Fang Yue looked at the talisman in his hand in surprise. He had never seen such a scene.

The runes on the talisman seemed to come alive, and every rune seemed to be beating and shining with a mysterious light.

He felt a strange power emanating from the talisman, warm and powerful.

As the light flickered, Fang Yue suddenly felt dizzy.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in a strange space.

The surroundings are full of ancient runes and mysterious patterns, and the air is filled with an ancient and solemn atmosphere.

"Where is this?" Fang Yue asked in surprise.

"This is the inner space of the Sky-shattering Talisman."

A majestic and mysterious voice sounded in Fang Yue's ears, "The talisman in your hand is not just a simple item, it contains the inheritance and mysterious power of the Wei royal family. Holding this talisman can become the emperor!" "

Fang Yue looked around, trying to find the source of the sound, but there was nothing around except ancient runes and patterns.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Fang Yue asked warily.

"I am the spirit body of the Sky-shattering Talisman, the incarnation of this mysterious talisman."

The majestic voice replied, "And you are now in the inner space of the Sky-shaking Talisman because you have established a special connection with the Talisman."

Fang Yue's eyes widened and he looked at the talisman in his hand in disbelief.

He had never thought that such a seemingly ordinary talisman could contain such an unfathomable secret.

"The inheritance and mysterious power of the Wei royal family?" He confirmed again.

"Yes, the Sky-shaking Talisman in your hand is not only a token of the Wei royal family, but also carries the royal family's profound inheritance and endless mysterious power."

The majestic voice echoed in Fang Yue's ears again, "If you hold this talisman, you can be crowned emperor. This is not just a slogan, but the real power and glory that the holder of the shocking talisman bestows."

Fang Yue took a deep breath, trying to calm down the shock in his heart.

He now finally understood why the King of Han valued this Sky-shattering Talisman so much that he even wanted to get it at all costs.

This is not only because it is a token of the Wei royal family, but also because it carries the royal family's profound inheritance and endless mysterious power.

"If you hold this talisman, you can become emperor."

Fang Yue recited these words silently, feeling an indescribable throbbing in his heart.

However, just when he was about to learn more about the information, the space collapsed like a bubble.

Fang Yue felt his eyes blur as the ancient runes and patterns around him began to dissipate rapidly, and the entire space gradually collapsed like a torn scroll. He felt a strong uneasiness, as if he was about to lose something precious.

"What's going on?" he asked in panic, but the majestic and mysterious voice did not sound again.

As the space disintegrated, Fang Yue felt as if he was being pushed by an invisible force, gradually leaving the mysterious space.

His vision became clear again and he found that he had returned to the real world.

The talisman in his hand still shone with a faint light, but it no longer had the same active and agile feeling as before.

"It seems that the energy is insufficient!"

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately understood the reason for the collapse of space. He guessed that the internal space of the Sky-shattering Talisman required a large amount of energy to be maintained, and that he had just entered it, which might have triggered some mechanism, causing the energy to be consumed rapidly.

"The energy is insufficient, how should we replenish it? Kill people?" He said to himself, his eyes falling on the talisman in his hand again.

"Kill someone?" Fang Yue shook his head, rejecting this absurd idea. He knows that real power is not obtained through killing, but through cultivation and self-improvement.

"It seems we need to check the information as soon as possible!"

Fang Yue thought to himself that although the talisman in his hand still emitted a faint light, it had obviously lost its previous vitality.

He knew that if he wanted to further explore the mystery of the Sky-shaking Talisman and truly grasp the power contained in it, he must first solve the problem of insufficient energy.


While Fang Yue was thinking hard about how to replenish the energy of the Sky-shaking Talisman, Princess Wei quietly came to Yujing City and soon learned that Fang Yue held the Sky-shaking Talisman.

The eldest princess was naturally full of desire for this legendary royal token, and she decided to personally come forward to take back the Sky-shaking Talisman from Fang Yue.

One morning, Fang Yue was studying ancient books carefully in the inn, trying to find more clues about the Sky-shaking Talisman.

Suddenly, there was a soft knock on the door.

He put down the book in his hand and opened the door doubtfully. He saw a noble and elegant woman standing at the door. She had a delicate face and extraordinary temperament. She was the eldest princess of Wei.

"Fang Yue, we meet again." The eldest princess smiled and saluted.

Fang Yue was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to see Princess Wei here, and this was just when he was studying how to replenish the energy of the Sky-shattering Talisman. There was an inexplicable alarm in his heart, but he still maintained a polite smile on his face.

"Your Highness, the eldest princess, is a rare visitor. I wonder why your Highness is here?" Fang Yue returned the greeting.

There was a lot of fun between the two. If it were in another place, Fang Yue would not mind killing this woman.

The eldest princess didn't seem to notice Fang Yue's vigilance. She still kept a smile and said softly: "Fang Yue, I heard that you hold the Sky-shattering Talisman in your hand, so I came here to see you."

Fang Yue's heart moved, thinking that he really came for the Zhentian Talisman. He remained calm on his face, and just said lightly: "Your Highness, the Princess is well-informed. Yes, the Zhentian Talisman is indeed in my hands."

"The Zhentian Talisman is a treasure inherited by my royal family. I hope you can return it to the royal family."

The princess said sincerely, "Of course, the royal family will not let you hand over the Zhentian Talisman for nothing. As long as you are willing to return it, any conditions can be negotiated."

Fang Yue sneered in his heart, thinking that the princess had a good plan. He shook his head and said, "Your Highness, the Princess, since the Zhentian Talisman is in my hands, it means that I have a connection with it. I think it should stay with me."

The princess narrowed her eyes when she heard this, obviously she did not expect Fang Yue to be so determined.

She took a deep breath, and a hint of firmness appeared in her voice: "Fang Yue, I understand what you mean. But the Zhentian Talisman is very important, you can't keep it."

"Haha, don't worry about it, Princess. I have something else to do, so I won't chat with you any more." Fang Yue said, and was about to close the door and send the guest away.

But the Princess stretched out her hand to stop the door, and said seriously: "Fang Yue, don't underestimate the power of the Zhentian Talisman. It is not only a token, but also a magic weapon with powerful power. If you don't know how to use it, it will bring disaster to yourself."

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at the Princess and said: "Oh? Then is Her Highness going to teach me how to use the Zhentian Talisman?"

"In that case, you can do it yourself." The Princess frowned slightly, then turned and left.

Fang Yue looked at the Princess's back as she left, and he knew that he was exposed now.

So, he couldn't stay here.

Fang Yue made a quick decision in his heart.

He returned to the room and began to pack his luggage, ready to leave the inn and move to a more secluded place.

At the same time, he also began to plan how to further explore the mystery of the Zhentian Talisman and find a way to replenish energy.

Before leaving the inn, Fang Yue carefully examined the Zhentian Talisman in his hand again.

It still exuded a faint light, as if telling the endless secrets it contained.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and carefully put the talisman into his arms.

He chose to leave in the night to avoid attracting unnecessary attention.

The night in Yujing City was still prosperous and lively, but Fang Yue had no intention of appreciating it.

He focused on shuttling between the alleys, avoiding patrolling guards and pedestrians.

After some twists and turns, Fang Yue finally came to a new place to stay - a small courtyard on the edge of the city.

The environment here is quiet and few people come and go, which is just right for his current situation.


After Fang Yue settled down in the new small courtyard, he did not relax his vigilance.

He knew that once the news that he was holding the Zhentian Talisman spread, it would attract countless greedy and covetous eyes.

On the third night after Fang Yue moved into the small courtyard, a black shadow quietly headed straight for Fang Yue's residence.

This person was a master of the Sitianjian. He came this time for only one purpose - to take back the Zhentian Talisman.

Fang Yue was practicing in the house, and suddenly he became alert. He felt an inexplicable breath approaching rapidly.

He immediately restrained his breath and hid behind the door quietly, holding the sword tightly in his hand, ready to give the invading enemy an unexpected blow.

Sure enough, after a while, the door was gently pushed open, and a black shadow flashed in.

As soon as he entered the house, Fang Yue rushed out from behind the door at lightning speed, and the sword in his hand pierced the back of the black shadow.

The black shadow also reacted very quickly. He flashed and dodged Fang Yue's attack, and at the same time, he slapped Fang Yue with his backhand.

The surging vitality turned into a giant palm that lifted the sky, pressing towards Fang Yue with a fierce momentum.

Fang Yue was agile and dodged the palm with a side roll. At the same time, he swung his sword, flashing with cold light, and slashed towards the black shadow's legs.

The two fought fiercely in the house, and the sword energy and vitality collided with each other, making a deafening roar.

The black shadow was secretly surprised. He didn't expect Fang Yue to be so difficult. This person's strength is stronger than what was recorded in the Si Tianjian!

The fierce battle between Fang Yue and the black shadow continued in the house, with sword energy and vitality surging.

The black shadow originally thought that he could easily take back the Zhentian Talisman with his own strength, but he didn't expect Fang Yue's martial arts to be so strong, and there seemed to be a mysterious power supporting him.

Every time the sword light flashed, the black shadow felt a strong resistance.

He tried to use the secret technique of the Si Tianjian to suppress Fang Yue, but every attack was cleverly resolved by Fang Yue.

The black shadow gradually felt powerless, and he knew that he might not be able to complete the task this time.

Just when the black shadow was thinking of retreating, Fang Yue suddenly launched a fierce attack.

A brilliant sword light cut through the sky and went straight to the black shadow's chest.

The black shadow was horrified and hurriedly used his energy to form a defense to try to block the sword.

However, the sword light was like a rainbow, instantly penetrating his defense and hitting his chest heavily.

"Puff!" The black shadow spit out blood and fell heavily to the ground. He struggled to get up, but found that he had lost his fighting ability.

Fang Yue walked to the black shadow, looked at him coldly and said, "Tell me, who sent you?"

He knew that this black shadow was just a small role, and the real mastermind behind the scenes had not yet surfaced.

But he had to get some clues from this black shadow.

However, the shadow clenched his teeth and remained silent. It was obvious that he had received strict training and would never leak any information easily.

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he saw this, and was about to continue questioning, but after the meeting was over, the man in black suddenly exploded.

Fang Yue's pupils shrank and he quickly retreated, avoiding the splatters of blood, flesh and stumps.

He looked at the remaining pieces of black clothes and blood on the ground, and felt a strong sense of vigilance in his heart.

"This method is quite ruthless." Fang Yue thought to himself, and at the same time he became more certain of the crisis he was facing. He knew that this man in black was just the beginning, and more enemies might come to seize the Sky-shattering Talisman.

He stood up and looked around to make sure there were no other threats before returning to the house.

He sat on the couch, took a deep breath, and tried to calm down the fluctuations in his heart. He knew that he couldn't panic now and had to stay calm and clear-headed.


The night is like ink, and behind the prosperity of Jade Capital City, there is an undercurrent surging.

Representatives of the three forces, Si Tianjian, Xuelongtai and the Wei royal family, met secretly in a secret chamber.

"Everyone, now that the Sky-shaking Talisman is in Fang Yue's hands, it is a great threat to all three of us."

The leader of Si Tianjian, an old man with a gloomy face, spoke first.

The representative of the Blood Dragon Platform, a middle-aged man wearing a black robe, sneered: "Fang Yue must be eradicated. The Sky-shaking Talisman is our common goal, and we must not let him monopolize it."

The envoy sent by the royal family of the Wei Dynasty was a graceful and elegant woman in palace attire. She lightly opened her red lips and said, "Our royal family is determined to win the Sky-shaking Talisman. Through this cooperation, we hope to regain the Sky-shaking Talisman in one fell swoop and get rid of Fang Yue." This hidden danger.”

The three forces each have their own agendas, but at this moment they are sitting together for a common goal.

"We have found out that Fang Yue is hiding in a small courtyard on the edge of the city."

The old man from Si Tianjian said, unfolding a map, "This is his current hiding place. We can take advantage of the night and capture him in one fell swoop."

"Fang Yue's martial arts skills are very strong, we must deal with him carefully."

The middle-aged man from Blood Dragon Terrace reminded, "I suggest that each of the three parties should send out elites and act together."

"Okay, it's settled."

The woman in palace attire from the Wei royal family nodded in agreement, "This operation can only succeed, not fail."

As the night grew darker, the elite forces of the three parties quietly gathered near Fang Yue's hiding place.

They held their breath and waited for the signal to attack.

However, just as they were preparing to take action, Fang Yue suddenly rushed out of the courtyard as if he had sensed something. (End of chapter)

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