Fang Yue thought to himself, while observing his surroundings more vigilantly.

Fang Yue thought to himself, and at the same time observed his surroundings more vigilantly.

He suspected that this so-called "safe zone" might hide deeper secrets.

And it is obvious that the eldest princess of the Wei Dynasty controls the distribution of these safe areas.

While he was deep in thought, he suddenly heard footsteps.

He looked up and saw the eldest princess walking out of the house alone.

Fang Yue was shocked, but he didn't expect that the eldest princess was the only one who came out.

The eldest princess also saw Fang Yue. She raised her eyebrows and asked in a cold voice: "Fang Yue! I didn't expect to meet you here. Haha, it's really fate!"

Fang Yue felt a chill in his heart after hearing this. He calmed down, smiled slightly, and responded:

"Your Highness, Princess, it is true that we are destined. But, Your Highness, Princess, does she want to take action here?"

When the eldest princess heard this, a trace of anger flashed across her face.

She really didn't expect to meet Fang Yue here alone, and she also knew that she was no match for Fang Yue.

However, as the eldest princess of the Wei Dynasty, she has her own pride and dignity.

"Fang Yue, don't go too far!"

The eldest princess said angrily, "Although I am not your opponent, don't forget that this is my territory. As long as I give the order, you will never leave alive!"

"Oh? Really?"

Fang Yue smiled contemptuously, "Then I want to see how, Princess, you can prevent me from leaving alive."

As soon as she finished speaking, the eldest princess of Wei did not reply.

Obviously the current situation is not good for her. She took a deep breath and said reluctantly:

"How about we wipe out all our past grudges?"

Hearing the eldest princess's suggestion, Fang Yue smiled slightly. He had already seen that the eldest princess was in a disadvantageous situation.

Although he didn't have much affection for the eldest princess, he was not unable to negotiate.

"Your Highness, Princess, your proposal is somewhat beyond my expectation."

Fang Yue said slowly, "However, in order for me to agree to wipe out the past grudges, you must at least show some sincerity.

I'm really interested in that key thing.

If you could tell me its secret, maybe we could consider a peaceful solution. "

When the eldest princess heard this, a trace of hesitation flashed across her face.

She knew the importance of the key and the secret hidden behind it.

However, the situation before her forced her to make a compromise.

"Okay, I can tell you about that key."

The eldest princess finally relented, "However, you must promise that after knowing the secret, the grudge between us will be completely wiped out, and you can't cause me any more trouble."

"As long as the information you provide is valuable, I will naturally keep my promise." Fang Yue said calmly.

The eldest princess took a deep breath, as if sorting out her thoughts, and then slowly spoke:

"That key is actually not an ordinary thing. It is the key to an ancient treasure. That treasure contains the wealth and secrets accumulated by our Wei Dynasty over the past dynasties.

The location of this treasure is known only to the direct bloodline of the royal family, and the key is the only way to open it. "

After Fang Yue heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although he had guessed that the key might have an unusual meaning, he never expected that it was related to a royal treasure.

"So, where is this treasure?" Fang Yue couldn't help but ask.

The eldest princess glanced at him and continued: "The location of the treasure is in the 'Land of Dragon Veins'.

It was a tightly guarded place, and no one except the royal family knew its exact location. And the key is the pass to get in there. "

After Fang Yue heard this, he made secret calculations in his heart.

This treasure is undoubtedly a huge temptation for him.

But he also knew that the eldest princess would not tell him this for no reason.

"So, Your Highness, what do you want me to do for you when you tell me this?" Fang Yue asked directly.

A look of appreciation flashed in the eldest princess's eyes, and she said:

"I tell you this because I hope you can help me find the treasure and take out one of the things in it."

"What?" Fang Yue asked curiously.

"National artifact?" Fang Yue repeated doubtfully.

The eldest princess nodded and her expression became solemn: "Yes, the artifact of the country. It is the most precious treasure of our Wei Dynasty and has mysterious and powerful power. That secret treasure is hidden in this city."

"Hidden in this city?"

Fang Yue felt a little surprised, "You mean, the Zhenguo artifact is hidden in this so-called 'safe zone'?"

The eldest princess nodded again and confirmed: "That's right. This city has a long history, and there are many ancient ruins and secret rooms hidden underground.

The artifact of Zhenguo was hidden in one of the extremely secret places. "

Fang Yue frowned and thought deeply. He did not expect that Zhenguo's artifact would be hidden in such a seemingly ordinary place.

This also explains why the eldest princess has been staying here and knows this area well.

"Your Highness Princess, since you already know the specific location of the artifact, why don't you go and get it yourself?" Fang Yue asked puzzledly.

The eldest princess smiled bitterly: "Don't you think I haven't tried it? But there are many traps and traps in that place, and I have tried many times but failed.

Moreover, I also discovered that other forces are also secretly looking for artifacts, so I need your help. "

After hearing this, Fang Yue understood in his heart that the eldest princess was also helpless, so she approached him.

He knew that this task was not easy, but the temptation of the artifact was too great for him to refuse.

"Okay, I promise to help you find the artifact to protect the country." Fang Yue finally made the decision to take action.


Fang Yue changed the topic and looked at the eldest princess seriously, "I also have a few conditions."

The eldest princess raised her eyebrows slightly, signaling for him to continue.

"First, I need a detailed map with all possible entrances and traps marked."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, "Second, Her Royal Highness the Princess must tell me the specific information and usage of the Zhenguo artifact without reservation."

"Third, if we really find the artifact that governs the country, we must each use our own abilities to obtain it."

Fang Yue added his last condition and looked at the eldest princess firmly.

When the eldest princess heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes.

She didn't expect that Fang Yue would put forward such a condition, which meant that they might become competitors after finding the artifact.

However, she also knew that Fang Yue was not an easy person to deal with, so this proposal might be the fairest way.

"Okay, I agree to your terms."

After a brief weighing, the eldest princess replied decisively, "I will provide you with a detailed map and tell you all the information about the artifact. But after finding the artifact, we will each show our talents."

Fang Yue nodded and agreed.

He was fully aware of the difficulty of this task, and also understood that the cooperation with the eldest princess was only temporary.

Once the artifact is found, their relationship will likely change.

"In that case, let's leave as soon as possible."

Fang Yue suggested, "Time is pressing. The earlier we set off, the greater the chance of finding the artifact."

The eldest princess had no objection. She turned back to the room and took out an exquisite map and some information about the artifact of Zhenguo.

She handed these to Fang Yue and explained in detail the markers on the map and the information about the artifact.

In the next few days, Fang Yue and the eldest princess worked closely together to find the whereabouts of the Zhenguo artifact.

At the same time, deep in the Wei Palace, the emperor with a face as golden as paper sat in the imperial study with a solemn expression.

He was playing with a jade chess piece in his hand, his brows furrowed, as if he was thinking about some important issue.

"Your Majesty, there is news." A eunuch walked into the study cautiously and lowered his head to report.

The emperor raised his head, his eyes burning brightly: "Say."

"Her Royal Highness the Princess and Fang Yue have joined forces and are looking for the kingdom's artifact." The eunuch said in a low voice.

When the emperor heard this, the chess piece in his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, and his eyes became profound:

"Oh? They actually joined forces? This is interesting."

He slowly put the chess pieces back into the chess box, stood up, walked to the window, stood with his hands behind his hands, and looked at the distant sky.

"The eldest princess and Fang Yue are both extremely smart people. If they join forces, they may really be able to find the artifact that will rule the country."

The emperor murmured to himself, "It's just that this artifact is related to the fate of Wei Dynasty and must not fall into the hands of others."

He turned around and said to the eunuch: "Send the order to strengthen the monitoring of the Dragon Vein Land. Once it is discovered that the eldest princess and Fang Yue have obtained the national artifact, the divine refining array will be activated immediately."

The emperor's words revealed an unquestionable determination.

The eunuch did not dare to neglect and immediately left to convey the emperor's order.

In another part of the palace, a man in black was standing quietly in a secret room, his eyes as cold as ice.

When he learned that the eldest princess and Fang Yue had joined forces to find the artifact, and that the emperor had ordered to strengthen surveillance, a sneer appeared on his lips.

"The sacred weapon of the country, it belongs to the battlefield of Sword and Wind. How can you be allowed to obtain it so easily?"

The man in black was talking to himself, with a cold murderous intent in his voice.

In another corner of the city, Fang Yue and the eldest princess were approaching the core area of ​​the Dragon Vein Land step by step according to the map.

Little did they know that a huge conspiracy against them had quietly unfolded.

"We have to be careful, this place is full of agencies." Fang Yue reminded, his eyes scanning the surroundings vigilantly.

The eldest princess nodded, her expression extremely solemn: "I know, you have to be careful too."

They moved on, taking every step with extreme caution.

The artifact of the kingdom is just ahead, but they also know that this battle will never be easy.

Fang Yue and the eldest princess moved forward cautiously in the narrow passage.

The walls on both sides are carved with ancient totems, which seem to tell the long history of this ruins.

With every step they took, they felt the ground beneath their feet shaking slightly, and the air was filled with a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.

"This seems to be a maze." Fang Yue whispered, looking at the fork in front of him, his brows furrowed.

The eldest princess did not speak, but she also felt the complexity of this place.

She followed Fang Yue closely, always keeping vigilant.

They chose an intersection and continued on, but soon discovered that this choice seemed to be the wrong one.

They encountered a huge stone door covered with intricate runes and patterns.

"It's a seal."

The princess recognized the runes on the stone door, and her face became solemn. "Only by unlocking this seal can we move forward."

Fang Yue nodded. He carefully observed the runes on the stone door, trying to find clues to unlock the seal.

The two of them began to work together to crack the ancient seal, and time passed by.

Li Shengdong, the leader of the Shadow Pavilion, has always been a mysterious figure in the world.

He controls a huge intelligence network and a group of elite assassins, and his actions are secretive and elusive.

At this moment, at the edge of the largest dense forest in the secret city.

"The princess and Fang Yue have joined forces and are looking for the national artifact."

The news from the shadow made Li Shengdong's eyes narrow slightly, flashing with a dangerous light.

He knew the importance of the national artifact, and he knew that if the princess and Fang Yue succeeded, it would have a profound impact on the power structure of the Wei Dynasty.

"Master, what should we do?"

An elite assassin of the Shadow Pavilion asked in a low voice, with a bit of awe and expectation in his eyes.

Li Shengdong pondered for a moment and slowly said: "The national treasure must not fall into their hands.

Pass the order, let all the people of the Shadow Pavilion go out immediately, and must find the artifact before the princess and Fang Yue!"

Originally, he wanted to use Fang Yue to seize the national treasure of the Wei Dynasty, but he didn't expect to be separated from Fang Yue in this maze city.

Now he knows that the other party has joined forces with the princess of the Wei Dynasty, which immediately makes Li Shengdong feel urgent.

When everyone heard this, a trace of firmness and determination flashed in their eyes.

They knew the importance of this task and understood that if they failed, it would bring huge losses to the Shadow Pavilion.

However, as the elites of the Shadow Pavilion, they have long been accustomed to dancing on the edge of a knife, and they are never afraid of unknown dangers and challenges.

"Let's go!" Li Shengdong gave an order, and everyone disappeared into the night like a ghost, leaving only the sound of the breeze blowing gently through the woods.

The night was as dark as ink, and the elites of the Shadow Pavilion led by Li Shengdong quietly shuttled through the streets and dense forests of the secret city. They were dressed in black, moving swiftly and silently, as if blending into the night.

Meanwhile, Fang Yue and the princess continued to move forward in the maze-like ruins.

They did not notice the movements of the Shadow Pavilion, but both of them remained highly alert.

"Princess, are you sure this route is correct?" Fang Yue asked, frowning as he looked at the forked road ahead.

After breaking the seal, Fang Yue and the princess walked carefully along the passage.

On the stone walls on both sides of the passage, ancient runes flickered mysteriously under the reflection of torches.

They all knew that these runes were probably some kind of protection mechanism left by the ancients, so they did not dare to touch them easily.

"According to the instructions on the map, this route should be the shortest path to the national artifact."

The princess replied, her voice echoing in the empty passage with a hint of uncertainty. (End of this chapter)

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