Facing the interception of the men in black, Fang Yue looked at them expressionlessly.

From their clothes and demeanor, he could tell that these people were treasure hunters from an unknown force, who were lured here by the temptation of the treasure.

"Want something in my hand?"

Fang Yue asked coldly, his tone revealing an unquestionable majesty.

"Stop talking nonsense and hand it over quickly!"

The leader of the men in black shouted impatiently, and the weapon in his hand was already pointed at Fang Yue.

Fang Yue smiled softly. He had long been accustomed to such small scenes.

He didn't speak, just stood there quietly, but he exuded a powerful aura.

The man in black was intimidated by his momentum, and for a while no one dared to step forward.

When the leader saw this, he roared angrily and rushed towards Fang Yue first.

Others followed suit, and a battle was about to break out.

However, Fang Yue seemed to have been prepared.

He dodged and easily dodged the leader's attack. At the same time, he shot like lightning and instantly subdued several other men in black.

His movements were quick and precise, as if everything was under his control.

The leader was shocked when he saw this, and it was too late to retreat.

Fang Yue stepped forward, held his wrist tightly, and said in a cold tone: "You are not qualified enough to want what I have."

After saying that, he exerted force suddenly, and the weapon in the leader's hand fell with a sound.

The leader looked horrified. He had never encountered such a powerful opponent, and this feeling of powerlessness filled him with fear.

The rest of the men in black were also completely shocked by Fang Yue's power. They stood there dumbly, at a loss.

"Now, hand over all the information you know and the treasures you found!"

Fang Yue's tone was still cold, but the majesty revealed in it made people dare not resist at all.

The leader swallowed, knowing that there was no room for resistance at this time. With trembling hands, he took out a small package from his arms and carefully placed it in Fang Yue's hand.

"This...this is all the treasures we have found so far. They are all here." The leader stammered.

Fang Yue opened the package and found some ancient jewelry and gold and silver vessels inside. Although they were valuable, they were nothing to him. He was more concerned about the information behind these men in black.

"Tell me, which force are you from? What are you looking for here?" Fang Yue asked forcefully.

"We are... from the Mosha Sect." The leader replied tremblingly, with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Fang Yue frowned slightly, Mosha Sect was another unfamiliar force.

"Mosha Sect?" Fang Yue repeated, as if searching for the name in his memory, "I have never heard of this sect. Are you not a force within the Wei Dynasty?"

The leader explained with a grimace: "That's right, we...we don't often operate in the Wei Dynasty, so..."

"Then why are you here?" Fang Yue interrupted, staring into the leader's eyes.

The leader seemed a little embarrassed under Fang Yue's sharp gaze, and he began to explain hesitantly:

"Our Demonic Sect mainly operates outside the Wei Dynasty, but some time ago, after hearing about the Shenjing Incident and being invited by the Wei royal family, we came here."

"Invited by the royal family of the Wei Dynasty?" A trace of doubt flashed in Fang Yue's eyes, and he continued to ask, "Why did the royal family of the Wei Dynasty invite you, the Mosha Sect?"

The leader hesitated for a moment, seeming to weigh the pros and cons, but under Fang Yue's cold eyes, he finally chose to confess:

"We don't know the specific reason, but the sect leader received a secret letter from the Wei royal family. The letter mentioned some ancient secrets and treasures, which may be related to the Shenjing Incident.

The sect master thought this was an opportunity, so he sent us to assist the royal family. "

Fang Yue fell into deep thought after hearing this, about the Wei royal family, the Shenjing Incident, ancient secrets and treasures.

"You're not telling the truth!"

Fang Yue's gaze was as sharp as a knife, piercing the leader's heart, "The Wei royal family will not invite foreign forces to get involved in its internal affairs for no reason, let alone for some treasure.

What deal did your Demonic Sect make with the Wei royal family? "

The leader was overwhelmed by Fang Yue's momentum, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He knew that if he kept hiding it, he might not end well.

So, the leader took a deep breath and decided to tell the truth:

"Sir, to be honest, the Wei royal family was indeed in internal turmoil after the Shenjing Incident and needed external help to stabilize its power.

They chose us, Mosha Sect, because we have special means and abilities in some aspects.

In exchange, they provide clues about the treasure in the hope that we can help them find and remove an important item from the treasure. "

After Fang Yue heard this, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he asked: "What important item?"

The leader hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth under Fang Yue's gaze:

"It is a key that is said to be able to open the royal treasure house passed down from generation to generation in the Wei Dynasty."

"Royal treasury?"

Fang Yue's heart moved. This information was extremely important to him.

He continued to ask: "Do you know the specific appearance or characteristics of this key?"

The leader shook his head: "We only know that it is a very ancient key, and we don't know its specific appearance and characteristics.

The royal family of the Wei Dynasty kept this matter extremely confidential, and we were just following orders. "

Fang Yue was silent for a moment, seeming to digest the information.

Fang Yue glanced at the leader, a deep light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't answer immediately, but thought quietly for a moment.

Although these men in black are just minions, the Demonic Sect behind them and their dealings with the Wei royal family may hide deeper secrets.

Then, Fang Yue spoke again, his voice revealing calmness and determination: "Go away, don't let me see you again."

As if he had received an amnesty, the man in black quickly stood up and left without daring to look back.

They knew that they were lucky to be able to save their lives this time.

Looking at the figure of the man in black leaving in embarrassment, Fang Yue's eyes flashed with a cold light.

He knew that this encounter was not accidental, but someone had done it deliberately.

The Wei royal family, the Demonic Sect and the mysterious key all seem to hide a huge secret.

"The royal treasury, the key... It seems that Li Shengdong is not telling the truth. There are probably many secrets in this city!" Fang Yue murmured to himself.

Fang Yue's eyes became profound, and he recalled his previous conversation with Li Shengdong.

Although the master of the Shadow Pavilion behaved politely, he always seemed to be hiding something in his words.

It now appears that he knew much more than he let on.

"What secrets are hidden in this key and the royal treasure house?" Fang Yue was filled with doubts and curiosity.

He knew that this matter would never be that simple.

The transaction between the Wei royal family and the Mosha Sect, as well as this mysterious key, seem to point to a larger conspiracy.

And he, Fang Yue, happened to be involved.

"Now that we're involved, let's check it out."

Fang Yue made up his mind and decided to investigate the matter in depth to see what was hidden behind it.

He turned and walked towards the city, ready to find some clues.

He knew that there must be someone in this city who knew more secrets. He just needed to find them and ask them one by one.

At the same time, Li Shengdong led the troops of Shadow Pavilion and marched hard in a dark dense forest.

They had just escaped from a carefully arranged trap, and everyone looked a little tired and embarrassed.

"There is such a large forest in this secret city. It is indeed a legacy of the Shenzong."

Li Shengdong looked up and saw towering trees with lush branches and leaves, almost blocking most of the sky.

This forest is like a maze, full of unknowns and dangers, but it may also contain endless secrets and treasures.

"Pavilion Master, what should we do now?" a member of the Shadow Pavilion asked, breaking the silence.

Li Shengdong looked around and continued: "Give me the order for everyone to rest where they are and then explore the forest in groups.

Remember, stay vigilant and report any findings immediately. Also, if anyone sees Fang Yue, please don’t alarm him first, report to me first! "

Hearing this, everyone cheered up and responded in unison.

Following Li Shengdong's order, the members of the Shadow Pavilion quickly took action, resting on the spot and organizing their equipment, preparing to explore this mysterious forest in depth.

At the same time, Fang Yue was also looking for clues around the city.

He shuttled among the ancient streets and alleys, capturing the hidden secrets of the city with his keen insight.

Unconsciously, he came to a temple that looked quite ancient.

The stone steps of the temple are covered with moss, and the plaque on the lintel is mottled, but the three characters "Shenzong Temple" can still be vaguely discerned.

Fang Yue's heart moved. Dragon Temple, is this related to Shenzong Secret City?

He pushed open the heavy temple door and walked in.

The interior of the temple is dark and mysterious, and the statues enshrined in it are dilapidated, but you can still feel an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

Fang Yue walked slowly inside the Shenzong Temple, looking around, not letting go of any possible clues.

He walked around the broken statues and came to the apse of the temple, where there was a row of murals that seemed to be ancient.

The murals depict some mysterious patterns and words, which seem to record certain historical events during the Shenzong period.

Fang took a closer look and found that one of the murals vaguely depicted the shape of a key, which was quite similar to the key to the royal treasury he learned from the man in black. He thought that this might be an important clue.

At this moment, a burst of noisy footsteps suddenly came from outside the temple.

Fang Yue frowned slightly, quickly gathered his breath, and then disappeared into the shadows.


As the footsteps approached, Fang Yue held his breath and quietly hid in the shadows, staring in the direction of the temple door.

After a while, a group of people walked in, led by a woman in gorgeous clothes. She was noble and beautiful. She was the eldest princess of the Wei royal family.

The eldest princess looked around the interior of the temple, and her eyes finally fell on the murals.

She seemed to be quite interested in the contents of the mural, especially the one depicting the shape of a key.

She stopped and watched for a long time, with a thoughtful look on her face.

"This key...is it the legendary key to the royal treasury?"

The eldest princess murmured to herself, her voice revealing excitement and anticipation.

At this time, the eldest princess had already walked to another mural, which depicted the prosperity of the Shenzong period.

She gently touched the murals with her hands, seeming to feel the ancient history.

Suddenly, she turned to the guards who followed her and said, "You wait outside. No one is allowed to come in without my order."

The guards retreated, and the princess stayed alone in the temple.

She walked to the mural depicting the key again and looked at it carefully for a long time.

Then, she took out a yellowed parchment scroll from her arms, which seemed to record some ancient secrets.

Fang Yue saw it clearly in the shadows and couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

He guessed that the parchment scroll might record clues or secrets about the key to the royal treasury.

The princess carefully compared the contents of the parchment scroll with the shape of the key on the mural, and a look of sudden enlightenment appeared on her face.

She whispered to herself, "So that's it, the key is hidden here..."

Hearing this, Fang Yue's heart tightened.

He realized that the princess might have found important clues about the key.

He held his breath and continued to observe the princess's actions quietly.

The princess carefully put away the parchment scroll, then knelt in front of the statue, clasped her hands together, closed her eyes and prayed for a moment.

Then she stood up and turned to leave the temple.

Fang Yue did not show up immediately, but waited until the princess and the guards were far away before walking out of the shadows.

He walked to the mural and carefully looked at the shape of the key.

He knew that he might have found an important clue.

"Princess... the key to the royal treasury... what secrets are hidden in this temple? Why did the princess leave here in the end?" Fang Yue muttered to himself, his eyes flickering.

Then, Fang Yue also walked out of the temple.

He decided to follow and see what the princess would do next, maybe he could find more clues from it.

Fang Yue carefully followed the princess and her group. They passed through several busy streets and finally came to a remote mansion.

Although this mansion was not conspicuous, it exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

The princess walked straight in, while Fang Yue found a hidden position nearby and observed quietly.

Just as Fang Yue was quietly observing and waiting, suddenly, the entire secret city began to shake violently.

The mechanical city began to rotate again.

Fang Yue stood firmly in place, feeling the vibration caused by the rotation of the secret city.

He looked around sharply and noticed that the position he was in remained in the same place after the rotation, which surprised him a little.

Usually, the rotation of the secret city will change the position of each area to achieve the purpose of confusion and defense, but this time it seems to be an exception.

He carefully observed the surrounding environment and confirmed that there were no traps or dangers.

This situation is very unusual. Is this a safe area? (End of this chapter)

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