As Fang Yue and Xu Ling entered the secret room step by step, the surrounding scene gradually became clearer. The secret room is filled with various ancient runes and strange carvings, each of which reveals the glory and mystery of the Black Mountain Sect in the past.

"The atmosphere here is completely different from the corpse refining we encountered before." Xu Ling said softly, her sword light flashing in the dim environment, illuminating the way forward for the two of them.

Fang Yue nodded, he also felt this change. The atmosphere here is even more depressing, as if some unknown secret is hidden.

They continued to move forward and soon came to the center of the secret room. There was an ancient altar, engraved with complex runes, and a faint orb in the center.

"Is this the treasure of the Black Mountain Sect?" Xu Ling asked doubtfully. She looked at the orb and felt that it did not look like an ordinary treasure.

Fang Yue stepped forward and carefully observed the altar and the orb. He reached out his hand and touched the orb lightly, and suddenly felt a warm power pouring into his body.

"This is not only a treasure, but also the inherited treasure of the Black Mountain Sect." Fang Yue said in a deep voice, he had already felt the powerful power contained in the orb.

At this moment, the runes on the altar suddenly lit up, as if in response to Fang Yue's touch. A beam of light rose from the altar and shot straight to the top of the chamber, illuminating the entire space.

"It seems that we have triggered some kind of mechanism." Xu Ling said nervously, holding the sword in her hand tightly, preparing to deal with possible dangers.

However, the light beam did not bring danger. Instead, it lifted the orb on the altar and slowly rose into the air. The orb emits a dazzling light under the light of the beam, illuminating the entire chamber as if it were daylight.

"This is... the inheritance ceremony of the Black Mountain Sect!" Fang Yue exclaimed, he already understood the true purpose of the orb and the altar.

As the orb rose, the runes in the secret room began to flicker, as if telling the two of them the history and inheritance of the Black Mountain Sect. Fang Yue and Xu Ling stood quietly, feeling the power of this inheritance.

When the orb reached its highest point, it suddenly split open and turned into a beam of light that poured into Fang Yue's body. Fang Yue felt a powerful force surging within his body, and his eyes became brighter and firmer.

However, at this critical moment, a complicated look flashed in Xu Ling's eyes. She did not wait for the inheritance to end as Fang Yue thought, but quietly walked to a hidden corner next to the altar. There, she had noticed an inconspicuous mechanism before, which seemed to be connected to the structure of the secret room.

"Fang Yue, I'm sorry." Xu Ling whispered to himself softly, with mixed feelings in his heart. She knew that once this mechanism was activated, the layout of the entire secret room would change, which would most likely cause Fang Yue to encounter mishaps in the process of accepting the inheritance. But she had her own difficulties and plans and had to do this.

Xu Ling took a deep breath and gently touched the mechanism with her fingers. With a soft "click" sound, the entire secret room began to tremble, and huge rocks fell off the surrounding walls, hitting Fang Yue in the center. At the same time, the light on the altar began to become unstable, as if it was affected by the activation of the mechanism.

Fang Yue was immersed in the shock of inheritance when he suddenly felt the air around him vibrate, followed by the loud sound of boulders rolling down. He suddenly opened his eyes and saw huge rocks flying towards him, while Xu Ling was standing not far away, looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Xu Ling, you..." Fang Yue shouted in disbelief, anger and disappointment at being betrayed welling up in his heart.

But Xu Ling just gritted his teeth and did not answer. She knew that explanations and apologies at this moment seemed feeble.

Facing Fang Yue's questioning and disbelieving eyes, Xu Ling's heart felt like a knife. She knew that her actions had deeply hurt Fang Yue, but in Xu Ling's view, the friendship between them had to be sacrificed for a greater mission.

"Fang Yue, I..." Xu Ling tried to speak, but her voice was choked in her throat. She understood that no matter how she explained, she could not undo what had happened, nor could she eliminate the pain and anger in Fang Yue's heart.

Fang Yue looked at Xu Ling, his eyes only calm.

Although this woman's current behavior can be called ungrateful, burning bridges across rivers.

But Fang Yue was not angry because he never believed this woman from the beginning to the end.

Fang Yue's eyes were calm and profound, as if he could see through everything. He spoke slowly, with a hint of imperceptible indifference in his voice: "Xu Ling, I never fully believed you from the beginning. Although your behavior was beyond my expectation, it did not shock me. Everyone Everyone has their own purpose and plan, and you are no exception.”

After saying that, Fang Yue no longer looked at Xu Ling, but turned to the trembling mechanism. His eyes became sharp, as if they could penetrate all illusions. He stretched out a hand, waved it gently, and a sharp palm wind hit the mechanism.

With a "click", the mechanism shattered and turned into a pile of scrap metal. At the same time, the boulders that had originally fallen off the wall also lost their power, stopped in mid-air, and then slowly fell, no longer posing any threat to the other side.

Xu Ling looked at this scene and his face became even paler. She never thought that Fang Yue would have such strength and easily break through her carefully designed mechanism. There was an unspeakable regret and pain in her heart, but she knew that it was irreversible now.

Fang Yue didn't look at Xu Ling again, but turned and walked towards the exit of the secret room. His back looked firm and decisive, as if to say: "Our paths are different. From now on, we each go our own way."

Xu Ling stood silently, watching Fang Yue's figure gradually disappear at the end of the secret room.

Xu Ling's eyes followed Fang Yue closely until his figure completely disappeared from sight.

She knew very well that her actions not only hurt Fang Yue, but also completely severed the fragile bond between the two.

A deep sadness and helplessness came over her, making her almost unable to stand.

However, she knew that she couldn't just sink.

Although her heart was filled with Fang Yue's apology and hatred for herself, she understood that she still had unfinished missions and things that must be completed.

She gritted her teeth, held back the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes, and turned around to walk to the other end of the secret room.

There, she discovered a hidden passage, and there seemed to be another world at the end of the passage.

She took a deep breath and embarked on this unknown road, her heart filled with confusion and determination.

She knew that this road was full of unknowns and dangers, but she had no choice.

After Fang Yue walked out of the secret room, he did not leave immediately. He stood at the entrance to the secret room, staring deeply ahead.

There was no anger or disappointment in his heart, only a slight sense of relief.

He understands that everyone has their own choice and path, and Xu Ling is no exception.

He was just a little regretful that the partners he thought he could fight side by side with ended up taking different paths.

He sighed softly and turned to leave.


After several days of trekking, Fang Yue finally returned to his hometown.

That familiar land and those friendly faces made him feel extremely warm and at ease.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the roofs of the village, and the smoke curls up. Everything looks so peaceful and beautiful.

When he stepped into the door of the house, his parents had been waiting for a long time. Their faces were filled with expectation and joy. Seeing that Fang Yue was safe and sound, Mrs. Chen quickly stepped forward and held his hand tightly, with tears shining in her eyes.

"Xie'er, you're finally back! We're worried to death." Chen's voice was trembling, full of concern.

Fang Yue looked at Chen's wrinkled but tender face, and a warmth surged in his heart.

He gently patted the back of Chen's hand and comforted: "Mom, I'm fine, those people are no match for me."

There was a hint of confidence and comfort in Fang Yue's words. He knew his own strength and understood Chen's worries.

Looking at Chen's wrinkles added by time and the tears shining in his eyes, his heart was filled with gratitude and guilt.

He knew that his long absence from home had caused his parents to suffer too much longing and worry.

"Mom, I'm sorry for making you and dad worried."

Fang Yue's voice was choked with sobs. He held Chen's hand tightly, feeling the warmth and peace of mind that came from home.

Father Fang also stepped forward, his eyes also shimmering with tears, but more filled with relief and pride.

He patted Fang Yue on the shoulder and said, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back. We know you can do it, but seeing that you are safe and sound, we can't help but worry."

Fang Yue looked at his parents' faces full of concern and relief, and a warm current surged in his heart.

He knows that no matter where he goes, no matter how many storms he goes through, his family will always be his strongest support.

"Dad, Mom, I will be more careful in the future so as not to worry you."

There was a hint of firmness and commitment in Fang Yue's voice. He knew that he could not let his parents bear any more worries and longings.

Mrs. Chen wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, no more talking, just come back. We have prepared your favorite dishes for you, go and wash up, and we will eat together."

Fang Yue nodded, feeling the warmth and peace of mind at home.

He knows that no matter how many challenges and difficulties lie ahead, he will have the support and company of his family.

He took a deep breath, feeling the strength and warmth from home.


Fang Yue spent a leisurely and fulfilling time at home.

Every morning, he would get up with the first ray of sunshine and go to the mountains and forests outside the city for morning exercises, breathing the fresh air and feeling the rhythm of nature.

His heart was filled with tranquility and peace, as if all the troubles disappeared at this moment.

In the afternoon, Fang Yue would sit in the courtyard of his home, holding an ancient book in his hand, which was the secret book of exercises he brought back from the secret room of the Black Mountain Sect.

He studied it carefully, and every word seemed to contain endless power and wisdom.

As Fang Yue studied the secrets of the Black Mountain Sect at home, his understanding of this ancient martial arts also deepened. Whenever he opens ancient books, those originally obscure words now seem to have come to life, telling him pieces of dusty history and secrets.

One afternoon, the sun shone dappledly on the ground of the courtyard through the gaps in the leaves. Fang Yue was immersed in studying the exercises when he suddenly heard Father Fang's voice coming from outside the door.

"Xie'er, what are you reading? Are you so fascinated?" Father Fang walked into the courtyard and asked curiously.

Fang Yue looked up and saw that it was Father Fang, so he smiled and replied: "Dad, this is the secret book of martial arts that I brought back from the secret room of the Black Mountain Sect. I am studying it and want to better master this martial arts." ”

When Father Fang heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, which then turned into relief.

He walked to Fang Yue and looked at the words in the ancient books carefully. Naturally, he couldn't understand them.

"Zi'er, although Dad doesn't know martial arts, he knows that no matter what he does, the right way is to combine work and rest. Look at your mother, she always takes time to take care of her beloved little garden when she is busy. The same is true for you. Practicing martial arts is important, but don't forget to rest and enjoy every moment of life."

Fang's father said earnestly, his eyes full of love and expectation for his son.

Fang Yue heard this, and a warm current surged in his heart. He looked at Fang's father gratefully and said with a smile:

"Dad, you are right. I will pay attention to combining work and rest and will not let myself be too tired. Moreover, I also want to spend more time with you and mother and enjoy this rare family time."

Fang's father looked at Fang Yue's firm eyes and calm temperament, and his heart was full of pride and relief.

He knew that his son had grown into a responsible man.

"Good job, Zhu'er. I'm proud of you. Look, your mother has prepared tea for you. Let's go have a cup and chat about family matters." Fang's father said with a smile, turning to the tea table.

Fang Yue also laughed when he heard this.

He put away the ancient books and followed Fang's father to the tea table. He knew that no matter how difficult the practice was, the company and support of his family were his greatest motivation and source.

At the tea table, the family laughed and chatted about family matters, enjoying this rare tranquility and warmth.

As they chatted, the topic naturally turned to finding a wife for Fang Yue.

Chen looked at Fang Yue with a smile, her eyes flashing with expectation, and said:

"Zi'er, you are not young anymore, it's time to consider starting a family. Mother has found a few girls for you, all good girls in the city, hardworking and virtuous."

Fang Yue scratched his head awkwardly when he heard this, and smiled: "Mom, there is no rush. I just want to practice martial arts well and protect our family. It won't be too late to consider it when I have a more stable life in the future."

Fang's father also nodded and agreed: "Yes, mother, Zi'er is still young now, and he should focus on practice. Naturally, more girls will admire him in the future. We are not in a hurry."

After hearing what Fang's father said, Chen glared at her fiercely.

The latter couldn't help but shudder, and couldn't say the words of persuasion later. (End of this chapter)

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