Fang Yue's heart tightened when he heard Qingyang's words.

He had previously speculated that the disappearance of his brother's family might be related to him, and now Qingyang's words seemed to confirm this.

"How should I respond?"

Fang Yue asked in a deep voice, his eyes shining with determination, obviously ready to face anything.

Qingyang looked at Fang Yue, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, no matter how amazing this Fang Yue's strength is, it has no foundation in the end. When it confronts the powerful forces, it will obviously be powerless.

Therefore, this kind of person is easy to use.

"First of all, you need to understand the strength of the Wei royal family and the actions they may take."

Qingyang said slowly: "Although the power of the Wei royal family has declined in recent years, they still have a strong foundation and influence.

They may use various means to deal with you, including but not limited to assassinations, traps, poisonous schemes, threats, etc. "

Fang Yue nodded, the centipede insect was dead but not stiff, not to mention that the Wei royal family was far from exhausted.

The more you understand this world, the more you understand that this huge force that has existed for more than a thousand years must have an amazing background.

He knew he had to deal with it carefully and not take it lightly.

"Secondly, you need to find allies."

Qingyang continued, "In this world, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. You need to find some allies who can fight with you against the Wei royal family."

"So, who are you, and which force do you represent as a lobbyist?" Fang Yue looked directly at Qingyang.

Qingyang smiled slightly. He did not answer Fang Yue's question directly, but asked instead: "Who do you think I am, and which force do I represent?"

Fang Yue frowned slightly, he was indeed curious about Qingyang's identity.

From Qingyang's words, he could feel the other party's understanding of the Wei royal family, and even seemed to have a subtle hostility.

However, is this hostility real, or is it just a deliberate display to guide him?

"I have no idea."

Fang Yue said frankly, "But I hope you can give me a clear answer."

Qingyang nodded, he understood Fang Yue's concerns.

In this world full of intrigues and intrigues, trust is a luxury.

However, he also needs Fang Yue's trust to complete his mission.

"I do not represent any party, but myself."

Qingyang said slowly, "I have some personal grudges with the Wei royal family, so I hope to find some like-minded partners to fight against them together. You are one of the partners I like."

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart moved.

He didn't completely believe Qingyang's words, but he also knew that in this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

If Qingyang can really join forces with him to fight against the Wei royal family, then this will undoubtedly be a huge help to him.

But as the saying goes, showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Fang Yue was secretly wary. He did not respond to Qingyang immediately, but fell into deep thought.

When Qingyang saw this, he was not in a hurry and just waited quietly.

He knew that it would take enough patience and strategy to get a smart guy like Fang Yue to take the bait.

After a while, Fang Yue raised his head, looked at Qingyang and said, "Your proposal is very attractive, but now I have to save my brother's family first."

After hearing this, Qingyang nodded and expressed his understanding: "Of course, saving your brother's family is the most important thing.

However, there is no conflict between confronting the Wei royal family and searching for your brother's family.

After all, from the information I learned, your brother's family was kidnapped by one of the Wei royal families. "

When Fang Yue heard the news, his heart moved slightly. Sure enough, this Qingyang seemed to know something.

"Are you telling the truth? Was my brother's family really abducted by the Wei royal family?"

Qingyang looked at the angry Fang Yue, his expression still calm: "Yes, the information I got is indeed true.

Certain forces in the Wei royal family robbed your brother and his family for certain purposes. And some people from Si Tianjian were also involved. "

Fang Yue took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excitement.

"Si Tianjian?" He repeated the word, frowning, "Are they also involved? What is going on?"

Qingyang nodded: "Although Si Tianjian is closely related to the Wei royal family, he is actually subordinate to the dynasty, so some of its members are inextricably linked to certain forces in the Wei royal family.

Their purpose of joining forces this time is not simple. "

Fang Yue had more doubts in his heart, but he also understood that now was not the time to ask for details.

He needs to rescue his brother's family first, and then slowly uncover the truth behind it all.

"Then do you know where they are being held now?" Fang Yue asked eagerly, his eyes full of anxiety and expectation.

Qingyang was silent for a moment, seeming to be weighing something, and then slowly spoke:

"I do have some clues, but I can't guarantee that they are completely accurate. The Wei royal family and Si Tianjian are extremely secretive. They may hide your brother's family in a place that is very difficult to detect."

"However, I can take you to a place where there should be some clues."

When Fang Yue heard this, a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes: "Then when will we set off?"

"Without further ado, let's leave now." Qingyang said, his tone was firm, and he obviously had a clear plan for the next action.

The two quickly left the place where they were. Qingyang led Fang Yue through the streets of the city, twisting and turning, and finally came to a remote courtyard.

"This is it."

Qingyang pointed to the courtyard and said, "This was once a secret stronghold of the Wei royal family. Although it is now abandoned, there may still be some clues."

Fang Yue nodded and followed Qingyang into the courtyard. The yard was overgrown with weeds, and it was obvious that no one had been there for a long time.

But the two did not relax their vigilance. They carefully searched every corner, hoping to find useful clues.

After a careful search, Qingyang finally found some traces in a dilapidated room.

He pointed to some scratches on the ground and said to Fang Yue: "Look at these scratches, they should be left by someone who has been here recently."

Fang looked closer and found that the scratches were indeed fresh and seemed to be some kind of code or mark.

His heart moved, and with a slight push, a dark tunnel suddenly appeared.

Fang Yue and Qingyang looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary abandoned courtyard would actually hide such a secret.

"Where will this tunnel lead?" Fang Yue asked.

Qingyang shook his head: "I don't know, but since someone has gone to great lengths to leave a tunnel here, then the other end of the tunnel is probably where we are looking for."

Fang Yue nodded, he knew what Qingyang said made sense.

Now, they can only move forward along this tunnel, hoping to find their brother's family.

The two men moved cautiously along the tunnel, which was dark and damp, with only the torches in their hands lighting up the way ahead.

They didn't know what was at the end of the tunnel, but they knew they had to move forward.

I don’t know how long I walked, but finally a glimmer of light appeared in front of me.

Fang Yue and Qingyang both quickened their pace. When they walked out of the tunnel, they found themselves in a huge underground space.

This space looks like an underground prison, surrounded by solid stone walls and cells in the middle.

There should have been many people in the cell, but now it was empty.

Only some dark bloodstains and torn prison clothes were left, silently telling the cruelty of this place.

Obviously, all the original prisoners here have been transferred.

"It seems we are too late. They have been removed. Let's look for them again. Maybe there are clues."

Fang Yue and Qingyang did not give up. They searched the cell carefully, hoping to find any valuable clues.

Qingyang found a pile of abandoned tattered letters in the corner. He quickly picked them up and read them carefully.

"Fang Yue, come and read these letters!"

There was a hint of excitement in Qingyang's tone, "There may be news about your brother's family in this."

Fang Yue heard the sound and rushed over, took the letter from Qingyang's hand, and started reading eagerly.

The contents of the letters were mostly trivial daily matters, but one of the letters caught Fang Yue's attention.

The letter mentioned a transfer of "special goods". Although it was not clearly stated what it was, Fang Yue had a vague feeling that it was related to his brother's family.

"Qingyang, look at this letter."

Fang Yue handed the letter to Qingyang, "I suspect that this 'special cargo' refers to my brother and the others."

Qingyang took the letter, read it carefully and nodded:

"It's very possible. The date of this letter coincides with the time when your brother's family disappeared. It seems that we have found an important clue."

After getting the clues in the letter, Fang Yue and Qingyang immediately launched action. They knew time was running out and any delay could lead to misfortunes for their brother and his family.

"According to the description in the letter, the 'special goods' were transferred to East King City." Qingyang analyzed, "We have to get there as soon as possible to find the whereabouts of your brother's family."

Fang Yue nodded in agreement: "Dongwang City is an important stronghold of the Wei royal family and must be tightly defended. We must be careful and not alert the enemy."

The two discussed it and decided to set off to the East King City overnight.

As night fell, Fang Yue and Qingyang embarked on a journey to the East King City. In order to avoid attracting attention, they chose a hidden path and moved forward under the cover of night.

During the journey, the two constantly exchanged their views on the next action.

After running around all night, they finally arrived at East King City before dawn.

At this time, there were already soldiers patrolling the city gate.

Fang Yue and Qingyang hid in the woods in the distance, observing the situation at the city gate.

Fang Yue and Qingyang carefully observed the situation at the city gate in the woods and found that although the soldiers guarding the city were vigilant, the inspection at the city gate did not seem to be strict. This gave them a glimmer of opportunity.

"We have to find a way to sneak into the city." Qingyang whispered.

Fang Yue frowned and thought for a moment, then pointed at a group of businessmen in the distance who were entering the city:

"We can enter the city mixed in with that group of merchants. They are so crowded and mixed that it is not easy to attract attention."

Qingyang nodded, feeling that this method was feasible. So, the two quietly approached the group of businessmen.

The merchants were busy carrying goods, and no one noticed the arrival of Fang Yue and Qingyang.

The two took the opportunity to blend in and followed the caravan towards the city gate.

At the city gate, the soldiers did not strictly inspect the caravan, they just casually glanced at it and let it go.

Fang Yue and Qingyang sneaked into the city smoothly.

After entering the city, the two quickly separated from the caravan and began to act separately.

Qingyang came to a bustling brothel. This kind of place was not uncommon in the city, so his arrival did not attract too many people's attention.

He walked through the bustling crowd with ease and came to a hidden room.

In the room, a mysterious man is waiting for Qingyang.

He was wearing a black cloak, with the brim of his hat lowered, covering most of his face, only revealing a pair of sharp eyes.

"You're here." The mysterious man said calmly, with an unpredictable depth in his voice.

"Yes, I have brought Fang Yue as planned." Qingyang replied, with a hint of pride in his tone.

The mysterious man nodded and expressed satisfaction:

"Very good, you have completed your task well. Next, we just need to wait for the right time to take the next step."

Qingyang frowned and asked worriedly:

"But, can we really use Fang Yue to fight against the Wei royal family? After all, he is only one person and his power is limited."

The mysterious man chuckled, with a strong confidence in his voice: "Don't worry, Fang Yue is not an ordinary person.

He has huge potential hidden in him. As long as we can make good use of him, we will definitely be able to cause a lot of trouble to the Wei royal family. "

Qingyang was speechless after hearing this. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, since the mysterious man said so, he could only choose to believe it.

After the two chatted for a while about the specific plans, Qingyang left the brothel.

He needs to go back to meet Fang Yue and continue their "rescue operation."

However, Qingyang did not realize that his whereabouts had been discovered by spies from the Wei royal family.

After Qingyang left the brothel, he was walking back to the inn, still thinking about the mysterious man's words in his mind.

He was convinced that Fang Yue was an exploitable pawn, but he was not sure whether their plan could really succeed.

Suddenly, Qingyang felt a dangerous aura approaching, and he immediately looked around alertly.

I saw a few people dressed in black approaching quickly. Their eyes were cold, and they were obviously not good people.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Qingyang asked coldly, while getting ready to fight.

He knew that these people were probably spies of the Wei royal family, and he might have been exposed.

"We already know your plan. The Wei royal family is not something you can afford to offend. If you are sensible, just come with us." (End of Chapter)

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