Seeing this, the neighbor quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, Fang Yue. Your parents said they were going to the Black Mountain City next door. They didn't say when they would come back. They just said they were going to help take care of them. Maybe your brother has someone there. It’s something urgent.”

As Fang Yue listened, his anxiety did not lessen.

Obviously before going out this time, he had already brought his brother's family to his parents' home, so why did they go to the Black Mountain City next door.

That place is not as good as here.

Fang Yue frowned, his heart full of doubts and uneasiness.

He murmured to himself: "My brother's family has obviously been received here, and he specifically asked them to stay here and wait for his return. Why do my parents still want to go to Black Mountain City? Could there be something urgent happening there?"

The more Fang thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The anxiety in his heart spread like wildfire and could not be contained.

He decided that he couldn't just wait and must take action to find out the truth of the matter.

Immediately, he said goodbye to his neighbors, turned around and left the city, preparing to immediately go to Black Mountain City to find his parents, brother and family.

"Inform the Shadow Master that the target has gone to Black Mountain City."

At this moment, the originally kind neighbor had a strange smile on his face and whispered to himself.

As the man's voice fell, behind him, a black bird rose into the sky and disappeared in an instant.


Heishan City, this small city located on the border of the Wei Dynasty, is surrounded by mountains and rivers and should be peaceful and peaceful.

However, at this moment, in Fang Yue's eyes, it seemed to be shrouded in a mysterious veil, revealing an unusual aura.

The city walls are mottled and weathered, as if telling the vicissitudes of time.

The city gate was heavily guarded, and the passers-by looked in a hurry, as if they were avoiding some invisible threat.

On both sides of the street, the shops were closed, with heavy curtains hanging on the doors, and the occasional whispers and whispers revealed a depressing and uneasy atmosphere.

Fang Yue walked through the streets, observing his surroundings sharply.

He noticed that the residents in the city seemed to be avoiding certain areas intentionally or unintentionally, and those areas were often filled with a strange atmosphere.

He was even more convinced that something unusual must have happened here.

Fang Yue continued to go deeper into Black Mountain City, his steps were firm, and his eyes revealed an unyielding light.

He knew that every minute and every second at this moment was crucial. He must find his parents and brother as soon as possible and uncover the mystery shrouding this small town.

He walked through narrow alleys and bustling markets, but no matter where he went, the depressive and uneasy atmosphere always followed him.

He noticed that the residents in the city looked haggard, with fear and uneasiness in their eyes.

"My friend, I see that your hall is dark, and you may suffer another bloody disaster today!"

As Fang Yue was walking, he was suddenly blocked by an old man wearing a worn Taoist robe and holding a floating dust in his hand. The old man had a mysterious face, and his eyes shone with a strange light, as if he could see into people's hearts.

"A bloody disaster?" Fang Yue frowned. Although he was anxious, he was attracted by the old man's words, "Old sir, why did you say this?"

The old man shook his head slightly and sighed: "Young man, this small town is no longer the peaceful place it used to be. An evil force is spreading secretly, and many innocent people have been murdered. I see you are in a hurry, The anxious look on his face may be related to this power, right?”

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart moved.

"Old sir, what do you mean by this?" Fang Yue asked eagerly.

The old man's eyes were deep and he said slowly: "This power originates from the depths of Black Mountain City. I don't know exactly what it is. But recently, strange things have happened frequently in the city, and people are panicked. Many people have disappeared for no reason, and there are even more. "You can hear shrill cries at night, but no one dares to look for it. I look at your face and it seems that a relative is involved. I advise you to be careful."

As Fang Yue listened, he became even more anxious, but he also understood that it was difficult to deal with this unknown evil force on his own.

He decided to find his parents and brother first, and then face this sudden crisis together.

"Thank you, old sir, for reminding me that I do have relatives in this city. No matter what lies ahead, I must find them. Old sir, do you know what is special about this city or what major events have happened recently?"

The old man pondered for a moment and said in a low voice: "One of the special things is the abandoned ancient temple in the northwest of the city. Strange things have often been reported recently. And the big thing, apart from the rise of this unknown force, is the city lord's palace. It has also seemed extremely mysterious recently, with strangers coming in and out often, seeming to be plotting something.”

Fang Yue nodded and silently kept this information in his heart.

After thanking the old man, he continued on the road to find his relatives, secretly deciding that no matter what difficulties he encountered, he would uncover the secrets behind Black Mountain City and protect his family.

He knows that time is of the essence and every moment counts.

So, he quickened his pace and shuttled through the streets of Black Mountain City, his eyes as bright as a torch, not letting go of any clues.

He first came to the abandoned ancient temple in the northwest of the city. He saw that the temple was in a dilapidated state, surrounded by grass, and a gloomy atmosphere hit his face.

Fang Yue frowned and walked into the temple cautiously. He saw that the temple was dark and dark, covered with cobwebs, and occasionally a few strange sounds echoed in the empty temple.

He searched carefully but found no useful clues.

Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden movement in the temple.


At the same time, the Lord's Mansion of Black Mountain City.

"Sect Master, you said that this Fang Yue is just a mortal from the Wei Dynasty with some qualifications. Is it necessary to use the important three spirits of the sect to practice the corpse training array to deal with him?"

In the palace of the Lord of Black Mountain City, a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes, known as the "Sect Master", was standing in front of a huge map, his brows furrowed.

He turned around and looked at the questioner with deep eyes.

"What you don't know is that although Fang Yue is just a mortal, he has the special bloodline we need flowing through him. This bloodline is crucial to our plan."

The sect leader said slowly, his tone revealing unquestionable determination.

"The Three Spirits Corpse Training Formation is one of the most secretive and powerful formations in our sect. Using it to deal with Fang Yue is not only to ensure that nothing goes wrong, but also to extract all the value we need from him."

The sect leader continued, his eyes flashing with greed and cruelty.

"But, Sect Master, the Three Spirits Corpse Training Formation consumes a lot of resources and energy, and once it is activated, it cannot be reversed. Do we really need to go to war in such a big way?"

The men were still hesitant, after all, such a formation was not easy to use.

"Huh, going to war? Do you know that for our grand cause, any sacrifice is worth it. Fang Yue and his family are just a small part of them. You only need to act according to my instructions, and there is no need to ask about the rest. "The sect leader snorted coldly, his tone full of irresistible majesty.

When his subordinates heard this, they had doubts in their hearts, but they did not dare to say anything more. He could only accept the order silently, turned around and left, and began to prepare to activate the Three Spirits Corpse Training Formation.

After this subordinate left, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect, Yu Hongye, put his hands behind his back and stared at the map, with a complicated light shining in his eyes.

He knew that although activating the Three Spirits Corpse Training Formation was extremely risky, it was all worth it for the sect's grand cause.

At the same time, Fang Yue's exploration in the abandoned ancient temple did not stop.

The strange movements in the temple became more and more obvious, as if some unknown force was awakening.

Fang Yue clenched his fists and looked around vigilantly, preparing to deal with possible dangers.

At this moment, a deep roar came from the depths of the temple, accompanied by a strong evil aura.

There seems to be endless darkness and evil hidden beneath the ruined temple.

As the deep roar sounded, a strong evil aura rushed towards his face, making Fang Yue feel suffocated.

He clenched his fists and looked around vigilantly. He saw that the temple floor suddenly cracked open, and more than a dozen haggard corpses with dull eyes slowly rose up. They exuded strong corpse aura and evil power. Obviously, It is controlled by some evil force.

As soon as these corpses appeared, they immediately launched a fierce attack on Fang Yue.

Although they move slowly, they are extremely powerful. Every attack carries a strong evil aura, as if they want to swallow Fang Yue's soul together.

"What the hell is this!"

Fang Yue frowned slightly. The 'people' in front of him didn't have any vitality of living people. They were actually like a pile of dead people.

However, these people were able to move, and the power they unleashed was at the level of a martial artist.

What kind of power are these people, or rather these corpses, controlled by?

Fang Yue avoided the zombies' attacks while carefully observing their movement patterns.

He found that although the attacks of these zombies were fierce, they seemed to lack flexibility, and each attack followed a certain trajectory.

Moreover, the evil aura exuding from them seems to be related to the unknown force in Black Mountain City.

After a while, nothing else was discovered.

Fang Yue made a decisive move, and his powerful vitality condensed into a sky-raising hand seal, and struck down with a crash. With just one blow, the dozens of corpses with haggard faces and dull eyes were shattered into pieces and turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated in the air.

The strange movements in the temple also stopped, as if the unknown force was also shocked by this blow.

Fang Yue looked around and after confirming that there was no other danger, he breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he was even more confused.

These corpses are obviously controlled by some evil force.

The more Fang thought about this, he immediately walked in the direction where the corpse had just come.

Fang Yue followed the direction where the corpse appeared and carefully stepped into the underground space of the ruined temple. It is dark and humid here, and the air is filled with a smell of decay and death, as if you have stepped into a world of death that has been forgotten by the world.

He clenched his fists and looked around cautiously. He saw that the underground space was filled with intricate passages and caves, like a maze. The walls were engraved with strange runes and patterns, exuding a faint evil aura, and seemed to be telling some unknown evil ritual.

Fang Yue felt a chill in his heart, knowing that there must be some evil secret hidden here. He decided to explore deeper and uncover the mystery of this underground space.

He walked forward along what seemed to be the main passage, silently praying in his heart that he could find clues about his parents and brother. However, as he went deeper, the evil aura became stronger, as if there was an invisible force peering at him in the dark.

Suddenly, a low roar came from the front, accompanied by a strong evil wave.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately realized that there might be danger ahead. He immediately stopped and looked around vigilantly, ready to deal with possible dangers.

At this moment, a strong evil breath came over, making Fang Yue feel suffocated.

He clenched his fists, condensed the vitality of his body, and prepared to deal with the upcoming attack.

However, to his surprise, the evil breath did not attack him directly, but turned into a black shadow and rushed towards him quickly.

Fang Yue's heart trembled, and he immediately realized that this black shadow might be some kind of evil creature.

He punched without hesitation, and the powerful vitality condensed into a dazzling fist light, fiercely hitting the black shadow.

However, the black shadow was extremely flexible, easily dodged his attack, and continued to rush towards him.

Fang Yue was shocked and immediately realized that the strength of this black shadow should not be underestimated.

He did not dare to be careless, and immediately condensed the vitality of his body, ready to launch a stronger attack.

He shouted loudly and swung his fists. Two brilliant beams of energy were like dragons soaring into the sky, cutting through the dark and humid air and hitting the black shadow directly.

The black shadow seemed to feel the power of the two attacks and no longer underestimated the enemy as before. It let out a sharp hiss and twisted its body strangely in the air, trying to avoid the fatal blow.

However, Fang Yue's energy beam seemed to lock it. No matter how it dodged, the two beams kept chasing it.

In the end, the black shadow had nowhere to escape and was hit by two energy beams at the same time.

It let out a shrill scream, and its body exploded in the air, turning into a cloud of black smoke and dissipating in the air.

Fang Yue took a breath, looked around vigilantly, and continued to move forward after confirming that there was no other danger.

He knew that this underground space must hide more secrets.

As he went deeper, the evil breath became stronger and stronger, as if there was an evil source waiting for him in front.

He clenched his fists, gathered all his energy, and prepared to deal with any possible danger.

Suddenly, he heard a low chanting sound, accompanied by a strong evil wave.

He immediately realized that there might be an evil ritual going on ahead.

He walked forward cautiously, and saw a spacious cave in front of him.

In the center of the cave was a huge altar, with a blazing flame burning on it, and there seemed to be an evil figure twisting and dancing in the flame.

Fang Yue's heart trembled, and he immediately realized that this evil figure might be related to the corpses and shadows he had encountered before.

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