As he approached the altar, the evil figure became more distinct in the flames.

It was a demonic figure covered in black mist, with a distorted face and a mad and evil light shining in its eyes.

It looks human but not human, and very terrifying.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew from all directions, making this underground space look even more eerie.

Alarm bells rang in Fang Yue's heart, and a chilling feeling of terror arose in his heart.

There is danger!

His instinct told him that this seemingly ancient altar was very dangerous and he should stay away as soon as possible.

Years of martial arts training have made him extremely sensitive to danger. At this moment, he felt an unprecedented threat looming over him.

The "whim" premonition prevented him from hesitating at all. He immediately mobilized all his martial arts skills and fell back several feet in an instant.

"Hey, it's too late to leave!" The demonic figure let out a sinister laugh, and its distorted face looked even more terrifying under the reflection of the flames.

The black mist all over its body began to billow, as if endless evil power was surging within it.

As the demonic shadow spoke, the runes on the altar lit up one by one.

Those ancient runes shone with strange light, releasing a heart-stopping power that filled the entire underground space with depression and uneasiness.

The Three Spirit Corpse Refining Formation was activated instantly.

Invisible force fields were like chains, tightly wrapped around Fang Yue's body, making him unable to move.

Those ancient runes shone with an even weirder light, as if they were injecting endless power into this evil formation.

Fang Yue felt an unprecedented pressure coming from all directions, and his martial arts cultivation seemed to be insignificant at this moment.

"Hey, now you have become a part of my formation. Your body and your soul will be used by me."

The shadow's laughter became even more sinister, and the black mist all over its body rolled more violently, as if celebrating the evil's victory.

"Give up, stop struggling. Under the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation, all martial arts vitality will be suppressed."

The shadow's voice echoed in the cold underground space, carrying an undoubted evil power.

Fang Yue felt that his martial arts cultivation was indeed greatly suppressed, as if there was an invisible force weakening his strength.

However, he had no intention of giving up. Years of martial arts practice made him understand that in the face of difficulties, only persistence and struggle can lead to a chance of survival.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his inner panic.

He knew that what was needed most now was calmness and reason. Only by finding the flaw in this evil formation could he possibly escape this terrifying trap.

"By the way, this formation can suppress the martial arts vitality. But there is more than just martial arts vitality in my body!"

Soon, Fang Yue's eyes lit up.

He suddenly realized that there was another kind of power contained in his body—that is, the power of demons refined by the Sixth Transformation True Spiritual Technique!

This power was completely different from the martial arts energy in his body. It was more violent and unfettered. It was refined from demons through the practice of six-turn true spiritual skills during his life and death experience in the demon world.

He immediately began to mobilize this demonic power, trying to use it to break through the evil three spirit corpse refining formation.

He took a deep breath, gathered all the demonic power in his palm, and then with a sudden wave, the demonic power in his palm turned into a jet-black light and rushed towards the ancient runes.

Those runes seemed to feel the threat, and began to flash crazily, releasing an even weirder light, trying to resist the impact of this demonic power.

However, Fang Yue's demon power was like a sharp knife, cutting the runes into pieces in an instant.

As the runes shattered, the entire Three Spirit Corpse Refining Formation began to tremble, the invisible force field gradually dissipated, and Fang Yue finally regained his freedom.

He took the opportunity to jump suddenly, and his powerful vitality mixed with the power of the demon turned into a fist seal and struck hard at the demonic figure.

This blow condensed all his strength and determination. It was his desire for freedom and his challenge to evil at this critical moment of life and death.

When the demonic shadow saw this, a trace of panic flashed in its eyes. It did not expect that Fang Yue could break through the constraints of the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation and deliver such a powerful blow. It hurriedly mobilized all the evil power in its body to try to resist the blow.

However, Fang Yue's fist seal was like the dawn of dawn, instantly tearing apart the demonic shadow's defense and hitting it hard. The demonic figure let out a shrill scream, the black mist covering its body began to dissipate, and its distorted face became blurred.

This blow severely damaged the demonic shadow. It could no longer maintain its form and began to gradually dissipate.

"Haha, ho ho ho, I didn't expect you to be able to do this. But, you have caused a big disaster, and the Black Mountain Sect will not let you go!" A cold and weak voice came from the gradually dissipating demonic shadow. .

Fang Yue frowned when he heard this, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart. He knew that although he defeated this demonic figure, he might also get into greater trouble because of it.

Black Mountain Sect, this name echoed in his heart, which sect is this?

"Black Mountain Sect, which sect is this?"

Fang Yue thought to himself that this name was very unfamiliar to him, but he could feel that this was definitely a force that should not be underestimated.

He knew that although he had temporarily defeated the demonic shadow, he might have inadvertently touched the interests of a powerful force, thus causing greater trouble.

However, he did not regret it, because he knew that in the face of evil, he could not retreat, but could only move forward bravely.

"No matter what kind of force the Black Mountain Sect is, I, Fang Yue, will not sit and wait for death."

There was a firm light in his eyes, and he decided that no matter what challenges and dangers he would encounter in the future, he would face them calmly and fearlessly.

Now, what he needed most was to understand as soon as possible what kind of force this so-called "Black Mountain Sect" was, so as to be prepared to deal with it.

He knew that his martial arts journey was still long, and he had to be more cautious and vigilant on this road.

Fang Yue decided to search this underground space carefully, hoping to find clues about the Black Mountain Sect.

He knew that it was crucial for him to understand the situation of this unknown sect. Only in this way could he be fully prepared to deal with the challenges that might come.

He began to search carefully around the altar, not missing any corner that might hide clues.

However, this underground space seemed to have not left much information about the Black Mountain Sect except for those ancient runes and the broken Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation.

Fang Yue was not discouraged. He believed that as long as he searched carefully, he would definitely find something. He continued to explore the underground space, not letting go of any details.

Finally, in an inconspicuous corner, he found a stone chamber covered by dust.

Fang Yue gently pushed open the door of the stone chamber, and a stale smell came to his face, mixed with a little musty smell.

The stone chamber was not big, but it was full of various messy items.

He carefully searched every corner, not missing any possible clues.

In a corner full of tattered books and talisman papers, he found some materials for arranging the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Array, including some special talisman stones, black mist condensation, and some strange magic tools he had never seen before.

"These materials are indeed related to the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Array." Fang Yue thought to himself, and put away these materials one by one, ready to take them back for research.

Just as he was about to leave the stone chamber, his eyes were attracted by a pile of messy talisman papers.

He flipped through a few of them casually, and suddenly found that one of the talisman papers was different. It seemed to be a secret letter.

Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately unfolded the secret letter. The handwriting on the secret letter was crooked, as if it was written in a special style, but Fang Yue could still barely recognize the content.

"The Black Mountain Sect will hostage a group of people to the deep mountains 300 miles outside the city on the 15th of this month for a secret ceremony. Make sure everything goes smoothly and there are no mistakes."

After reading the secret letter, Fang Yue felt a strong anger in his heart. He didn't expect that the Black Mountain Sect was so evil that not only refined the evil array, but also captured people as sacrifices for secret rituals.

But then, he thought again. Will his parents, brother and family be among them? After all, he didn't find his family in Black Mountain City.

Will his family be among these people!

Fang Yue's heart was suddenly filled with anxiety and worry. He realized that he might be able to take this opportunity to find clues about his family.

He decided that he would go to the deep mountains 300 miles outside the city no matter what, to uncover the evil veil of the Black Mountain Sect and look for traces of his family.

However, after leaving the underground space, Fang Yue did not go to the destination immediately, but returned to Black Mountain City first.

Fang Yue knew that going directly to the mountains to expose the evil deeds of the Black Mountain Sect might alert the enemy and even make the Black Mountain Sect prepare in advance, thus endangering the safety of himself and his family.

Therefore, he decided to return to Black Mountain City first, pretending to be indifferent on the surface, and quietly preparing everything in secret.

After returning to Black Mountain City, Fang Yue began to inquire about the news about the Black Mountain Sect.

He found that this sect had a considerable influence in the local area, controlled many resources, and even had inextricable ties with some families in the city.

This made him more convinced that his family was likely to be captured by the Black Mountain Sect.

Fang Yue was in Black Mountain City, and on the surface, he was the same as usual, but in fact, his heart was full of anxiety and planning.


At the same time, the atmosphere in the Black Mountain City Lord's Mansion was solemn.

Yu Hongye, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect, sat on a large chair with a gloomy face and a flash of anger and unwillingness in his eyes.

He had just received news that the ambush on Fang Yue had failed, and even the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation in the sect had been destroyed.

"How could this happen?"

Yu Hongye's voice was deep and powerful, with unquestionable majesty, "The Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation is one of the important foundations of our sect, and it was destroyed?"

The disciples kneeling below trembled all over, not daring to look up and look directly into the eyes of the sect master.

"Reporting to the sect master, Fang Yue is extremely powerful, and seems to have mastered some strange power that can restrain the power of our formation. He not only broke through the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation, but also severely injured the Lord Mo Ying who was in charge of guarding it."

Yu Hongye frowned when he heard this. After a moment of silence, he said coldly: "Why does this Fang Yue have such strength? Although he is a rising martial arts genius in the Wei Dynasty, the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation suppresses the martial arts vitality. How could he be fine!"

Yu Hongye's words were filled with deep doubts and unwillingness. He couldn't understand why a seemingly ordinary martial arts genius could destroy the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation carefully arranged by their sect and severely injure Mo Ying.

The disciple kneeling below trembled even more violently. He tried to calm himself down and replied:

"Master, as far as we know, Fang Yue is indeed famous for his martial arts talent in the Wei Dynasty, but we don't know whether he has mastered other special powers. However, one thing is certain, after he appeared in Black Mountain City, his whereabouts are quite mysterious, and he seems to be related to some unknown power."

After hearing this, Yu Hongye was silent for a moment, then slowly stood up, walked to the window, and stared at the night outside the window.

His heart was full of reluctance and anger, but at the same time he also realized that this Fang Yue might not be a simple character.

"No matter what his origin is or what kind of power he has, he must die!"

Yu Hongye's voice was cold and ruthless, with an unquestionable majesty, "He destroyed the important foundation of our sect and severely damaged the Demon Shadow. This is a provocation to our Black Mountain Sect. We can't let him live, we must refine him into a corpse spirit."

His anger towards Fang Yue has surpassed reason, leaving only the desire to destroy this young martial arts genius.

The disciple kneeling below felt the strong killing intent of the sect master, and his heart trembled. He knew the sect master's means and determination, and also understood that Fang Yue had completely angered the controller of the Black Mountain Sect.

"Sect Master, what should I do now?" The disciple asked carefully, trying not to let his voice reveal too much fear.

Yu Hongye turned around, looked at the disciple fiercely, and said coldly:

"You should immediately send down the order to strengthen the vigilance in the city, and send more spies at the same time, and make sure to find out Fang Yue's details and whereabouts. I want to know his every move and everyone who comes into contact with him. In addition, notify the disciples outside the city and let them prepare in advance. If Fang Yue dares to leave the city, kill him without mercy!"

"Yes, sect master!"

The disciple responded quickly, secretly glad that he could leave this place full of killing intent alive.

He knew that the anger of the sect master Yu Hongye could not be easily calmed, and the name Fang Yue had been completely included in the death list of the Black Mountain Sect.

The disciple hurriedly left and began to execute the sect master's orders.

The atmosphere in the entire Black Mountain City became more tense because of the anger of the clan leader. The residents in the city also felt this unusual atmosphere and speculated whether something big was about to happen.

At this time, Fang Yue had quietly left Black Mountain City.

He knew that time was running out, and every moment of delay would threaten the safety of his family.

He had to go to the deep mountains three hundred miles outside the city as soon as possible!

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