Fang Yue stepped forward quickly, and the distance between the two instantly shortened, with surprise and joy shining in each other's eyes.

"I really didn't expect to see you here."

Fang Yue smiled and said, the helplessness in his heart swept away, replaced by indescribable joy, "And, still in this way."

Zhu Linlang smiled softly, and there was a bit of playfulness and deep meaning in that smile: "I didn't expect that I was going to the south to have peace talks with the Chu State. I didn't expect that when I passed here, I learned about you, so I Come here."

When Fang Yue heard this, the smile in his eyes grew stronger. He shook his head gently, as if he was lamenting this sudden fate.

"It seems that the fate between us is really untidy and messy. You were originally going to perform such an important mission, but you changed your schedule because of my news. This makes me both touched and guilty."

Zhu Linlang waved her hand, with a hint of relaxation and relief in her smile.

"Fang Yue, why should we be so polite between you and me? Although the peace talks are important, but after hearing your news, I can't miss this opportunity to meet. Besides, maybe this is also a kind of fate, allowing me to go to the peace talks. On the way, let’s resolve some concerns first.”

Speaking of this, her eyes became soft and deep, as if she could see into people's hearts.

"Fang Yue, how are you doing lately? I've been worried about you."

Fang Yue felt Zhu Linlang's concern, and a warm current surged in his heart. He gently held Zhu Linlang's hand, his tone firm and warm.

"Linlang, everything is fine with me. You, on the other hand, have a heavy responsibility in carrying out the task of peace talks, so you must be careful."

"I know, Fang Yue." Zhu Linlang gently shook Fang Yue's hand, her eyes shining with gratitude and determination, "I will be careful, not only for myself, but also for the sake of those innocent people. This time I must succeed in the peace talks.”

Fang Yue looked at Zhu Linlang's firm eyes, his heart full of trust and encouragement: "Linlang, I believe you will succeed. Your wisdom and courage have always been what I admire most. No matter what difficulties you encounter, remember that I will always Is your strongest support.”

Zhu Linlang smiled slightly, with a trace of tenderness flashing in his eyes: "Fang Yue, with your words, I feel more confident. When the peace talks are over, how about we get together again and talk about each other's current situation?"

"Of course, I'm looking forward to that day." Fang Yue responded softly, and the two held hands tightly, as if at this moment, all worries and fatigue disappeared.

Then, Zhu Linlang put away her smile, and her expression became serious and focused: "However, now I still have to rush to Chu State. Time is tight, I can't stay long. Fang Yue, you also need to take care and wait for me to come back."

Fang Yue nodded and smiled understandingly: "Go, Linlang. Your mission is important, and I'll wait for your triumphant return."

After saying that, the two reluctantly let go of their hands. Zhu Linlang turned around and embarked on the road to Chu Kingdom with firm steps, while Fang Yue stood there, watching her go away, blessing her silently in his heart.


When Zhu Linlang returned to the army, her personal female officer Qing'er immediately came up to him, with some confusion and concern in her eyes.

"Holy Lord, didn't you go on this trip to invite the legendary strong man to help? Why did you come back so soon, and it seems that you didn't invite any strong support?"

Zhu Linlang sighed softly, with far-reaching and firm eyes. She looked at Qing'er, with unquestionable determination in her tone: "Qing'er, I did go to find strong support, but things in the world are unpredictable, and plans can never keep up with changes. .Stop talking, let’s go.”

When Qing'er heard this, although she still had doubts in her heart, she knew that His Majesty's decision was unquestionable, so she immediately responded: "Yes, Your Majesty. The army is ready to go and can set off at any time."

Zhu Linlang nodded, a firm belief welling up in her heart. She knows that although this journey is full of unknowns and challenges, she must move forward resolutely for the sake of peace between the two countries and the tranquility of the people.

"Let's go, Qing'er. We have to rush to Chu State as quickly as possible, and the peace talks can't be delayed without delay." Zhu Linlang's tone contained an unshakable determination, and her eyes shone with determination.

Following Zhu Linlang's order, the army marched toward Chu State in a mighty manner. Zhu Linlang sat on the carriage, chanting Fang Yue's name silently in her heart. The warmth and strength seemed to be always with her, making her more determined to complete the mission of peace talks.

She knows that this journey will be full of hardships and dangers, but she also believes that as long as she has faith in her heart, nothing is impossible.


After Fang Yue watched Zhu Linlang leave, the sudden joy in his heart was gradually replaced by an inexplicable uneasiness. He recalled Zhu Linlang's original purpose of her trip and her decision to change her itinerary due to her news, and he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart.

"Why did she appear here at this time? Is it really just a coincidence?" Fang Yue thought to himself, frowning.

He realized that perhaps Zhu Linlang's appearance was not accidental, but had some deeper reason. A strong intuition told him that Zhu Linlang might have encountered some trouble during her trip, or at least something had caused her to change her original plan.

Thinking of this, Fang Yue decided not to sit still and wait for death. He wanted to go out to inquire about information and see what happened, which made Zhu Linlang change his schedule at such a critical moment.

He quickly packed his bags and prepared to leave. Before leaving, he left a letter to Zhu Linlang, telling her his decision and worries, and asking her to be careful.

Later, Fang Yue embarked on a journey to find out the news. He shuttled between markets, talking to people from all walks of life, trying to get clues about Zhu Linlang's trip.

After some hard work, Fang Yue finally found out some information.

The State of Chu, located in the south of the Wei Dynasty, is a country with a long history and profound cultural heritage.

Compared with the Wei Dynasty, the terrain of Chu State is more complex, with magnificent mountains and rivers, water towns and picturesque scenery.

However, the two countries were originally separated by hundreds of thousands of mountains. The mountains and forests were filled with miasma and the roads were dangerous. As a result, there was little communication between the two countries, and folklore and misunderstandings also grew.

But since the change of imperial power in the Wei Dynasty, the Sky-shattering Talisman has changed.

Between the two countries, the poisonous miasma in the mountains has disappeared.

This sudden change made the originally difficult mountain road smooth and smooth, and exchanges between the two countries became increasingly frequent.

As a result, friction between the two countries has increased day by day.

Although the mountain road has become smoother, the historical barriers and misunderstandings have not disappeared. Instead, they have gradually surfaced due to the increase in exchanges.

Small-scale civil conflicts occur from time to time, and the situation on the border between the two countries has become increasingly tense.

Fang Yue also mentioned in the news he found in the market that the Chu State was strengthening border defense recently, and the Chen Bing border seemed to be preparing for possible conflicts.

"Linlang's trip not only has to face the difficulties of peace talks, but also the tension between the two countries." Fang Yue thought to himself, becoming even more worried about Zhu Linlang's situation.

Fang Yue thought secretly in his heart, frowning, and an ominous premonition enveloped him. He realized that Zhu Linlang's peace talks mission not only faced external difficulties, but also faced potential threats within the Wei Dynasty.

"Does anyone really want to take this opportunity to get rid of Linlang?" Fang Yue's heart was filled with worry and anger.

He knew that, to be honest, Zhu Linlang did not have the strength to become the emperor of Wei.

But this time she became the biggest beneficiary of the struggle for imperial power because she was lucky enough.

Therefore, within the Wei Dynasty, I don’t know how many people hope to replace him.

Fang Yue's thoughts were like surging waves, and every wave hit the shore of his heart.

He knew very well that although Zhu Linlang stood out in the struggle for imperial power by virtue of luck, this luck also made her a thorn in the side of many careerists.

Now, she shoulders the important task of peace talks, but she may also fall into a more dangerous situation.

"I must find her as soon as possible and ensure her safety." Fang Yue secretly vowed in his heart, and the steps under his feet became more determined as a result. He knew that time was running out and every minute and every second was crucial.


Fang Yue knew very well that every moment of delay might put Zhu Linlang into greater danger. Therefore, he decided to act immediately without any further delay. After a hurried farewell to his family, he mounted a fast horse and embarked on a journey to the border between the two countries.

The journey is long and full of unknowns, but Fang Yue has only one thought in his mind: to find Zhu Linlang as soon as possible and ensure her safety.

He galloped along the route Zhu Linlang might have passed through, carefully asking for any news about her wherever he went.

After several days of arduous trek, Fang Yue finally arrived at the border between the two countries.


Fang Yue passed through dense forests one after another, crossed turbulent rivers, and finally came to the Shiwan Mountain on the border between the two countries.

These hundreds of thousands of mountains are endless, with towering peaks and shrouded in clouds and mist, like a mysterious world.

The chirping of birds and the roaring of wild animals in the mountains give people a feeling of mystery and danger.

He came to a tribe located on the border. The residents of this tribe lived a simple life. Their houses were made of bamboo, and they were surrounded by various herbs and crops.

The tribesmen cast curious glances at the outsider Fang Yue, but seeing his exhausted appearance, they enthusiastically provided him with food and water.

Fang Yue gratefully accepted their help and chatted with them during the meal.

He asked if they had seen an army from Wei recently, and specifically if they had seen Zhu Linlang.

The residents of the tribe looked at each other, and then an old man spoke slowly.

"Indeed, a large army passed by here a few days ago. They were marching in a hurry and seemed to have a very important mission. Among them, there was a woman in gorgeous clothes, surrounded by many people. She should be the Zhu Linlang you mentioned. ”

The old man's words moved Fang Yue's heart, and he hurriedly asked: "Do you know which direction they went?"

The old man pointed to a faintly visible path deep in the mountains and said: "They followed that path deep into the Shiwanda Mountains. They said they wanted to cross the mountains directly to the Chu Kingdom. But that path was extremely difficult and dangerous, with not only venomous snakes and beasts, but also poisonous snakes and beasts. There is a residual miasma that most people dare not step into.”

When Fang Yue heard this, he became even more anxious, but at the same time, he also felt determined.

He knew that since Zhu Linlang chose this path, it must be out of helplessness or urgency. He must catch up with her as soon as possible to ensure her safety.

He expressed his gratitude to the tribe residents and asked some questions about road conditions and precautions in the mountains.

Although the tribesmen were in awe of the mountains, they did their best to provide him with the information they could.

Fang Yue packed up his luggage, took enough food and water, and set out on a journey deep into the Shiwan Mountains.

He walked along the route that Zhu Linlang might have taken, always alert to the movements around him.

The environment in the mountains was extremely harsh, sometimes scorching hot and sometimes biting cold, but he relied on his firm belief and tenacious perseverance to move forward step by step.


After Fang Yue left, someone next to the tribal elder said, "Elder, those people clearly went the other way a few days ago, why did you point him to the wrong way?"

The old man smiled slightly, with a wise light flashing in his eyes, and he whispered, "Those Central Plains people are cunning and insidious,

"Oh? Why do you say that?" The people next to him were surprised when they heard it, and looked at the old man in confusion.

The old man sighed and said slowly, "Although our tribe is in a remote corner, it is not completely isolated from the world. Recently, the dispute between Wei and Chu has become increasingly fierce, and our land is right at the junction of the two countries. Those wars of the Central Plains will sooner or later affect us. Moreover, Wei has experienced many rebellions, and now I am afraid that it can't stop the army of Chu! "

"So, we have to make plans early!"

"What do you mean..." The people next to him heard the words and felt uneasy, but at the same time they were full of respect for the wisdom of the old man.

The old man looked deep, staring into the distance, and slowly said: "Although our tribe is small, we can't stand idly by in this storm. Fang Yue's origin is unknown, but he obviously has a deep connection with the woman of Wei. Naturally, we can't let them meet! "

"Go, send a message eagle to inform the messenger of Chu about what happened here! "

The old man's words were full of unquestionable determination. He knew that in this turbulent era, every decision could be related to the survival of the tribe. As an important tool for them to communicate with the outside world, the messenger eagle was given a great mission at this moment.

Following the old man's order, a well-trained messenger eagle was released. It flapped its wings and flew high, passing through the clouds, and rushed towards the direction of Chu.

A secret letter was tied to the eagle's back, which described in detail Fang Yue's arrival and what he asked, as well as the old man's strategy of deliberately guiding him on the wrong route.

Fang Yue struggled forward in the mountains, completely unaware that he had been misled.

In the mountains and forests, ancient trees towered and blocked the sky. Only sparse light penetrated the treetops and shone on the ground in patches. The air was filled with the scent of moist soil and leaves, and occasionally a faint scent of wild flowers could be smelled.

However, this seemingly peaceful primeval forest hides countless dangers. (End of this chapter)

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