Everyone stood in front of the magnificent palace, their eyes showing anticipation and excitement. After going through hardships, they finally came to the core area of ​​this mysterious ruins.

"Let's go in." The Fox King said, and took the lead to walk to the door of the palace.

Fang Yue and others followed closely behind. They crossed the threshold guarded by stone lions and stepped into this magnificent palace.

The interior of the palace is even more magnificent. The towering stone pillars support the ceiling, and the walls are carved with exquisite patterns. Every place reveals the charm of ancient civilization. In the center of the palace, a huge stone platform is particularly eye-catching.

On the stone platform is a radiant treasure chest, which shines even in the dim palace.

"Is that the legendary treasure?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

The Fox King nodded, "Yes, that's the purpose of our trip."

Everyone gathered forward, staring at the radiant treasure chest. The treasure chest is inlaid with various gems, flashing an alluring light, as if telling the treasure inside it.

However, just as they were about to touch the treasure chest, a powerful energy wave suddenly surged in the hall.

"Be careful!" The Fox King shouted and dodged quickly.

Others also reacted quickly, showing their skills to avoid the sudden attack. Countless energy beams suddenly surged from all around the hall and attacked everyone.

These energy beams are so powerful that everything they touch will be destroyed instantly. Everyone can only dodge and dodge, trying to find a safe shelter.

"What's going on?" Someone asked in horror.

"This hall has a guard mechanism, and we triggered it." The Fox King explained, "Everyone be careful, these energy beams are powerful and cannot be resisted."

With the reminder of the Fox King, everyone avoided the attack of the energy beams more carefully. While dodging, they looked for ways to crack the mechanism.

After some observation and attempts, they finally found the key to the mechanism - the stone platform in the center of the hall.

"That stone platform is the core of the control mechanism!" Fang Yue said loudly, "We must find a way to crack it in order to shut down these energy beams."

"Then we have to find a way to crack this stone platform as soon as possible." The Fox King said in a deep voice.

"Strong attack is not a good idea, but we don't seem to have any other choice now." Fang Yue frowned, looking at the energy beams surging around him, "We need to cooperate tacitly and face possible risks."

Everyone nodded, they knew that there was no other way except to work together at this moment.

"I will attract the attention of the beams, and you take the opportunity to crack the stone platform." The Fox King suggested.

As the Fox King moved, the energy beams began to attack him intensively, creating a gap for others. Fang Yue and others took the opportunity to rush to the stone platform and began to carefully study the patterns and symbols on it.

"There is a groove here, and it looks like something needs to be put in to unlock it." One person shouted.

Fang Yue observed carefully, and then remembered a piece of ancient jade with a strange shape that he had found outside the ruins before. He took the ancient jade out of his backpack and carefully put it into the groove.

Suddenly, the stone platform shook, and then shone. The energy beams that were originally attacking crazily gradually dissipated, and the entire hall returned to peace.

"Success!" Everyone cheered in unison.

The Demon Fox King also came over and looked at the treasure chest on the stone platform, "We can finally open it."

The treasure chest slowly opened, revealing the treasure inside.

In front of the strange treasure, everyone's eyes were focused on the treasure in the treasure chest.

It was a mysterious spiritual stone emitting a soft light. It seemed to contain infinite power, which made people excited.

"This spiritual stone should belong to me." The Demon Fox King spoke first, and his voice was full of unquestionable majesty.

"Demon Fox King, this spiritual stone was discovered by us together. How can you monopolize it?" At this moment, a strong bull demon stood up.

The bull demon's words immediately resonated with others, and they echoed and expressed their dissatisfaction with the Demon Fox King's monopoly of the spiritual stone.

"Yes, this spiritual stone belongs to all of us, and you can't take it away alone!"

"We have paid too much for this spiritual stone, Demon Fox King, you can't be so selfish!"

Everyone was excited, and for a while, the hall was full of noise and quarrels.

The face of the Demon Fox King became gloomy. He didn't expect that everyone would be so united to oppose him. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

"Okay, since everyone thinks so, then let's rely on our abilities!"

The words of the Demon Fox King made the atmosphere in the hall tense in an instant. Everyone didn't expect him to make such a suggestion. For a while, the air seemed to solidify.

"Rely on your abilities? What does this mean?" Someone asked in confusion.

"It's very simple," the Demon Fox King said coldly, "Whoever has the ability will take this spiritual stone. If you think you have the ability to take it from me, then come and try it."

The demons looked at each other, and then the team, which was originally in a state of disunity, suddenly exploded.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's rely on our abilities." Several demon kings who joined in the middle immediately took action.

They flashed and rushed towards the spiritual stone on the stone platform, trying to strike first. The bull demon also roared, waving his huge fist and rushed towards the demon fox king, obviously wanting to deal with this most powerful competitor first.

The hall suddenly became a mess, with various spells and martial arts intertwined into a gorgeous and chaotic picture. Fang Yue stood aside. He did not join the battle immediately, but calmly observed the situation. He knew that the key to this battle was not who was more powerful, but who could seize the opportunity.

Just when the monsters were fighting fiercely, Fang Yue suddenly discovered an opportunity. He dodged a few attacks, and then quickly rushed towards the stone platform. His target was not the spirit stone, but the treasure chest that was still open.

All the demons' attention was focused on the spirit stone, and no one noticed Fang Yue's movements. He arrived at the treasure chest smoothly, and then reached into the treasure chest without hesitation.

At this moment, a powerful force suddenly surged out of the treasure box and enveloped Fang Yue's entire body.

He felt as if he was being pulled by an invisible force, and his body was being pulled into an unknown space uncontrollably.

The demons looked at this scene in surprise, they did not expect such a thing to happen.

And Fang Yue's figure had disappeared into that powerful force.

When Fang Yue opened his eyes again, he found that he was already in a strange space.

There was nothingness all around, and he was the only one standing there alone.

And in his hand, he was still holding the mysterious spiritual stone tightly.

He didn't know what was going on, and he didn't know how to leave this strange space.

However, he knew he had to find a way out as soon as possible, otherwise he might be trapped here forever.

Fang Yue began to observe the surrounding environment carefully, trying to find clues to get out.

"This is the real secret realm of ruins!"

Fang Yue secretly marveled, realizing that he might have accidentally triggered some unknown teleportation mechanism and been brought to this secret realm of ruins.

He looked around and saw nothing but empty space and the spirit stone in his hand.

But this spiritual stone seemed to have some subtle connection with the space he was in. It exuded a faint light and seemed to be guiding him.

Fang Yue held the mysterious spiritual stone tightly, feeling the faint light it emitted, as if the light contained some kind of guidance.

He looked around and began to observe this unfamiliar space more closely.

Gradually, he discovered that there was not nothing in this empty space, but many ancient ruins hidden there.

In the distance, several pavilions and pavilions are looming, suspended in mid-air, like buildings in a fairyland.

These pavilions and pavilions are simple in shape and carved with complex patterns. Everywhere reveals the traces of time and the charm of ancient civilization.

Fang Yue's heart moved and he decided to walk towards those pavilions.

He walked in vain steps, as if walking on the clouds, approaching those mysterious buildings step by step.

When he got closer, he found that each pavilion exuded a different light, and each seemed to have unique power and secrets.

He first came to a pavilion that looked like the main hall. The door of the pavilion was closed and mysterious symbols and patterns were carved on the door.

Fang Yue tried to push the door, but found that the door did not move at all.

He frowned and then remembered the spirit stone in his hand.

He placed the spirit stone on the door, and saw that the light of the spirit stone echoed the symbols on the door, emitting a burst of dazzling light.

As the light dissipated, the door to the pavilion slowly opened, revealing the scene inside.

Fang Yue walked in and found that it was a library with many ancient scrolls and books.

He picked up a roll casually, glanced at it, and then put it down.

The scrolls on these books were actually blank, without a word on them.

Immediately, Fang Yue looked through the books around him again, and it was still the same.

It seems there is no gain here.

Although it is a pity, there are other ruins waiting to be explored, and Fang Yue should leave here immediately.

Fang Yue soon came to a circular square, which was full of vitality and fighting atmosphere.

In the center of the square, a huge circular platform was suspended in the air, with complex runes carved on it.

Around the platform, there are several lifelike statues standing, either holding long swords or assuming defensive postures.

Fang Yue walked around the platform and found that the eyes of these statues seemed to be staring at the platform, as if waiting for something.

"What is this place?" Fang Yue thought to himself, and decided to try practicing on the platform.

"Trialist, come forward!" A loud voice came from the stone statue in the center, breaking the tranquility of the square.

Fang Yue looked at the stone statue in surprise and found that the stone statue's eyes seemed to be flashing slightly, as if they were really looking at him.

He hesitated, but decided to step onto the platform.

Following his footsteps, the runes on the platform began to glow faintly, as if to welcome his arrival.

At the same time, at this moment, the spirit stone in Fang Yue's hand emitted light.

This ray of light was shining out, and lines of text appeared in front of him.

Although he couldn't understand these symbols, Fang Yue understood their meaning instantly.

‘True Spirit Sect, Outer Sect Trial! ’

Fang Yue thought silently in his heart, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that by accident, he would end up at the outer trial place of an ancient sect called the True Spirit Sect.

Does this ruins belong to a sect?

True spirit gate?

He looked around, and the lifelike statues, the platform suspended in the air, and the complex runes on the platform all seemed to tell the extraordinary and mysterious nature of this trial place.

"Trialist, are you ready?" The loud voice came out of the stone statue again, with a hint of majesty and expectation.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and nodded.

He knew that this was an opportunity, an opportunity that might change his fate.

He held the spirit stone in his hand tightly, feeling the faint light it emitted, as if the light was guiding him.

"I'm ready." He answered loudly, his voice firm and powerful.

"Very good, trialist."

The voice of the stone statue was a little approving, "Then, let me see your strength and potential now."

As the voice of the stone statue fell, a shadow gradually emerged in front of Fang Yue.

This is also a stone statue.

This newly emerged stone statue is different from the previous one. It looks more powerful, holding a huge stone sword, and its eyes reveal a fierce fighting spirit.

It was like a fighting stone statue that existed specifically for the trial.

"Trialist, defeat me, and you will get the initial recognition of the outer sect trial of the True Spirit Sect."

The fighting stone statue made a dull sound, and then its body shook, turning into a light and shadow and attacking Fang Yue.

Fang Yue did not dare to neglect it, and dodged quickly, while trying to fight back with the power in his body.

He found that in this trial place, his strength seemed to have been inexplicably enhanced, every movement was smoother, and every attack contained more powerful power.

He clenched his fists and started a fierce battle with the fighting stone statue.

Every attack of the stone statue was powerful, but Fang Yue, with his agile skills and enhanced strength, could always cleverly resolve it and look for opportunities to counterattack.

As time went on, Fang Yue gradually adapted to the attack rhythm of the fighting stone statue and began to look for the opponent's flaws.

He found that although the stone statue's attack was powerful, the connection between each attack was slightly stiff, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of.

After a clever dodge, Fang Yue seized the gap between the stone statue's attacks and punched the stone statue in the chest with a heavy punch.

The stone statue made a dull sound, and its body swayed slightly, as if it had been hit hard.

"Good opportunity!"

Fang Yue was delighted, knowing that he had found the key to defeating the stone statue.

He flashed and launched a fierce attack on the stone statue again.

This time, he no longer just dodged and defended, but actively looked for opportunities and attacked the stone statue with all his strength.

After a fierce battle, Fang Yue finally seized a flaw in the stone statue and punched the stone statue in the head with a heavy punch.

The stone statue made a loud noise, and then its body shattered, turning into dots of light and dissipating in the air.

"Congratulations, Trialist." (End of this chapter)

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