After repelling the monsters, the group of aliens did not leave immediately, but rested in place.

Fang Yue observed for a while and found that although they looked strange, their behavior was quite orderly and did not look like a barbaric tribe.

He was curious and decided to go out and contact them. Maybe he could get some information about the demon world from them.

"My friends inside are fine now. Please come out and see me."

At this time, Fang Yue was slightly surprised by the invitation sent by the leader of the alien race.

He hesitated for a moment, but considering that he might need the help of these aliens, he decided to go out and meet them.

Fang Yue walked out of the cave and saw the group of aliens looking at him kindly.

Their leader, a tall foreign warrior with a resolute face, stepped forward and extended his hand to Fang Yue to express friendship.

"I am the leader of this team, my name is Lin Chan."

Fang Yue held Lin Chan's outstretched hand and felt the roughness and strength of the other person's palm.

He nodded to show friendship, "I am Fang Yue. Thank you very much for your assistance just now."

Lin Chan smiled slightly and said: "You're welcome, we and the demon clan are at odds with each other, so it's only natural that we help you."

Fang Yue felt that Lin Chan's attitude was very sincere, and his guard relaxed a lot.

He asked curiously: "You seem to know the demon world very well. I wonder if you can introduce me to the situation here?"

Lin Chan nodded and began to explain everything about the demon world to Fang Yue in detail.

He talked about the distribution and habits of the demon clan, as well as some common dangers and coping methods.

Fang listened more and more with interest, and his understanding of the demon world gradually increased.

During the conversation, Fang Yue also learned that Lin Chan and his family had a long history of fighting with the demon clan, so they knew the demon world well.

Fang Yue looked at Lin Chan and his tribe, although they were slightly different from humans in appearance.

Those demonic features - such as slender pupils, light scales on the skin or unusual body structure - do not reduce their majesty and friendliness.

On the contrary, these characteristics seem to complement their ethnic characteristics, adding a bit of mystery and charm.

Lin Chan continued to talk about their struggle with the demon clan and their experience of surviving in the demon world.

His words revealed his deep affection for this land and his firm protection of his ethnic group and homeland.

Fang became more and more fascinated as he listened. He felt Lin Chan and the others' love for life and their bravery in facing challenges.

He began to understand that although this group of aliens looked strange, they also had rich emotions and wisdom.

Fang Yue followed Lin Chan through the dense forest and trekked through the twists and turns of the mountain road, and finally came to the tribe where the aliens lived.

This tribe is hidden in a deep valley surrounded by mountains, like a paradise.

As soon as he entered the tribe, Fang Yue was shocked by the sight in front of him.

The tribal houses are built from a special type of wood that blends harmoniously with the surrounding natural environment.

The houses are well-proportioned, creating a unique aesthetic.

The residents of the tribe, whether they are women busy with their work or children playing, all exude a peaceful and simple atmosphere.

Lin Chan led Fang Yue through the tribe. From time to time, enthusiastic residents greeted them and looked at Fang Yue, a strange visitor, curiously.

Lin Chan introduced Fang Yue to them with a smile and explained that he was a friend from the human world.

In the center of the tribe, there is a spacious open space where a group of young people are currently engaging in some kind of competitive activity.

Their agility and vigorous movements attracted bursts of applause from the surrounding audience.

Fang Yue was also infected by the warm atmosphere. He couldn't help but stop and watch, applauding the players for their wonderful performance.

Seeing this, Lin Chan explained to Fang Yue with a smile: "This is a traditional competitive activity of our tribe, designed to exercise the body and will of the tribe."

Fang Yue nodded, feeling deeply that this activity not only exercised the body of the tribe, but also gathered the strength of the tribe.

He looked at the group of passionate young people and saw fearlessness and tenacity in them, which was exactly what was needed in the long-term struggle against the demon clan.

In the next few days, Fang Yue experienced the life of foreigners in depth.

He participated in their hunting activities and learned how to use the natural environment to track prey and how to work with his partners to capture prey.

On this day, the foreigners held an extremely grand sacrificial event.

As a distinguished guest of the tribe, Fang Yue was also invited to participate.

Full of curiosity, he followed Lin Chan and other tribesmen to the sacrificial site. He saw a huge altar placed in the center of the site, with blazing bonfires lit around it, reflecting the pious and mysterious faces of the tribesmen.

The sacrifice began, and the tribesmen danced mysterious dances around the altar, chanting ancient spells.

Although Fang Yue could not understand their language, he could feel the profound culture and beliefs contained in this sacrificial ceremony.

However, at this moment, Fang Yue suddenly felt dizzy.

He shook his head, trying to clear himself up, but the feeling was getting stronger and stronger.

He began to realize that he might have been poisoned by some kind of poison.

Fang Yue looked around and found a strange light in the eyes of the tribesmen.

He was shocked. Could it be that these aliens wanted to murder him?

Sure enough, these people can't be believed.

Then, Fang Yue's whole body was shaken, and he woke up.

However, in order to see what these foreigners wanted to do, he still pretended to be unconscious, but secretly used his skills to be ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Although Fang Yue closed his eyes, he could clearly hear the movements around him.

He heard the footsteps of the tribesmen, who seemed to be busy with something. Then, he felt that he was lifted up by several people and gently moved to the vicinity of the altar.

Lin Chan's voice sounded low in his ears: "God, we have brought this outsider, may you give us strength and wisdom to protect our home."

Fang Yue sneered in his heart, thinking: "So they want to use me as a sacrifice for the sacrifice, what a good plan."

But he still remained in a coma, wanting to further understand the true purpose of these foreigners.

At this time, an old voice sounded slowly, and it seemed to be a priest in the tribe:

"This outsider, his arrival is the will of the gods. We will communicate with the gods through him and get protection."

Then, he felt that he was placed on the altar, and the atmosphere around him became more solemn and mysterious. The tribesmen began to chant the ancient spell, and the voices became more and more high-pitched and passionate.

Fang Yue counted the time in his heart, waiting for the best time to counterattack.

At this time, Fang Yue suddenly stood up, his movements were swift and decisive, and he broke the mysterious atmosphere around him in an instant.

The tribesmen looked at him in surprise, and the sacrificial spells and dances also stopped abruptly.

"What do you mean? Do you want to use me as a sacrifice?"

Fang Yue's tone was a little cold, he glanced at the foreigners around him, and finally fixed his eyes on Lin Chan.

Lin Chan looked equally surprised. He walked quickly to Fang Yue and explained, "Brother Fang Yue, you misunderstood. We never intended to harm you."

While speaking, Lin Chan secretly commanded the tribesmen to gather around and prepare to forcibly subdue Fang Yue.

Fang Yue immediately noticed the tense atmosphere around him. His eyes were stern, and he stepped back slightly, making a defensive posture.

"Lin Chan, what do you mean by this?" Fang Yue asked coldly, his eyes like a knife, piercing Lin Chan's heart.

A trace of embarrassment and guilt flashed across Lin Chan's face, but he still said firmly:

"Brother Fang Yue, I'm sorry, we have to do this. You are a distinguished guest of our tribe, and we didn't want to hurt you.

But this sacrifice is of great significance to our tribe. We need to communicate with the gods through you to obtain the gods' protection. Please understand our difficulties."

Fang Yue's face showed anger when he heard this.

He felt that he was being used, and in such a despicable way.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down the anger in his heart, and then slowly said: "Lin Chan, I thought you were sincere friends, but now it seems that I was wrong. I helped you to repel the demons, but you treated me like this, which is really disappointing."

Lin Chan showed a painful look on his face. He knew that it was very unfair to the other party, but he could do nothing about it.

He gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Fang Yue, I know it's wrong to do this, but I can't watch my people suffer from the invasion of the demons. Please forgive us."

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with cold light. He had already prepared secretly. At this moment, he moved his body and avoided the siege of several aliens. He was agile and shuttled freely among the aliens. At the same time, he made a lightning-fast move and instantly knocked down several approaching enemies.

"Lin Chan, if you treat me like this, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Fang Yue said coldly, and his voice revealed endless chill.

Lin Chan saw this and showed surprise on his face. He didn't expect Fang Yue to react so quickly and his strength was far beyond his imagination. He was secretly anxious in his heart, knowing that this battle was inevitable.

"Everyone, go all out and capture Fang Yue!" Lin Chan ordered loudly, and at the same time, he flashed and attacked Fang Yue himself.

Suddenly, the whole tribe fell into chaos. The foreigners took up their weapons and besieged Fang Yue. However, Fang Yue was not afraid. He was agile and hit the enemy accurately every time he attacked.

The battle became more and more intense, and both sides paid a heavy price. Although Fang Yue was powerful, he felt a little powerless in the face of so many enemies. Lin Chan and the foreigners became more and more anxious. They knew that if Fang Yue could not be captured as soon as possible, it would bring great disaster to the tribe.

At this moment, Fang Yue suddenly flashed and avoided Lin Chan's fatal blow. At the same time, a sharp sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and the sword flashed, and he slashed towards Lin Chan.

Lin Chan was shocked. He didn't expect Fang Yue to have such a powerful backhand. He retreated quickly, swinging his weapon to block Fang Yue's attack.

However, Fang Yue's swordsmanship was too exquisite, and Lin Chan narrowly avoided every attack. Lin Chan was getting more and more panicked, knowing that if he continued like this, he would be defeated by Fang Yue.

At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the aliens. A burly alien holding a huge hammer rushed towards Fang Yue. He was so powerful that every swing of the hammer could make the ground tremble.

Seeing this, Fang Yue sneered and dodged the attack of the huge hammer. At the same time, the sword in his hand flashed and stabbed the alien's chest.

The alien widened his eyes in horror. He didn't expect Fang Yue to be so fast. He wanted to dodge, but it was too late. With a "puff" sound, Fang Yue's sword had pierced his chest.

The alien fell heavily to the ground and never got up again. This scene made all the aliens feel terrified. They knew that Fang Yue's strength had exceeded their imagination.

Lin Chan was also shocked. He didn't expect Fang Yue to be so powerful. He knew that there was no chance of winning this battle, so he could only find a way to make peace.

"Stop! Brother Fang Yue, please listen to me!" Lin Chan shouted loudly, and waved his hand to let the tribesmen stop attacking.

Fang Yue looked at Lin Chan coldly, without putting down the sword in his hand, "What else do you have to say?"

Lin Chan took a deep breath and said, "Brother Fang Yue, I know we did something wrong, but we are also for the survival of the tribe. Please let our people go, I am willing to take all the responsibility."

Fang Yue sneered, "Do you think I will believe your nonsense? You want to use me as a sacrifice, but now you come to ask for peace, it's ridiculous!"

Lin Chan showed a bitter smile on his face, "Brother Fang Yue, you are right, our behavior is indeed unforgivable. But I hope you can understand that everything we do is for the future of the tribe. We have been fighting with the demons for a long time, and every battle will have people sacrificed. We urgently need the protection of the gods to seek a little peace."

Fang Yue frowned, although he was angry, but he could also feel the helplessness and bitterness in Lin Chan's words. This battle made him see the hardships and struggles of the aliens to survive.

"Then why did you choose me as a sacrifice?" Fang Yue questioned.

Lin Chan sighed, "Because you have a divine treasure on you."

"I have a divine treasure on me?" Fang Yue was stunned, and then he realized that the other party was also eyeing the Zhentian Talisman!

"Lin Chan, you said that I have a divine treasure on me, that's just your conjecture." Fang Yue said coldly, "And even if there is a treasure, you can't take it at will."

Lin Chan smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Fang Yue, we have no ill intentions, we just hope to use the divine treasure on you to seek the protection of the gods for our tribe. We are willing to exchange this protection at any price."

Fang Yue was silent for a moment, and it was naturally impossible to hand over the Zhentian Talisman.

"Get out of the way, just pretend we have never seen it!" Fang Yue's voice was cold and firm. He didn't want to have any intersection with these foreigners again.

This farce of sacrifice made him completely lose trust in this group of foreigners who originally had a good impression.

Lin Chan and the tribesmen looked at each other. They knew that things had come to this point and there was no room for maneuver.

Lin Chan sighed and waved his hand, signaling the tribesmen to clear the way. (End of this chapter)

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