arranged for someone to notify them, and after contacting them, they said that they would reunite in this small town.

Fang Yue's heart tightened when he heard his mother's words. He understood his mother's worries. After all, his brother's family had not returned yet, which was indeed easy to make people feel uneasy.

"Mother, don't worry, I will send someone to inquire along the way to see if my brother and his family were delayed by something." Fang Yue comforted, and he also planned to go out to find them himself.

Chen nodded. Although she was still worried, she knew that it was useless to worry now, and she could only wait for news.

Fang Yue immediately went out and found a base of the Shadow Pavilion in the city.

Use their intelligence network.

Fang Yue walked into the base and stated his identity and purpose.

When the people of the Shadow Pavilion heard that Fang Yue was visiting, they immediately received him respectfully and quickly conveyed his request.

Soon, a person who looked like a person in charge came over. Fang Yue bowed and said, "Mr. Fang, what can I do for you?"

"My brother and his family should have arrived here a few days ago, but there is no news so far. I am worried that they have encountered some trouble on the way.

I wonder if your pavilion can provide some clues?" Fang Yue explained his purpose directly.

After hearing this, the person in charge immediately nodded and said:

"Mr. Fang, please rest assured. Our Shadow Pavilion's intelligence network is all over the world. We will definitely help you find out the news about your brother's family. Please wait a moment, I will arrange it now."

After that, he turned and left, leaving Fang Yue waiting in the base.

Not long after, the person in charge came back with a piece of information. He handed Fang Yue a file and said:

"Mr. Fang, this is the latest intelligence collected by our Shadow Pavilion. According to our spies, your brother's family disappeared in Wangshan City, 5,000 miles away."

Fang Yue's heart tightened when he heard this, and he hurriedly took the file to check it carefully. The intelligence detailed the whereabouts of my brother's family in Wangshan City and their sudden disappearance.

"Missing? What happened?" Fang Yue frowned and asked, his heart full of doubts and worries.

"Mr. Fang, we are also investigating in depth. At present, we only know that your brother's family has not been seen since they stayed in an inn in Wangshan City.

We have sent someone to contact the Wangshan City branch to learn more about the situation. We will notify you as soon as there is news." The person in charge explained.

Fang Yue was in a heavy mood. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his anxiety.

He knew that the intelligence network of the Shadow Pavilion was extremely reliable. If they said that my brother's family disappeared in Wangshan City, then this was probably the truth.

"Thank you, please notify me in time if there is any new progress." Fang Yue said in a deep voice, his eyes were firm, and he was obviously ready to face everything.

The person in charge nodded and agreed, saying that he would do his best to track the matter.

Fang Yue left the Shadow Pavilion base, and he had already made a decision in his heart.

He must go to Wangshan City in person to find the whereabouts of his brother's family.

He couldn't let his mother continue to worry, nor could he let his brother's family disappear in such an unclear way.

After returning home, Fang Yue told his mother Chen the truth.

After hearing this, Chen's face turned pale and her body was shaky.

Fang Yue quickly supported his mother and comforted her: "Mom, don't worry, I will definitely find my brother and his family."

Mrs. Chen held Fang Yue's hand tightly and said with tears in her eyes: "Xie'er, you must be careful. Once you find your brother and the others, take them home immediately."

"I will, mother." Fang Yue said firmly.


The next morning, when it was just dawn, Fang Yue picked up his bags and prepared to set off.

Wangshan City is located five thousand miles away. For ordinary people, this is a quite long distance.

However, for a warrior like Fang Yue, it is not too far away. At his speed it could be reached in a day.

After a whole day of rapid march, Fang Yue arrived at Wangshan City at dusk. Although this city is not big, the streets are bustling with people coming and going.

Fang Yue did not stop and went directly to the Shadow Pavilion's branch in Wangshan City.

He hopes to get more clues about the disappearance of his brother and his family from here.

Fang Yue stepped into the door of the Shadow Pavilion branch and immediately felt a chilling atmosphere. There was silence in the courtyard, which was completely different from the Shadow Pavilion branch he had visited before. He felt a chill in his heart and was secretly vigilant.

Suddenly, a sneer came from all around, and then dozens of black shadows came out of the darkness, surrounding Fang Yue. Their eyes were cold, and the weapons in their hands shone coldly.

"Fang Yue, you are finally here!" A cold voice said, "We have been waiting for you for a long time."

Fang Yue glanced at the men in black around him, and he already understood.

This Shadow Pavilion branch has been controlled by the enemy, and he is stepping into a carefully laid trap.

"Who are you? Why are you setting up an ambush here?" Fang Yue asked calmly, while secretly gathering his inner strength to prepare for emergencies at any time.

"Haha, you ask who we are? It's not important." The cold voice sounded again, "What's important is that you must die here today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the men in black launched attacks one after another. Their moves were fierce and fierce, and they were obviously well-trained masters.

However, the most powerful among these people is only in the innate realm, which is far away from him. Even though there are many people, hundreds of them, Fang Yue has no fear.

His body was agile and he shuttled among the men in black like a dragon. He didn't dodge at all. The attacks of these people couldn't even break through his defense.


With screams one after another, the men in black fell down one after another like straw being cut down.

Their attacks could not leave any trace on Fang Yue's body, but he was knocked down one by one easily.

Soon, a large number of men in black fell down in the courtyard, and the eyes of the few remaining men in black showed deep fear.

They have never seen such a powerful opponent, and this absolute power gap makes them feel desperate.

"Tell me! Who sent you here? Where are my brother and his family?"

Fang Yue grabbed the collar of the last man in black and asked sharply.

His eyes were as sharp as a sword, as if he could penetrate all lies.

"I...I don't know..."

The man in black replied with a trembling voice, his eyes full of fear and helplessness, "We are just following orders, we really don't know the whereabouts of your brother's family..."

Fang Yue frowned. He knew that these men in black were just minions, and the real mastermind had not yet appeared.

He let go of his hand and let the man in black collapse on the ground.

"Go back and tell your master that if you want to cause trouble for me, let him do it himself."

Fang Yue said coldly, "Also, if anything happens to my brother's family, I will make him pay the price!"

The man in black nodded repeatedly, and then fled the scene in a hurry. Fang Yue looked at their backs, a chill flashing in his eyes.

He knew that this battle was far from over, and the real enemy was still observing him from the dark.

Fang Yue turned around and left the Shadow Pavilion branch, and decided to continue looking for clues about his brother's family in the city.


Night gradually fell, and the streets of Wangshan City were dimly lit.

When passing an inn, Fang Yue suddenly stopped.

He felt an inexplicable aura that felt familiar to him, but he couldn't tell what it was.

He decided to enter the inn to find out.

The inn was brightly lit and bustling with people.

Fang Yue glanced around and found nothing unusual, but the inexplicable feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Fang Yue frowned and took a deep breath, trying to calm the fluctuations in his heart. It felt like some deep memory had been touched, but it was vague. He decided to wait and see if he would discover anything new.

He found a corner seat in the lobby of the inn, ordered a pot of tea, and quietly observed the guests around him.

People were coming and going in the inn, and there were all kinds of guests, including merchants, travelers, people from all walks of life... They were chatting, and laughter and conversation kept coming and going.

Fang Yue's attention was attracted by a middle-aged man sitting alone in the corner.

The man was wearing a green shirt, with a calm face and deep eyes.

He sat there alone, out of tune with the hustle and bustle around him.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he felt that this man seemed to have an aura similar to his.

The power of luck!

He stood up and walked towards the man.

"Brother, isn't it boring to drink alone? Do you mind if I sit with you?" Fang Yue asked with a smile.

The man in green shirt raised his head and glanced at Fang Yue.

There was an indescribable depth in his eyes, as if he was evaluating the young man in front of him.

After a moment, he nodded and motioned for Fang Yue to sit down.

Fang Yue immediately sat down opposite the man in green shirt, "Yue below, I'm new to your place, what do you call me brother?"


The man in green shirt said two words calmly, his voice was steady and powerful, revealing a calm and unhurried temperament.

Fang Yue was slightly startled. The name seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

"Brother Qingyang, are you waiting here specifically for me?"

Hearing this, Qingyang smiled slightly, with a look of admiration in his eyes: "Brother Fang is really smart. Yes, I am indeed here waiting for your arrival."

Fang Yue's heart moved. He did not show too much surprise, but quietly waited for Qingyang's explanation.

"I know you have a lot of questions in your mind."

Qingyang continued, "But I can assure you that I have no ill intentions towards you. On the contrary, I am here this time hoping to help you."

"Help me?" Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Qingyang, "I wonder what Brother Qingyang is referring to?"

"You took away the destiny dragon soul of the Wei royal family. Do you think the royal family will let you go?" Qingyang said with a slight smile.

Fang Yue was shocked when he heard this.

But his expression remained calm. He looked deeply at Qingyang, trying to read more information from this mysterious man's eyes.

"Brother Qingyang seems to know my affairs very clearly."

Fang Yue spoke slowly, with no emotion in his voice, "But I don't understand why you know this and why you want to help me?"

Qingyang smiled softly and put down the tea cup in his hand, "Brother Fang, there are some things that are not convenient to reveal too much right now.

But what I can tell you is that I didn’t learn about you by accident, but for a specific reason.

As for why I want to help you, it may be said that we are consistent in some goals. "

Fang Yue was silent for a while, seeming to weigh Qingyang's words.

He knew that he was carrying too many secrets, and the sudden appearance of Qingyang seemed to know all these secrets, which forced him to act cautiously.

"So, what advice does Brother Qingyang have?" Fang Yue finally asked.

A glint of admiration flashed in Qingyang's eyes. He understood that Fang Yue was a smart man, and it was better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush.

"The Wei royal family will not give up. They have secretly arranged a plan to deal with you."

Qingyang's tone suddenly became serious, "Otherwise, do you think your brother's family are just ordinary people, who would spend so much effort to deal with them?" (End of Chapter)

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