After leaving Black Mountain City, Fang Yue did not head directly to the deep mountains three hundred miles outside the city, but first went around to a hidden mountain forest.

He needed time to sort out his thoughts and make a careful plan.

After all, it is not easy to challenge a powerful sect alone.

In the depths of a dense forest in the mountains and forests, Fang Yue found a relatively safe place and began to carefully study the secret letter and the materials related to the Three Spirits Corpse Refining Formation that he had found in the stone chamber before.

He tried to find clues to more secret rituals of the Black Mountain Sect and possible methods to fight against them.

"If the Black Mountain Sect is really conducting some kind of evil secret ritual, then they must have a specific time and place to conduct it. And the fifteenth of this month is the key."

Fang Yue thought in his heart, "I must find their hiding place before that, rescue my family, and expose their crimes at the same time."

Using his deep understanding of martial arts and the special ability of the Six-Turn True Spirit Kung Fu, Fang Yue began to practice a set of possible defense and attack strategies against the Black Mountain Sect.

He knew that forcing through with force alone was not the best strategy, and outsmarting was the key.

Time was running out, and Fang Yue dared not slack off.

He shuttled through the mountains and forests, using the natural environment to train concealed movement, and at the same time he was looking for intelligence or allies that might help him move.

A few days passed in a flash, and Fang Yue felt that he had made as much preparation as possible.

He decided to sneak into the secret base of the Black Mountain Sect in the mountains on the night before the fifteenth day of the lunar month.

As night fell, Fang Yue used the night as a cover and approached the destination quietly.

It was a valley hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, surrounded by thick fog, which seemed particularly mysterious.

Fang Yue approached carefully, trying to avoid triggering any possible warning mechanisms. He used his keen perception to detect the movements around him, and took every step very carefully.

Finally, he came to the entrance of the valley, and saw a small basin surrounded by dense forests in front of him. In the center, there was a building that looked like an altar, and all around it were various strange runes and magic tools. It was obviously a place for some kind of ritual.

Fang Yue's heart tightened, and he knew that he was not far from the truth.

Fang Yue stood at the entrance of the valley, staring at the small basin surrounded by thick fog and dense forests in front of him.

The basin in front was very well protected.

There was a guard every ten steps, and a sentry every five steps.

And there were more masters hiding in the dark!

Even if his cultivation was profound, it would be difficult to sneak in without alerting the enemy.

Fang Yue stood at the entrance of the valley, staring at the small basin surrounded by thick fog and dense forests in front of him, thinking about how to sneak into this tightly guarded place.

He noticed that from time to time, teams of disciples of the Black Mountain Sect escorted sacrifices into the valley, and these sacrifices seemed to be important items used in their secret rituals.

"Perhaps, I can sneak into the team escorting the sacrifice, so that I can have a chance to sneak into the valley." Fang Yue thought to himself.

In order to implement this plan, Fang Yue began to quietly follow a team of escorts that were about to set off.

He used his deep understanding of martial arts and the special ability of the Six-Turn True Spirit Kung Fu to approach them quietly and avoid being discovered.

During the tracking process, Fang Yue found that the disciples of these escort teams did not seem to be too vigilant. They were more concerned about the safety of the sacrifices rather than the movements around them.

This gave Fang Yue an opportunity to sneak in.

When the escort team passed through a dense forest, Fang Yue used the cover of the trees to quickly approach and subdue a lone disciple.

He changed into the clothes of this disciple, put on his mask, and disguised himself as a member of the escort team.

In this way, Fang Yue successfully sneaked into the team escorting the sacrifice. He followed the team closely and walked step by step into the depths of the valley.

After sneaking into the escort team, Fang Yue followed the other disciples closely, trying to keep the same pace and not attract anyone's attention.

He secretly rejoiced that the plan seemed to be going more smoothly than expected.

After walking for a while, a disciple who seemed to be the leader suddenly turned around and shouted to the team:

"Everyone, pay attention. There has been a lot of unrest in the sect recently. It is said that outsiders want to sneak in. We can't make any mistakes, otherwise we will bear the consequences!"

Fang Yue's heart tightened, but on the surface he pretended to be calm and nodded like other disciples.

He thought to himself: "It seems that the Black Mountain Sect is really on guard. I must be more careful."

After walking for a while, another disciple in the team seemed to be more curious about the other party. He approached him and whispered: "Hey, why haven't I seen you before? Are you new here?"

Fang Yue's heart trembled, but his face remained calm. He whispered:

"Oh, I was recently transferred to escort the sacrifice. I have been practicing in the back mountain before, so you may not have seen me."

The disciple listened to Fang Yue's words, nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

Fang Yue secretly rejoiced that his disguise did not seem to be discovered.

As the team went deeper into the valley, Fang Yue began to observe everything around him more vigilantly.

He noticed that the defense in the valley was indeed as tight as he expected.

Not only were there sentries and hidden sentries, but there were also many hidden mechanisms and traps.

Fang Yue secretly thought about how to find a chance to rescue his family under such defense.

He knew that once the operation started, it had to be quick and accurate, otherwise not only would he not be able to save his family, but he might also put himself in danger.

At this moment, he heard the leading disciple in front whisper to the disciple next to him: "This ceremony is very important. I heard that the sect master will come to supervise it in person. We have to be more careful and not let anything go wrong."

Fang Yue slowly moved forward with the team, their footsteps echoing in the dense forest, and every step seemed to step on Fang Yue's tense heartstrings.

He followed the team closely, but his eyes searched everywhere, trying to find any possible breakthrough or hidden weakness.

When they stepped into the basin, Fang Yue noticed that the fog on the ground seemed to be thicker, almost blocking his sight.

He carefully stepped on the footsteps of the disciples in front of him to avoid triggering any possible mechanisms.

The team finally stopped in front of a seemingly ordinary cave, but Fang Yue knew that this was no ordinary place.

The entrance to the cave was shrouded in a faint rune light, and some kind of defensive formation was obviously deployed.

"Everyone, be careful. This is an important place where the sacrifices are kept. There is no room for mistakes."

The leading disciple reminded in a low voice, and then he began to recite the incantation. The token in his hand glowed, echoing the runes at the cave entrance, and then the cave entrance slowly opened.

Fang Yue mixed in with the team and followed them into the cave.

Inside is a huge underground space, with a huge stone platform in the center, on which are placed various items used in rituals, and surrounded by rows of iron cages, which contain sacrifices used in rituals - some. Captured innocents.

Fang Yue's eyes anxiously shuttled between the rows of iron cages, looking for his family.

Suddenly, he noticed a figure in an iron cage that seemed familiar. The man was huddled in the corner, his face tired but still unable to conceal his familiar outline. Fang Yue's heart moved, that was his father!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to observe the surrounding environment. He knew that now was not the time to act, he had to wait for the best time.

Fang Yue began to quietly observe the actions of the Black Mountain Sect disciples. He found that although the defense here was tight, the disciples' attention was mainly focused on the stone platform and the sacrifices, and the guarding of the escort team was not as strict as previously imagined.

At the same time, he also noticed some possible breakthroughs.

Fang Yue made secret calculations in his mind and decided to take advantage of these possible breakthroughs. He noticed that although the disciples' attention was mainly focused on the stone platform and the sacrifices, there were still some disciples guarding the entrance of the cave, and their eyes showed a little tiredness.

He quietly approached a guard who seemed to be a little lax and whispered: "Brother, I'm here to change my shift. You can go and take a rest." As he said that, he handed over a special token that he had uniformed before. Found on that disciple.

The guard glanced at the token and then at Fang Yue. Although he was a little confused, he nodded and said, "Okay, be careful. Nothing can go wrong here." After that, he turned and left. .

Fang Yue was secretly happy that he successfully replaced a guard, which provided more convenience for his next actions. He began to observe the environment in the cave more carefully, looking for the best opportunity to rescue his family.

At this time, he heard a disciple next to him whisper to another disciple: "I heard that some of the sacrifices this time are important people specially captured by the sect. The sect leader attaches great importance to this."

Another disciple nodded and said: "Yes, I heard about it too. However, we just need to guard this place and don't make any mistakes. As for the sacrifices, it doesn't matter what their identities are."

Fang Yue listened to these conversations and became more anxious.

He knew that his family was probably one of the important people captured.

He must act quickly, otherwise once the ceremony begins, the consequences will be disastrous.


At the same time, the leader of the Black Mountain Sect, Yu Hongye, was observing everything secretly.

He was wearing a black robe, his face was hidden in the shadows, only a pair of deep and cold eyes were revealed.

He stood in an inconspicuous corner, surrounded by several highly skilled subordinates. Their eyes were equally sharp and they scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Yu Hongye's lips. He attached extraordinary importance to this ceremony.

Not only because this is a critical moment for him to enhance the strength of his sect and consolidate his position, but also because he knows that among the sacrifices of this ceremony, there are some extremely important beings to him.

"Hmph, those so-called 'important people' are just for my use."

Yu Hongye thought secretly in his heart, with a cruel light flashing in his eyes, "As long as this ceremony is successful, my cultivation will be further improved. By then, the entire Black Mountain City and even the Wei Dynasty will surrender to me. feet."

He waved his hand gently, indicating to his men to continue monitoring, while he turned and walked deeper into the cave.

There, there was a secret room filled with various precious instruments and materials, all of which he had carefully prepared for this ceremony.

Yu Hongye walked into the secret room. The light in the room was dim, with only a few weak candles swaying, reflecting the various strange magical instruments placed around it. There is a faint light flowing on these magical instruments, as if they contain some ancient and mysterious power.

He walked to a cauldron that looked ordinary but exuded a faint aura, and gently stroked the furnace body, his eyes shining with anticipation. This cauldron was specially found by him for this ceremony. It is said that it can greatly enhance the effectiveness of the ceremony.

"As long as this ceremony is successful, I will have unprecedented power. By then, Black Mountain City and the Wei Dynasty will all crawl under my feet." Yu Hongye whispered to himself, his tone full of fanaticism and ambition.

He turned and walked to the other side of the room, where there were rows of bookshelves, densely packed with various ancient books and scrolls. These are the information about corpse refining and evil rituals that he has collected over the years. He has been preparing for this ritual for a long time.

Yu Hongye took down an ancient book from the bookshelf. This was a secret book about the ancient corpse refining technique. It was said that it could produce powerful corpse puppets. He opened the secret book and carefully studied every word and pattern on it, making sure that he understood every step of the ritual.

"Hmph, those so-called righteous people always claim to be righteous, but they don't know that true power is everything."

Yu Hongye sneered, put the secret book back on the bookshelf, and then walked to an open space in the center of the room.

The picture, Fang Yue, his family, and the innocent sacrifices all came into view clearly.

"It seems everything is going according to plan."

Yu Hongye nodded with satisfaction. His eyes swept over the bronze mirror, paying special attention to Fang Yue who was mixed in with the escort team. "Huh, if I hadn't let you off the hook. Fang Yue, do you think you can really sneak in?"

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Yu Hongye's mouth. He knew that his layout was almost perfect, and Fang Yue's blending in was just a part of his plan. He gently raised his hand and waved at the bronze mirror. The image in the mirror suddenly distorted and turned into wisps of black smoke and dissipated in the air.

"Let this ceremony be the beginning of your despair, Fang Yue." Yu Hongye whispered to himself, his heart full of expectations and confidence for the upcoming ceremony.

He turned and left the secret room and entered the main chamber of the cave, where preparations for the ceremony were nearing completion.

Fang Yue continued to look for the best time to take action in the cave, his heart filled with anxiety and tension.

He knew that if he missed this opportunity, not only would he not be able to save his family, but he might also fall into a desperate situation.

He quietly approached the stone platform, observing the movements of the Black Mountain Sect disciples, looking for any possible breakthrough.

At this moment, he noticed that a disciple accidentally dropped a token on the ground while he was busy.

Fang Yue's heart moved, he quickly picked up the token and hid it in his arms.

This token may be the key to his actions.

He continued to observe his surroundings, looking for the best opportunity to rescue his family.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion at the entrance of the cave, as if something important had happened.

Fang Yue's heart tightened, knowing that this might be the opportunity he had been waiting for.

He quietly approached the entrance of the cave and saw a group of Black Mountain Sect disciples rushing towards the stone platform. Their expressions were tense and anxious.

Fang Yue made a secret calculation in his mind and decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

Taking advantage of the panic among his disciples, he quietly slipped out of the cave entrance and ran toward the iron cage where his family was imprisoned.

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