"How could he discover us in advance?" The old man from Si Tianjian was surprised.

The middle-aged man from Blood Dragon Terrace said with gloomy eyes: "This boy is not simple, we need to be careful."

The woman in palace attire from the Wei royal family frowned, obviously the changes in this action exceeded her expectations.

Fang Yue rushed out of the courtyard, his figure like lightning, and quickly disappeared into the night.

He indeed sensed abnormal fluctuations in the vitality around him and knew that there were powerful enemies around him, so he chose to escape without hesitation.

Upon seeing this, the elites of the three forces immediately launched a pursuit. However, Fang Yue was so fast, and with the cover of the night, it was difficult for them to catch up for a while.

"Split up and chase him, we must catch him!" the old man from Si Tianjian ordered.

The middle-aged people from the Blood Dragon Terrace and the women in palace attire from the Wei royal family also led their men and chased in different directions.

However, Fang Yue seemed to disappear into the night. No matter how they searched, they could not find any trace of him.

In fact, Fang Yue used his familiarity with the terrain and superb concealment skills to successfully evade the pursuit of the three parties.

He found a secret hiding place and only dared to rest for a while after confirming that no one was around.

Fang Yue knew that it was a fluke that he could escape this time.

He also knows that the three parties will never give up, and he must act more carefully next.

The night was like ink, and Fang Yue hid in a dark corner, thinking a lot.

In his hand was a simple talisman - the Sky-shattering Talisman. This was the imperial weapon of the Wei royal family, and it was also the reason why the three forces joined forces to hunt him down tonight.

This sky-shaking talisman is said to contain earth-shaking power. It can mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth and exert its power to destroy heaven and earth.

Fang Yue also got it by chance, but he didn't expect that it would cause such a big trouble.

"Si Tianjian, Blood Dragon Platform, and the Wei royal family, for the sake of this Sky-shattering Talisman, they did not hesitate to join forces to deal with me."

Fang Yue smiled bitterly and shook his head, but his heart was full of vigilance.

He knows that his current situation is extremely dangerous, and if he is not careful, he may fall into a place of catastrophe.

However, Fang Yue is not an easy person.

"Since they want this Sky-shaking Talisman, I cannot let them succeed." Fang Yue's eyes flashed with determination.

He decided to take the initiative and defeat them one by one!

"Since they want this Sky-shaking Talisman," Fang Yue thought to himself, "then I will use this Talisman to lure them into the game, and then defeat them one by one."

He took a deep breath, mobilized the vitality in his body, and stimulated the power of the Sky-shaking Talisman.

Suddenly, a powerful wave emanated from the talisman and shot straight into the sky.

Although this power was short-lived, it was enough to attract the attention of the three parties.

Soon, Fang Yue sensed several powerful auras approaching quickly.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he disappeared into the night in a flash.

The old man from Si Tianjian, the middle-aged man from Blood Dragon Terrace, and the women in palace attire from the Wei royal family gathered together again. The expressions of the three of them all looked solemn. They thought that with the joint efforts of the three parties, they could easily take down Fang Yue, but they did not expect that they would let him escape and lose many of his men.

"In this operation, all three of us made miscalculations." The old man from Si Tianjian said in a deep voice, "That Fang Yue is not only outstanding in strength, but also extremely cunning. He was able to use the power of the Sky-shattering Talisman to escape our pursuit."

The middle-aged man from Blood Dragon Terrace had gloomy eyes and said: "This boy is indeed not simple. We have underestimated him before. Next, we must make a new plan and make sure to capture him."

The woman in palace attire from the Wei royal family also nodded and agreed: "The Sky-shaking Talisman is the sacred weapon of our country and must not fall into the hands of outsiders. We must retrieve it as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams."

The three of them discussed it and decided to change their strategy.

They no longer acted separately, but gathered the elites of the three parties to jointly round up Fang Yue.

At the same time, they also sent spies to search for Fang Yue's traces. Once they found anything, they would report it immediately.


Fang Yue secretly observed the movements of the old man Si Tianjian, the middle-aged man from Xuelongtai, and the woman in palace attire from the Wei royal family.

He knew very well that if he wanted to successfully escape and protect the Sky-shattering Talisman in his hand, he must disperse these three forces and then defeat them one by one.

He came up with a plan and decided to use the special fluctuations of the Sky-shattering Talisman to create an illusion and mislead them.

Fang Yue once again mobilized his vitality and inspired a trace of the power of the Sky-shattering Talisman, but this time he controlled this power more precisely, making it show three different directions.

Soon, the spies from the three forces sensed the fluctuations of the Sky-shaking Talisman.

The old man in Si Tianjian sensed the fluctuation in the east and thought it was Fang Yue trying to escape;

The middle-aged people at Blood Dragon Terrace sensed the fluctuations in the south and felt that Fang Yue might be hiding there;

The women in palace attire from the Wei royal family noticed something unusual in the west and suspected that Fang Yue might have set a trap in that direction.

The three of them each led their elite men to chase in the direction they sensed.

Fang Yue was secretly happy when he saw that his plan was successful.

He chose to follow the old man Si Tianjian because the old man was slightly weaker than the other two forces, and he judged that the old man might make mistakes because of his eagerness for success.

During the tracking process, Fang Yue deliberately left some subtle clues to make the old man more confident that he was tracking in the right direction.

Finally, in a remote valley, the old man caught up with "Fang Yue"-actually just a phantom created by Fang Yue using his vitality.

When the old man realized that he had been fooled and was about to retreat, Fang Yue emerged from the darkness and launched a fierce attack.

Although the old man was rich in experience, he gradually fell into passivity under Fang Yue's rapid offensive.

Finally, in a duel, Fang Yue caught the old man's flaw and severely wounded him with one blow.

After defeating the old man, Fang Yue quickly left the scene and hid his aura and whereabouts.

He knew that the other two forces would soon realize something was wrong and return to look for him.

Therefore, he must regain his strength as soon as possible and prepare for the next battle.

As expected, the middle-aged people from Blood Dragon Terrace and the women in palace attire from the Wei royal family realized the problem after tracking to no avail, and began to return to look for Fang Yue's traces.

But Fang Yue had been prepared in advance, and he used terrain and concealment skills to evade their search again.

In the next few days, Fang Yue adopted guerrilla tactics, using the power of the Sky-shattering Talisman to continuously create illusions and distract the attention of the three parties.

Then, he took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the middle-aged people in Blood Dragon Terrace.

After a fierce battle, Fang Yue successfully defeated the middle-aged man and seized the treasure from him.

In the end, only the women in palace attire from the Wei royal family were left.

Fang Yue knew that this contest was coming to an end.

He decided to adopt the same strategy and use the fluctuations of the Sky-shattering Talisman to lure the woman in palace clothes into his trap.

However, this time the woman in palace clothes was obviously more cautious. She led her men to cautiously approach Fang Yue's location.

When Fang Yue saw this, he smiled slightly and immediately showed up.

"Princess, you are the only one left. If you are wise, surrender quickly." Fang Yue's voice echoed in the night sky, with a hint of teasing and provocation.

The eldest princess of the Wei royal family, the woman in palace attire, stood not far away with a solemn expression.

Behind her was a group of loyal guards, but they all looked quite nervous.

After previous battles, they already knew Fang Yue's strength and cunning.

"Fang Yue, do you think you won?"

The eldest princess responded coldly, her voice revealing an unyielding perseverance, "I, a member of the Wei royal family, will never give up easily."

Fang Yue chuckled, flashed, and appeared not far in front of the eldest princess.

The Sky-shattering Talisman in his hand shone with a faint light, seeming to threaten the other party.

"Elder Princess, I don't want to be an enemy of you," Fang Yue said slowly, "If you tell me the secret of this national artifact, I will let you live."

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the eldest princess. She gripped the sword tightly, pointed it at Fang Yue, and said sternly: "Fang Yue, don't even think about it! The Sky-shaking Talisman is a sacred weapon of our country. How can I miss the national affairs because of my personal affair! Today, Either you die or I die!"

Before she finished speaking, the eldest princess rushed towards Fang Yue with her sword, the sword light flashed and the attack was fierce.

Her swordsmanship is not only sharp, but also contains a kind of majesty and dominance unique to the royal family.

Fang Yue was flexible, dodging left and right. Facing the eldest princess' fierce attack, he was not in a hurry to counterattack, but looked for the opponent's flaws while dodging.

The two attacked and defended, and started a fierce battle in the night.

The eldest princess's offensive became more and more fierce, but Fang Yue always remained calm and collected.

Finally, in a fierce confrontation, Fang Yue caught a flaw in the eldest princess's sword and hit her sword wrist with his palm.

The long sword in the eldest princess's hand flew out and was stuck on the ground in the distance.

"Princess, you have failed." Fang Yue slowly walked to her and leaned down to look at her.

The eldest princess gritted her teeth and glared at Fang Yue, but did not speak.

She knew she had lost, but her heart was filled with unwillingness and anger.

Fang Yue smiled slightly and reached out to help the eldest princess, but she pushed him away violently.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind!" the eldest princess yelled angrily, "Although I have been defeated, I will never surrender to you!"

Fang Yue shook his head and sighed: "Elder Princess, why are you so stubborn? The Sky-shattering Talisman is not a property of your royal family, why should you lose your life for it?"

The eldest princess stared at Fang Yue, her eyes full of unyielding and anger.

As a member of the royal family, she is well aware of her responsibilities and honors, and will never bow her head easily even if she faces failure.

"Fang Yue, don't talk nonsense!"

The eldest princess said coldly, "The Sky-shaking Talisman has been the sacred weapon of our Wei royal family since ancient times, guarding the peace and prosperity of the country. How can you, the traitor, understand its true value?"

When Fang Yue heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

He knew that the eldest princess's belief and persistence in the Sky-shaking Talisman was greed or desire for power.

"Say it, or die!"

Fang Yue's tone suddenly became cold and determined. He stared into the eldest princess's eyes, as if he wanted to see through her heart:

"Say it, or die! I am not a murderous person, but if you insist not to tell me, then I will have no choice but to be cruel."

The eldest princess's face changed slightly, and she felt the killing intent in Fang Yue.

However, she did not show the slightest fear, she just took a deep breath and then exhaled it slowly.

"Fang Yue, you may be able to threaten me, but you cannot threaten the glory and faith of the Wei royal family."

Although the eldest princess's voice was low, it was full of determination and strength. "I am not the only one who knows the secret of the Sky-shaking Talisman. Even if you kill me, you won't be able to get everything you want."

Fang Yue frowned slightly. He did not expect the princess to be so determined.

However, he did not give up, but tried to persuade her in another way.

"Princess, I don't want to destroy the glory of your royal family,"

Fang Yue's tone softened a little, "I just want to know the secret of this Zhentian Talisman. Maybe we can find a way that both sides can accept."

The princess looked at Fang Yue, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes. She seemed to be thinking whether Fang Yue's words were credible.

However, she knew her current situation very well. If she didn't say it, she might really die.

Moreover, she also understood that Fang Yue was not aimless, he must have some purpose.

After weighing the pros and cons, the princess finally spoke: "The secret of the Zhentian Talisman cannot be explained clearly with simple words.

Its power and mystery require specific methods and rituals to be activated.

I can tell you some basic information, but more details need to be explored by yourself."

Fang Yue nodded and accepted: "Very good, as long as you are willing to tell me everything you know, I will let you go."

So, the princess began to describe in detail the origin, function and method of activating the power of the Zhentian Talisman.

Fang Yue listened with great interest and had a deeper understanding of this mysterious talisman.

He gradually understood the true power and importance of the Zhentian Talisman, and also realized how to use it better.

"The power of the Zhentian Talisman comes from the vitality between heaven and earth," the princess said slowly, "Only those who really know how to guide these vitality can exert its maximum power."

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he thought of the scene when he tried to activate the power of the Zhentian Talisman before.

He felt like he had touched a threshold, but it was vague.

Now, after listening to the explanation of the princess, the doubts in his heart gradually resolved.

"So, how can we better stimulate the power of the Zhentian Talisman?" Fang Yue couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either!"

"You don't know either?"

Fang Yue showed an incredible expression, "But you are a member of the royal family, you should know something about this national treasure."

The princess sighed lightly: "Fang Yue, although I am a member of the royal family, the secret of the Zhentian Talisman is only known by emperors of all dynasties and a very small number of royal high-ranking officials.

Although I know a little, it is not comprehensive.

The real stimulation method and ritual are only mastered by specific inheritors in the royal family."

She looked at Fang Yue, and a trace of complex emotions flashed in her eyes, "What I can tell you is that the power of the Zhentian Talisman is closely related to the holder's state of mind, cultivation, and perception of the world.

Moreover, its power cannot be used at will, and it needs to follow certain laws and rituals, otherwise it may cause unpredictable consequences."

Fang Yue fell into deep thought after listening. (End of this chapter)

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