The leader of the men in black said coldly, with a threat in his tone.

Qingyang's heart sank, but he did not show the slightest panic.

He smiled slightly and tried to lighten the atmosphere: "Everyone, I think there may be some misunderstandings between us. I don't know what the plan is, I'm just an ordinary person."

However, the man in black obviously did not believe Qingyang's words.

They looked at each other, the leader gave an order, and the rest quickly rushed towards Qingyang.

Qingyang was well prepared and nimbly dodged the attack of the man in black.

He took the opportunity to draw a dagger from his waist, and struck out with a sword, accurately stabbing the chest of a man in black.

The man in black didn't expect Qingyang's reaction to be so fast. He couldn't dodge and was stabbed by the dagger, and he immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the other men in black roared and rushed towards Qingyang, trying to subdue him.

However, Qingyang was like a swimming fish, shuttling between the men in black. He could accurately find the opponent's flaw every time, and then kill him with one strike.

After a while, all the men in black fell to the ground, losing their fighting ability.

Qingyang looked at them coldly, secretly glad that his reaction speed and fighting skills had not deteriorated.

He knew that although he won this encounter, his whereabouts were also exposed.

"Looks like it's planned as soon as possible!"

Qingyang then quickly ran towards a direction in the city, and soon appeared in front of a temple.

Qingyang stood in front of the temple and looked up. Although the temple was not grand, it exuded a simple and solemn atmosphere. Looking up, he saw the words Xuantian Pavilion on the plaque.

He stepped into the temple, walked through the main hall, and came directly to a quiet room in the backyard.

This was the meeting place agreed upon by him and Fang Yue in advance.

"Venerable Qingyang, you are here." As soon as he entered the door, a young novice monk in Zen robes came up to him, clasped his hands and saluted him respectfully.

"Did Fang Yue ever come here?" Qingyang asked immediately.

"Not really." said the little novice.

"Huh? Not coming?"

Qingyang immediately frowned. According to the agreed time, Fang Yue should have arrived here.

An uneasy feeling surged in his heart. Did something happen to Fang Yue?

Or maybe Fang Yue noticed something!

The uneasiness in Qingyang's heart became more and more intense, and Fang Yue's failure to make the appointment was no accident.

Qingyang turned to the little novice monk and tried to make his voice sound calm: "Little master, if Fang Yue comes here, please tell him to wait for me where he is, and I will come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, Venerable Qingyang." The young novice nodded in agreement.

Qingyang turned around and left the quiet room, and decided to find Fang Yue's whereabouts.

After finally catching this man, we can't let this big fish get away.

Otherwise, all the hard work and expense would be wasted.

at the same time.

In one of the largest brothels in the city, Fang Yue was in a gorgeous private room, surrounded by exquisite decorations and soft lights.

However, his eyes were like a deep pool.

Originally, he should have met Qingyang at Xuantian Pavilion, but a sudden change disrupted his plan.

On the way to the temple, he was led here.

"What do you want?"

Fang Yue asked coldly, his eyes scanning everyone in the private room warily.

"Master Fang, don't be nervous." A charming woman smiled sweetly, "We just want to negotiate a deal with you."

"Deal?" Fang Yue frowned, "What deal?"

"To be precise, we are preparing to rescue you."

The woman slowly walked to Fang Yue and said softly: "You are walking with the demons from Xuantian Pavilion. I'm afraid you don't know their true colors, right?"

Fang Yue was shocked when he heard this, but remained calm on the surface: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Qingyang and Xuantian Pavilion?

Sure enough, there is something wrong with this person!

Fang Yue actually didn't completely believe in Qingyang. There was absolutely no such person in this world who would sacrifice himself for others.

Everyone has their own purpose, so Fang Yue is not surprised that Qingyang has another purpose.

"The Xuantian Pavilion is hidden in the dark. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. But if I tell it another name, you might know it."

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, signaling the woman to continue speaking.

The woman chuckled lightly and continued: "Xuantian Pavilion also has a more well-known name in the world - 'Jingyuan Temple'."

"What! That's not a temple of the prairie barbarians. How could it appear in the hinterland of our Wei Dynasty!" Fang Yue was immediately surprised.

Fang Yue's surprise was not unfounded, because the Jingyuan Temple enjoyed a very high status among the grassland barbarians and was the spiritual symbol and belief center of the barbarians.

This temple is usually only deep in the grassland and isolated from the outside world.

More importantly, the Wei Dynasty is still at war with the grassland barbarians.

How could it be possible to allow the temple of the prairie barbarians to appear here!

"Haha, it's normal that you don't know. Three hundred years ago, a civil strife broke out in the Jingyuan Temple. The civil strife caused the temple to split into two factions, one of which is the Xuantian Pavilion today."

The woman continued, "They took refuge in the Wei royal family and lurked in the Central Plains, secretly accumulating strength and plotting evil. Qingyang is one of the important figures in the Xuantian Pavilion in the Central Plains."

Fang Yue was even more shocked after hearing this. He did not expect Qingyang to be related to the separatist forces of the prairie barbarians, nor did he expect that this so-called Xuantian Pavilion was actually a separatist part of the Jingyuan Temple and was still lurking in the Central Plains. This was simply Incredible.

If this is true, then Qingyang's purpose of coming to him would be unusual.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He looked at the woman in front of him and asked in a deep voice: "Since you know so much, you must not be ordinary people. Who are you? Why are you telling me this?"

The woman smiled slightly and said: "Our identities are not important, you just need to know that we are here to help you."

"So, what do you want, or what do you want from me?" Fang Yue continued to ask.

A flash of appreciation flashed in the woman's eyes. She appreciated Fang Yue's keenness and directness.

"What we want is very simple," she said slowly, "We want a painting collected in the Xuantian Pavilion."

"A painting?" Fang Yue asked doubtfully, "What kind of painting can interest you so much?"

The woman sighed softly and explained: "That is not an ordinary painting, but a treasure map that contains the ancient secrets of Jingyuan Temple. This painting originally belonged to Jingyuan Temple, but it was lost after the civil strife and was later stolen by Xuantian We have been looking for it for a long time in order to uncover the dusty history and prevent the possible conspiracy of Xuantian Pavilion."

Fang Yue fell into deep thought after hearing this. This matter was obviously more complicated than he originally thought.

He originally just wanted to use Qingyang to achieve his own goals, but he did not expect to be involved in a dispute between the grassland barbarians and the Wei Dynasty.

"Why do you think I can help you get this painting?" Fang Yue raised his head and asked.

"Because if they want to get the Luck Dragon Soul in you, they will definitely use that painting!"

"Luck Dragon Soul?" Fang Yue asked.

"Although I don't know what method you used to completely refine the Dragon Soul of Luck, after the Dragon Soul of Luck is refined, there are still several ways to extract the Dragon Soul in this world, but the cost is too high."

"The Xuantian Pavilion has recorded such a method, and that painting is the key." The woman continued.

Fang Yue was silent for a long time after hearing this, and he finally understood why he was involved in this dispute. It turned out that it was because of the lucky dragon soul.

However, these people don't know that the Luck Dragon Soul has been completely refined by his talent and has become his foundation.

Therefore, he does not believe that there is any way in this world to re-train the Dragon Soul of Luck.

However, that didn't stop him from continuing to ask.

"What secret does that painting hold? Is it related to the Luck Dragon Soul?" Fang Yue pondered for a moment and asked slowly.

A trace of solemnity flashed in the woman's eyes, and she whispered: "There is an ancient ritual hidden in that painting, which is said to be able to guide and extract the refined dragon soul of luck.

Although the success rate of this method is extremely low and the cost is huge, for those who desire power, no possibility will be let go. "

After Fang Yue heard this, his heart couldn't help but tighten.

He didn't expect that his Luck Dragon Soul would cause such big trouble.

But at the same time, he also realized that this was an opportunity, an opportunity that could be exploited.

Regardless of where these people come from, since they want to use him, he can also use these people to achieve his own goals.

"I see."

Fang Yue nodded and said calmly, "You want me to help you get that painting, so what can you give me?"

When the woman heard this, she smiled slightly. She knew that Fang Yue was already tempted. This was also what she expected. After all, no one could resist the temptation of the Jingyuan Temple's treasure map.

"As long as you can help us get the painting," the woman said slowly, "we can satisfy any reasonable request you have."

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the woman: "Any requests?"

"Yes," the woman nodded, "Whether it's wealth, status or anything else, as long as we can do it, we will try our best to satisfy you."

Fang Yue was silent for a moment, weighing in his mind.

Although this woman spoke nicely, he didn't know them well, and the so-called promise was just empty talk.

Besides, the greater the benefit, the greater the risk.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and then exhaled it slowly, with a firm light shining in his eyes. He looked at the woman and said firmly: "I'm sorry, I can't promise you."

The woman obviously didn't expect Fang Yue to refuse. She was stunned for a moment, and then asked eagerly: "Why? You can put forward any conditions, and we will try our best to meet them."

Fang Yue shook his head and said: "This is not a matter of conditions. I admit that I am also very interested in the painting and the secrets of Jingyuan Temple. But now I have to find my brother's family, and I really can't be distracted. ”

After hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in the woman's eyes, but she still refused to give up: "Master Fang, this matter is related to the safety of the world. If you can help us get that painting, you will not only help us, but also help the entire world."

Fang Yue heard the words, chuckled, and interrupted the woman: "There are heroes who will naturally worry about the safety of the world. I am just an ordinary person who just wants to find my family and live an ordinary life.

The righteousness you talk about is too far away for me.

I thank you for telling me this news, but I cannot take risks because of this, let alone put my family in danger. "

After hearing this, the woman was silent for a while, and then sighed softly: "I understand your thoughts. Everyone has their own choice and persistence. Since you have made up your mind, we will not force it. I only hope that within three days, If you change your mind, come find us here again.”

Fang Yue nodded, turned around and left the brothel without saying anything more.

He knew in his heart that he could not forget his original purpose because of temporary temptation.

Fang Yue walked in the night, his heart full of anxiety and worry.

The disappearance of his brother's family weighed on his heart like a huge stone, leaving him breathless.

He knew that he had to find them as soon as possible and ensure their safety.

At the same time, he also realized that he was involved in a complicated dispute.

The background of Qingyang and Xuantian Pavilion, as well as the Jingyuan Temple and the treasure map mentioned by the mysterious woman, all made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

He knows that these things are beyond his control. The only thing he can do is to stay vigilant and try to avoid being involved deeper.

When Fang Yue returned to his residence, the chaotic thoughts in his heart could not be calmed down.

He thought over and over everything that happened tonight, especially the words of the mysterious woman, which seemed to have dropped a stone in his heart, causing ripples.

Although he rejected the woman's proposal on the surface, he couldn't help but become deeply interested in the painting and the secrets of the Jingyuan Temple.

He knew that this interest might lead him to unknown dangers, but he could not completely suppress his curiosity.

On the other hand, his worries about his brother and his family are also increasing day by day.

Are their disappearances related to this dispute?

Should he investigate further, looking for possible clues?

These questions swirled in his mind, keeping him awake.

Just as Fang Yue was deep in thought, suddenly, a rapid knock on the door broke the silence of the night.

He was shocked and quickly stood up and opened the door, only to find Qingyang standing outside the door.

Qingyang's expression was a little anxious. When he saw Fang Yue, he immediately said: "Brother Fang, I've been looking for you everywhere. Fortunately, you're okay. You weren't here at the agreed place, so I thought something had happened to you."

Fang Yue's heart moved. It seemed that Qingyang didn't know what happened to him before, which made him feel a little more at ease.

He smiled and invited Qingyang into the house. While pouring tea, he asked casually: "Brother Qingyang, are you in such a hurry to see me? What's the matter?"

Qingyang took the tea, drank it all in one gulp, and then said solemnly: "Brother Fang, I'll make a long story short. I got news before that someone may be secretly doing harm to you. I suspect it has something to do with the thing we talked about before." (End of chapter)

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