After the battle, a solemn atmosphere filled the courtyard.

The moonlight shone on the men in black who fell to the ground, and their faces looked extremely pale.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

It is really shocking that these killers from Blood Dragon Platform dare to act so brazenly in Shenjing City.

As the center of the Wei Dynasty, Shenjing City usually has extremely strict security measures, and any form of violence will be severely punished.

As a well-known killer organization, the Blood Dragon Platform actually dared to launch an attack here. It was feared that there were insiders among the top dynasty people or they were instructed by some powerful force.

Both Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang realized the seriousness of this problem.

They know that the impact of this matter may go far beyond this small yard, and they must pay attention to it. Otherwise, if it happens once, there will be a second or third time.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and broke the silence: "The people of Blood Dragon Platform have always been cunning and secretive. They are so bold this time to take action in Shenjing City to seize the Sky-shattering Talisman. It is really bold."

Zhu Linlang nodded, "Yes, if there are really internal agents among the top officials of the dynasty, then things will be even more complicated."

If the Blood Dragon Platform has an internal response in Shenjing City, then it means that the King of Han has not fully unified the power of the entire Wei dynasty, and there are still many disloyal forces lurking in the dark.

Such a situation is undoubtedly a huge hidden danger to the stability of the Wei Dynasty.

However, these have nothing to do with Fang Yue.

As soon as he got the secret book, treasure pill, and magic weapon promised by the King of Han, he left the sacred city and stayed away from this whirlpool.

At that time, no matter how the King of Han fights with the Blood Dragon Platform, it will be none of his business.

Zhu Linlang seemed to see Fang Yue's thoughts. She whispered: "Fang Yue, are you really planning to leave?"

Fang Yue glanced at her and said calmly: "Yes, Linlang. I have finished my work. I don't want to get involved in the disputes in Shenjing City anymore."

"But you know, once you leave, it will be difficult to come back." Zhu Linlang reminded.

Fang Yue looked back at her and said calmly: "Yes, Linlang. The disputes in this sacred city are too complicated. I just want to live a simple life, practice martial arts, and stay away from these intrigues."

Zhu Linlang sighed, "I understand your thoughts, but sometimes, fate doesn't always seem to let us get what we want. Do you think you can really stay out of it completely?"

Fang Yue was silent for a moment, and then said: "Maybe you are right, but everyone has the right to choose their own lifestyle. I chose to stay away from disputes and pursue the ultimate in martial arts. This does not mean that I do not care about the Wei Dynasty It’s just that I have my own way to go.”

Zhu Linlang didn't speak anymore, just looked at Fang Yue quietly.

Under the moonlight, the two figures looked particularly lonely.

After a while, Fang Yue broke the silence: "Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's deal with the matter in front of us first. Although the people on the Blood Dragon Platform have fallen, we still need to be careful, just in case."

Zhu Linlang nodded, "Okay, let's search these killers first to see if there are any clues."

The two began to take action, carefully searching the body of each killer.

They found some hidden weapons and poisons, but not many valuable clues.

Although the attack was temporarily resolved, both Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang knew that this was just the beginning.

The killers of Blood Dragon Terrace will not stop here, and the disputes in Shenjing City are far from over.

They must remain alert to whatever may come next.


In the next ten days, Shenjing City was unexpectedly calm.

The killer of Blood Dragon Terrace did not appear again, and the atmosphere in the city gradually changed from nervousness to anticipation.

People began to discuss the upcoming ceremony of the Han Dynasty's enshrinement. This was an important moment in the history of the Wei Dynasty.

The news that the King of Han was about to officially inherit the throne spread rapidly in the city like wildfire.

In the streets, alleys, teahouses and restaurants, everyone was talking about this grand ceremony.

The residents of Shenjing City are excited about the upcoming new emperor's enthronement. They look forward to the new emperor being able to lead the Wei Dynasty to a more prosperous future.

At the same time, Fang Yue has been studying martial arts secrets in the library of the Wei royal family.

These secret books are martial arts treasures treasured by royal families of past dynasties, and each of them contains profound martial arts wisdom.

Fang Yue was like a sponge, greedily absorbing this knowledge, hoping to find opportunities to improve his martial arts.

He spends almost all of his time in the library from morning to night, except for necessary rest and meal times.

He read every secret book carefully and pondered over it again and again. If you encounter something you don’t understand, you will practice it yourself until you understand it.

While Fang Yue was immersed in the ocean of martial arts secrets and working hard to improve himself, Zhu Linlang often visited him. On this day, Zhu Linlang stepped into the library again and saw Fang Yue concentrating on studying an ancient book.

"Fang Yue, are you working so hard to become a martial arts master?" Zhu Linlang joked.

Fang Yue raised his head, a smile flashed in his eyes, "I don't dare to be a master, but the way of martial arts is broad and profound, and I always want to explore more."

Zhu Linlang walked up to him and glanced at the secret book he was reading, ""Flowing Cloud Sword Technique", isn't this a secret that is not passed down by the royal family? You can actually see it here."

"His Royal Highness the King of Han has great trust in me, so he gave me such special treatment." Fang Yue said calmly, his eyes returning to the secret book.

Zhu Linlang sighed softly, "You should be able to keep your composure. There is a commotion outside about the Zen Ceremony, but you still have the heart to read here."

"The King of Han and the ministers in the court have to worry about the grand ceremony. What can I, a little warrior, do?" Fang Yue said with a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Having said that, you are also a member of the Wei Dynasty after all. Do you really not care about the future of the dynasty?" Zhu Linlang asked.

Fang Yue put down the secret book in his hand and looked into Zhu Linlang's eyes, "Linlang, it's not that I don't care, but I prefer to believe that no matter who sits on the throne, he only needs to be kind to the people of Li."

Zhu Linlang was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then said softly: "I understand, everyone has their own choice. You choose your path, and I will support you."

Fang Yue smiled slightly, "Thank you, Linlang."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the tacit understanding and understanding between them reached its peak at this moment. They know that no matter how the future changes, they will stick to their beliefs and path.

"By the way," Zhu Linlang suddenly remembered something, "Have you heard the latest news about the Blood Dragon Platform recently?"

Fang Yue shook his head, "I have been in the library and know very little about the news from the outside world. Are there any new developments in the Blood Dragon Platform?"

"It is said that they have been secretly gathering strength recently, and they seem to be making some big moves. I am worried that they will cause something to happen during the Zen Ceremony." Zhu Linlang said.

Fang Yue frowned slightly, "If this is the case, then we must be prepared. Although I don't want to get involved in these disputes anymore, if the Blood Dragon Platform really dares to cause trouble at the ceremony, I will never stand idly by."

"I knew you wouldn't really stay out of it." Zhu Linlang said with a smile, "Then what should we do next?"

"You don't need to do anything, just wait quietly." Fang Yue said calmly, "The soldiers will stop us, and the water will cover us. We just need to stay vigilant and be prepared to deal with any emergencies."

Zhu Linlang nodded after hearing this, "You are right, we really shouldn't act rashly now."


In a hidden mansion in Shenjing City, the senior officials of Blood Dragon Platform were gathering together, plotting plans for the upcoming Zen Ceremony.

Secret sentries were placed around the house to ensure that their plans would not be known to outsiders.

"This mission can only succeed, not fail."

The leader of the Blood Dragon Platform, a mysterious figure known as the "Holy Lord", said in a low and majestic voice.

Her face was hidden in the darkness, with only a pair of eyes shining coldly.

"We have planted enough gunpowder in the city. With just one order, the entire Shenjing City can be turned upside down."

A subordinate reported, a cruel smile on his face.

"Very good," the Holy Lord nodded, "but our goal is not just to cause chaos, we want the life of King Han."

"Yes, Holy Lord. We have arranged the most elite killers, and they will be waiting for opportunities at the ceremony." Another subordinate said.

"Also," the Holy Lord continued, "that Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, they are variables in our plan. If they dare to hinder our plan, we will get rid of them together."

"Understood, Lord Holy Lord." His subordinates responded in unison.

The conspiracy in Blood Dragon Terrace is carried out secretly, but the atmosphere in Shenjing City is getting more and more heated.

At this time, a figure quietly appeared at the door of the house. He was dressed in black and wore a half-mask on his face, only revealing a pair of deep eyes. He stood there quietly, as if blending into the night.

"Who is it?" The whistle from the Blood Dragon Terrace immediately asked alertly.

The man in black did not answer, but took out a token from his arms and held it high above his head. When the secret sentries saw this, they immediately recognized it as the highest token of the Blood Dragon Platform, and they all knelt on one knee to show respect.

The man in black walked slowly into the house and went straight to the meeting hall. He opened the door gently and walked in.

"Holy Lord, a mysterious guest is here." A subordinate reported to the Holy Lord in a low voice.

The Holy Master frowned slightly and looked at the man in black at the door, "Who are you? Why do you hold the token of my Blood Dragon Platform?"

The man in black slowly took off his mask, revealing a handsome and indifferent face, "Holy Lord, I haven't seen you for many years, do you still remember me?"

The Holy Lord stared at that face, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, "You...are you King Chenliu?"

There was a hint of disbelief in the Holy Lord's voice. She had interacted with King Chenliu several times, but she had never thought that he would appear in front of her in this way.

King Chenliu, a famous royal nobleman in the Wei Dynasty, although he is not a direct heir, his influence in the dynasty cannot be ignored. However, at this moment, he quietly appeared in the secret stronghold of Blood Dragon Terrace, dressed in black and wearing a half-mask.

"It's me." King Chen Liu said calmly, his eyes revealing a kind of firmness and determination, "I am here to discuss important matters with the Holy Lord."

The Holy Master composed himself and waved his hands to signal his men to retreat. She knew that the appearance of King Chenliu would inevitably mean major changes in the next plan.

"I wonder what advice the Prince of Chenliu has for you?" The Holy Lord spoke slowly, with a hint of caution in his tone.

The Prince of Chenliu walked up to the Holy Lord and looked directly into her eyes, "I know that the Blood Dragon Platform has been secretly planning and preparing to take action at the Fengshan Ceremony. I hope to join forces with you."

The Holy Lord raised her eyebrows, "Join hands? What does the Prince of Chenliu mean by this?"

"The King of Han is about to ascend the throne, but his rule will not be stable." The Prince of Chenliu said, "I have my own power in the court, but if I want to truly control the Wei Dynasty, I still need the help of your Blood Dragon Platform."

The Holy Lord was silent for a moment, as if weighing the pros and cons. She knew that cooperating with members of the royal family would undoubtedly bring the status and reputation of the Blood Dragon Platform to an unprecedented height. But at the same time, this also means greater risks and a more complicated situation.

"How does the Prince of Chenliu want to cooperate?" The Holy Lord finally asked.

"During the Fengshan Ceremony, you created chaos, and I will take the opportunity to seize the throne." Chen Liu Wang said firmly, "After the success, I promise that the Blood Dragon Platform will become the most honorable organization in the Great Wei, and you will have endless power and wealth."

A glimmer of greed flashed in the eyes of the Holy Lord, but she did not agree immediately. She knew that this matter needed to be carefully considered. However, Chen Liu Wang's proposal undoubtedly made her see a better future.

"I will consider your proposal." The Holy Lord finally said, "But before that, we need a deeper conversation."

Chen Liu Wang nodded, "Of course, I can have an in-depth conversation with the Holy Lord at any time. However, time is running out, and we must make a decision as soon as possible."

The two smiled at each other, and they both knew in their hearts that this alliance would change the fate of the Great Wei Dynasty.

At the same time, deep in the palace of Shenjing City, an urgent meeting was underway.

"Your Highness, we have received news that the Blood Dragon Platform may take action at the Fengshan Ceremony." A loyal guard reported eagerly.

The King of Han frowned, "These assassin organizations are really omnipresent. We must strengthen the security measures for the ceremony to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

"Your Highness, there is one more thing."

Another guard stood up, "It is said that the King of Chenliu has been in frequent contact with some unidentified people recently. We are worried that he may be in collusion with the Blood Dragon Platform."

Hearing this, the King of Han's eyes suddenly became sharp, "The King of Chenliu? He has always been an ambitious guy. If he really joins hands with the Blood Dragon Platform, the threat to us will be even greater."

"Then how should we deal with it?" (End of this chapter)

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