Fang Yue never thought that this treasure hunt would reveal such an amazing secret.

The existence of this underground city obviously exceeded their expectations.

"Ancient Divine Sect?"

Li Shengdong frowned and thought, "I have seen records about this sect in some ancient books, but I always thought it was just a legend."

The elder of Tiangang Sect also nodded and said, "Indeed, the Ancient Divine Sect is said to have the ability to reach the sky, and their mechanical and architectural techniques have reached the pinnacle. It seems that we have really found their ruins this time."

The woman in the Spirit Snake Hall flashed a cunning look in her eyes, and smiled sweetly: "Since this is the ruins of the Ancient Divine Sect, there must be a lot of treasures in it. We really came to the right place this time."

Everyone heard this, and their eyes showed greed and expectation.

They knew that this treasure hunt might be more exciting and richer than they expected.

The general in golden armor looked at the crowd around him and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, although we have entered the core area of ​​the treasure house, the real treasure may not be so easy to get.

This underground city is full of traps and traps, and you may die if you are not careful. I suggest that we put aside the fight for the time being and face these challenges together."

These words made everyone present fall into deep thought.

They knew that what the general in golden armor said was true.

Although there are grudges and fights between each other, unity is the most important thing when facing unknown dangers and challenges.

After some deliberation and discussion, everyone decided to put aside prejudices and fights for the time being.

Of course, it is impossible to explore together. Anyway, this city looks very big. If so many people are scattered, it will take a long time to explore this underground city.

Soon, many forces each chose a direction, scattered, and rushed to the city ahead.

And at this moment, a light and firm footsteps came from the end of the corridor.

Under the light, a graceful figure slowly appeared. It was the eldest princess of the royal family of Wei.

She was wearing gorgeous armor, holding a long sword, with a firm light in her eyes.

"Your Highness, according to your order, those people have been let in."

The golden armor general walked up to the princess and bowed his head to report respectfully.

It turned out that this golden armor general was actually a subordinate of the princess, and he had been secretly executing the princess's orders.

The princess nodded slightly, her eyes were deep, as if she could see through the secrets of this underground city:

"Very good, let our people go in too. Remember, our goal is not those ordinary treasures, but to find the real secrets left by the royal family."

The princess' words made the golden armor general look stern, he knew the importance of the royal secrets. It was not only a symbol of wealth, but also related to the foundation and inheritance of the Wei royal family.

"Yes, Your Highness." The golden armor general replied, and then turned to convey the princess's order.

The princess looked up at this mysterious underground city, and a trace of firmness and expectation flashed in her eyes.

Although this place is a secret treasure controlled by the royal family, it is also a legacy of the ancient divine sect, so even the royal family of Wei cannot fully grasp the secrets of this city.

The hidden traps and the secrets that have not yet been discovered are of immeasurable value to the royal family.

She not only has to find the royal secrets, but also uncover the secrets of the ancient divine sect to enhance the power of the royal family.

As the order was issued, the elite guards of the royal family began to enter the underground city one after another.

Each of them has been strictly selected and trained. They are not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also proficient in various techniques of cracking mechanisms.

While the elite guards of the royal family entered the underground city, the eldest princess also stepped into this mysterious city in person. Her steps were firm, and her eyes revealed her curiosity about the unknown and her desire for challenges.

"Your Highness, please be careful." The golden-armored general reminded with concern, and he knew the dangers of this city.

The princess smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will be careful. You should also pay more attention and don't act rashly."

The royal guards responded in unison: "Yes, Your Highness!" Their voices echoed in the corridor, and they seemed very firm.

At the same time, Fang Yue and the people from the Shadow Pavilion also came to a place in the city.

Fang Yue, Li Shengdong and the members of the Shadow Pavilion stepped into a dim hall.

The stone walls of this hall are carved with complex patterns, which seem to tell the history and legends of the ancient Shenzong.

The air is filled with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, which makes people feel awe.

"This should be one of the important places of the ancient Shenzong." Li Shengdong looked around and whispered.

Fang Yue nodded in agreement: "Looking at these carvings, it seems to be telling the history of the Shenzong. We have to be careful, this place may be full of traps."

The members of the Shadow Pavilion dispersed and began to carefully search every corner of the hall.

They are all strictly trained shadow guards, good at hiding and searching, and soon found some abnormal traces.

"Master, there is a mechanism here." A shadow guard pointed to a protrusion on the stone wall and said.

Fang Yue and Li Shengdong quickly walked over to check.

There was a complex pattern engraved on the protrusion, which seemed to be a button to start the mechanism.

"Let me try." Li Shengdong said, carefully pressing the protrusion.

With a slight mechanical sound, the stone wall slowly moved away, revealing a hidden secret room.

The secret room was filled with all kinds of precious treasures, shining with golden light, dazzling.

"Oh my God, so many treasures!" a shadow guard exclaimed.

However, Fang Yue frowned: "Don't act rashly. Since there are mechanisms here, there must be traps. We have to be careful."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange laugh suddenly came from the secret room. Then, rays of light shot out from the treasures, forming a complex formation.

"No, it's a trap!" Li Shengdong shouted and quickly drew his weapon to deal with it.

The members of the Shadow Pavilion also reacted quickly, showing their weapons and hidden weapons, and fought fiercely with the light in the formation.

At this time, there were bursts of huge rumbling sounds in the city, and then the surrounding walls began to move slowly.

The hall suddenly began to shake, and the entire underground city seemed to be injected with life. The carvings on the stone walls seemed to be alive and began to move slowly.

With the rumbling sound, the city seemed to be reorganizing itself, and the originally static buildings now began to rotate and change positions.

"Everyone be careful!" Fang Yue shouted, but it was too late.

A strong light flashed, and Fang Yue, Li Shengdong and the members of the Shadow Pavilion were instantly separated by the power in the trap.

Everyone was teleported to different corners of the city, and the originally tight formation was instantly disrupted.

Fang Yue found himself in a long and narrow corridor, with smooth stone walls around him, reflecting his surprised face.

Suddenly he smelled a strong aroma of beef.

In this underground city full of ancient and mysterious atmosphere, this homely smell seemed particularly abrupt.

He frowned, and a trace of vigilance arose in his heart.

The appearance of this smell may mean that some unknown danger is approaching.

He looked around, and both ends of the corridor were submerged in darkness, and he could not see the road conditions ahead.

Fang Yue walked along the long and narrow corridor, and the aroma of beef became stronger, leading him to explore deeper. A glimmer of light was faintly revealed at the end of the corridor. He quickened his pace and finally walked out of this long passage.

Suddenly, the view in front of him was clear, and he was surprised to find that he was standing in a busy market.

However, this market exudes a strange atmosphere.

The stalls are filled with all kinds of goods, from silk to porcelain, from jewelry to medicinal materials, all kinds of goods.

However, there is no pedestrian in the market. All the vendors and goods seem to be frozen in a certain moment, keeping a static posture, as if time has stopped at this moment.

Fang Yue walked to a stall selling beef, and the rich aroma of beef came from here.

The beef in the pot was still steaming, but the stall owner stood there motionless, with a warm smile frozen on his face.

He reached out to touch the fragrant beef, but found that his hand passed through the stall owner's body, as if he was just an illusion.

However, at this time, he felt a warm feeling on his hand.

"This pot of beef is real!"

Fang Yue was surprised. He looked down at the piece of beef in his hand that was still emitting heat. This real touch made him even more confused.

In this seemingly static market, why is this pot of beef real?

He looked around, trying to find clues to explain it all.

Every detail in the market revealed a surreal feeling, as if he had stepped into a corner forgotten by time.

The smiles of the vendors froze on their faces, and the goods were quietly placed on the stalls, only the pot of beef was boiling hot.

Fang Yue decided to explore the market in depth to see if he could find more clues.

He walked through rows of stalls, passing silk, porcelain and jewelry, and every commodity was within reach, but except for the pot of beef, the others seemed to be just phantoms, without life.

At the end of the market, he saw an ancient stone tablet engraved with ancient words and patterns.

Fang Yue took a closer look and found that these words recorded some history and secrets of the ancient Shenzong.

One of the texts caught his attention: "In the market of time, the truth is hidden in the phantom. Only those with heart can touch its truth."

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he recalled the moment when he touched the beef before, and his heart was full of desire for the truth.

Could it be that only those who have the real thoughts in their hearts can touch the real things in this market?

In order to verify this conjecture, Fang Yue closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said in his heart: "I want the real thing."

When he opened his eyes again, he found that the beef in his hand had disappeared, replaced by a gem that was shining with mysterious light.

The light emitted by this gem seemed to illuminate the entire market, and those originally still vendors and goods seemed to become vivid under the illumination of this light.

However, when Fang Yue tried to touch those vendors and goods, his hand passed through their bodies again.

He realized that everything in this market was still just an illusion, except for the gem in his hand and the pot of real beef.

"It seems that you have found the secret of the City of Time."

An ancient and distant voice sounded in Fang Yue's ears. He looked around and tried to find the source of the sound, but there was no one around.

"The City of Time is an illusion used by the ancient gods to test treasure hunters."

The voice continued, "Only those who have truth in their hearts and can see through illusions can find the true treasures hidden in the bazaar."

Fang Yue sneered and scanned the surrounding environment with sharp eyes.

It's all an illusion!

"Since this is an illusion, then I will break your illusion!"

Fang Yue said, using his internal energy, he struck a nearby stall with his palm.

However, his palm went right through the stall without causing any damage.

"Haha, young man, don't waste your efforts.

This illusion was created by the mental methods of our ancient divine sect. You cannot destroy it without mastering the correct method. "The ancient voice sounded again, with a hint of teasing.

Fang Yue stopped attacking, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down.

He knew that since this illusion was created by the ancient divine sect, the method to break it must also be related to them.

He recalled the words on the stone tablet: "Only the heart can touch the truth." His heart moved, and he understood something.

"Be true to your heart and see through illusions..."

Fang Yue murmured to himself, and he began to try to adjust his mentality, abandon distracting thoughts, and focus on finding the truth in the illusion.

Gradually, he felt that his perception became more acute, and the surrounding environment began to change subtly.

He could see that the originally motionless vendors and goods began to blur, while some places in the market began to emit a faint light.

Fang Yue walked along the light and found that the light was emanating from an ancient treasure box.

He stepped forward and carefully opened the treasure box, only to see an ancient book and a gem that shone with mysterious light inside.

"This is... the secret book and treasure of the ancient divine sect!" Fang Yue exclaimed, his heart filled with excitement and joy.

At this moment, the illusion suddenly began to collapse, and the surrounding scenes scattered like broken lenses.

Fang Yue felt as if he was being pulled by a powerful force, and instantly returned to the corridor just now.

Standing in the corridor, my heart was still filled with the experience I had just experienced in the illusion.

He looked down at the ancient books and gems in his hands. These two things were obviously real treasures in the illusion, and they were brought back to reality by him.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and carefully put these two treasures into his arms.

"Haha, stop and hand over what you have in your hands!"

An arrogant voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence of the corridor.

Fang Yue looked up and saw several people in black blocking his way, with greedy smiles on their faces. (End of chapter)

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