Faced with this sudden and complicated situation, the King of Han took a deep breath, showing the calmness and determination of a king who was about to ascend the throne.

"First of all, strengthen the protective measures for the Zen Ceremony, increase the number of patrols, and closely monitor every corner of Shenjing City." He ordered, "Especially those important traffic thoroughfares and viewing areas, make sure there are no omissions."

The guards responded in unison and immediately started making arrangements.

The King of Han continued to order: "At the same time, closely monitor the movements of King Chenliu. If he really colludes with the Blood Dragon Platform, we must have conclusive evidence to expose his conspiracy at the critical moment."

Another guard followed the order and secretly arranged to monitor King Chenliu.

"And," King Han turned to the last guard: "Go and summon the princess and Fang Yue to come over." "

The guards took the order and left in a hurry. The King of Han stood alone in the hall, his eyes firm and deep. He knew that this conferment ceremony was not only a formal announcement that he was about to ascend the throne, but also a power contest related to the safety of the country.

Soon, Zhu Linlang hurried over.

The princess looked worried, obviously worried about the current situation.

"Father, why did you summon me here?" Zhu Linlang asked straight to the point.

King Han looked at his daughter, a hint of warmth and comfort flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Zhu Linlang was not only beautiful and intelligent, but also witty. She was the pride of her mother's family and the treasure in his heart.

"Linlang, the current situation is more complicated than we expected."

The King of Han spoke slowly, with seriousness and worry in his voice, "King Chenliu's movements are disturbing. I suspect that he has colluded with the Blood Dragon Platform. The Zen Ceremony is coming soon, and I need your help to ensure that everything goes smoothly."

After hearing this, Zhu Linlang frowned, and after thinking for a moment, she said: "Father, I understand your concerns. I will do my best to secretly investigate the relationship between King Chenliu and the Blood Dragon Platform, and will also assist during the Zen Ceremony. Protection work to ensure the safety of the ceremony.”

After hearing this, King Han nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, Linlang. Your wit and bravery are what I admire the most. With you here, I feel more at ease. However, there is one more thing that needs you to do. Fang Yue is There are few masters in the world. If we can let him take action, then this ceremony will be safer."

King Han paused and continued: "But Fang Yue may not be willing to help me, so I would like to ask you to come forward and try to communicate with him to see if you can convince him to help us in this ceremony."

After hearing this, Zhu Linlang smiled slightly: "Father, don't worry, I will try my best to communicate with Fang Yue."

After Zhu Linlang finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to leave the hall to find Fang Yue.

Arriving at Fang Yue's residence, Zhu Linlang knocked on the door gently. After a moment, the door slowly opened, and Fang Yue's figure appeared behind the door. He was dressed in a plain white gown and his eyes were deep, as if he could see into people's hearts.

"Linlang, why did you come to see me?" Fang Yue's voice was calm and cold.

Zhu Linlang smiled slightly and said softly: "Brother Fang, I'm here to ask you for a favor. The Zen Ceremony is about to be held, but the current situation is quite complicated. My father is worried that something unexpected will happen, so I hope you can attend this ceremony. Help during the ceremony to ensure the safety of the ceremony.”

After hearing this, Fang Yue frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence he said, "I have always disliked court battles. This grand ceremony is a grand event for the court, and I really don't want to get involved in it."

Zhu Linlang was not discouraged, she continued: "Brother Fang, I know you are tired of the disputes in the world and the intrigues in the court, but this ceremony is not only about the face of the court, but also about the well-being of the people in the world. If something unexpected happens, lives may be lost. . Can you bear to see people suffer?”

Fang Yue sighed, shook his head and said, "Go back. The deal between me and the King of Han has long been over."

Hearing this, Zhu Linlang felt an indescribable disappointment in her heart. She originally thought that with her friendship with Fang Yue, she might be able to convince him to help. However, now it seems that her efforts were in vain.

She took a deep look at Fang Yue, her eyes full of helplessness and reluctance. But Zhu Linlang knows that she can't force it. Everyone has their own choice and persistence. So, she nodded slightly, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Linlang!" Just when she was about to walk out of the door, Fang Yue suddenly stopped her.

Zhu Linlang turned back, a glimmer of expectation flashing in her eyes.

Fang Yue looked at her, a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes. He was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "Although I cannot directly participate in the protection work of the ceremony, if you encounter any trouble during the ceremony, you can come to me at any time. I will try my best to help you."

Hearing these words, Zhu Linlang's heart surged with warmth.

She knew that although Fang Yue could not help directly, his promise still gave her great support and strength.

"Thank you, Brother Fang." Zhu Linlang looked at him gratefully, then turned and left.

On the way back to the main hall, Zhu Linlang's heart was still heavy.

As Zhu Linlang walked, she recalled Fang Yue's words. Although he did not directly agree to participate in the protection of the ceremony, his promise gave her a sense of comfort. At least, at critical moments, she knew she had a strong backing to rely on.

Back in the main hall, Zhu Linlang reported the meeting with Fang Yue to the King of Han.

After hearing this, the King of Han pondered for a moment, and then said: "Linlang, you have tried your best. I know Fang Yue's character well. It is not easy for him to make such a promise."

Zhu Linlang nodded and said, "Father, I will continue to strengthen the protection of the ceremony to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

The King of Han patted her on the shoulder and said, "Linlang, I believe you. The success or failure of this ceremony is related to the future of our Han family and the safety of the world. You must act carefully and not make any mistakes."

Zhu Linlang said firmly: "Father, don't worry. I will do my best to ensure that the ceremony goes smoothly."

In the following days, Zhu Linlang devoted herself to the preparations for the ceremony. She not only strengthened the monitoring of Shenjing City, but also personally led the guards on patrols to ensure that every corner was safe.

At the same time, she did not forget to secretly investigate the relationship between King Chenliu and Blood Dragon Terrace.


After King Chen Liu learned that Zhu Linlang had gone to Fang Yue, he came up with a plan and decided to personally visit this rumored master in the world. He hoped that by talking to Fang Yue, he could win over him, or at least ensure that Fang Yue would not become an obstacle to him at the ceremony.

So, on a dark and windy night for a month, King Chen Liu quietly came to Fang Yue's residence with a few close followers.

Fang Yue was drinking alone in the house. He frowned slightly when he heard the noise outside, but he still got up and opened the door.

"Brother Fang, I'm really sorry for visiting late at night." King Chen Liu said apologetically, "But I have something I want to discuss with you. I wonder if I can interrupt you for a moment?"

Fang Yue looked at King Chen Liu, and although he was confused, he still let him enter the room.

"Why did King Chenliu come to visit late at night?" Fang Yue asked calmly.

After King Chen Liu sat down, he sighed and said, "Brother Fang, to be honest, I am here for the Zen Ceremony."

Fang Yue raised his eyebrows and looked at him noncommittally.

"I know that Brother Fang doesn't like court disputes, but I'm afraid there will be a disturbance in this ceremony." King Chen Liu continued, "The King of Han... he doesn't really want to be granted Zen status, but has other purposes."

After Fang Yue heard this, a coldness flashed in his eyes, but he still remained silent.

"I know that Brother Fang is a smart man and should be able to see through the tricks of the King of Han." King Chen Liu continued, "I hope that Brother Fang can help me at this ceremony and jointly expose the true face of the King of Han."

Fang Yue sneered and said, "King Chenliu, there is no friendship between you and me, why should I help you?"

After hearing this, King Chenliu was not discouraged. He said: "Brother Fang, I know you are tired of the disputes in the world, but this time it is about the well-being of the people in the world. If the King of Han succeeds, I am afraid that life will be ruined. Can you bear to see the people suffer?" "

Fang Yue's eyes were deep. He was indeed tired of the disputes in the world and the intrigues in the court, but King Chen Liu's words touched some emotion deep in his heart. He was silent for a moment, seeming to weigh the pros and cons.

"King Chenliu, although I can't completely believe what you say, I won't turn a blind eye to the possible crisis." Fang Yue finally spoke, his voice firm and cold, "I can promise you that if anything happens at the ceremony, If it endangers the safety of the people or the country, I will take action, but I am not here to help you, but for the sake of the country and the innocent people."

After hearing this, King Chenliu's eyes flashed with joy. He didn't expect Fang Yue to answer like this, which was enough for him.

"Thank you, Brother Fang!" King Chen Liu stood up and bowed deeply, "With your words, I feel relieved. I hope Brother Fang will pay more attention to you on the day of the ceremony."

Fang Yue nodded and said nothing. He has made a decision in his mind, but the specific actions will depend on the situation on the day of the ceremony.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, King Chenliu stopped staying any longer. He quietly left Fang Yue's residence with his cronies, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

Fang Yue stood in the room, looking into the distance. He knew that this ceremony was destined not to be peaceful.

The King of Han, King Chenliu, and the Blood Dragon Terrace were all determined to gain the power of the emperor of the Wei Dynasty.

The world of the Wei Dynasty must be full of bloodshed.


On the eve of the Zen Ceremony, a tense and solemn atmosphere filled the city of Shenjing.

King Han, Zhu Linlang and others were making final preparations, but they did not expect that a greater crisis was quietly approaching.

Night falls and the stars dim. There are very few pedestrians on the streets of Shenjing City, and only the patrolling guards are still sticking to their posts.

However, they did not realize that a mysterious force had quietly penetrated into the city.

The demon clan, a mysterious force that has been lurking in the dark, reached a secret agreement with the people of Blood Dragon Terrace and prepared to attack and kill the King of Han at this critical moment.

Their goal is clear - to prevent the King of Han from successfully ascending the throne, thereby triggering civil strife in the Wei Dynasty and seeking more benefits for the Monster Clan.

The masters of the demon clan sneaked into Shenjing City silently. They transformed into human beings and lurked in every corner of the city.

They were waiting for the best opportunity to deal a fatal blow to King Han.

At the same time, the people at Blood Dragon Terrace were also secretly arranging everything.

Their leader, a mysterious man in black and a mysterious woman known as the Holy Lord, had a secret conversation with the leader of the demon clan in the night.

"Tomorrow is the grand ceremony, how are you preparing for your actions?" the Holy Master of the Blood Dragon Platform asked in a low voice.

The leader of the demon clan, a man with sharp eyes and a stern face, chuckled and said: "Don't worry, we have been prepared for a long time. As soon as the ceremony starts, we will launch an attack. King Han will definitely die."

The Blood Dragon Platform Saint nodded, with a hint of cruelty in his eyes: "Very good. Once the King of Han dies, the Wei Dynasty will be in turmoil, and we can take the opportunity to expand our power."

The leader of the demon clan snorted: "We are not interested in the Wei Dynasty, but as long as we can make you humans kill each other, we will be very happy. This cooperation is just to get what we need."

"As long as you can complete the task and prevent the King of Han from ascending the throne smoothly, nothing else matters." The Blood Dragon Platform Saint said, turned around and disappeared into the night.

In the palace of the King of Han, Zhu Linlang was urgently arranging the final defense work. She knew that tomorrow's ceremony would be a severe test for all of them.

"Strengthen the patrols around the palace, and no suspicious person should be let go." Zhu Linlang instructed the guards.

At the same time, she also secretly contacted some heroes in the city, hoping that they could help at the critical moment.

As the night deepened, the atmosphere in the city of Shenjing became more and more solemn. However, at this moment, an unexpected news reached the palace of the King of Han.

"Report! Princess, we found a mysterious force has sneaked into the city." A guard came to report hurriedly.

Zhu Linlang frowned: "What force?"

"It's not clear yet, but they act in a secretive way, I'm afraid they are not good." The guard replied.

Zhu Linlang took a deep breath. She knew that the crisis might be more serious than she thought.

However, she also knew that she couldn't panic.

She had to respond calmly to ensure the smooth progress of the ceremony.

So she immediately summoned all the guards and palace maids to carry out emergency pre-war mobilization and defense arrangements.

At the same time, she also sent someone to notify Fang Yue, hoping that he could help at a critical moment.

In the night, a solemn atmosphere permeated the sky above Shenjing City.

Zhu Linlang stood at the highest point of the palace, looking at this ancient and huge city, her heart full of worries. She knew that the upcoming Fengshan ceremony was not only an important test for her father, the King of Han, but also a severe challenge to the stability and tranquility of the entire Wei Dynasty.

"Princess, all the defense arrangements have been completed." A guard walked up to Zhu Linlang and reported in a low voice.

Zhu Linlang nodded, her eyes still deep and firm: "Okay, tell everyone to stick to their posts no matter what, and never be negligent."

The guard took the order and left, while Zhu Linlang continued to stare at the night in the distance. She knew that the center of this storm was about to start in this city. (End of this chapter)

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