After Mrs. Chen glared at Father Fang, a smile appeared on her lips, but there was some unquestionable firmness in her eyes as she said:

"You guys always say that cultivation is important, but you can't delay important events in life. She'er, Mom knows that you have ambitions and want to be an upright man, but you also need someone at home who knows both cold and hot. In this way, you are outside When you are wandering around, there are people at home to take care of you, right? "

Fang Yue looked at his mother's expectant eyes, and couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart. He knows that the reason why his parents are anxious is because they hope that they can be happy and have someone to accompany them through thick and thin.

"Mom, I understand everything you said. But now is really not the time. I still have a lot of things to do. When I settle down, I will consider this matter carefully and find you a good daughter-in-law." Fang Yue smiled. He said, his tone full of sincerity and determination.

When Mrs. Chen heard this, a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in her eyes. She knew that although her son's words were simple, they revealed his sense of responsibility and plans for the future.

"Okay, Mom believes in you. However, you have to promise Mom, don't let yourself get too tired, and remember to go home often."

Mrs. Chen said, reaching out and gently patting the back of Fang Yue's hand, her eyes full of warmth.

Fang Yue nodded, his heart full of gratitude. He knew that no matter where he went, no matter how many storms he experienced, home would always be his warmest harbor.

In the days that followed, Fang Yue continued to study the Black Mountain Sect's secret exercises at home, while also helping his parents take care of the affairs at home.

He enjoys this rare tranquility and warmth, and feels the company and support of his family.

Whenever night falls, Fang Yue will sit in the courtyard, looking up at the stars, filled with longing and expectations for the future.

He knows that he still has a long way to go, but with the company and support of his family, he believes that he will be able to go further and more steadily.


Three months have passed in the blink of an eye. It is winter at this time, and there was another heavy snowfall last night. The world covered in silver looks particularly quiet and peaceful.

Fang Yue opened the window and looked at the snow-covered town in front of him, feeling an indescribable sense of peace in his heart.

In the past three months, he has not only made great progress in cultivation, but more importantly, he has more deeply realized the warmth of home and the value of family affection.

He put on his light clothes and walked out of the city through the snow, leaving faint footprints with every step.

Fang Yue came to a quiet valley outside the city, where he often practiced martial arts.

The valley is surrounded by tall peaks, and the peaks covered with snow are even more majestic.

He took a deep breath of fresh air, felt the gift of nature, and felt a surge of pride and ambition in his heart.

He stood in the middle of the valley, closed his eyes and concentrated, and began to practice the Black Mountain Sect's techniques.

As his breathing gradually stabilized, the vitality in his body began to surge, as if a warm stream was flowing through his meridians.

He waved his arms slowly and made moves one by one. Every movement seemed so smooth and powerful.

As time goes by, Fang Yue's practice becomes deeper and deeper.

He could feel his vitality increasing, as if there was an infinite force surging in his body.

Fang Yue practiced in the valley, his body and mind completely immersed in the operation of the technique.

The Black Mountain Sect's body-refining techniques made him physically strong, the True Spirit Sect's Six-turn True Spirit Art greatly improved his mental strength, and the God of War Art made his understanding and use of weapons reach a new level. unprecedented heights.

He slowly waved his arms, and each move contained deep internal and spiritual power, as if it could tear apart space.

As time went by, the vitality in his body became more and more surging, as if it was about to break through his physical body and resonate with the heaven and earth.

The vitality in Fang Yue's body was like a surging tide, constantly impacting his physical barrier. Every impact made him feel an indescribable pain, but his will was as firm as a rock, no matter how the vitality impacted. , his mind remained unmoved.

He knew that this was a critical moment for breakthrough. As long as he could persist, he would be able to enter a new realm and have stronger power.

He closed his eyes tightly, but a determined smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he was declaring his determination to the world.

As time went by, the vitality in his body became more and more surging, as if it was about to break through his physical body and resonate with the heaven and earth.

Suddenly, he felt a sudden burst of power in his body, like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. At this moment, his physical barrier was completely broken, and his vitality surged out like a flood that burst a dam, intertwined with his spiritual power. , forming an unprecedentedly powerful force.

Fang Yue opened his eyes suddenly, with bright light shining in his eyes. He felt the surging power in his body, which seemed to be able to destroy the world.

He waved his arms slowly, and each move contained deep internal and spiritual power, as if it could tear apart space.

There was a surge of heroic ambition in his heart, as if the whole world was at his feet.

He knew that he had broken through the realm of the Grand Master and became a truly strong man.

He felt the powerful force in his body, and his heart was filled with expectations and longing for the future.

Fang Yue took a deep breath of fresh air and felt the gift of nature. He knew that the reason why he was able to break through was not only his own efforts, but also the company and support of his family.


Fang Yue returned home at a brisk pace with the joy and pride after his breakthrough. As soon as he stepped into the house, he felt an unusual atmosphere. The decoration in the house seemed warmer than usual, and his mother Chen's face was filled with a mysterious smile.

"Xie'er, you're back? Just in time, mother has something to tell you." Mrs. Chen held Fang Yue's hand, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Fang Yue's heart moved. Looking at his mother's expectant eyes, he couldn't help but be curious about what made his mother so happy.

"Mom, what's going on? You're so happy." Fang Yue asked with a smile.

Mrs. Chen smiled and shook her head and said: "You silly boy, of course it's a good thing. Mom has found a matchmaker for you and has asked her to find a suitable girl for you. You can go meet her after you pack up tomorrow. "

When Fang Yue heard this, he couldn't help but feel helpless in his heart.

He knew that his mother had always been concerned about his marriage, but he didn't expect that he had already agreed not to talk about it for the time being.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he had already found a blind date for him.

It seems that what my mother said before about not looking for it for the time being is just an excuse.

Fang Yue looked at his mother's face full of joy and expectation, and although he felt helpless, there was also a surge of warmth in his heart. He knew that his mother's actions were nothing more than her deep love for him. She hoped that he could start a family and start a business as soon as possible and have someone to accompany him through the storms of life.

"Mom, you are so... so worried." Fang Yue smiled and shook his head, his eyes full of warmth, "But since you have made arrangements, let me go and meet you. Maybe I can actually meet someone. The right person."

When Mrs. Chen heard this, the smile on her face became even stronger, and her eyes shone with satisfaction. She gently patted the back of Fang Yue's hand and said softly: "Good boy, I knew you would agree. Go ahead and prepare well to leave a good impression on my girl tomorrow."

Fang Yue nodded, secretly deciding in his heart that no matter what the outcome, he would try his best to deal with this blind date.

After all, he also understands that marriage is not a trivial matter and needs to be taken seriously.

In the early morning of the next day, Fang Yue dressed neatly and set out on the road to the blind date with a bit of anxiety and anticipation.

He prayed silently in his heart, hoping that this blind date would go smoothly and that nothing more would happen.

After arriving at the restaurant where the blind date was held, Fang Yue found that the atmosphere was very different from the warm and harmonious atmosphere he had imagined. The blind date woman was sitting at the table. Although her face was pretty, there was a hint of pickiness and arrogance between her eyebrows that was difficult to conceal.

"Are you Fang Yue?" The woman looked him up and down, with a hint of disdain in her tone, "I heard from the matchmaker that you practice martial arts and fight and kill all day long. How can such a person live a stable life?"

"I'm just here to do some errands. But if you can meet my three conditions, I won't agree to marry you."

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he heard this, but soon returned to his calm expression.

He didn't expect that the blind date would start in such a direct and critical way, but he decided to remain polite and see what conditions the woman would put forward.

"Oh? What are the three conditions? Please tell me, girl. If we can do it, I won't refuse."

Fang Yue responded with a smile, even though he no longer had high hopes for the marriage.

A sneer appeared at the corner of the woman's mouth, as if she was full of confidence in her next words: "First, I heard that your family is not rich, and I require you to buy a large house in the city within a year to serve as our wedding room. Secondly, I heard that your family is not rich. , I like jewelry, you need to buy at least three pieces of precious jewelry for me every month. Third, I don’t want to live with your parents. After marriage, we will start a separate family. You need to promise me that all matters at home will be handled by me. I'm in charge."

As soon as these three conditions came out, Fang Yue couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

This is not a true blind date, it is clearly looking for a cash machine that can satisfy her material desires.

He looked at the woman in front of him with a bit of indifference in his eyes.

"I understand the girl's conditions. However, in my opinion, marriage should be a choice based on mutual respect and love, rather than an exchange of money and status. Although I am not rich, I have my ambitions and principles. I am willing to work hard for a worthy person, but not to meet such conditions.”

After Fang Yue finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

After all, with his keen eyesight, he has already seen that this woman has long since lost her virginity and is no longer a virgin.

Seeing that Fang Yue was about to leave, the girl on the blind date flashed a trace of eagerness on her face. She stood up, with a bit of panic in her tone: " just left like this? If you think these conditions are high, can I reduce them?"

Fang Yue stopped and looked back at the woman, with a hint of helplessness and determination in his eyes: "Girl, the level of conditions is not the problem. The important thing is that marriage should be based on mutual respect and understanding. It is not a material request from one party to the other.

What I am looking for is a partner who can walk side by side with me and go through thick and thin together, not someone who only values ​​money and status. Besides, the girl should go to that person, not me. "

After saying that, Fang Yue turned around again and left.

Fang Yue returned home and told his mother Chen about the blind date. After hearing this, Mrs. Chen was a little disappointed, but she was more understanding and supportive of her son. She knows that marriage matters need to be taken seriously and cannot be forced. She also believes that her son will be able to find a partner that is truly suitable for him.

"Zi'er, mother knows you have your own ideas and principles, mother won't force you. Marriage is a big thing that needs to be taken seriously and can't be forced. Mother believes that you will be able to find a partner who is truly suitable for you." Chen said gently, her eyes full of love.

But, Chen then said again: "Since this one doesn't work, then matchmaker Chen has told me about another woman. You can go and see her tomorrow. This one will definitely work."

Fang Yue couldn't help but smile helplessly when he heard this.

He looked at his mother's expectant and slightly anxious eyes, knowing that she was worried about his marriage.

"Mother, you are really...too eager to succeed."

Fang Yue smiled bitterly and shook his head, but his eyes were full of warmth, "However, since you have already arranged it, I will go and see her again. Maybe I can really meet a suitable person this time. But this is the last time. If it doesn't work, it won't work."

Chen heard this, a satisfied smile appeared on her face, and the light of expectation flashed in her eyes.

She patted Fang Yue's hand gently and said softly, "Good boy, mother knew you would agree. Go, prepare well, and leave a good impression on the girl tomorrow."


The next morning, Fang Yue dressed neatly, with a bit of helplessness and a hint of expectation in his heart, and set off for the farewell pavilion outside the city.

He thought to himself that this might be the good intention of his mother Chen. Although the previous blind dates did not go as he wished, he also understood his mother's anxiety and expectations.

When he arrived at the farewell pavilion, Fang Yue found that the environment here was unexpectedly elegant.

Outside the pavilion, snowflakes danced lightly, and inside the pavilion, the fire was slightly warm, a scene of tranquility and peace.

However, what surprised him even more was that the woman waiting for him in the pavilion was the woman he had met several times during his practice, the woman who always had a faint smile and revealed perseverance and wisdom in her eyes-Zhu Linlang.

Now the great Wei empress in her heyday!

"Fang Yue, long time no see."

Zhu Linlang stood up with a smile. Her smile was warm and familiar, as if it could dispel the winter chill and penetrate the fog in people's hearts.

Fang Yue was stunned for a moment, and then a surprised smile bloomed on his face: "Linlang, is it really you? This... This is too unexpected." (End of this chapter)

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