He realized that although he had obtained the Sky-shaking Talisman, he still had a long way to go before he could truly master and use its power.

"Thank you, eldest princess, for your advice." Fang Yue said sincerely.

The eldest princess just glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

There seemed to be some deep meaning hidden in her eyes, but Fang Yue did not delve into it.

In the next few days, Fang Yue began to try to control the Sky-shattering Talisman based on the information obtained from Princess Wei.

But I tried for a long time without success.

"Sure enough, a big sacrifice is still needed! No wonder the King of Han has such a strong demand for this Sky-shaking Talisman now."

If you don’t hold a grand ceremony, you won’t be able to truly inherit the throne of Wei Dynasty!

But the Sky-shaking Talisman is the key to this great festival!

Fang Yue stood in front of the window of the room, looking into the distance and thinking a lot in his heart.

He understood that the Sky-shattering Talisman in his hand was not only a symbol of power, but also the key to the succession of the throne and the future of the Wei Dynasty.

"So, this Sky-shaking Talisman is actually not that useful to me. It's better to exchange it for some actual benefits."

A thoughtful smile appeared at the corner of Fang Yue's mouth. He turned away from the window, walked to the table in the room, sat down, and began to think carefully.

"Although the Sky-shaking Talisman is powerful, it does not directly help improve my personal cultivation. Moreover, the political entanglements behind it are too complicated and are not conducive to my cultivation."

He said to himself, "Maybe I can take this opportunity to make a deal with the King of Han or other powerful nobles."


Ten days later, Fang Yue fulfilled his agreement with the eldest princess and let her go safely.

In the darkness of Jade Capital City, he looked at the retreating figure of the eldest princess, took a deep breath, and prepared to leave this place of right and wrong.

However, just when he was about to leave, Si Tianjian Fei Hengwu suddenly came to his door.

Fang Yue frowned slightly.

He knew that Si Tianjian finally wanted to have a showdown with him.

Fang Yue had mixed feelings in his heart.

He has always respected Fei Hengwu, not only because Fei Hengwu was Si Tianjian, but also because Fei Hengwu had given him a lot of care and help when he first entered Yujing City.

"Nephew Fang Xian, I heard that you got a great baby recently?"

Hui Hengwu's voice was calm and powerful, but Fang Yue heard an unusual meaning in it.

"Master Hui, are you talking about the Sky-shattering Talisman?" Fang Yue decided to point it out directly. He knew that dodge was not an option.

"Exactly." Yu Hengwu's eyes became sharp, "The Sky-shaking Talisman is related to the future of Wei Dynasty. You are so young, I am afraid it will be difficult to control it. Why not leave it to me, so that Si Tianjian will keep you safe."

Fang Yue sighed secretly in his heart. He had already expected that Yu Hengwu would be interested in the Sky-shaking Talisman, but he did not expect that he would make such a direct request.

He knew that as one of the principals of Si Tianjian, Fei Hengwu was top-notch in strength and power, but he also understood that the importance of the Sky-shaking Talisman far exceeded any promise that Fei Hengwu could give.

"Sir, your proposal is indeed very tempting." Fang Yue said calmly, "But I cannot agree."

Hui Hengwu frowned, obviously not expecting Fang Yue to reject him so decisively. "Why? Do you know the consequences of rejecting me?"

Fang Yue nodded, "Of course I understand your status and influence, Master Hu. But the Sky-shaking Talisman is so important, I can't miss important things because of my personal safety."


Fei Hengwu sneered, "What big things do you think you can take on by yourself? The Sky-shaking Talisman in your hands will only bring you endless trouble."

"Maybe so."

Fang Yue admitted frankly, "But since I have been involved in it, I will not give up easily."

"You won't give up easily?" Fei Hengwu said with a hint of disdain in his tone.

"Young man, do you know the meaning behind this Sky-shattering Talisman? It is not only a magic weapon, but also a symbol of power. If you hold it, you will be on the cusp of the storm, and countless people will criticize you for it. Watching with eager eyes."

Fang Yue looked firm, "Master Hui, I understand what you mean. But I have made a choice and I will not change it easily.

I believe that as long as I follow the right path, no matter what difficulties and challenges I face, I will be able to deal with them. "

Fei Hengwu looked at Fang Yue, a hint of appreciation flashed in his eyes, but more of it was worry, "Since you have decided, I won't say any more, so you can take care of yourself."

Fang Yue nodded in thanks, "Thank you, Master Hu, for your understanding and support."

Hui Hengwu said nothing more, turned and left Fang Yue's residence.

Fang Yue watched his back disappear into the night, knowing in his heart that although Hui Hengwu did not forcefully ask for the Sky-shattering Talisman, the storm was far from over.

He returned to the table and continued to think about his next move.

He knew that he needed to act more cautiously, and at the same time, he also needed to find a trustworthy ally.

"Perhaps, I can go directly to talk to the King of Han." Fang Yue thought in his mind, "His demand for the Sky-shaking Talisman is so strong, maybe we can reach some kind of cooperation."

In the dark night, Fang Yue sat alone at the table, thinking over and over again about his plan.

The existence of the Sky-shattering Talisman made him the target of public criticism, and he knew that he had to take action, otherwise he would not be able to survive in this whirlpool of power.


As soon as Fang Yue walked out of Yujing City, a chilling atmosphere hit his face.

He looked around and saw several figures quietly approaching from all directions in the dark night, each figure exuding fierce murderous aura.

"It seems that I still underestimated the appeal of the Sky-shattering Talisman." Fang Yue sighed inwardly, but his expression remained calm.

He knew that these interceptors must be masters from all forces, either to seize the Sky-shaking Talisman, or to prevent him from giving the Sky-shaking Talisman to others.

No matter what the purpose, tonight is going to be a tough fight.

Fang Yue took a deep breath, mobilized the energy in his body, and prepared to fight.

His body was like lightning, and he was instantly engaged with an interceptor.

The man held a long knife and attacked fiercely, but Fang Yue was flexible and could skillfully avoid the opponent's attacks every time.

At the same time, other interceptors also launched attacks one after another. Various moves and weapons intertwined into a dense attack network, trying to trap Fang Yue.

However, Fang Yue relied on his excellent body skills and cultivation to move freely through this attack network, launching counterattacks from time to time.

The battle entered a fierce stage, and every interceptor showed amazing strength.

But Fang Yue was not afraid. He knew in his heart that as long as he persisted, victory would eventually belong to him.

Finally, after a fierce battle, Fang Yue found a breakthrough. With a flash of his body, he broke through the interceptor's encirclement.

He did not stop, but quickly fled the scene under the cover of darkness.

The angry and unwilling shouts of the interceptors came from behind, but Fang Yue did not look back.

"Huh, sure enough, there are too many people eyeing this Sky-shattering Talisman!"

After being safe, Fang Yue couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He knew that the news that he held the Sky-shattering Talisman had been leaked, and there would be more trouble and danger waiting for him.

Although these killers were not very strong, they did not pose much of a threat to him.

But there is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

We must find another way to get to Shenjing City!

"By the way, you can use the nodes of the Demon Sealing Barrier to enter the Demon Realm and use the passage to get to Shenjing City!"

Fang Yue's eyes lit up, and he remembered the records about the demon sealing barrier that he had seen in some ancient books.

The Demon Sealing Barrier is a powerful barrier set up by the Wei Dynasty to defend against the invasion of monsters. However, this barrier is not completely closed, but has some secret nodes that allow humans and monsters to pass under certain conditions.

"If I can find these nodes and use them to enter the demon world, then I can avoid the eyes of the human race and go to Shenjing City safely." Fang Yue thought to himself.

He knew that this method had great risks. After all, the demon world was an unknown and dangerous world for the human race, but he also understood that this was the safest option at present.

In order to escape the endless pursuit and bring the Sky-shattering Talisman safely to Shenjing City, he must take a risk.

It just so happened that he had served in Si Tianjian before and knew the nodes near Yujing City very well.

As a result, Fang Yue began to prepare for entering the demon world. He first returned to his residence in Yujing City and took out some necessary items that he had prepared before, including healing elixirs, charms for concealing breath, and some self-defense instruments.

After preparing everything, Fang Yue quietly left Yujing City and rushed towards a secret node in the demon-sealing barrier in his memory. This node is located in a deserted valley, surrounded by high mountains and inaccessible people.

After a long journey, Fang Yue finally arrived at this valley. He looked around and after making sure no one was following him, he started looking for the specific location of the node.

Based on the records in ancient books and his previous experience in Si Tianjian, Fang Yue quickly found the location of the node. It is a seemingly ordinary stone wall, but if you look closely, you can find some subtle runes and formations on the stone wall.

Fang Yue stood in front of the stone wall, took a deep breath, and then began to activate the vitality in his body according to the method recorded in ancient books, activating the runes and formations on the stone wall.

With the input of vitality, the runes on the stone wall began to gradually light up, emitting a mysterious light. Fang Yue felt a powerful space force begin to surge, and he knew that the node had been activated.

The next moment, a huge suction force came from the stone wall, sucking Fang Yue's entire body into it.

He only felt his eyes light up, and then he found that he was already in a completely unfamiliar world.

This world is full of strong demonic energy, surrounded by a dense forest, and all kinds of strange monsters shuttle through the forest.

This is where the demon world and the human world meet!

Fang Yue carefully looked at the surrounding environment, and at the same time used the energy in his body to resist the erosion of the surrounding demonic energy.

He knows that he must always be vigilant in the demon world, otherwise he may encounter unexpected events at any time.

After confirming his position, Fang Yue began to move deeper into the demon world according to the plan he had made before.

He hopes to find a node leading to Shenjing City and leave this world safely.

Fang Yue walked carefully through the dense forest, always alert to the movements around him. The trees here are tall and dense, and the sunlight casts mottled light and shadow through the gaps in the treetops.

Suddenly, a strange smell came, and Fang Yue immediately looked around alertly. I saw the surrounding trees swaying gently, as if sending some kind of signal.

"No, there are monsters!" Fang Yue screamed in his heart, and his figure instantly tensed up.

Sure enough, the next moment, a group of monster warriors jumped out from the surrounding woods. They were strong and strong, with ferocious faces, and held various strange weapons in their hands.

"Human race, how dare you break into our territory!" A demon warrior yelled, waving the weapon in his hand and rushing towards Fang Yue.

Fang Yue dodged and cleverly avoided the opponent's attack. At the same time, he punched back and knocked back the demon warrior.

However, more demon warriors have surrounded him. They attack fiercely and seem to want to put Fang Yue to death.

Fang Yue shuttled flexibly among the monsters, and every attack could accurately hit the target, while avoiding the attacks of the monsters. He knew that he had to fight quickly, otherwise once he was under siege, the consequences would be disastrous.

After a fierce battle, Fang Yue finally found a breakthrough. With a flash of his body, he broke through the demon clan's encirclement and fled deep into the forest.

"Damn humans, how dare you break into our territory!" A demon general roared, leading the demon warriors in hot pursuit.

Fang Yue walked quickly through the forest, while keeping an eye on the movement behind him. He knew that he had to find a safe hiding place as soon as possible, otherwise once the demon clan caught up with him, the consequences would be disastrous.

Finally, Fang Yue found a hidden cave in a dense bush. He got in without hesitation, and at the same time used his vitality to seal the entrance of the cave to prevent the demon clan from following him.

The cave was dark and humid, but Fang Yue couldn't care less. He sat down cross-legged and began to restore the energy in his body.

Although the battle with the demon clan just now was short, it also consumed a lot of his energy. He must recover as soon as possible to face the next challenge.

Time passed slowly, and Fang Yue's energy gradually recovered. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling the power filling his body.

"It seems that it is not an easy task to safely pass through the demon world to Shenjing City."

Fang Yue sighed secretly in his heart, with a wry smile on his face.

But Fang Yue was not discouraged. He knew that no matter what difficulties he faced, as long as he had firm belief, he could always find a solution.

So he regrouped and prepared to move on.

However, at this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the cave.

Fang Yue was shocked. Could it be that the demon pursuers had already found this place?

He carefully moved to the entrance of the cave and looked out through the gap.

I saw a group of people wearing alien costumes fighting fiercely with demon warriors.

These people are agile and have unique moves. They are obviously not ordinary monsters.

Fang Yue was confused, who are these people?

Why do they conflict with the demon clan?

The battle lasted for a while, and the group of aliens gradually gained the upper hand and forced the demon warriors back. (End of chapter)

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