The Stone Gate Labyrinth is ancient and mysterious, as if it swallowed up all sounds.

Fang Yue and the Fox King stood in front of the huge stone gate and felt a desolate and ancient atmosphere.

"Is this the legendary ruins?"

Fang Yue asked in a low voice, his voice echoing in front of the stone gate, as if being sucked into a bottomless abyss.


The Fox King took a deep breath, "This Stone Gate Labyrinth is said to hide endless treasures and secrets. But at the same time, it is also full of unknown dangers."

Fang Yue's eyes were fixed on the Stone Gate Labyrinth. He could feel that the Stone Gate Labyrinth seemed to have life, and the ancient stone walls seemed to be engraved with thousands of stories, waiting for the destined people to explore.

This relic seems to be alive!

Fang Yue's heart moved, and this intuition made him shudder.

He stared at the Stone Gate Labyrinth again. The ancient stone walls looked even heavier under the dim sunset, as if carrying the precipitation of countless history.

He gently touched the surface of the stone gate, and the cold and hard texture made him more convinced that this relic was not an ordinary one.

"Fox King, do you feel that this relic seems to be alive?" Fang Yue spoke slowly, his voice revealing an indescribable awe.

The Fox King smiled slightly when he heard this: "Your perception is indeed sharp. One thousand six hundred years ago, a spirit turtle fell from the sky. The relic we are about to explore is on the back of the spirit turtle, so it is not wrong to say that this relic is alive."

Fang Yue was shocked after hearing this. The relic is on the back of the spirit turtle?

This is beyond his imagination.

In other words, the spirit turtle is still alive and right in front of him? ! !

Fang Yue's heart was filled with shock and awe.

He could not imagine that the relic they were about to explore was actually on the back of a living spirit turtle. This was simply a mythical existence.

He looked up at the Demon Fox King, his eyes flashing with curiosity and expectation, "Is that spirit turtle still alive? Can we see it?"

The Demon Fox King shook his head, "Although the spirit turtle has strong vitality, it has been sleeping for a long time and will not wake up easily. Our goal this time is the treasure and secrets in the ruins, not to disturb the spirit turtle's sleep."

After hearing this, Fang Yue felt a little regretful, but he also understood that the words of the Demon Fox King made sense.

Their goal this time was to explore the ruins, not to disturb the guardian god here.

"Then how do we enter the ruins?" he asked again.

The Demon Fox King pointed to a gap in the stone gate maze, "That is the entrance to the ruins. But be careful, the ruins are full of dangers."

At the same time, several more strong auras came in, shaking the surrounding air as if solidified.

Fang Yue and the Demon Fox King immediately turned around alertly, only to see several figures approaching quickly, and the powerful aura they exuded made people dare not underestimate them.

"It seems that we are not the only ones interested in this relic." The Fox King whispered, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

Fang Yue also felt the strength of the person who came, and his heart tightened, but then he calmed down.

With the Fox King by his side, he believed that no matter what kind of enemy they faced, they would have the strength to fight.

"Friends, we discovered this relic first. I wonder what you can do for me?" The Fox King stepped forward and asked loudly.

"Humph, the relic is an ownerless thing. Whoever has the ability can get it. You want to monopolize it, isn't it too overbearing?" One of them snorted coldly, his tone full of disdain.

Fang Yue looked at these people and found that they were all powerful, obviously masters.

He sighed in his heart, it seems that this trip to the relic will not be so smooth.

"Since everyone is here for the treasure in the ruins, we might as well rely on our own abilities. However, before entering the ruins, I think we should still work together to crack the entrance to the ruins. After all, the danger inside is unknown, and one more person means more strength." The Demon Fox King suggested.

The few people looked at each other, as if considering the Demon Fox King's proposal.

Although they were confident, they also knew that the danger in the ruins should not be underestimated.

Finally, one of them nodded, "Okay, let's work together to crack the entrance to the ruins, and as for the treasure inside, each of us will fight for it with our own abilities!"

Thus, an unprecedented cooperation began.

Fang Yue, the Demon Fox King and several masters who appeared later stood together in front of the stone gate maze, their eyes all focused on the narrow gap, which was the entrance to the ruins.

In the dim dusk light, everyone looked particularly solemn. They knew that every step forward might be full of crisis, but it might also bring endless opportunities.

Relying on his in-depth research on the ancient ruins, the Demon Fox King began to explain in detail the working principle of the entrance mechanism.

His words revealed his awe and respect for the ruins, as well as his curiosity and challenge for the unknown.

Following the instructions of the Fox King, everyone began to try to trigger the mechanism.

Each attempt made them more familiar with this complex mechanism system. Although they encountered many difficulties and setbacks during the period, they did not give up, but became more determined to unlock the secrets of this relic.

Time passed little by little, the night had completely fallen, and the stars dotted the sky, as if cheering for this group of explorers.

Finally, after repeated attempts and failures, they found the correct triggering sequence.

With the last trigger of the mechanism, the gap in the stone door maze slowly split open, and a deep passage appeared in front of them.

The passage was pitch black, like a black hole that swallowed everything, but it also exuded an alluring mysterious atmosphere.

Everyone stared at the black hole-like entrance, full of curiosity and a hint of fear.

They knew that this passage would lead them to an unknown world, to explore the legendary endless treasures and hidden secrets.

"Let's go." The Fox King broke the silence, his tone firm and resolute.

The Fox King took the lead in stepping into the passage and was instantly swallowed by the darkness, but his figure soon appeared at the other end of the passage, surrounded by a hazy glow.

Fang Yue and others followed closely behind. When they walked out of the passage, the scene in front of them amazed everyone and even forgot to breathe.

What they saw before them was a vast ruins complex, with towering stone pillars, exquisite statues, and ancient halls scattered on this vast ground, forming a magnificent and magnificent picture. Each building exudes a vicissitudes of life, as if telling of the past glory and historical sedimentation.

"This place... is so spectacular." Fang Yue muttered to himself, his eyes wandering among the ruins, trying to take in the magnificent scene.

Others were also shocked by the magnificence of the ruins. They looked around with incredible expressions on their faces.

Even those masters who seemed indifferent before now showed their amazement and awe of the ruins.

"This is just the periphery of the ruins."

The Fox King reminded, "The real treasures and secrets are hidden deeper. We must continue to explore in depth."

Everyone nodded. In this mysterious ruins, they felt unprecedented challenges and opportunities.

They followed the Fox King, passing through ancient buildings and exploring the depths of the ruins.

As they went deeper, the magnificence and mystery of the ruins gradually appeared before them.

They found an ancient inscribed stone tablet, which was engraved with ancient words and patterns; but these words were strange and were alien words, and they did not recognize them.

As everyone explored further, this magnificent ruins became more and more mysterious.

Every building and every stone tablet seemed to be telling the secrets of ancient times, and those strange alien characters aroused their endless curiosity and imagination.

"Although we don't know these characters, they must contain important information. What a pity, what a pity!" The Fox King stared at a stone tablet engraved with alien characters and said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

They knew that these ancient characters might hide clues to treasures or important secrets of the ruins.

However, they felt extremely regretful that they could not decipher these characters.

"Although we can't decipher these characters now, it doesn't mean that there will be no chance in the future. We can record these characters first, and then look for experts who understand this kind of characters when we return to the outside world." One of the masters suggested.

Just as everyone was immersed in the mystery and magnificence of the ruins and discussing how to record those alien characters, suddenly, the stone statues in the entire ruins seemed to be injected with life and moved one by one.

"Be careful!" the Fox King shouted loudly, dodging quickly, and at the same time grabbed Fang Yue and took him away from the attack range of a stone statue that suddenly came to life.

Others also reacted quickly, showing their skills and avoiding the attacks of the stone statues. These stone statues originally just stood quietly in the ruins, but now they seemed to have become warriors guarding the ruins, waving their huge stone arms and launching fierce attacks on the invaders.

"What's going on?" A master asked in surprise while dodging the attack.

"These stone statues should be controlled by some ancient mechanism. We triggered the mechanism and caused them to come alive." The Fox King explained, and at the same time waved a palm to repel an approaching stone statue.

Everyone had no time to care about anything else at this moment, and could only do their best to deal with the attacks of these stone statues. They each used martial arts and fought a fierce battle with the stone statues. Although the stone statues had strong attack power, everyone was a master and could resist it for a while.

However, as time went on, everyone gradually felt powerless. These stone statues seemed tireless, and there were so many of them that they were in a tough fight.

"This is not a solution. We must find the mechanism to control these stone statues to completely solve the problem." The Fox King said loudly.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and they began to resist the attacks of the stone statues while looking for the location of the control mechanism.

In this chaotic battle, Fang Yue suddenly discovered an abnormality. He noticed that whenever they approached a certain stone tablet, the stone statues' attacks would become more fierce.

"There is something wrong with that stone tablet!" Fang Yue shouted loudly, pointing at the stone tablet.

Everyone looked at the stone tablet after hearing this, and indeed found that the stone tablet was engraved with complex patterns and symbols, and there was a mysterious power around the stone tablet.

"That stone tablet is the key to the control mechanism!" The Fox King said affirmatively, "We must find a way to destroy it to stop the attacks of these stone statues."

However, it was not easy to approach the stone tablet. The stone statues seemed to know the importance of the stone tablet, and they surrounded the stone tablet and guarded it.

Faced with this dilemma, Fang Yue had an idea. He suggested: "We can try to distract the statues and then destroy the stele."

The Fox King nodded and said, "This method can be tried, but it requires precise coordination and accurate timing."

So, everyone began to discuss a specific action plan. They decided to divide into two groups, one to distract the statues, and the other to approach the stele and try to destroy it.

The battle started again, and this time everyone had a clear goal and strategy. The group responsible for distracting the statues began to run around, deliberately angering the statues and scattering them. The other group took the opportunity to quietly approach the key stele.

Fang Yue and the Fox King were in this key group. They carefully passed through the fighting statues, trying not to attract their attention. Finally, they successfully approached the stele.

"Quick! We only have one chance!" The Fox King whispered, and at the same time, he concentrated all his strength and prepared to give the stele a fatal blow.

Fang Yue followed closely behind, and the two of them exerted their strength at the same time, and launched a fierce attack on the stone tablet.

With a loud bang, the stone tablet cracked under their attack.

As the stone tablet cracked, the stone statues seemed to lose control, and the attack became chaotic.

Seeing this, everyone seized the opportunity and increased the intensity of the attack, trying to completely destroy the stone tablet.

"Keep attacking, don't stop!" The Fox King commanded loudly, and at the same time he continued to launch a fierce offensive.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the cracks on the stone tablet became larger and larger, and finally collapsed.

As the stone tablet was destroyed, the stone statues seemed to lose their strength and became stiff and motionless.

After destroying the stone tablet, the stone statues in the ruins no longer posed a threat, and everyone was able to explore this mysterious site more deeply.

They passed through ancient halls and found more precious cultural relics and ancient books.

Each discovery gave them a deeper understanding of the history and culture of this site.

As the exploration deepened, they gradually approached the core area of ​​the site.

It is said that there are more precious treasures and more profound secrets hidden there.

Finally, they came to a huge palace.

The palace was magnificent, with two huge stone lions standing in front of the door, as if guarding the treasure inside.

"This is the core area of ​​the ruins." The Fox King pointed to the palace and said, "It must contain the treasures and secrets we dream of." (End of this chapter)

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